Author Topic: [FF7] FF7 Trainer (0.7 Beta)  (Read 68518 times)


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Re: [RELEASE] FF7 Trainer 0.7 Beta - Teleport Codes Added
« Reply #25 on: 2010-05-15 23:00:56 »
It is weird?? really?? well i think it isn't since mostly square leaves some extra rooms in the game like in BBS he left a room of jungle book in the game but he took it out from the story mode as you cant go in that world unless by ROM hacking so i think its understandable ^^"
Well i thought it was slightly weird because it doesnt seem to really serve any purpose, i mean the debug room's are proberly for the creators of the game to use but i just dont see what that event would be for, and why would they remove stuff like the extra rooms in the hunnybee inn but leave that in.


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Re: [RELEASE] FF7 Trainer 0.7 Beta - Teleport Codes Added
« Reply #26 on: 2010-05-16 05:48:59 »
It is weird?? really?? well i think it isn't since mostly square leaves some extra rooms in the game like in BBS he left a room of jungle book in the game but he took it out from the story mode as you cant go in that world unless by ROM hacking so i think its understandable ^^"
Well i thought it was slightly weird because it doesnt seem to really serve any purpose, i mean the debug room's are proberly for the creators of the game to use but i just dont see what that event would be for, and why would they remove stuff like the extra rooms in the hunnybee inn but leave that in.

well maybe they were jus too lazy to remove them again XD but its good for us like how we can roam in these things and find out extra places/rooms for the game


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Re: [RELEASE] FF7 Trainer 0.7 Beta - Teleport Codes Added
« Reply #27 on: 2010-05-18 07:37:12 »
Hey kranmer I saw someone asking for a limit break that is always full. Is it possible??


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Re: [RELEASE] FF7 Trainer 0.7 Beta - Teleport Codes Added
« Reply #28 on: 2010-05-18 07:50:26 »
Hey kranmer I saw someone asking for a limit break that is always full. Is it possible??
I am sure it can be done, I decided against it since my "Character 1 Extra Battle Menu" has limit break built in, that way you can both attack or use limit break at any time and even allows you to use limit break without needing the limit bar to be full. But since your requesting it i will look into it in a moment.


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Re: [RELEASE] FF7 Trainer 0.7 Beta - Teleport Codes Added
« Reply #29 on: 2010-05-18 08:16:59 »
Thanks man. :) But how can you attack while your limit break is full?? What I know is the Limit command changes the attack command when its available right??


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Re: [RELEASE] FF7 Trainer 0.7 Beta - Teleport Codes Added
« Reply #30 on: 2010-05-18 08:30:30 »
i think i might have not been very clear, i added a extra option to the games menu, look on page 1 or here
you will see at the end off the commands there is one called LIMIT, this will allow you to use limit break at any time even when the limit bar isnt full,
But when the limit bar does get full you will have 2 limit break commands (i could make it so it doesnt change attack but i decided against it because it would effect other materia like Cut X2 and Slash all).


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Re: [RELEASE] FF7 Trainer 0.7 Beta - Teleport Codes Added
« Reply #31 on: 2010-05-18 08:35:10 »
Oh its an added command. One question though. What happens if your limit break is full?? Does the attack command still change as the limit command??


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Re: [RELEASE] FF7 Trainer 0.7 Beta - Teleport Codes Added
« Reply #32 on: 2010-05-18 08:38:37 »
Oh its an added command. One question though. What happens if your limit break is full?? Does the attack command still change as the limit command??
I did just answer this.

But when the limit bar does get full you will have 2 limit break commands (i could make it so it doesnt change attack but i decided against it because it would effect other materia like Cut X2 and Slash all).

So basicly yes, Attack will still change to LIMIT, i could make it so this doesnt happen, But it would have alot of problems other other materia like CUT and SLASH-ALL.

