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Messages - Jari

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Completely Unrelated / Re: Trump president now!
« on: 2017-01-31 20:21:59 »
lol You're going on as if we are all imagining the 49 people killed in a gay club by a Muslim,

Ahem, I assume you have read stories by real news sources too, not just the alternative ones?

To me it seems more like it was done either by a jilted lover, or someone with really fucking serious issues. BTW, I haven't checked, but I'm pretty sure that these deadly-serious-foaming-at-the-mouth-jihadists actually can't be gays. You do understand that the perpetrator is believed to be a semi-regular patron of the said club?

or virtually all Muslim countries being undemocratic,

And do you know what is going to fix them? Same thing that fixed Christian countries; time and secularism. It will take time. A lot of time - we are talking about 100 to 200 years. And no, you can't make it faster.

But you can make it hell of a lot slower by antagonizing them.

You know what? I don't care for American Exceptionalism, nor for Manifest Destiny. But there is one really, insanely good thing US has done for the whole world. Their entertainment. It will slowly but surely take over the entire world. Do you understand how commonplace satellite dishes are in Iran? Do you understand that you are not supposed to own one there? Do you understand that just about every Best Korean with means watches South Korean TV - something that is probably punishable by having your testimacles cut off, and fed to you?

or all 10 countries that support death for gays being Muslim,

I think I just told you the same thing, didn't I?

or the 100s dead in France, or the dead in Belgium, or the mass rapes in Sweden and Germany, or the terror attacks in Germany—and everything else that is going on... all perpetrated by Muslims.

Mass rapes you mention of seem to be mostly figment of sick right wing imagination AFAIK, as for the terror attacks; that is very unfortunate, but what you want is not going to fix them. It is going to escalate them, instead. Maybe you have noticed that ISIS is celebrating Trump's decisions. Maybe you haven't. Maybe the alternative news haven't carried that fact. As they say in CS; Terrorists win. Trump just gave them what they wanted - leader, or "leader", of the free world, yielding to their terror.


It doesn't matter what you think (if you aren't just back to your old trolling ways, which would be so sad),

No! Your punctuation is all wrong, you have to say it like this; You are trolling, SO SAD! :P There, now it sounds like something out of Trump's Twitterfeed. :D

the electorate have spoken. America doesn't want what the left is selling, which is mass rape and death at the hands of a brutal and intolerant religious ideology called Islam. It isn't listening to you :P

It's not a good time to believe what you do, because your way is on the way out. All across the West, we're going back to the Right. There is nothing you can do about it. And insulting people won't work anymore.  Got anything else?

Hahah. You have no idea. No idea at all. :P

Keep personal attacks out of this thread. I'm impressed we've made it this far before the first one, but this is the only warning I'm giving, and it applies to everyone. Next one from anyone at all and I'm locking the thread. Y'all can disagree with each other as much as you want, but please remain civil. ~Covarr

Pffft, Covarr. :P It was just a figure of speech, if I want to insult, I'm way more capable than that. :P

Nah, seriously, sorry, sorry. :)

No-one is even arguing about the number of refugees. It's irrelevant. The number of terror attacks by those arrivals is important - and the religious ideology they share.  I await his rebuttal to Shapiro (It won't happen).  If even one mass murder occurs because we let in 100,000 asylum seekers, it is one too many.

One too many? So... if a native Englishman - a single one - commits a mass murder, you are going to ban them all? Well, I actually think that has happened, but you might not remember it, or maybe you are just in denial. How about the ban? You could all run into the ocean, or something, I guess.

Surely you are not applying different standards to different people? I think you claimed not to be a racist... I think.

Also, he does not cite a source.

Oh, for fucks' sake, dude. How often do you recall me making claims that I can't back up? (can't read that? Well, that's too tough, ain't it?)

Furthermore, it isn't just "asylum seekers" - it's the immigration policy too. The UK voted for Brexit largely because it is fed up of mass immigration (largely from Muslim countries).  So, Jari just conveniently cuts out the millions that have been allowed into Europe by ignoring immigration.

By all means, find the numbers. I really can't be arsed to. But I'd bet that Germany has most of them.

And looking at his list again, he deliberately dodges Germany and other countries that have taken in a net of over 1.5 million Syrian refugees. Way to go on the selective use of stats to bolster a non existent argument.

Dude. Can't you read? You are not that much like Trump, surely?

PS. Not to mention that Germany accepts more than you could ever imagine

That's just "Holy fuck, I'm arguing with idiots, I can't be bothered to find the actual figures", if you didn't understand it the first time.

I am discussing Europe as a whole, not just the UK or Finland.  So why he's even using a few countries as some sort of argument is beyond me. I think it's just to push his own narrative rather than look at the wider scope of things.  Trump didn't formulate his travel ban based on the goings-on of Britain and Finland. He did so looking at the whole of the Middle East, Europe, and Israel.

