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Messages - Jaitsu

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General Discussion / Re: optimum pc setup for ff7?
« on: 2011-05-23 01:50:50 »
uh anything newer than 2002....

not true, some hardware even now has trouble running the game, i, unfortunately, know this.

Releases / Re: [WIP] Omni Cloud [Field and Battle Model]
« on: 2011-05-23 01:50:04 »
not sure why he needs approval, as long as the models and textures are 100 percent made by him..

..... the f*ck?

Archive / Re: Redesigns (image heavy thread)
« on: 2011-05-23 01:48:13 »
hey, a bit off topic, i got inspired by your civilian cloud and drew a character similar looking (not completely the same, hairs different and no pouldron (sp?))

i could do some work on photoshop and put it up if you'd like to take a quick look at it.

a bit more on topic, your work is still awesome every time i see it

General Discussion / Re: FF VII "All characters" patch ?
« on: 2011-05-23 01:46:06 »
I beg to differ.

He has it almost right, but all he needs to do to finish would be to kill the limit breaks off to ensure the game doesn't crash, and change the field animations. He could be able to just change 6 for the game to continue flawlessly.

Both of which take almost no time to actually do.

The interesting thing about Cait Sith and Red 13's field models is that they have very few unique animations, and if you replace the skeleton type for another character and replace the corresponding animation, it will work perfectly.

For it to work mostly, you could just replace the walking, getting ready to attack, idle and running animation cait sith has, and for the others, use the idle animation if there isn't a version the other character uses.

As for killing the limit break, that can be optional, but you change the initial data for Cait Sith (which is in the exe IIRC) for him to start with level 0 limit breaks instead of level 1, and because the first level of limit breaks can't be unlocked through kills, he will never have a single limit break.

Thus ensuring the game won't crash in battle when you try to force him to use another character's limit break.

the issues i believe were more storyline wise, and the one animation in which he bounces around was to be changed completely, things might be different now, but from what i can tell, at the time, easy it was not.

General Discussion / Re: FF VII "All characters" patch ?
« on: 2011-05-22 19:56:24 »
That Black Chocobo mod looks really awesome, seems like you can basically do whatever you want with it. Thanks sithlord48.

The only problem remains with Sephiroth. Ultima espio, how about replacing one character by Sephiroth ? (for example Cait Sith who's very ugly and useless imo).

Basically, it'd be something like what has been done in the Sephi patch, but in a more simple way (since you "just" have to change the model of Cait Sith in game, in battle and his picture in the menu).

We could therefore have all the characters except Cait Sith (or another one we don't plan on playing with) and we could even control Sephiroth in battle. There'd be some minor problems like the limit breaks (and probably many others), but that seems possible, right ?

there was something going on to replace cait with someone else a long time ago, its no where near that easy.

Troubleshooting / Re: ff8 - G.F. and NPC
« on: 2011-05-16 13:43:52 »
Which tool should I use for extracting files from ff8.exe?

Bitrun doesn't work  :(

extremely difficult, very little work has been done on FF8 and tools for it compared to FF7

don't you fwoosh it Richard
theres baby's to eat somewhere else

can't it be both? :P

the network may be back, but for how long.

Completely Unrelated / Re: Food Additctions?
« on: 2011-05-12 19:50:33 »
summersausage, nuff said

Ummm.. because you're not using lgp/unlgp?  :-P
I've extensively decompiled and compiled my lgp's using version .5 and have had 0 problems... :|

actually i was using lgp/unlgp, the errors were all listed in CMD when i tried to decompile them. i think something just corrupted it, i'm doing a clean install tonight, and i'll see how everything works out.

If there was any .a file contained in any mods you've downloaded, that is the problem.  Kimera has a nasty habit of sometimes creating faulty .a animation files.   If those files are then recompiled back into your .lgp, it will cause problems similar to what you are seeing.

any reaosn when i tried to decompile char with lgp/unlgp i got many errors and only got a little over 3000 of the over 10000 pieces in it? just trying to track down which mod caused the problem.

