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Messages - Xelane

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Q-Gears / Re: Create an Original Game?
« on: 2009-07-15 09:10:30 »
Akari, notify me if/when you get it out =[) i'd love to play

I'm with sefurosu, the original is great but a remake would make me sh*t a good way(?)

I know double posting is looked down upon but with all of the mess from the first post i sort of had no choice, also it has this issue where i cant see what i'm typin and it screws up sometimes...

anyway i fixed all of it but there is a small annoyance. If i exit the game by either selecting quit or ctr+alt+del'ing my way out, the processes still state that it is running. The reason that is annoying is because it looks like i get returned to my desktop but if i try to do anything it never works.

internet acts like it doesnt work
applications stop listening

I can end that by closing the process titled "ff7.exe" but i would rather figure out why and have it so that it doesn't keep doing that.

anyway thanks to anyone that would have helped, it took me hours to search these boards for enough info to fix this.

the game is also kinda slow to the point where it becomes annoying. it takes about 1.5-2X longer to get through anything, so any ideas on how to speed up gameplay would be great.

Hello all, this may have been covered but even after searching for about an hour here i could not find an answer so here i am with this problem.

see i just downloaded this AC mod which doesn't seem to like my computer. if i dont want wierd stuff like missing heads, clothing texture problems, and invisible bdy parts, i have to enable nvida with tnt...

problem is that when i do that all of the color for effects and text (talking text and menu text) becomes inverted in color. and if i DONT turn on nvida and tnt i get a good game BUt the characters are messed up...

i tried disabling 8-bit textures and no avail, i used the official ff7 a.02 patch which fixed text and backround but i can't enter any crashes before i even get the battle swirl...and yes i did use yamp to no avail

if it matters i have windows XP media center 2005 with omega drviers.

The most important thing here is that the field and color is fixed with the official patch but the game crashes when the battle swirl is supposed to occur
so there you have it...any help is appreciated

Edit: new thing, i had to use yamp on the official patch so now i can get into battle...but now victory fanfare ends with an error message when it's supposed to go to the results screen.

Did you change the animation ID? that's the important thing to do when changing how an ability looks and to an extent the animation Id can be very important (like multiple hit animations)

and i don't mind that you posted on an old topic BUT others might, what would be better is if you either made a new topic or simply sent NFIT a message.

Archive / Re: my first successful model conversion!
« on: 2009-07-13 02:07:39 »
idk about the problem you have with the model but with this tool called wallmarket by NFIT you can do awesome things very easily.

you can indeed mix and match and they might be messed up but in this case it could be better than having him randomly transforming into a beast.

in fact thanks to wallmarket i made attacks like heartless angel, edited weapons so they could look different, and had different statistics, and even made it so that all my chars could equip the masamune  :-D

to put it simply it allows you to alter everything battle related for your characters. Meaning spells, weapons, armor, attacks, accesories, etc. so if you're interested u shud try it  :wink:

Archive / Re: Help me fix this problem please T_T
« on: 2009-07-12 19:57:51 »
you may be doing this already but why stop at the head? why not replace the entire ifrit model for the better looking one?

just my opinion though, this stuff seems pretty time consuming.

Archive / Re: my first successful model conversion!
« on: 2009-07-12 19:55:56 »
reguarding the squall mod you know what you could do? you could give him barret's limits for the handgun which i just noticed does not belong in squalls hands...

shud have a gun blade and just save cloud's stance files over vincent's

in that case you could mix in cloud, barret and maybe vincent's limits.

also i think you could also get away with swapping tifa for zell, and maybe sephy for seifer  :-D

Releases / Re: [Release v1.1] FF7 Turks Mod Complete
« on: 2009-07-12 05:07:47 »
flying enemies have to be attacked with a long range weapon or someone with the long range materia equipped

Archive / Re: Encounter, AI and Model Problems
« on: 2009-07-11 22:21:15 »
for the whole field thing you would have to use a program made here called meteor.

Archive / Re: Red XIII WIP
« on: 2009-07-11 06:26:23 »
looks like all it needs is some smoothing out and some texturing and you're good to go.

but i'm not a modder so i don't have a clue about wtf i'm saying

Well i know that i mean i don't know how i would change my character's data into what it needs to be in order for it to getthe results i want.

and yes wallmarket can alter char ai but i can't figure out where the values for 4024, 4028, and 4029 are which are the ones that i need.

rofl that happened to me too. there was several things i did but i don't remember which fixed it.

1: if you press menu and then exit out of it (this would be the page up button on the keypad) you should be able to play. if you do this and the battle crashes it could be the official patch that did it.

