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Messages - Mendelevium

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Troubleshooting / Re: FF8.exe has stopped working message
« on: 2010-05-27 03:58:15 »
Hm, I don't know, I have Windows 7 -64 bit, and it works fine for me. Got to the last disc no problem.

But I am using Aali's drivers, maybe that is why? *shrugs*

Here is a link:

Hope this helped.

General Discussion / Re: Main Characters~
« on: 2010-05-27 03:55:05 »
Patience, my friend.

"When they are done."

Completely Unrelated / Re: Open Chat
« on: 2010-05-27 03:41:16 »
Nope, just all the cool people are located in canada

Since i'm not canadian or american, can any of you from there explain me why americans have all these jokes against canada?
Me too I'm not from any of these countries but I see or hear some of these jokes. Was their something bad happened in the past??


Well that does appear to be a bear drinking. XD.
It looks rather stuffed though. o.O.
Now i am hungry, it made me think of Yogi the bear, and picnic baskets. XD.

Anyways, my contribution to this thread. I just finished writing chapter one of my mini novel, getting it edited, fun stuffs when your editor tears apart all your hard work... But I am the type who craves constructive criticism, so I love it.

Other than that, my quest to learn 3D is finally taking off :D. I have been practicing for an hour each day. ^.^.

Mostly school though; and lots of procrastination. ;).

Troubleshooting / Re: FF8.exe has stopped working message
« on: 2010-05-27 03:33:49 »
Your username leaves room for speculation.
So I will ask you this, is your FF8 a pirated edition? If so you won't receive much help at these forums. Piracy is not supported here.

Second of all, you need to add a little more meat to your post, (Such as: what are your system specs? What other mods for FF8 do you have currently installed?
Things along those lines.) if you wish for us to offer you any form of help.

As it is, it could be anything. :P.

My voice may be of very little consequence, but I agree with Covarr completely.
Money has a loud voice, one that will most likely be heard by Square Enix...

And they aren't too happy with modding, from what I have heard; or whatever takes away from there profit. :P. And from what I have seen they are still milking FF7 for what its worth...

This project can, and most likely will draw even more unneeded attention to our modding community. And in turn, that means it is more likely for Square Enix to shut down our operations; and that means VERY BAD.

Just my thoughts on the matter.

FF7 Tools / Re: Official Black Chocobo Help Thread
« on: 2010-05-17 05:03:34 »
Yeah IIRC I had to grab the .dll files from an earlier release

Thanks. :).
But, back on topic. It will be a nice feature regardless.^.^

FF7 Tools / Re: Official Black Chocobo Help Thread
« on: 2010-05-17 04:46:04 »

Here is the one I use

oddness, this one works for me. I never got those .dll files before though.

FF7 Tools / Re: Official Black Chocobo Help Thread
« on: 2010-05-17 03:47:27 »
PSX Memtools has never worked for me as well. And I have tried it on XP, Vista, and Windows 7. The three computers I have access to. :P.
So, yeah.

Completely Unrelated / Re: AMV I made
« on: 2010-05-08 21:57:41 »
I am just practicing video editing, and syncing. >.>;;.

And thanks :3. The ending is kinda suckish though. :/.

Completely Unrelated / AMV I made
« on: 2010-05-08 02:28:23 »
I R a fanboi nao.
Failed attempt at English aside....

So yeah. I made an AMV with FF7 AC.
I used an over used song, with over used clips, and it is my very first AMV ever.
It took three edits to get it to the point it is at now, the ending is still a work in progress, and I mean the last scene with the phone.
I am rather proud of my syncing though. ^.^.

But yeah, it's all mine, and I am a fan boy now, I guess. :P.
Or am i just conforming with the masses. Who knows?

Well here is the link:

I just want some opinions on it. >.>;;. It was a work of boredom. I plan to do one  that is more original next. A less seen anime, with a less heard song. :D.

General Discussion / Re: Editing Textures?
« on: 2010-04-24 03:44:25 »
The only textures that are in the game are the eyes and mouths of all the models. To texture a model fully, you would have to first rip the model out of the game, and then create a UV map for said model. Then you would have to make an entirely new texture. Then you would have to split the model up and port it back into the game, with the new texture used. I don't know specifics, since it has been ages since i have attempted to port anything into FF7, but i know there is a set number of textures that you are allowed to use, i think that was seven. Someone please correct me if I am wrong.

