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Messages - Kranmer

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Gameplay / Re: FF8 limit changing
« on: 2011-05-15 18:00:42 »
you could have just searched for FF8launcher, the thread seems to now be at
well it was when i posted this.

A Moderator or Admin moved it to

Solved Problems / Re: FF7 - No disc problem.
« on: 2011-05-15 17:57:56 »
OK follow these steps.

1. Open RegEdit (to do this type RegEdit in the Run Box or the Search box depending on your version of windows)
2. Go to
By pressing the + button next to each box.
3. Click on the "Final Fantasy VII" folder In RegEdit on the left side.
4. Where it says DataDrive on the Right represents where the game is looking for the CD, make sure that is the Drive that your CD is in (so if your CD is in your D Drive make sure it says "D:\")

If you still don't understand take a screenshot of how far you have gotten and post it here.

Troubleshooting / Re: Bug-free ff7 pc
« on: 2011-05-13 11:59:34 »
I was looking for that function all day today. Where is it?

Well it was work i did quite awhile ago so i can't remember exactly how i came to it but the increase seemed to be from the address 006DB691, i made a DLL this morning which should just NOP the command at that address for anyone who wants to try it but i will say it was work i did awhile ago and it wasn't fully tested.
(to use the DLL use the "load_library = " command in Aali's driver, and if you already are using 1 DLL you can get a Multi DLL loader from my FF7anyCD thread)

General Discussion / Re: emerald weapon?
« on: 2011-05-12 23:39:21 »
There is a tool called "Teleporter And Instant Battle Trainer " that allows you to encounter enemy's by entering there values into the boxes provided, you can get it here
that will allow you to battle emerald/diamond/ruby again if you want to.

Troubleshooting / Re: Bug-free ff7 pc
« on: 2011-05-12 21:19:48 »
If anyone else is prepared to show us how to fix the DP glitch and W-Item issue, I'd be very interested.
Do you mean the glitch that allows you to use w-item to duplicate item's ? i was working on that awhile ago and i did manage to make it so the game didn't duplicate items when canceling (although you still loose a item if you cancel using w-item after selecting the first item and going to the second) for the PC version of the game.

Gameplay / Re: [WIP] Custom Game Settings (FF7)
« on: 2011-04-20 21:41:07 »
OK Wutai Clan here you go
Code: [Select]
Full In-Game menu
00DC08F8 = FF FF

No Random Battles
00DBCAD9 = 0

Constant Random Battles

Inf/Max Gil
00DC08B4 = FF B4 34 7F

Set Game Played Time To 0
00DC08B8 = 00 00
00CC0D89 =
00 = Normal Field
01 = Fade to black (use this for teleport plus the next 2 bytes)
02 = Battle swirl (use this for instant battle plus the next 2 bytes)
04 = Makes screen flash but somtimes plays movies
05 = Plays Ending Movie and Credits
06 = Rename Screen
07 = PHS
08 = Weapon Shop
09 = In-Game Menu (use this to get out of shop or phs or rename screen)
0C = MiniGame

You can find a list of teleport locations and values inside the zip which can be downloaded here
Character slot 1
00DC0230 =
00 = Cloud
01 = Barrett
02 = Tifa
03 = Aeris
04 = Red XIII
05 = Yuffie
06 = Cait Sith
07 = Vincent
08 = Cid
09 = Young Cloud (only while activated or if used before Kalm Flashback)
0A = Sephiroth (only while activated or if used before Kalm Flashback)
FF = Blank

Character slot 2

Character slot 3
Activate character instead of the following character (use this to replace different characters with sephiroth or young cloud)
00DBFD8C =

00DBFE10 =

00DBFE94 =

00DBFF18 =

00DBFF9C =

00DC0020 =

Cait Sith
00DC00A4 =

00DC0128 =

00DC01AC =

09 = Young Cloud
0A = Sepiroth
Sephiroth Instead of Vincent Code
Sephiroth In Slot3
00DC0232 = 0A

Activate Sephiroth Instead of Vincent
00DC0128 = 0A

Sephiroth's Name
00DC0136 = 01 41 33 45 50 48 49 52 4F 54 48 FF
That covers the things i think you where after, if you need anything else let me know (even if i don't have it i may be able to help).
Also a small request if i may, when this is complete would you be able to send me the Source to have a look at ? i don't really know much C++ but your project does interest me (also feel free to say no, i know how precious source code is to lots of programmers) Or if you could make it open source that would be even better.