Ok i added Always Limit Bar Full to 0.7.1 which can be gotten here
« Last Edit: 2010-05-18 09:21:49 by kranmer »


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[REL] Sephiroth trainer
« Reply #33 on: 2010-05-30 14:38:34 »
For people who don't personally like using trainers that see it as a cheat, I am one of them. Kranmer made a trainer and sent it to me but personally I'd like to share it to other people. Don't worry I have permission from him.

This trainer is like the little version of kranmer's main trainer also available in the forums.
« Last Edit: 2010-07-28 03:46:26 by sl1982 »


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Re: Sephiroth trainer
« Reply #34 on: 2010-05-30 15:30:10 »
i would just like to note that so far sephiroth control only works in slot3, so if you want to control him only put him in the party in slot3.


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Re: [RELEASE] FF7 Trainer 0.7 Beta - Teleport Codes Added
« Reply #35 on: 2010-07-30 19:49:13 »
-Catching this before it goes necro-

I have some feedback to give, as well as one request.

First, in the version you just posted (0.7.1), Kranmer, the option to replace characters doesn't seem to work. Before recruiting Yuffie outside Junon, I tried switching Aeris for Yuffie, and it didn't work. It does with version 0.7.0, though.

EDIT : never mind, it works. I was the one who messed up.

As for my request, would it be possible to add another instant battle function, to fight enemy formation #1, enemy formation #2, enemy formation #3 or enemy formation #4, depending on where you stand ?... ...What I mean is, if you're in an area where random battles can occur, it would be nice to be able to decide which enemy you'll face, next. Let's imagine you're at the Sector 1 station (the beginning of the game). The random battles available are those of scene75, and there are 4 enemy formations (as in all the scenes). They are :

#1 : MP x 2
#2 : MP x 2
#3 : Guard Hound
#4 : MP + Guard Hound

And would it be possible to fight the MP + Guard Hound formation, by pressing - I don't know - "F + 4" for example ? It would help a lot for my modding, since sometimes I have to run in circles for ten minutes before being able to test the formation I'm looking for. Kinda selfish I agree, but if such an option is easy for you to implement, then I'd be really happy if you could do it (and of course, pressing F + 4 in a town or some place where there is no random battles, would do nothing).


And another request, while I'm at it : recruiting Yuffie near Junon sometimes is a pain, so I thought that your "Instant Battle : Yuffie" would allow me to recruit her. Sadly, it's not the case - and I can't use the replace character function to get her, since it is kinda glitched (She starts at level 1, and she can't use her limit). So, would it be possible to add a Teleport code to reach the area where you're actually recruiting her (the field area right after fighting her, with a save point, and where talking to her initiates the recruiting process) ? That would be neat.
« Last Edit: 2010-07-30 20:29:11 by Armorvil »


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Re: [RELEASE] FF7 Trainer 0.7 Beta - Teleport Codes Added
« Reply #36 on: 2010-07-30 21:55:58 »
-Catching this before it goes necro-

I have some feedback to give, as well as one request.

First, in the version you just posted (0.7.1), Kranmer, the option to replace characters doesn't seem to work. Before recruiting Yuffie outside Junon, I tried switching Aeris for Yuffie, and it didn't work. It does with version 0.7.0, though.

EDIT : never mind, it works. I was the one who messed up.

As for my request, would it be possible to add another instant battle function, to fight enemy formation #1, enemy formation #2, enemy formation #3 or enemy formation #4, depending on where you stand ?... ...What I mean is, if you're in an area where random battles can occur, it would be nice to be able to decide which enemy you'll face, next. Let's imagine you're at the Sector 1 station (the beginning of the game). The random battles available are those of scene75, and there are 4 enemy formations (as in all the scenes). They are :

#1 : MP x 2
#2 : MP x 2
#3 : Guard Hound
#4 : MP + Guard Hound

And would it be possible to fight the MP + Guard Hound formation, by pressing - I don't know - "F + 4" for example ? It would help a lot for my modding, since sometimes I have to run in circles for ten minutes before being able to test the formation I'm looking for. Kinda selfish I agree, but if such an option is easy for you to implement, then I'd be really happy if you could do it (and of course, pressing F + 4 in a town or some place where there is no random battles, would do nothing).


