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Messages - Shampignon

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Releases / Re: FF7 create new fields
« on: 2024-12-10 12:09:37 »
Hello !

As I'm slowly progressing on my project, I thought I'd share some already finished screens of my new area in progress, just to tease the rest of my creations :-)
I hope you'll still enjoy it as much, and I'll let you guess which area they correspond to ^^

PS : These are screen prints made while playing the game, so sorry for the quality, but it allows to have a quick preview.

See you soon for the rest.

Releases / Re: FF7 create new fields
« on: 2024-09-09 11:31:18 »
Thanks my friends, it's always very motivating to read your comments !

I've already started working on a new area, I hope you'll like it too ^^

Releases / Re: FF7 create new fields
« on: 2024-06-10 12:45:21 »
The mod is not avalaible for the moment.
When it is finished, it will be published first in French.
I will have to apply it to the English version in a second step, to then make it playable on 7th Heaven. So it's not for tomorrow !

I don't think I'll add any other zones for midgar at the moment, because I already enlarged sector 8 after the first mission, I added a large screen to sector 6, and several to sector 7. And even the sewers ! I want to create fields for other areas, I can't only enlarge Midgar and leave the other areas of the game as they are.
If I have good ideas to others Midgar areas, I'll create them, but it's not my priority right now.

I don't know how to add a new summon, and I don't think it's possible.

Thank you for your support and feedback !

Releases / Re: FF7 create new fields
« on: 2024-06-05 23:10:28 »
Hello !

Although the project no longer seems to attract many people, I continue my additions of areas, this time with an expansion for Utai, containing an additional quest for Yuffie, of which I will only be able to share images, because a video would spoil everything ! ^^

I hope you'll like it and continue to support me.

See you later for the next area

Releases / Re: FF7 create new fields
« on: 2024-02-04 19:28:45 »
Hello friends !

Finally some news about the project ! As I have talked about it a number of times in previous publications, I decided to go big this time with a complete optional dungeon ! 22 new screens for what I called The Mysterious Cave.
In the video below, you will find extracts from each screen, as well as some new enemies, but I tried not to reveal too much about the progress and purpose of this new sub-quest, which will appear in a mod that I still plan to publish one day in french version, and I hope in english version later.

I'll also provide you with some images of the out-of-game screens, for your viewing pleasure.

I hope you'll enjoy these screens !

And finally, as usual, I inform you that I don't plan to stop there, and that I'm currently working on additional screens and a quest for Wutaï, so stay tuned !

FF7 Tools / Re: Extract Texures Model from Battle.lgp
« on: 2023-03-19 00:55:50 »
Ah bah expliqué comme ça, je comprends beaucoup mieux !  :D

Bon par contre les textures que j'arrive à récupérer à partir de modèles retravaillés ne ressortent apparemment pas comme elles devraient (par exemple, les textures du gardien scorpion qui sont rouges ressortent bleues), mais je pense que c'est dû au fait que tout ça a été retravaillé sur des logiciels tiers. Il faut que j'essaie avec des textures du jeu originales, mais maintenant au moins j'ai la méthode pour exporter les textures, ce qui va me permettre de chercher des idées !

Merci beaucoup pour tes explications, tu gères !

FF7 Tools / Re: Extract Texures Model from Battle.lgp
« on: 2023-03-18 01:48:32 »
Alors là, je suis perdu...

Je suis très créatif et assez débrouillard, mais tout ce qui touche aux fenêtres de commande et tout ça, je suis complètement largué...
J'ai essayé de comprendre en reprenant tes screenshots, mais ça ne fonctionne pas. Je ne dois pas m'y prendre comme il faut.

C'était juste un exemple, mais le Guard Scorpion de la Team Avalanche a bien une texture. Ils ont dû le retravailler avec un logiciel 3D et appliquer une texture pour avoir un meilleur rendu.
Changer les couleurs sur Kimera, ça va, je gère, c'est vraiment au niveau des textures ajoutées que je voudrais voir ce qui est faisable à mon échelle.

