Author Topic: [PSX/PC] Field Editor - Makou Reactor (2.1.0)  (Read 555571 times)


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Re: [PSX/PC] Field Editor - Makou Reactor (1.8.0)
« Reply #825 on: 2020-08-18 02:07:14 »
The feature I mentioned could be used to create card games, for example triple triad (ff8)

True, 7hv could be used to load another 16 models, but something more difficult I doubt.

I want add new card card game, but have one big problem, when you select the cards they have to come out in the game.

The field id should show only your four chosen cards, and your opponent's four.

The choice is between 50 cards for example, or 100, I really do not see possible that 7hv can load the selection, do you have any idea?

Researching in makou reactor I discovered that it is possible to load npc via script (free group), and in the list of models you can load add 20 or more (maybe 255).

Then maybe module to load model ID in a local variable, so that it looks for the corresponding npc, same limitation but quantity expansion!

I think this can improve any mod, I think the operation where ff8 with triple triad should be similar, if it is possible to do this it would be to expand limitations of ff7.

I saw some of your videos, good job, I also want to make a new walkmesh in icicles (unused map), but your mod looks pretty good ;)

Question for myst4re, how load de values of savemap in local var?? (dlpb module)

I dont know how write this info in local var, exist some documentation?

Thanks grimmy and myst4re


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Re: [PSX/PC] Field Editor - Makou Reactor (1.8.0)
« Reply #826 on: 2020-08-18 03:20:16 »
Question for myst4re, how load de values of savemap in local var?? (dlpb module)

I dont know how write this info in local var, exist some documentation?

This is a very good question.
« Last Edit: 2020-08-18 13:02:40 by Grimmy »


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Re: [PSX/PC] Field Editor - Makou Reactor (1.8.0)
« Reply #827 on: 2020-08-18 06:39:37 »

The field id should show only your four chosen cards, and your opponent's four.

The choice is between 50 cards for example, or 100, I really do not see possible that 7hv can load the selection, do you have any idea?

If for the minigame you have all the models spaces that you need (  8  ) and your problem is the selection screen between your 100 cards, as says grymmy,with 7th heaven i think you could do that. Just show 16 cards and let the user an option to move backward or forward , and when the user select one of this options, change the variable to show the nexts 16 cards

Re: [PSX/PC] Field Editor - Makou Reactor (1.8.0)
« Reply #828 on: 2020-09-02 20:04:12 »
Oh shit, the previous post has a question of a guy about PS1/PSX...I editing the PS1 version a lot and one of my fields file became longer. Which i don't see that is - the program salving the iso with the file increasing the field and when i export the same field file and delete for example some dialogues of him became smaller...

I putting back some unuseds scenes, watching some sites - same scenes is impossible because the file became longer and i want the iso reading in the real console.
New scenes based in the beta and some modifications too.

I want to ask if someone here which has modding the PS1 version and use the MassIsoUpdate program has problems with the iso reading in the real console? Much unused content i want to put is impossible, like the bridge of corel scene and other...


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Re: [PSX/PC] Field Editor - Makou Reactor (1.8.0)
« Reply #829 on: 2020-09-04 02:43:27 »
I'm trying to fix the Nibelheim revelation cutscene, where Cloud's true past is revealed. The problem is that the cutscene is too fast for the music (tb.ogg). In the PSX and PS4 versions the climax of the track begins when Cloud fights back after he has been stabbed by Sephiroth, while on PC, even after the Mako Reactor music bug has been fixed, the climax doesn't even start because the cutscene has already ended. I've noticed that in the new console re-releases this has been fixed by extending the duration of the black screen when Zack tells Cloud to get off his helmet, while on the road to Nibelheim. Would it be possible to do something similar with Makou Reactor?

EDIT: I've been able to fix both the Nibelheim flashback (got it perfectly sinchronized to psx version) and Yuffie's introduction, where the music of the last field you entered would have played, now it immediately plays her theme (yufi.ogg).
But I've not been able to fix the sound effects that play immediately after Tifa is in the lifestream (the field with the black background). The sfx are still played too quietly, some are played randomly and sometimes not at all. If someone has ever been able to fix it (without Reunion) please let me know.
« Last Edit: 2020-09-06 23:14:06 by daedrixx2 »


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Re: [PSX/PC] Field Editor - Makou Reactor (1.8.2)
« Reply #831 on: 2020-09-29 18:31:38 »
Very nice myst4re, in older (1.8.0/1.8.1) is stable, but fail import and cread new map, is not enable? (never run original file).

You have documentation of opcodes savemap access? its really run?

THANKS for all.


