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Messages - Swampthing15

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ok to the ff8 moding....i downloaded you launcher and following the readme (i think...) but when i start the launcher i get an error as follows...


this application has failed to start because the application configuration is incorrect. reinstalling the application may fix the problem.

i ahve a feeling im missing something obvious here....sorry if this problem has been fixed i tried to read the posts but for some reason im having problems staying focused today....may have skimmed over it

as i said im just starting my ff8 pc expierence....recent finished ff7 with some mods...are there any mods that u guys seems that graffically every1 focuses more on 7 than 8...very few mods that ive found for 8....thx again

EDIT: lol ok i was was obvious...i forgot to download that microsoft that problem is fixed...still havent done anything else yet...

at the end of the ff7 series...whenever it may be, i think they should/will make a movie or even trillogy to tie everything together...i havent played all of the spin offs but from what i understand they all leave u guessing at things...

Archive / Re: Modeler
« on: 2008-04-18 02:59:37 »
um you might talk to ice cold about his prp project...hes looking for modelers and im sure he can fill u in on the rather new to this forum (about a month or two) but from what i see his team seems to be the most active when it comes to a project, theres some awesome freelancers on here too....but alot of them cant share there work for others to use due to copyright stuff....

the forum for the prp project is:

Troubleshooting / Re: FF7Music Messes Up Chocobo Racing??
« on: 2008-04-16 23:16:37 »
i had that problem too.... my chocobo patch was integrated into one of my mods so i downloaded the chocobo patch by itself and installed....fixed the problem

Archive / Re: cait sith
« on: 2008-04-16 01:08:26 »
what if u replace the cat and the moogle?

Archive / Re: cait sith
« on: 2008-04-15 23:32:28 »
any1 happen to know the name of the caitsith models?

Archive / Re: ff7music question
« on: 2008-04-15 03:44:40 »
i wish i could help you, unfortunately it seems every1 is having problem with this mod....i have it downloaded but have decided not to install until some1 can come up with the correct fixes...

so was that intended or just a sweet bug? cause i use it alot...

idk much about vista...just use it when im fixing problems on it for ppl, lol but does it have a compatitbility mode like xp does? that might help...

ummm...well ive played thru all of those things already....and i havent had a might be a mod or patch im using but i can say its not a windows xp problem and my movies are read from the disk...although i plan on changing that soon...

Archive / Re: black screen in FFVII please help
« on: 2008-04-12 05:36:07 »

perhaps u can instal the GyptInstant patch....this is a cutscene skip and it causes that problem, but also has a ctrl+d function that should bring it back

Archive / Re: cait sith
« on: 2008-04-11 20:14:27 »
so did u remove him all together? or do u just have the cat now? i know doc stuff havent been mastered yet, but im using that as a reference

Archive / Re: Buster Sword for all Weapons Patch
« on: 2008-04-11 16:56:25 »
so do they all look the same or are they different version just the same style?

Archive / cait sith
« on: 2008-04-11 16:54:54 »
hey guys, im wondering about the possibility (heck it may have already been done) of changing the cait sith char to the cat from know with out the big gay marshmellow? id might actually use him if it wasnt for that part of him (im not a fan of it) and even as a cat it could still hop around and move as cait sith does normally, if changing the motion would be a just wondering...thx in advance

hey guys its me again...with an update of the errors ive found, i know u love hearing from me:

the materia in the caves under cosmo canyon appeared...but none other, the basket ball in the wonder square, and the ball the kids kick back and forth at costa del sol (i think thats the right name) is also invisable and maybe linked?

i just finished the scene of aeris' death, had vincent in my party and he was flipping out...kinda reminded me of a one man legged man in an butt (in case there are some minors around) kicking cracked me up actually...his cape went straight up and one leg stuck straight out in front of him, and it flailed about wildly...

i think there was something else but it wasnt major whenever i ran across it at the time...if i remember it ill let u guys know...

great mod having a blast with it...

Archive / Re: NPC RP .6 problem...
« on: 2008-04-06 22:33:35 »
lol o ok, well i cant help u with the .6...i never could get it to work either lol....mine wouldnt give me an error, but it would crahs randomly during gameplay i think lpg tools was skipping files or something....cause i got it to work for a longer amount of times a acouple times but i never could get to the first save point (if i started a new game)

Archive / Re: NPC RP .6 problem...
« on: 2008-04-06 22:17:26 »
i suggest using the new prp mod's files

download and run the install like it says but take the lgp files that it makes and replace ur chars file with it....if u read the forum me and atleast one other guy has explained it...idk if it works on vista tho