FF7 Tools / Re: Extract Texures Model from Battle.lgp
« on: 2023-03-17 16:56:17 »
(Je pense qu'on nous en voudra pas de communiquer en français)

Merci Quid?, je teste ça dès que possible, mais j'ai bien l'impression que c'est ce que je cherchais !
(Et merci pour les explications, c'est toujours intéressant de comprendre sur quoi on travaille)

EDIT : Et ben en fait, ça ne marche pas. Lorsque j'essaie d'ouvrir l'application tim, la fenêtre de commande s'ouvre et se ferme instantanément. Par contre, si je fais glisser un fichier tex dessus, ça marche, j'obtiens des png.
Mais moi ce qui m'intéresse, c'est de récupérer les textures encapsulées dans les fichiers p. Par exemple : sur le modèle du Gardien Scorpion refait par la Team Avalanche, dont on n'a aucune source en .tex, je voudrais extraire et convertir le tex pour changer la couleur. Est-ce possible ?

FF7 Tools / Re: Extract Texures Model from Battle.lgp
« on: 2023-03-16 13:41:40 »
Hello !

I'm reviving this topic because I'm also very interested in this. I would really like to be able to extract the textures from the p files.

Thank you in advance for all responses

Releases / Re: FF7 create new fields
« on: 2023-01-03 12:19:54 »
Thank you AuthenticM, and I will check your link for ko-fi account.

What's next ? As I already said in previous posts, I'm currently working on a complete cave, which will include more than 20 screens ! In my opinion, some of them are incredible, I hope you all will like them !

Releases / Re: FF7 create new fields
« on: 2022-12-31 15:37:01 »
Yes, the goal of all of this is to release a mod, but on the french version... It will be a lot of work to make an english version, but as I always say : maybe one day  ;)

Releases / Re: FF7 create new fields
« on: 2022-12-31 00:07:57 »
Hello friends !

Surprise for the end of the year : nine new fields to give more prominence to Sector 7 of Midgar, and to add a subquest for Aerith when pillar is attacked !

I have to credit and thank Final FanTV for having published on You Tube some videos of FF7 remake with PS1 camera. These videos inspired me very much and a big part of these new screens have been created with pictures extracted from his videos.

Here the complete screens, without 3D models :

I hope you will enjoy these new screens !

I also have to say that I have finished to create the pictures for my new cave, which will finally include more than 20 screens ! Second step : Walkmesh and scripts, it's gonna take a while, and after : create new ennemis, it's going to be very complicated because I don't master this part at all for the moment !!

Thank you for your support

Releases / Re: FF7 create new fields
« on: 2022-11-03 13:56:50 »
Hell yeah. Glad to hear it.

Do you have a ko-fi account? Maybe some people would be up for sending some gil your way as a thank you.

No I don't have it, and I don't really know how I can. But it could be a good idea.

Also, a thought: we now have a true widescreen mod, which is probably going to be the default way to play the game with mods going forward. I don't know if it's something that you need to consider when designing new fields, but I thought I'd mention it just in case. It would be such a shame if your work had some issues with the widescreen mod, as what you're making is of such a high quality.

This is an excellent point, which I hadn't thought of because I haven't tested this mod yet. But as I use existing screens as a base, it should work. I'll have to watch this carefully.

Thank you again

Releases / Re: FF7 create new fields
« on: 2022-11-02 13:36:16 »
Hello !

Yes, I'm still working on new fields.

I completed a small extension for sector 7, but I haven't taken the time to make a video to share it. I'll do it soon, but for the moment, I'm working on a new cave : 17 screens created, and I haven't finished yet ! Then I will have to integrate them into the game (walkmesh, battles, enemies etc), so I won't be able to show the result for a while !

Thank you for your support

Releases / Re: FF7 create new fields
« on: 2022-03-16 22:36:29 »
After a long time, I'm back with seven new fields for the Sector 8 of Midgar !

To see the render in game, with PNJ and Cloud, watch the video :

The complete pictures :

I hope you'll enjoy these ones ! More coming soon  ;)

Releases / Re: [FF7 PC]Mod Des-Enlace
« on: 2021-11-24 12:26:47 »

OK I understand, thank you for your answer.

