The feature I mentioned could be used to create card games, for example triple triad (ff8)
True, 7hv could be used to load another 16 models, but something more difficult I doubt.
I want add new card card game, but have one big problem, when you select the cards they have to come out in the game.
The field id should show only your four chosen cards, and your opponent's four.
The choice is between 50 cards for example, or 100, I really do not see possible that 7hv can load the selection, do you have any idea?
Researching in makou reactor I discovered that it is possible to load npc via script (free group), and in the list of models you can load add 20 or more (maybe 255).
Then maybe module to load model ID in a local variable, so that it looks for the corresponding npc, same limitation but quantity expansion!
I think this can improve any mod, I think the operation where ff8 with triple triad should be similar, if it is possible to do this it would be to expand limitations of ff7.
I saw some of your videos, good job, I also want to make a new walkmesh in icicles (unused map), but your mod looks pretty good

Question for myst4re, how load de values of savemap in local var?? (dlpb module)
I dont know how write this info in local var, exist some documentation?
Thanks grimmy and myst4re