Gameplay / Re: [WIP] Custom Game Settings (FF7)
« on: 2011-04-20 17:32:51 »
Anyways, if someone working on a trainer for ff7 can donate some known memory addresses it would speed up the process of finding the related .exe functions. (I need v1.02 addresses, anything you have will be good. Though I really need battle codes, codes for random battles, save anywhere, PHS always enabled, etc,.)

Well i am not currently working on my trainer due to being busy on other projects but i did make a trainer which can be gotten here (its for version 1.02 of FF7 as well)
Take a look at the options on that trainer and tell me if there are any of the address's you want and i will give you the address (also i do have some options i haven't added to the trainer like "Load Anywhere In Field" etc so even if its not on the trainer i may have the address)

darkbite?  I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess that's the one kranmer made.

Actually Vgr255 is correct, the SRC was created by Darkbyte i just compiled the DLL in Delphi and found a way of implementing it into ff7 (first by patching the EXE then later by requesting Aali added the function to his driver)
The original thread about the speedhack can be found here

Solved Problems / Re: Expect Extreme Lag FF7 Error Msg
« on: 2011-04-19 15:48:33 »
OK even though you got the white screen did you check your app.log to see if it detected your card ?
I always used the nvidia 197.77 driver (which you can get from when i use my geforce card and that works with FF7 (well it does for me) but i thought that maybe the newer driver would work for but from what Covarr says above it appears the newest nvidia driver wont work.

Solved Problems / Re: Expect Extreme Lag FF7 Error Msg
« on: 2011-04-19 14:45:34 »
OK first update the version of Aali's driver to 0.7.10, then install the latest nvidia driver for your version of windows (can be found at the offical nvidia website then tell me what happens.

Solved Problems / Re: Expect Extreme Lag FF7 Error Msg
« on: 2011-04-19 14:13:45 »
What graphic's card do you have ? have you got the drivers installed correctly for that card ? Also you might want to post your App.log

Gameplay / Re: [WIP] Custom Game Settings (FF7)
« on: 2011-04-19 06:59:32 »
I have tested this by loading this directly from Aali's Driver (with the load library function) and the multi DLL and i have tried injecting the DLL myself and all 3 ways have failed, in Aali's driver i just get the error
ERROR: Failed to load library GameSettings.dll

Also i have VC++ 2005,2008,2010 redist's installed already

Edit: One last question, are you using load_library to load that multi loader thing you were talking about? If so, try just replacing that, I don't think Aali's driver supports multiple load_library calls..
I posted the Multi loader for DLL's because Aali's driver doesn't support loading more then 1 DLL but by using the DLL in the post below you can load as many DLL's as you want (well i havent tested how many you can load but i have loaded over 4 successfully)

OK i found the problem, i installed "Visual Studio Express 2010" (its the free version of visual studio) and then your DLL ran fine, so then i deleted every single folder installed by Visual Studio 1 by 1 until the DLL stopped working again, then i narrowed it down further by deleting 1 file at a time and i figured out exactly which files are the needed to run this
if the above 2 DLL's are in the system32 folder or the games folder your DLL works fine (providing you have VC++ redist 2010 as well). Hope that helps.

Just tried this with the multi DLL and it works fine with it.

Gameplay / Re: [WIP] Custom Game Settings (FF7)
« on: 2011-04-18 21:33:55 »
How is it supposed to load? I put it either in the LOADR folder with the Multi.dll or directly in the FF7 directory and configure, but no one works. I'm running W7 64 bits (or was it? I have (x86) after one of my Program Files, so what is it?)

if you have x86 after one of your program files folders then you are on 64bit (x86 means 32bit so all the files in the program files folder that uses the x86 are 32bit programs)

EDIT- i also just get
ERROR: Failed to load library GameSettings.dll
when running this DLL on Windows XP SP3 32bit

Completely Unrelated / Re: Metal Gear Solid PC Problem
« on: 2011-04-17 22:44:29 »
Could i use nvidia filtering like aa inside virtualbox?, so i have to install the game in this virtual machine? ill download and try to get it to work.