Releases / Re: [FF7 PC]Mod Des-Enlace
« on: 2021-11-23 00:02:50 »
Hello !

Very intersting mod !

But is there a way to have direct files for those who don't use 7th Heaven ?


Releases / Re: FF7 create new fields
« on: 2021-08-19 12:26:27 »
Thank you again for your comments

For the moment, it's not downloadable. I'm still working on other fields, and there are so many modifications to be made in several files that it would be complicated to make them playable without making a complete mod. This should be possible in the future, but only on French versions (because I'm French). I would have to take all my changes to apply them to an English version, which would be a lot of work, so it won't be for tomorrow ...
Sorry... But maybe one day...

Releases / Re: FF7 create new fields
« on: 2021-06-07 12:46:09 »
Thanks to all !

Cloudiar => Thank you very much for your suggestions for help. For the moment, I can do what I want by using already existing walkmeshs (it's already a hell of a job!), and if necessary I modify a few triangles. I have not yet thought about visuals by adding areas to screens, but adding walkable areas can offer even more possibilities ! I will think about it all, and if any ideas come to me, I will remember your proposal ! :) 

Team Avalanche / Re: Project Edge (Jusete's field scenes)
« on: 2021-06-07 12:13:09 »
 :)  Yes ! You finished it !

I worked on this screen, but I had many bugs on some layers, and ... I didn't take the time to look for the right solution...

I'm very happy to see it finished, apparently without bugs  ;D

Great work Jusete !

Releases / Re: FF7 create new fields
« on: 2021-05-01 17:25:49 »
Simply WOW. Really impressive what you have achieved so far. You know I started making the fields with photoshop at the beginning? This two are done with only photoshop and the I moved to 3d editing:

So you may consider spend some time learnign a lb or, if you want, I can show you how I do the fields and maybe we can work together . You are very talented and I will be glad to work side by side with you  :D ;) .

Yes I know you started with Photoshop, these two fields were very good !

I'd love to be able to make fields by 3D editing, but I don't understand nothing XD ! I tried sketchup and I didn't even manage to place my camera !
I made photo editing since many years, I'm much more comfortable with.
You can try to explain the basics to me, maybe I will figure it out. I had written the jmp's tuto about sketchup, but that didn't helped me ! XD Maybe I'm not patient enough...

Could be nice to see something like this:

Pre-release background 1996:

-An unused map from Gaea’s cliff that doesn’t exist in the final game. Only seen in old footage. ( )

Pre-release background 1996:

-Beta version of the NVDUN3 field. The tree, the cave entrance, the Mako Fountain are the same but the area is darker and feels more like a closed area.

I knew this picture, but I don't know what I can do with ! And for the moment, I don't know how to create walkmesh and camera. Maybe when I'm more experienced !

By the way ! I forgot to share my new screens for the Whirlwind Maze ! Here is the video :

And some screens :

Thanks to all who support me !

Team Avalanche / Re: Project Edge (Jusete's field scenes)
« on: 2021-04-07 22:58:27 »
Hello !

After a very long time, I'm finally back here with new releases !

smkin_1 :

Download here :

md8_4 :

Download here :

The last screen is still in work because I still have some bugs...

Releases / Re: FF7 create new fields
« on: 2021-03-24 13:35:40 »
Thanks to all !

Do you have any plan in your mind on what you want to cover?

Not really. I do where it inspires me. It also depends on my motivation and technical constraints (source screens, images that I find on the internet to match the atmosphere I am looking for, problems with the layers of the game ...). There are some ideas that I had to give up or change...

Releases / Re: FF7 create new fields
« on: 2021-03-23 13:49:06 »
Hello !

I'm back with some new fields ! Not one or two, but six, for the sewers of Midgar after Corneo's date !

Some screens in game :

And the full video :

I hope you'll enjoy these too, and I can already tell you that other fields will be published soon, when I have finished preparing the video !

Nice !

Thank you

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