Nice tutorials so far. Thanks halkun. It has explained alot about sketchup to me. ^.^. However, I think i will take a look at those tutorials you mentioned at the beginning of the video before i tackle any FF7 scenes... Thanks. :D.

General Discussion / Re: little help please?
« on: 2010-04-09 03:32:35 »
Oh sorry, I miss read the question. I am having an off moment. Sorry.
 =.=. I don't remember  that at the moment. Sorry for wasting space.

General Discussion / Re: little help please?
« on: 2010-04-09 03:24:43 »

Completely Unrelated / Re: That's it
« on: 2010-03-31 06:35:27 »
*wonders what happened to ignoring him* XD.

"while you were typing this 2 messages were posted"

Completely Unrelated / Re: That's it
« on: 2010-03-31 03:13:33 »

I never got to thank you. You treated me fairly, even after I did something so obviously bad. You showed me kindness, where most moderators would have just banned me. I will miss talking to you on the IRC, you are really quite fun to talk to ;).

Thanks for taking up the torch when our forums were plauged with trolls, you were a good moderator.

I will miss you, you big cat luvver. ;).


Completely Unrelated / Re: Cloud
« on: 2010-03-29 03:46:46 »
This should be stickied haha

I don't think the moderators or admins will be all too thrilled by this. ;).
The Cloud epidemic I mean.

Completely Unrelated / Re: Cloud
« on: 2010-03-29 02:47:22 »
Everyones named cloud! it's an epidemic!!

Join us.... *goes zombie mode* XD

Completely Unrelated / Re: Cloud
« on: 2010-03-29 02:17:31 »

PSPdisp has this feature built in, to map the buttons as keys. I'm not terribly familiar with how to do this, since I don't have a PSP myself, but their website has links to a few installation videos that may help.

Yup yup. That is my problem, I cannot find how to "access" the feature to map the keys. And I have seen those vids. In fact that is the site i downloaded pspdisp from. XD.  Thank you for your input though. :). The information on that site, on how to map the keys doesn't make sense to me, and every time i go to do it, it fails to work. maybe i am just misreading the instructions or something... *sighs*

Currently I am working on getting FF7 PC version to function on the psp.
And I have found an easy way to do it. Through the use of PSPdisp. It streams both the sounds and video output from your pc monitor/speakers to your psp through a wireless or usb connection. I merely want to play a modded FF7 in my bed, and I lack a labtop. So this is the best I have.

Now this Pspdisp program can play FFVII pc with minimal lag, and blurring (due to quality and fps). However the psp lacks a keyboard... There just happens to be a way to map out the keys so they function like a ps1 controller. Which is exactly what I need. :p.

There are various videos out there of gamers using this same program to play Call of Duty 4 on their psp's, via a computer connection. it is the Same concept, Just with FF7 instead of COD4. I just am lost on how to configure the controls. My many attempts have failed, the read-me's and help files offer little assistance, and I have not been able to find a tutorial through the hour or two of searching I put into this.

Any help you can offer will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,


Now, I am kinda sketchy on whether this is frowned upon here or not, this "PSP Modding"
I will remove this if the moderators don't like it. ^.^

Again thank you.

i get it in some of my posts, and it's gone in most of them though. So i just think it's a server glitch . :/

Completely Unrelated / Re: Legality Issues (Psp hacking)
« on: 2010-03-27 20:49:52 »
*edit due to stupidity*

Completely Unrelated / Re: My Apology
« on: 2010-03-26 05:53:11 »
Well, I have made a decision. That working on this project no longer suits me. MXster, we haven't even really spoken on this project, much. Team work is lacking. And your style, obviously, differs greatly from mine. All you have done actually is replaced the arms. I thought this was a "chibi reconstruction project." Not an arm replacement project, that has already been done.

I am going to do personal mods for the time being. And I don't mean to start a flame war, or anything, its just its quite frustrating, when I replaced the entire bodies (save the head), and he only replaces the arms, and "tweaks" my models.

Well I am off. I hope you all enjoy what ever MXster can conjure up on his own.

Good Luck!

This statement was centered at a single person... I just generalized it cause i didn't want to center him out.
This person kept putting my work down, even after I had repeatedly said this is "a rough draft, it isn't the best"
And he kept putting it down, saying he could do better, and never went to go do it. Well that is the vibe i got. I don't even remember his name. XD.
This was a stressful time for me. Due to family issues. But yeah... I regretted making that post.

whoops... i forgot I edited it... taking out the part you folks you are referring to.  xDD.. my bad

Do you have the 1.2 patch?

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