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Re: [PSX/PC] Field Editor - Makou Reactor (1.8.2)
« Reply #832 on: 2020-09-30 22:29:43 »
Very nice myst4re, in older (1.8.0/1.8.1) is stable, but fail import and cread new map, is not enable? (never run original file).

Sorry I'm not sure to understand your question

You have documentation of opcodes savemap access? its really run?

This is implemented in DLPB's DLLs, I don't provide any documentation about it.


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Re: [PSX/PC] Field Editor - Makou Reactor (1.8.2)
« Reply #833 on: 2020-09-30 23:09:58 »
If I want import field of PSX version to PC its fail, try in DAT and DAT uncompress option, but error...."cannot open section 1 (text, script and music)" and later also fail and message "encounter" or "walkmesh"  :-(


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Re: [PSX/PC] Field Editor - Makou Reactor (1.8.2)
« Reply #834 on: 2020-10-01 19:15:11 »
Oops, dunno how I broke this, but that's possible, only in 1.8.2 you say?


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Re: [PSX/PC] Field Editor - Makou Reactor (1.8.2)
« Reply #835 on: 2020-10-01 20:01:17 »
All new versions, 1.8.0/1.8.1/1.8.2


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Re: [PSX/PC] Field Editor - Makou Reactor (1.8.2)
« Reply #836 on: 2020-10-04 18:35:49 »
I have found a serious error in 1.8.2 but I imagine that in the others it also affects other new versions.

In script editor, in mathematics -> binary operation


Var[5][1] = Var [5][1] mod Var [5][0]

The type "modulas", this operation generates instant crash, in any case, in 8-bit and 16-bit mode.

Does your editor automatically save all code to version 1.8.2 when saving? (even if you only edit one field map)

If it is true it may be a problem, I must have serious problems in my project, let me know please, I can assure you that in 1.6.2 this works correctly, I have used many times to create random of any numbering.

If I find new errors I will inform you.


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Re: [PSX/PC] Field Editor - Makou Reactor (1.8.2)
« Reply #837 on: 2020-10-28 01:39:25 »
More mistakes

Autocorrection jump to label to 16 bits is corrupt, at least in my case, maybe due to the amount of code, in any case it takes a long time to find it, the makou reactor in addition to not warning 16-bit jumps, so this is saved broken, all the broken jumps, some labels disappear.

It also gives problems with variable editing, sometimes the program closes.

I think it has trouble handling a lot of cache memory (copy long code, etc)

When you spend a lot of time editing or writing code it can break.

When you copy groups too, it sometimes crashes.

I am continuing on 1.8.2 to help you, but I am worried about the corruption of my project, you will have to inform me.

You are a genius, but now you have more work haha, you have it difficult to improve the performance of version 1.6.2, it is without a doubt the most stable version in my case.


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Re: [PSX/PC] Field Editor - Makou Reactor (1.8.2)
« Reply #838 on: 2020-11-02 12:45:13 »
Can you share a field map file to reproduce the issue? thanks!


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Re: [PSX/PC] Field Editor - Makou Reactor (1.8.2)
« Reply #839 on: 2020-11-02 17:07:45 »
Field archive editor for Final Fantasy VII PC and PS. Share ... Makou Reactor can edit dialogs, scripts, encounters, etc


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Re: [PSX/PC] Field Editor - Makou Reactor (1.8.2)
« Reply #840 on: 2020-11-04 19:37:50 »
Thank you for making such a great piece of software! Thought I should mention some of the glitches I've encountered:

-The white text in dark mode turns black whenever you edit a script.

-It sometimes crashes when you switch between flevel files and then edit something.

-Opening the walkmesh viewer marks the file as having unsaved changes, even if you didn't actually change anything.

-The "Red XIII is named Nanaki" custom opcode doesn't seem to work. I tried using it and the game just hung. (It also didn't create a collapsible code block like if statements usually do.)

-Looks like Cloudiar reported this already, but I noticed, when working with large amounts of if statements, that the game started behaving strangely. When I closed and reopened the file, all the goto statements were changed to "forward %n bytes", with all the corresponding labels missing:

(That screenshot also shows the black text issue I mentioned)

And one suggestion I have, I've noticed that animation type 2 usually waits for the animation to finish before continuing (while type 1 doesn't), but for "play animation and return to previous state," it's reversed. It would be nice if that were fixed—or, better yet, if it actually said something like "waiting for end to continue" on the frontend, so you don't have to memorize which is which.

Keep up the good work!


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Re: [PSX/PC] Field Editor - Makou Reactor (1.8.2)
« Reply #841 on: 2020-11-05 17:01:38 »
Can you share a field map file to reproduce the issue? thanks!

I have sent you the file with the label problem privately!