2: at one point i had to set the game to run for my specific system aka: run as win 95 or something, you could try different ones and see if any of them help.

3:this actually somehow helped, i ran fculda (or however u say it) and when it started the game i could actually play it...weird

but alot of people have had this problem so you could do some searching and find the answer, in fact i might go look and see if i find something.

edit: btw if you installed the high res patch that could also be the problem.
Also check that you have 640x480 & TNT selected in the FFVII Config, by this i mean, click on the little chocobo icon that says config in the squaresoft file  and make it run on 640X480 and that may help you

yup that's what i would do, back when i first started doing this stuff i had to reinstal at least 3 times. it's no biggie just make sure that you back up your files from now on.

what you do is extract the field models, then you run the patch, then you click create and then you click on the new file you made.

after that it will ask for another file to rewrite, just go to the field and char.lpg and name it char.lpg and that should work

i think what you're doing is erasing the char.lpg you just you're essentially erasing the change you made.

in other words don't delete the char.lpg cuase when you choose to create a new one it saves OVER the old one

hope that helps

You might be interested in looking into certain programs ppl have to use for that problem, i think it was something like yamp and ff71.2 patch to make it stop being stupid.

try downloading and applying those and see if they work.

oh i see, now i remember seeing vincent's multiple models...that coincidently makes him even more ideal to replace than sephy.

about proud clod, i thought it only edited enemy data? i don't remember any options for editing my own character data.

well i guess i can look again

edit: also, why is it that you seem to come when needed then when it's all over you just kinda disappear? it's like ur superman lol. you fly away to wherever you are needed  :-D

yea the files are there but i don't know how to use em -.-

Actually it looks like a copy these numbers here job, but i don't know how i would edit the numbers...

I wanted to figure something i just noticed out.

In battle vincent does turn into sephy like i wanted BUT if i choose to give vincent death penalty he turns back into vincent with all of his regular animations. I'm not complaining as it makes it easy to change him back if i wanted to.

I just wanted to understand why this happens, the only thing i know about it is that death penalty is probably one of the weapon files that was left alone when i copied all of sephiroth's files over vincent's.

also, can someone help me figure out how to make a character's AI read it so that they are invincible?

NFIT said that i would be able to do so by copying 3/4 of sephy's initial script and putting it in another char's AI. problem is that they all have puzzle piece-like wallmarket if i look in pre-battle then some chars have info there, while almost all the other's do not, the same seems to go for the others as any help there is appreciated.

Archive / Re: Encounter, AI and Model Problems
« on: 2009-07-10 22:29:07 »
You may disagree with me on this BUt couldn't you just take ultima weapon's model as a base and make it more epic?

oh and do something like replace ultima beam's animation for the laser that the boss on the elevator in shinra corp? (it's red where as ultima beam is blue)

edit: and as for when to fight omega weapon, maybe you could have it set so that it happens after emerald and ruby have been defeated? my idea is that if possible maybe after you beat the 2 ultima weapon reappears BUt this time it's changed into omega weapon.

like make it's skin color white, maybe if it's possible you could import ff8 or ffX's omega weapon and use him instead.

maybe you could even add some text so that they say something reffering to how they've fought ultima before.

those are just some of my ideas, good luck on your enemy mod.

almost everyone has that problem until they instal k-lite codec and trumotion. no biggie just listen to prince and it should work fine.

Archive / Re: [WIP] Trishty mod
« on: 2009-07-10 13:24:58 »
in kingdom hearts he had a demon-like wing that came outo f his back if he did a certain move, and this version of him has his kh refference.

Archive / Re: [WIP] Trishty mod
« on: 2009-07-10 01:28:42 »
wat about hell masker and...that frankenstein thing?

FF7 Tools / Wall Market, FFVII KERNEL.BIN editor
« on: 2009-07-09 22:14:46 »
Hey NFIT thanks for helping us out. Hopefully this fixes hellbringer's problem

as for peerless...well that looks like alot of work, and it might not even work.
Maybe i will toy with it to see if it holds any amusing results.

but when you say 0x05 are you reffering to the raw data?

Completely Unrelated / Re: - Untamed and Uncut -
« on: 2009-07-09 14:40:21 »
just looked at the was that? first of all you have to be a moron to do something so stupid as to get that close when there are security measures to prevent that

and as for the people with sticks...they would have been better of either jabbing him with them or simply using a more blunt object, leven their fists would have worked better than that  :x

I hate stupid people...

why are there flags like that for this? I mean it's one thing if it were something like saying something mean to aries but...the third option from the inn keeper?

i don't get why it would be something as specific as that -.-

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