Scripting and Reverse Engineering / Re: FF7 Crisis Core - File Format and Data Investigation
« on: 2019-05-28 21:49:30 »
After almost ten years of abandoning the investigation of Crisis Core, I have finally found the pointers to text. 
They are directly in every Atel file. Offset to every string is counted started from MBD flag, and stored reversed, so if new text is started, for example, 1156 bytes after MBD start, then it's 04 84, not 84 04!
There is also a section which contains sizes of parts inside the Atel files (MBD, SSCF and another files are inside). It looks like below and these sizes are stored not reversed:

First 8 bytes is number of entries, and then 4 bytes of address starting from BDD0 (in this exact file), and number of bytes. Note that there is a padding to nearest 16 bytes.

They are directly in every Atel file. Offset to every string is counted started from MBD flag, and stored reversed, so if new text is started, for example, 1156 bytes after MBD start, then it's 04 84, not 84 04!
There is also a section which contains sizes of parts inside the Atel files (MBD, SSCF and another files are inside). It looks like below and these sizes are stored not reversed:
First 8 bytes is number of entries, and then 4 bytes of address starting from BDD0 (in this exact file), and number of bytes. Note that there is a padding to nearest 16 bytes.