Author Topic: [FF7PC]FF7 SYW "ArkTsukiVock" (v4) upscale : Battle, world map, fields, videos  (Read 208954 times)


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Can you tell me what order to put these in, seem to be getting errors when loading, please


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also, will these be updated once 2.0 comes out 7th heaven >?


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From The Reunion - Help.rtf:
"SEFFECT1, SEFFECT2, SEFFECT3, and RAIN7 texture files are now loaded from battle texture folder."

What this means is that rain7_00.png through seffect3_26.png, 82 files in total, need to be moved from "CUSTOM/satsuki/Texture/" to "CUSTOM/satsuki/Texture/battle/" in your case.

I made that change to my own install, and those textures all seem to work fine, but I'm experiencing another issue where textures in the \texture\magic\ff7\ family of subdirectories no longer seem to be working, which I've posted about (pending moderator approval) on The Reunion thread.
Hi JWK, for Reunion... Please see this post.
« Last Edit: 2020-02-22 22:41:12 by Kuraudo. »


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was that for me ?


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Apologies if this has been answered already but is there a guide for installing this alongside Reunion r06c? I've unpacked with IroNite but I'm really not sure what to do from this point


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Satsuki, did you keep your work files for the upscaled video releases?

Would it be possible to do a high-frame-rate video pack, with the video interpolated up to 30 or 60fps? I know it'll require further modding of the game to make work, but I think it might be worth the effort, especially with clips like the intro cinematic which has parts [The starfield right at the beginning] that look absolutely awful at 15fps.


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Apologies if this has been answered already but is there a guide for installing this alongside Reunion r06c? I've unpacked with IroNite but I'm really not sure what to do from this point
Read reunion manual, its all explained.

Satsuki, did you keep your work files for the upscaled video releases?
Would it be possible to do a high-frame-rate video pack, with the video interpolated up to 30 or 60fps? I know it'll require further modding of the game to make work, but I think it might be worth the effort, especially with clips like the intro cinematic which has parts [The starfield right at the beginning] that look absolutely awful at 15fps.
Video interpolation need a realy clean source to be able to work properly or it'll show lots of artefact, ff7 video (source or upscaled) are just not clean enought to be interpoled properly.


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Apologies if this has been answered already but is there a guide for installing this alongside Reunion r06c? I've unpacked with IroNite but I'm really not sure what to do from this point
Hi demithet. For Reunion If you have still problems Please see this post.
« Last Edit: 2020-02-22 22:41:49 by Kuraudo. »


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All pack updated to be 7h v2 friendly.
Also added multiup mirrors.

3 Packs was also be slightly upgraded:
-Kela's magics:
One legum leaf background wasn't properly cutted

-World pack:
Have make a mix of my v3 and v4 to get the best rendering (more natural than v4)

Char / Fields pack:
-Updated round square cabin to try to minimize the luma render bug (thanks Aavock form doing a way better render than my testings)
-minor correction in fields : chorace/chorace2/gldst/junbin1 (some pixel overlayed on 3D models)

here's the round square correction:




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I don't see file hashes or file sizes listed here, so here's what I got:

Code: [Select]
$ sha256sum *
b7410b67ec899d2e62a32e0ea7910669f8b2ed17c147d2ee1214adf725436263  FF7.Kela51.Magics.(V1.04).iro
d50ed1689402d664b39256e0eb0f8d49aeba104d3c2fc8b1b6201054fb1a8449  FF7.SYW.Battle.(V3.17).iro
76777da2a4cc08f97c0782304888633d1332403b0e5f2b92116325c4d8eb4d7b  FF7.SYW.Fields.Chars.(V4.01).iro
b0b282a6ba526b1a4f9e4019eadcbdc02275275076f9160022c16a94566ad236  FF7.SYW.Movies.(V4.01).iro
dea1a8b3f1e0919b49b52a15fdd970e3864f2490fe92fdf7498f39360a6a1422  FF7.SYW.World.(V4.10).iro
$ du -h *
1.1G    FF7.Kela51.Magics.(V1.04).iro
432M    FF7.SYW.Battle.(V3.17).iro
3.9G    FF7.SYW.Fields.Chars.(V4.01).iro
1.6G    FF7.SYW.Movies.(V4.01).iro
34M     FF7.SYW.World.(V4.10).iro


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I don't think you can use or extract iro if hash is bad anyway ^^


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Thanks, these improvements are just beautiful.
« Last Edit: 2020-02-22 22:28:56 by Isuldor »


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I can't be sure who the author of the graphics I am using is...