Well you can use Nvidia filtering in virtual-box apparently (i haven't done it but i have read about it) but MGS wont run in hardware mode in virtual-box so it would be pointless (well i couldn't get it to do it), but if you want to use hardware mode you will need to use either VMware Workstation or VMPlayer (vmplayer is free but has limited functionality and vmware costs money but works better so if you have money go for vmware workstation) which should allow MGS to run in hardware mode and use AA and allow you to use your controller (i say "should" because i havent tested this is in vmware or vmplayer but i know people who have and they have been happy with the results)

Completely Unrelated / Re: Metal Gear Solid PC Problem
« on: 2011-04-16 13:20:00 »
@destroyedweapon All video's in the game do this (yes that means the end as well), I looked into this for quite awhile and didn't find any kind of fix, i tried everything i could think off which included
Different Operating systems (win98,windows XP,windows Vista Home basic,Windows 7 Home Trial, Ubuntu 9.10 with Wine)
Different processors (AMD3000, AMD5000+, AMD Phenom X6 1055T, Intel Celeron)
Different RAM (DDR2 and DDR3)
Different graphic cards (Geforce 6600, Geforce 9600 GSO, ATI HD2600, ATI HD5770, Intel intergrated)
and lots of other things (too many to list)
and not 1 thing seemed to fix the problem, but after a long time of testing i decided to mess with it in a virtual machine and it seemed to work on any OS XP, Vista or Win7 (as shown in this video so i am kind of confused as to why it works in a virtual machine and not on a real machine, from what i can tell it is most likely due to the graphics (but this is my own theory and NOT a fact), Virtualbox emulates a graphics card and appears to be able to handle MGS fine.

Well here is the basic code used when i did the DLL for the ff7anycd DLL in ASM (this is just a example, the address's i used in this example are complete fakes, and i also used both decimal and hex to show you that both can be used if you use the correct commands)

Code: [Select]
.model flat,stdcall
option casemap:none

include include\
includelib lib\kernel32.lib
include include\
includelib lib\user32.lib

tCodeasm proto

maxhp dd 00400000h
maxhpvalue dd 0000270Fh
maxmp dd 00400000h
maxmpvalue dd 999d

OldProt dd ?


DllMain proc hInstance:DWORD, reason:DWORD, lpReserved:DWORD
    mov eax,reason
    cmp eax,1
        jnz @returnf                                         
    invoke CreateThread, 0, 0, addr tCodeasm, 0, 0, 0       
       ret 0ch
DllMain endp

WriteMemory proc address:DWORD, nData:DWORD, len:DWORD
    invoke VirtualProtect,address,len,40h,addr OldProt
    invoke RtlMoveMemory,address,nData,len
    invoke VirtualProtect,address,len,OldProt,0

    ret 0ch
WriteMemory endp

tCodeasm proc
    invoke WriteMemory,maxhp,addr maxhpvalue,2
    invoke WriteMemory,maxmp,addr maxmpvalue,2
tCodeasm endp

End DllMain

just compile that in MASM as a DLL (and of course edit the values to real ones) and it shoud patch those values ingame.

Going out on a limb, but II think Kranmer is suggesting the segments aren't always contiguous (ie don't follow the same order) on different machines. I could be misunderstanding him, though.
Yes that is what i ment.

Unfortunately it is all over the place....  WE do have documentation but a lot is all over.  I will ask kranmer what he says and if he is OK I will post our work.  I can't guarantee that it will answer all your questions, and you are better off learning proper hex editing and debugging as well.

Well i am fine with you releasing the documents we have on editing the menu (when a project is done and dusted i am always up for sharing info, i just don't like doing so while its ongoing), although you may want to clean it up first since its all over the place, i found things as and when i needed them since originally i hadn't planned on making a project out of it, the menu project sort of started with Dan (DLPB) wanting to straighten out the status menu (and the battle interface started with Dan wanting to move the red arrows), when we started i never imagined it would be as big a project as it was.