HAHAH. HAHAHAHAHAHAH. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH. Dude. Bannon. Dude, seriously. And he formulated it just by looking at his own, deepest, darkest desires.

Also, as stated on a video I posted, the list of terror linked countries was compiled by the Obama administration.  Obama banned Iraqi refugees for 6 months.  I didn't see anyone jumping around waving their hands in hysteria then. It's just a ludicrous attempt by the Left to sow discord and create havoc.

There are several sources that will explain the difference between Obama's "ban" and Trump's ban. Feel free to find them. Hint; actual, actionable threat is one of them. Other might be not asking your advisors "How do I ban muslims, and make it look legal?"... and then having the said advisor blurt that out on live TV. I seriously think that Rudy just might really be demented - as in actually really, not just as in liberal joke. Just a word of warning; they are actualy facts, not the alternative ones.

Is this enough, or do we want more?

What do you think, am I going to read Jihad Watch or Breitbart? Take a guess. While you are doing that, I'd suggest finding an actual, at least remotely respectable sources.

It's not even all about terrorism, it's about the less brighter ones not integrating properly due to 3rd world culture, carving out ghettos due to excessively high numbers, committing "casual" crimes that get covered up and always voting for d*ckheads so the rest of us get brought down. The last reason being why they are brought in in the first place.

Right. Now that you have stated that the refugees/immigrants/whatever are less brighter, please produce proof of your own brightness. I consider that highly relevant for making such a judgment. I'll post a scan of my Mensa membership-card right after that, if you want.

And we don't want them to either.  More need banning. The whole system needs to be improved. It won't stop all terrorism, but at least it will be massively reduced in the long run and you won't end up looking like Europe - the laughing stock of the Milky Way.

Would you like to ban Norwegians while you are at it? They have a beautiful country, and they are annoyingly well off, there's a reason enough. Ah, they also have this dude called Breivik, killed 77 people, most of them kids. Surely enough reason to ban them. Or... not? He's one of your kind, after all.

Or all Americans, perhaps? Maybe just Timothy McVeigh? Or are you too young to remember? 168 killed, over 680 injured. He wasn't one of your kind, but a terrorist he was.

Completely Unrelated / Re: Trump president now!
« on: 2017-01-30 18:13:46 »
There are a few hundred families there (that are now missing members) wishing he had been their president. That I can promise you.

Pretty big promises there. I certainly wouldn't want to be presidented - or even unpresidented - by a seriously narcissistic person, who either lies constantly or is actually... you know, not right in the head. Not to mention seems to lack both, experience in governing and understanding of how a (US, in this case) government works.

We've done things the Left way for the last few decades and it isn't working.

I'm bit curious about this; first of all, who is this "we" you speak of? In any case, both US and UK have had conservative governments fairly recently - I take it that they weren't Right enough for you? If so, what was? I mean, when has there been a time when the way has been Right enough for you?

...there's of course the obvious answer - which was several decades ago - and I doubt you'd go very "we" with that government, or country. So, I doubt it's that.

And it's clear to see that people made the right decision when all you see from the Left is rioting, threats, insults, and violent "protests".

Yes, I've heard that some people reserve threats for serious business only, like getting humiliated on the internets. BTW, the offer still stands. :P

= The game is up for emotional lies from the Left and their media allies.

Yes. The Great Media Conspiracy. That's quite a global phenomena, it seems. Supposedly there's one in Finland too, I just haven't noticed it.

Anyway, would you answer these  for me - for shits and giggles;

Trump's inauguration audience - do you think it was

a) largest ever
  • if so, how do you explain the photographs and DC public transport numbers?

b) quite okay, but considerably smaller than for example Obama's first inauguration and very likely smaller than the Women's march participation
  • if so, do you think that
  • Trump repeatedly and vehemently lies about it?
  • Trump actually believes that it was the largest ever?

The peaceful people are NOT the problem, the problem is that a portion (and we can even argue that it's a large portion) of them ARE indeed terrorists who have and will eventually kill dozens of people.

Oh, bollocks. If that was true, your "problem" would have fixed itself a long time ago - there wouldn't be anyone left there. They seem quite as adapt at killing each other, if not more so than killing infidels, after all.

I could quote big statistics here, but no dude, just no.

I wonder how each and everyone of the people defending the mass refugee immigration would feel if one of their loves ones had died in one of the very recent terrorist attacks that have been taking place all over the world... Probably you wouldn't be as welcoming huh.

I wouldn't know, but I certainly hope that I would be. Two wrongs don't make a right.

As for this "mass refugee immigration" you speak of, here are some figures for you;

US, aboutish 320 - 325 million people. Resettled 69 933 refugees in fiscal year 2015.

UK, aboutish 64 - 65 million people. Received 38 878 asylum applications in 2015.