But I assume it's you :)

Certain texture animation cells have a box around them.  For example the one in seffect3_19.
Never seen this bug with my texture (kela's corrected ones)
Here's the crc32 of this file : 89EB5317 (md5 = 9A522F53E99F90170DF243A7703439FD)
If you have the same crc i assume it's driver based (just checked, it's working great with aali 0.81)
If you don't have the same crc... it's not my file ^^


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All my pack is upscaling 4x each graphic.
I tried 8x and 16x in my tests but no real visible difference ingame (tested on a 4k projector).
Tried 2x too but 4x was better looking even on smaller screens.

So long story short, for upscaling, 4x was the best, so i do it, no more, no less ^^


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Thanks, took me lots time to test and tweak each screen


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« Last Edit: 2021-10-28 15:55:09 by dkma841 »


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Does this upscale pack retain the most detail compared to other field packs? I like upscales but not at the expense of blurring details rather enhance it

I would say that yes, this pack does a very good job of preserving and *enhancing* the small details on the fields, as well as a lot of other touches like proper smoothing of colour gradients and such. :D


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Thanks for all your hardwork on this mod - it looks great. I was wondering if I had to pay a subscription for the multiup mirror download. I can't seem to do it for free.


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Hi just wanted to say these have to be the BEST textures ive seen

I just have the problem of uh...hard to explain im a huge noob to this stuff. I have FF7 on steam, I have "Reunion" installed, which is apparently incompatible with 7th heaven. So i downloaded your 5 files, and converted them from .iro files. The structure seems to be QUITE odd. For example magic starts off in "FF7.Kela51.Magics._V1.04_" and inside there is (Sorry for the link idk how to send images)

Now from what I understand the off.png, on.png, and readme.txt files are the exact same across all 5 downloads, which is weird the readme is sort of useless in this situation but I guess its set up for 7th heaven. Thats what im assuming, idk what im talking about im going off a hunch. I have no clue what the mod.xml files are, where im supposed to place them inside my mod folder, or anything. There is no instruction anywhere so im super lost on that one but thats not my exact issue anyway.

now inside of that first "magics" folder there are the expected files, rain7 ect. but ALSO there is ANOTHER "magic" folder, which has MORE files such as "005_00.png, alex1_00.png" and also ANOTHER folder called "ff7". Inside "ff7" there is "data", inside that there is "battle", and inside that there is which is WEIRD because "battle" is one of the other 5 files thats supposed to be next to "magic" in the mod folder.

Here is a gif so its more clear what im talking about, Sorry again for the confusion, its hard for me to explain

Now i have no idea if this is intentional, but it makes it VERY confusing for me to sort these inside of the mod folder "\FINAL FANTASY VII\The_Reunion\CUSTOM\satsuki\Texture" situation. Theres an easy fix, all I need is screenshots of what the folder placements should look like, or a video that just cycles through the folders to give me instruction on where to put these. UNLESS ITS INTENDED. Idk. I feel stupid for asking because im apparently the only person with this issue. I would just like to use your work for my first time playing ff7 without turning my game into a buggy nightmare lol.
« Last Edit: 2020-03-14 05:57:41 by Godlike223 »


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The answer you need is here (3° page from this topic...) :


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i am having a bug where my world map cloud displays the buggy smoke exhaust behind him when he runs in forests

and also the tiny bronco has the buggy exhaust instead of the water animation

it may very well be that i've put a file in the wrong place, just wondering if anyone else has this? i looked through the png files that i have in the world directory, but there's too many and i cant find the buggy smoke one


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sorry for the double post, but i did some testing and stuff and this is indeed a bug on the world portion of this mod

the buggy exhaust animation replaces several other animations other than the 2 I listed as well, (like when riding on a chocobo in forests, as well as just running through forests with Cloud, the tiny bronco's water animation, i think i found one on the highwind  as well but dont remember the condition)


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All those effect are in the dfx_00.png file
No bug here.
But ff7 driver don"t deal well with alpha channel so as long as this file exists you'll have some alpha bug on world map.
If you don't want alpah channel bug, delete this file, but you'll have pixelisated world map fx instead.


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All those effect are in the dfx_00.png file
No bug here.
But ff7 driver don"t deal well with alpha channel so as long as this file exists you'll have some alpha bug on world map.
If you don't want alpah channel bug, delete this file, but you'll have pixelisated world map fx instead.

interesting... thanks for pointing me to that file, i'll play around with it

i was thinking this bug might be a confliction with kaldarasha's models or another mod but i uninstalled everything but this and it was still happening, i still need to try reinstalling the whole mod i guess, whatever happened i guess the damage is done

this mod really is breathtaking though, freakin' sweet  (cant believe how much detail they put in the original game, just to have it so blurry you can hardly make anything out)

edit: removing that file fixes it, however, the default animation for the highwind going over the water is so bad i'll probably just deal with the bug, haha, i may end up reinstalling ff7, reunion, and this mod to see if that does anything
« Last Edit: 2020-03-22 19:02:47 by Orichalcon »