Also i am in the middle of remodeling of the house i live in so i am not able to get online as much at this moment in time so if i am not on for a few days you all know why.

sounds like a good idea,
yeah a DLL can patch memory, you could use Aali's "Load_Library" function and make a DLL that will work from his driver that will load a CFG/XML/INI/TXT and patch with those bytes (i do this with my ff7anycd DLL but i dont use any kind of INI file i just have the values in the DLL itself).
Also if its patching the memory what would you do in the case that it loads a file into a different part of the memory ? (for example the window.bin is loaded into a different part of the memory on my PC then it is on DLPB's PC).

Releases / Re: [REL] FF7 AnyCD
« on: 2011-04-05 20:24:08 »
ok i have been looking into a way to get around antivir and i think i have come up with a method, i will post the new DLL later (maybe tomorrow) after a bit more testing.

It works!!! I managed to load a disc 2 game with my C: drive named FF7DISC1 and the speedhack loaded too. You are really my master kranmer! Now make a FF8 Trainer and you will be one my three gods (with Aali and ficedula).

Nice to hear it worked for you :), i will look into making a FF8 trainer at some point (i havent even looked at FF8's memory so i dont know how easy it will be to make a trainer), any sugestions on what there should be in the trainer if i make one ?

Releases / Re: [RELEASE] FF7Music Installer
« on: 2011-04-05 20:20:15 »
You bet your ass this is gonna lead to significant changes in the next version of my installer. It will definitely allow more configurability, and probably use a default install location of wherever ff7 is installed.

Nice :), i really look forward to the next version.

@AlbusJC do you have the 9999 patch turned on in Aali's driver ? if you do disable it.

Releases / Re: [REL] FF7 AnyCD
« on: 2011-04-04 22:28:18 »
Just wondering. Could you combine this DLL with the speedhack DLL because I will try using both...

Well i can't really combine the two DLL's, i did make the FF7anyCD one but i didnt make the speedhack one i just compiled it, also the one i made was in ASM where the speedhack is in Delphi/Pascal so combining them would be very hard (if not impossible for someone like me who isnt good at programming),
But i can still help you :)
download this
extract both the DLL and the FOLDER into your FF7 folder and add this to Aali's Driver (or if you already have a DLL in Aali's driver edit it to this)
load_library = Multi.dll
then both the speedhack.dll and this FF7anycd.DLL in the folder called LOADR
load the game and it should load all DLL files in the LOADR folder (so in the future you can even add more DLL's if you need to :))

NOTE1 :- Also i would like to make it clear, i didnt make this Multi.dll a friend of mine found the source code and compiled it for me then sent me it, so i take 0% credit for this Multi.dll
NOTE2 :- This is also detected as a virus by AntiVir, i have used this before and it is NOT A VIRUS, AntiVir seems to think anything compiled in MASM with the virtualprotect function is a virus (this is only my theory).

Releases / Re: [REL] FF7 AnyCD
« on: 2011-04-04 20:24:17 »
Awesome ^^

Also, for those who like me use Avira Antivir Personal, here is how to configure it so it stops detecting the .dll as a threat (those popups and sounds are incredibly annoying - and it looks like they won't stop until you delete the dll) :

- Right-click on Antivir Guard
- Configure Antivir
- check "expert mode" in the top-left area
- double-click on Guard,
- double click on Search
- select Exceptions
- select the .dll in the 'Files to be excluded by the Guard system' (or something like that)
- press OK.

Please note that my program is in french, so chances are the above options are worded differently (this is just my own translation). It's also a good idea to exclude the file in the "scan" or "scanning" section (do the same as the above, but in step 4, replace "Guard" by "Scan" or "Scanning").
Thanks for that Armorvil, i will edit the first post shortly with this info.

Releases / Re: [REL] FF7 AnyCD
« on: 2011-04-04 18:05:36 »
The DLL of course! =)

OK that's good enough for me, just created the DLL, you can get it here
Extract the DLL to your FF7 folder.
then edit the FF7_opengl.cfg and add the line
load_library = FF7anyCD.dll
Then run the game with any FF7 CD in the drive and hey presto your done.

Also i scanned this with and it came back with 1 virus scanner out of 42 saying this was a virus THIS IS A FALSE POSATIVE, i made this myself and i assure you its not a virus, here is the report from virustotal

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