And another request, while I'm at it : recruiting Yuffie near Junon sometimes is a pain, so I thought that your "Instant Battle : Yuffie" would allow me to recruit her. Sadly, it's not the case - and I can't use the replace character function to get her, since it is kinda glitched (She starts at level 1, and she can't use her limit). So, would it be possible to add a Teleport code to reach the area where you're actually recruiting her (the field area right after fighting her, with a save point, and where talking to her initiates the recruiting process) ? That would be neat.

Glad to hear you got it working,
Well i can make it so you can fight any enemy in any formation but i cant make it so you can choose between formation so for example i could set "F"+"1" to battle "MP x 2" but it would always be this no matter where you are (so if you used F+1 in the north Crater you would fight "MP x 2") so i cant really implement your request, sorry.

Well my teleport code can teleport you anywhere (although it has some flaws since i haven't found a way of manipulating where the character is properly yet, but it works perfect at events like the yuffie meeting etc),
If you want i can make a quick trainer which will allow you to enter values to teleport anywhere and it would allow you to obtain yuffie (hopefully) and i can also add a instant battle feature to the trainer so in theory you will be able to battle any enemy you want at any point in the game (you can even fight final sephiroth with 3 characters instead of just cloud but like with yuffie the instant battle trainer is only for the battle and does NOT effect the story line) and you would also need to figure out what address's are which battle (i don't have a list since there are to many to try i only know around 10 battle values for fights like final sephiroth battle,Ruby weapon,Diamond Weapon etc)


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Re: [RELEASE] FF7 Trainer 0.7 Beta - Teleport Codes Added
« Reply #37 on: 2010-07-30 22:16:15 »
Yeah, your whole Trainer is working extremely well. I use the save anywhere function all the time :D (while being careful not to screw my save, of course...)

And yes, being able to fight any enemy anytime would suit my needs just fine, even if I have to figure out the different values :)
Same thing for the teleporting to Yuffie's recruiting area. I can't believe how creating such trainers seems so easy to you ! And thanks a lot for your dedication, kindness, and quick replies, Kranmer  ;D
« Last Edit: 2010-07-30 22:27:41 by Armorvil »


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Re: [RELEASE] FF7 Trainer 0.7 Beta - Teleport Codes Added
« Reply #38 on: 2010-07-30 22:40:36 »
Ok i am putting it in a different thread since it is a sperate thing so you can get it from the project section soon, i just need to upload it to megaupload and mediafire for you and anyone else who is interested.


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Re: [RELEASE] FF7 Trainer 0.7 Beta - Teleport Codes Added
« Reply #39 on: 2010-10-17 14:33:01 »
Hi kranmer,

Have you been scanning your PC?

There seems to be Trojan with your trainer.


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Re: [RELEASE] FF7 Trainer 0.7 Beta - Teleport Codes Added
« Reply #40 on: 2010-10-17 18:32:06 »
A trainer can easily result in a false positive for virus scanners.


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Re: [RELEASE] FF7 Trainer 0.7 Beta - Teleport Codes Added
« Reply #41 on: 2010-10-18 16:02:03 »
I understand that, sometimes, trainers can produce false positives for ANV engines.

However, this doesn't rule out the possibility that Kranmer himself can be a victim of the trojan malware, especially multiple ANV engines report the same thing.
I posted the original inquiry to confirm with others and to be on the safer side.

Thank you for pointing out a probable cause.  :D

When I first run the ff7 trainer, there wasn't any "Trojan horse Dropper.Agent.ABYH" warning from my ANV, but there was starting the 2nd time of the execution and so on.

In fact, just today, after I had deleted the ff7 trainer files, a trojan warning from another file appears. This trojan identified is the same "Trojan horse Dropper.Agent.ABYH" from ff7 trainer.

I mostly use open source software these days and has never had any such trojan warning before running ff7 trainer.

