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Messages - mirex

Pages: 1 ... 35 36 37 38 39 [40] 41 42 43
Scripting and Reverse Engineering / Lightwave LWO format
« on: 2001-10-11 05:45:00 »
Alhexx: link to lwo converter at your page is broken.

Scripting and Reverse Engineering / Lightwave LWO format
« on: 2001-10-10 06:13:00 »
fice: LWO is not more complex than other 3d files. If you need any help with it...

Scripting and Reverse Engineering / To 3DS Max users...
« on: 2001-10-10 06:10:00 »
Darkness: try, there is one free 3d program. I never tried it but it looks like basic 3d editor.

Btw guys you dont have any warez group around you ? Why to download lots of megs, when i can get it on cd ? Everybody here does it like this.
I mean everybody here buys original CDs :wink:

When there is some problem i run scandisk for windows, usually im able to save most of lost data, then run defragment to clean up and scandisk again to check it.
Darkness: try to run scandisk from windos command line, c:windowscommandscandisk, nothing should restart that one. If you can run it.
Yeah and in some programs like Partition Magic thou can set cluster size to your needs, I think smallest available for FAT32 is 4K ? (probably like jari said)
btw im still using FAT16, and i dont see any problem in it, on my 15GB hdd

General Discussion / FFX PC Version ???
« on: 2001-10-09 06:16:00 »
Yuna: Surely we remember you, how could we forget...

General Discussion / Questions about this new board...
« on: 2001-10-09 05:56:00 »
StrayWings: you just said it in public ! :smile:

Scripting and Reverse Engineering / Lightwave LWO format
« on: 2001-10-09 05:18:00 »
Yea I have LWO included in my convertor too.(just to make you happy Sephiroth3d :smile: )

[edited] 171 2001-10-09 06:24

General Discussion / Is my music Good enough...
« on: 2001-10-05 06:05:00 »
It'll need some more editing, it sounds little 'empty' to me. Some background or stuff.

yeah, neat. But looks like too much work for that. It is already done, so why to do it again. Just find a proggy that'll render it right.

Friend of mine told me that 3d editors like Max & LightWave 7 have this feature, to select a vertex-color, so it should look right, why to color model ?

Jedimark: thanks. I dont know how could I miss it. It was hidden somewhere. Yeah, black one is fine. But board looks still buggy for me, sometime I have that theme, sometime not, or I get just mess instead of page. :weep:

General Discussion / Is my music Good enough...
« on: 2001-10-04 05:32:00 »
There is some problem, I cant download it. Try to fix it, and Ill post my opinion. I promise.

Where in preferences ? I cant find it. pleeze help :weep:

General Discussion / NOTICE -- NEW FORUMS
« on: 2001-09-28 05:56:00 »
Soo, can I report here bugs I found ? Here goes:
there is a icon 'send a private message', and there is allways 'send a private message to mindjoker' in a tip (that is newest member).
All times of last reply are +5 hours. But that is not a problem.
Users web page link is screwed up. Like to mine is added ''

anyhow it is fine :wink:

[ This Message was edited by: mirex on 2001-09-28 07:06 ]

Scripting and Reverse Engineering / whats happening!!
« on: 2001-09-19 11:06:00 »
If somebody would ask me, Im working on other projects right now. Anyhow I dont have time even on these projects. Completly Im in lack of time.
I would like to buy about 250 hours of pure time. For a low price. Does anybody has a spare time to sell ?


The tool im using is Dos Navigator, its not a hex-editor - it is file commander, but it has lots of great tools in it. And like it sounds, it is for Dos (but works in windows too). As there is in one file mentioned 'A best shell a man can get'.
But, I think it is not free.  :(

I use hexViewer(DosNavigator), and look on tha data, and keeping looking for some patterns, counting things, drawing pictures of data ...

So i use combination hexView + brain + time.
That solves everything  :)

Everyone is still talking about Qhimm's 3ds plugin. I cant find it. Could someone post a link, please ?

Scripting and Reverse Engineering / Importing a .b3d file
« on: 2001-08-22 11:11:00 »
Depends on into what do you want to import them. some 3d editor like 3D studio ? or into some game ?

Anyhow I dont know any program that would do that. But someone here could take a look at them, and convert them for you. I cant do that at this time, i dont have any free time, sorry. Maybe later

Could you guys tell me what displays that program ? Only body parts, or whole models ?
I dont know, because i dont have ff7 on psx

Scripting and Reverse Engineering / Ultima
« on: 2001-08-20 11:26:00 »
Sephiroth3D: there in the p. file there are also polygon colours too. But sometimes they're screwed up. Or you can convert vertexs-colors(3 colors) into polygon-color(1 color), like R = (R1 + R2 + R3) /3; G ..., B ...
It is not as original, but it looks pretty good anyhow.

Scripting and Reverse Engineering / FF7 models
« on: 2001-07-30 11:35:00 »
And everything would get slower, because these models are more complicated.

alhexx: never mind, at least we two cooperate here, and we will hack tha P format completly. I hope  :)

I already knew about that, it is also written in my doc, that there are vert-colors and then poly-colors. But there is a problem that poly-colors are sometimes screwed up, unusable.
So to make it work allways, i had to take colors of vertexs, coz they are fine.

But thanks anyhow Alhexx

[This message has been edited by mirex (edited August 22, 2001).]

 looks good, im going to take a look at it, when i'll have some time, probably on weekend. I found some interesting things in there.
Great, now there are values with my name on  :D

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