Archive / Re: Model creation
« on: 2008-04-05 17:17:53 »
ok, all of the threads ive looked at, every1 is talking about the crisis core and Kingdom Hearts models of the FFVII chars, what about dirge of cereberus? can u not rip the models out of that game? i ask cause i really like the vincent model and it is curently the only new FF7 game ive got...but im seriously thinking about buying a psp just for crisis core....and also thinkin bout picking up a copy of kingdom hearts lol

Archive / Re: Weeemus FF Fan Movie?
« on: 2008-04-05 17:13:45 »
Your welcome  :-D But hey may i ask. Whats the name of the program called? And is it on windows?

well ive not figure out what to use and if i already have it or need to get more yet, im still new to this type of modding (mostly stuck with editing weapon stats and what not in other pc games) i havent actually started in projects yet but i really want to, and since the fmvs have been largely unaltered, i thought id start with that so that im not merely recreating something some1 else has created lol

but ill let you know what software im going to use, im thinking right now that ill be able to use Adobe After Effects CS3 and the macromedia studio 8 stuff ive got...and maybe some 3ds max for the modeling (i hope i can use it cause its really the only 3d thing that ive used much)

the way i found out about all of this, i downloaded FINAL FANTASY VII PC - NEAT COMPILATION OF PATCHES AND MODS with my utorrent, u should be able to do a google or a torent search to find them...

this folder contains:
1.02 patch
the saints highres
high quality cloud by dreakon
ff7pc hand patch mod (doesnt work with rcp so i figure neither does it work with the prp)
npc reconstruction patch (.6)
new spell patch by zero88
advent avatars by aali
laptop keypad patch
play as sephiroth patch by our very own mr ice_cold513 (beta)

it also has before and after pics and a nice readme that tells u how and what order to install the mods....its very nice and im glad i found it, and opened my eyes to the world of ffvii mods...

Archive / Re: Weeemus FF Fan Movie?
« on: 2008-04-05 07:02:46 »

If you're talking about editing the Sephiroth and opening scene into the game, it's already been done.  I want to say Otokoshi was the one to edit them in, but I'm not positive.

im sorry, i was using them as an example, im a little tired and that didnt come out in what i but thx for linking them i didnt know he had them posted on here...i found them somewhere else

and weeemus thx for the info, ive played thru this game so much on the psx ive gotten tired of the same content givin to me in the same way lol now that i got my pc version working and all these new mods (rcp/prp) the fmvs dont seem to keep up with the field chars lol

ill have to figure out how to use my editing software...i used to use them but that was about 3 versions ago and it all seems different to me now lol ill start simple with using other videos and maybe make me own original content sometime...thx again for the info

Archive / Re: Weeemus FF Fan Movie?
« on: 2008-04-05 06:25:01 »
so what are you goina use to make the movie? ive got some unused editing software on my comp, and i was thinking about maybe remakeing a couple of the games fmvs...and seeing if i could get them to work like the ones they made for the ps3 release...(opening scene and sephi's fire scene if any1 hasnt seen them) im not goina try to make anything is such detail...but maybe change the fmvs to fit with some of the replacement mods out there? any ideas on the difficulty of that? i am aware it would be quite tedious but ive not seen any1 even mention it on these forums, was wondering if something about the game engine made it impossible...kinda like the better background images....

WIP / Re: Cloud Replacement Model
« on: 2008-04-05 00:28:48 »
could u not make a prgraom that would extract it and do nexxisarry mods without actually sharing the files? like rip the files out of the existing game on users comp?

in my case for whatever reason i couldnt get the .6 rcp project to work properly on my comp...i had random freezing that no1 could figure out. and i am running this mod with a bunch of other mods and its working fine...ill explain again how i did that:

install the mod as normal....and then go to the mod folder in your data folder of final fantasy 7 (default is C:\Program Files\Square Soft, Inc\Final Fantasy VII\data\ffprp) and copy the char lgp (for some reason mine was named 00.lgp so rename it if u have to) and paste it into C:\Program Files\Square Soft, Inc\Final Fantasy VII\data\field replacing the original char.lgp (u did make a backup right?)

after yo do this you can run the game on standard game exe or desktop shortcut not the prp shortcut...then u can install whatever other mods you want ( i have not tested the high res patch yet, nor would i install a file that modified the char.lgp-i dont know what that would do to the game) and dont forget to atleast put the 1.02 patch

i know this is not the intended use but it ive said before for some reason my materia (the stuff laying on the ground not the ones in my inventory) is invisible...but it may be the fact of the way i installed, im waiting for an update to try to reinstall the intended way.

sorry if any of that is hard to follow...i just got up lol and now i have to go to work... :|

yea save points are awesome looking

and an update on the materia...any that lays on the ground is invisible...atleast all that ive found so far is there but invisible

LOVING the mod so far....

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