   C:\System Volume Information\_restore{A87AB35F-8DCB-46E0-8D40-11EBBA0BEBA7}\RP396\A0078347.exe
Trying to accees:
   Trojan horse Dropper.Agent.ABYH

This "A0078347.exe" file infection may likely be caused by the first execution of the ff7 trainer, when my AVG Free didn't throw any warning.

Anybody else can confirm this on their PC too?


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Re: [RELEASE] FF7 Trainer 0.7 Beta - Teleport Codes Added
« Reply #42 on: 2010-10-26 21:01:45 »
Well "zzzplayer" what "Just Plain Covarr" said is correct, it is a false posative, also the file in "C:\System Volume Information" is the same file but because of your system restore it ends up there,
here is the same trainer but changed enough not to be detected as a virus by most scanners (some still will) but most wont,
I hope that helps.


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Re: [RELEASE] FF7 Trainer 0.7 Beta - Teleport Codes Added
« Reply #43 on: 2010-10-30 02:48:25 »
Hello kranmer,

This worked better for me.

A big thank you for looking into this.  :D


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Re: [RELEASE] FF7 Trainer 0.7 Beta - Teleport Codes Added
« Reply #44 on: 2010-11-07 16:54:25 »
Hi For the sephiroth hack, is there a way to give him the correct material and equipment when activated? because when i activate the switch vincent -> sephiroth, then control sephiroth mortal, the weapon is changed to masamune but the accessory, the armlets and the equiped material stood the same.


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Re: [RELEASE] FF7 Trainer 0.7 Beta - Teleport Codes Added
« Reply #45 on: 2010-11-09 13:13:43 »
Hi aznkiller, Well its possible to do but you could always just equip Vincent with the same stuff as Seph before you use the hack then when you switch to Seph he will have all the right equips, but if this is to hard i can look into it for you when i finish tweaking my "New Battle Interface" project (which is basically just a little tweaking left and i should be releasing the next version sometime soon when i get some time, but i haven't been as active on my projects as i would have liked due to some real life stuff, and then i still need to finish applying my interface to the Italian version of ff7 which i have done a fair amount on and then i need to see about the french version of the game) if you need me to but it might not be for a week or 2.


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Re: [RELEASE] FF7 Trainer 0.7 Beta - Teleport Codes Added
« Reply #46 on: 2010-11-12 19:54:33 »
Is possible to create an option to control Vincent's Limit Break - Chaos?

edit: Scratch that, is it possible to change sephiroth to another character then vincent?
« Last Edit: 2010-11-22 07:56:39 by aznkiller »


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Re: [RELEASE] FF7 Trainer 0.7 Beta - Teleport Codes Added
« Reply #47 on: 2011-01-15 14:06:04 »
I know there's already a topic for that, but I didn't want to risk necro-posting. So, this is very cool, and I have a request. May you join this Trainer and the Sephiroth Trainer so this will be easier to use them. And, in case you stopped working on it, I have to say something : Continue working on this, you are awesome :D

Edit : Oh yeah, I saw you made also others Trainers like for Teleport and Battles. Could you even join all these three Trainer to make big one, with lots of functionnalities? I would be glad ;D
« Last Edit: 2011-01-15 19:20:32 by Vgr255 »


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Re: [RELEASE] FF7 Trainer 0.7 Beta - Teleport Codes Added
« Reply #48 on: 2011-02-04 00:27:56 »
thanks for the comments Vgr255, i would have responded sooner but i have been away,
well i have had a problem with hardrive corruption and i have lost allot of the trainer values, if i am able to recover them or redo the trainer i will definitely consider merging them, the only reason i didn't merge them in the first place is because they are all for different things and didn't think they would need to be.


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Re: [RELEASE] FF7 Trainer 0.7 Beta - Teleport Codes Added
« Reply #49 on: 2011-02-04 00:40:44 »
Thanks, better later than never. I heard you left the communauty :o In other words, we missed you.