Project Updates.
I've updated Black Chocobo for Qt6.
For the time being i will release both a Qt5 and a Qt6 version.
What is the difference? Qt version 5 is no longer developed and Qt6 will be the focus of development for the Qt Project. Unfortunately Qt6 no longer supports windows 32 bit.
What does that mean? From now on the Qt6 version will get alot of focus and may be used for the next version or when supporting specific features.
All Users should Download try out the Qt6 version and report any bugs you find while using it.
The most recent continous version contains some fixes:
- Fixed (ff7tk): export of single slot save types.
- Fixed (ff7tk): output of possible incorrect characters to the psx description (shown in memory card management tool)
- Fixed (bc): Mac os version of Black Chocobo from crash on start up.
- New: Polish Translation.
Lots of work has gone into ff7tk and should at some point have some announcements for this as well.
Try it out