Jaitsu, can you confirm when you've tried this, and tell us whether it works or not?

i can't actually, apon attempting to do this my game will no longer start so i gotta uninstall and reinstall, app log shows nothing is wrong, just suddenly stops.

i'm pretty sure i can attribute whatever happened to me trying to install espio's aerith patch but i'm not 100 percent on that.

i'll do it all, including installing the civilian cloud mod again and after that, we'll see what in the name of qhimm is going on.

You animation files in char.lgp are messed up. Replace it with a clean one.

thanks, i'll do that in a bit, your a life saver sl

Completely Unrelated / Re: I AM ABSOLUTELY GUTTED!
« on: 2011-05-10 00:14:32 »
Even better! Now the terrorists can anticipate the tortur methods and expect it, as well as plan for it. Then can plan for an agent to be caught, and deliberately give him false info. To send us on a wild goose chase spending millions.

*cough* WMD's *cough*


this is very weird to me, as i've never experienced this before.

and it does not just happen to cloud, it happens to many characters, for example, when the shinra guards surround cloud right before he jumps on the train, it happens to every single one of them, and i can't figure out why.

has anyone experienced anything like this? if so did you ever find a fix?

let me know if you need anything more, information or otherwise, i'll give you what you need, this is weird...

Archive / Re: Civilian Cloud
« on: 2011-05-09 23:46:09 »
another glitch (maybe).

the pauldron doesn't appear in battle.

Team Avalanche / Re: question regarding resolution
« on: 2011-05-09 21:34:33 »
Try it and find out. Let us know when you do.

sure thing, though it won't be right away


can't, i keep getting a weird error with lgp/unlgp, can't apply everything.

Solved Problems / Re: FFVII Sound Effects Problem...
« on: 2011-05-09 21:33:43 »
really? i always thought windows 7 was better then vista with UAC

Completely Unrelated / Re: I AM ABSOLUTELY GUTTED!
« on: 2011-05-09 21:23:56 »
At least you can comfort yourself with the fact that you're doing better than Jaitsu. ;D

There, there. At least you can comfort yourself with the fact that you're doing better than Hermoor. ;D

BTW, is anyone else having trouble posting? I've noticed a weird problem with the page becoming unresponsive when I post. I can copy/paste what I've written and post using a different tab, but it's an inconvenience.

On the other hand, I'm using a bleeding edge version of Chromium, so my browser might be derping.

aww, that gives me such a fuzzy feeling, being smarter then... well, whatever the hell he is.

and yeah, i am to, its as if the entire site just slowed down to a crawl

Archive / Re: Civilian Cloud
« on: 2011-05-09 21:20:53 »
I wish we had more mods like this. Call me a big girl if you will, but I love these costume changes.

you're not the only one.

Team Avalanche / Re: question regarding resolution
« on: 2011-05-09 21:17:37 »
I would go with high. In fact with the scaling and filtering the driver now does high will most likely work for most.

thanks dude!

which reminds me, if i install this, will there be any problems if i install espio's aerith patch?

Completely Unrelated / Re: I AM ABSOLUTELY GUTTED!
« on: 2011-05-09 21:12:24 »
i'm failing in highschool -.-

Team Avalanche / question regarding resolution
« on: 2011-05-09 21:08:56 »
quick question regarding resolution, can help other people as well.

so i finally am reinstalling everything and realize i'm not sure which my res falls under, high res or low res, for the installers i mean.

what would be considered high, and what would be considered low?

my res is 1600x900

1600 wide, 900 tall. its a laptop :P. sorry if this was answered somewhere before, i did a search and didn't come up with much.

Releases / Re: FF7Music Installer
« on: 2011-05-09 20:35:34 »
FF music does not work at all , it opens and than it says m_PkChar Error  over and over again. I have the 1.02 patch, Alalis Custom driver 7.10, Phoenix Rejuvenation and Team Avalanche installed and i am ruining Windows7 64bit Ultimate.
Never mind problem solved turns out if I have a game a play called Fiesta open and runing and i try to open ffmusic i get the Pkchar error. Very odd but not surpzied (fiesta is riddled with bugs) but didnt think it would affect my windows environment) all though i am curious does ffmusic using some windows file or something  as well as fiesta to cause this conflict?

Fiesta, yeah, does that way to often, plus i personally find the game terrible.

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