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Re: [PSX/PC] Field Editor - Makou Reactor (1.8.2)
« Reply #842 on: 2020-11-14 19:25:14 »
Thank you for making such a great piece of software! Thought I should mention some of the glitches I've encountered:

-The white text in dark mode turns black whenever you edit a script.

Thanks for your feedback!

-It sometimes crashes when you switch between flevel files and then edit something.

Hmm odd, I though I fixed this one.

-Opening the walkmesh viewer marks the file as having unsaved changes, even if you didn't actually change anything.

Yeah I noticed that too, I will try to fix it.

-The "Red XIII is named Nanaki" custom opcode doesn't seem to work. I tried using it and the game just hung. (It also didn't create a collapsible code block like if statements usually do.)

Your game also needs to supports it, do you use Reunion? I think it will works with it

-Looks like Cloudiar reported this already, but I noticed, when working with large amounts of if statements, that the game started behaving strangely. When I closed and reopened the file, all the goto statements were changed to "forward %n bytes", with all the corresponding labels missing:

(That screenshot also shows the black text issue I mentioned)

Can you test with this build?

And one suggestion I have, I've noticed that animation type 2 usually waits for the animation to finish before continuing (while type 1 doesn't), but for "play animation and return to previous state," it's reversed. It would be nice if that were fixed—or, better yet, if it actually said something like "waiting for end to continue" on the frontend, so you don't have to memorize which is which.

Keep up the good work!

Thanks you again for your feedback :)
« Last Edit: 2020-11-15 08:56:03 by myst6re »


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Re: [PSX/PC] Field Editor - Makou Reactor (1.8.3)
« Reply #843 on: 2020-11-17 22:40:13 »
New minor release:

  • Fix script jump calculation when a conversion from short to long happen
  • Fix text color turn to black in some lists in dark mode
  • Fix map marked as modified when the walkmesh editor is opened, even without user changes

Thanks for keeping using Makou Reactor :)


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Re: [PSX/PC] Field Editor - Makou Reactor (1.8.2)
« Reply #844 on: 2020-11-18 17:29:19 »
This release has not been moved over to CMake ?

Axel Firestorm

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Re: [PSX/PC] Field Editor - Makou Reactor (1.8.2)
« Reply #845 on: 2020-11-19 00:21:15 »
Hi, been using MR for a while now, you did a great job with it, btw! I've been trying to put the materia tutorial in a different place, but I can't get it to start. The menu just comes up but nothing happens. I've got the tutorial text added to the list and "Tutorial #2" in the commands list, but it won't run. Is there a step I'm missing? How do I know which number to use, because on the 7th Heaven field, "Tutorial #3" is the command used, but it's labeled "Tuto 4" in the list.


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Re: [PSX/PC] Field Editor - Makou Reactor (1.8.2)
« Reply #846 on: 2020-11-21 15:43:54 »
This release has not been moved over to CMake ?

Nope, this is planned for the next major update


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Re: [PSX/PC] Field Editor - Makou Reactor (1.8.2)
« Reply #847 on: 2020-11-22 12:08:11 »
Hi, been using MR for a while now, you did a great job with it, btw! I've been trying to put the materia tutorial in a different place, but I can't get it to start. The menu just comes up but nothing happens. I've got the tutorial text added to the list and "Tutorial #2" in the commands list, but it won't run. Is there a step I'm missing? How do I know which number to use, because on the 7th Heaven field, "Tutorial #3" is the command used, but it's labeled "Tuto 4" in the list.

I think on PC version the loading of tutorial files is hardcoded specificly for 7th Heaven and Junon. If we can do something, I guess it is by patching the game. I'll look at it someday :)
« Last Edit: 2020-11-22 12:14:01 by myst6re »

Axel Firestorm

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Re: [PSX/PC] Field Editor - Makou Reactor (1.8.2)
« Reply #848 on: 2020-11-22 15:27:59 »
Oh ok, thanks. I didn't know that. I can keep the tutorial in 7th Heaven easily enough then and just have it happen when you talk to the character I intended to have start it instead of Barret. I appreciate you getting back to me. :)


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Re: [PSX/PC] Field Editor - Makou Reactor (1.8.2)
« Reply #849 on: 2021-02-02 07:18:29 »
Hello everyone, this comment is for those who edit ff7 with this great program, if some know me they know that my project has enormous modifications, in this aspect the work is colossal, I have massive modifications and additions with this utility, whoever uses this regularly should know one thing, probably the massive editing of the field in different places causes corruption, currently I made changes that caused this (not the first time), errors not caused by me that are complicating the development.

It would be good to help Myst6re with this, maybe places in the game are broken randomly, failed layers, music, texts, savemap values ... it will be better to communicate it, explaining what modifications were made before the problem.

Myst6re already has a private message with more details, when something else is known, it will be communicated.