Finland. bit over 5 million people. Received 32 476 asylum applications in 2015.

Holy fuck, dudes. Holy fuck. And you know what? We could take more.

Do you little dipshits really have the nerve to cry about the refugee crisis? Really? Honestly?

PS. Not to mention that Germany accepts more than you could ever imagine

Completely Unrelated / Re: Trump president now!
« on: 2017-01-30 00:15:49 »
Realistically, do you think a blanket ban is going to fix anything? I don't think so. A blanket ban is implying that everyone originating from the middle east is inherently evil.

Hey, give the Fearless Leader benefit of a doubt, this obviously ain't no blanket ban.

No citizen of the countries currently banned has ever performed a terrorist action on US soil, while every Middle Eastern country whose citizens have done such things President Little Hands has business interest in, is not on the list.

See?  ;D

Space Hulk ? not a game i know, any good ? what game would you compare it too ?

Russian roulette. At least as far as the first Space Hulk goes. Both are roughly equally fair.

Don't misunderstand; it is a good game, especially for its time. It also is easily the most difficult, frustrating and unfair game ever made. No, I'm not exaggerating one bit - feel free to try it. You'll see. ;D

Completely Unrelated / Re: The 2012 elections and Ron Paul
« on: 2012-01-29 18:50:53 »
Polling data and social and political science research do show that prejudice is more common in those who hold right-wing ideals that those of other political persuasions"

Heh. :) Hey, I knew this all along! :P

Funny thing about their most vocal racist, though; he doesn't fall into the low-IQ-category. Quite the opposite - even I (and boy, do I hate his ideals) agree that he is very smart and educated. All in all, he's bit of a... errrr... weirdo.

He likes to talk tough, yet he looks like your stereotypical nerd. He fantasizes about shooting gays, but I'm not sure if he has ever held a gun in his life - he certainly chose civil service instead of military. Apparently he also has fantasies about whipping chained up blacks, yet he is physically a scrawny bookworm kind of a dude, who'd probably get his ass handed to him post haste, if he ever got into a fight - unless he has some martial arts training I don't know of. Although I suppose there's the "chained up"-bit there. :P

Also he seems totally incapable of understanding basics of damage control, which is weird because he undeniably is smart. Every time media digs up something - old interview, piece of writing by him - he responds instantly with the same defence, basically "I didn't do it." - more or less. And then the media digs up proof and he ends up looking like a racist and a liar (well, not just looking like, he is both). To be honest, great majority of his most extreme comments were made prior to his career in the parliament, but it comes back to bite him in the ass, because media loves to do that. He has tried to clean up his act, and for the most part succeeded.

But yeah, a weird person indeed. I get this Internet tough guy-vibe from him, it almost seems like he's gotten stuck in a some kind of "SUPAH TROLL"-mode and tries to apply that to real world.

Anyway, enough about him.

Interesting developments from the presidential race; our liberal underdog is doing an awesome campaign for the second round. I've never seen such a grassroots activism in Winnish poly ticks. He is supah popular in the Intertubes of course, because he appeals to younger voters. But also the second round pre-voting is starting to get interesting - there has been almost a record number of votes cast during he past five days, and there seems to be rather heavy bias; females are voting lot more than males, which should bode well for him.

He is still trailing heavily in the official polls, while leading every Intertubes poll.

I dunno. He just actually might have a chance of winning. I certainly did bet money on it - got such a good odds. :P

Completely Unrelated / Re: The 2012 elections and Ron Paul
« on: 2012-01-23 23:32:00 »
Because he's not popular enough. :-P

First round results look like this. Second round will be between the two candidates who got the most votes on the first round, assuming nobody got over 50% (in which case there wouldn't be second round).

Assuming that everyone who voted on the first round will vote on the second round, he'd need to get over 70% of the 'homeless' votes, which is pretty much a no-can-do-scenario. Especially because I suspect there will be less votes cast on the second round; the two possible choices are both pro-EU, quite progressive candidates. One of them considerably more pro-NATO (even if he prefers to hide it) and conservative, another considerably more pro-greenish thingies (even if he's not making a big deal out of it) and liberal.

They are quite similar in many ways; neither of them is anti-EU, or patrio... errr, xenophobic, for example. That, and the lack of a left-wing candidate (Winland has had a left-leaning president for the past 30 years) on the second round will quite likely mean that plenty of people will just skip the second round altogether.

Also, there really isn't clear and obvious inheritance of votes there; our gay liberal *might* gain some votes from the left-wing voters, but there are not enough of those around this time. And our straight conservative *might* inherit some of the centrist votes, but his problem is that the two centrist candidates (who failed to get to the second round - quite likely because they split the centrist votes between them) were very, very strictly anti-EU, anti-NATO, anti-immigrants, and pro-nationalism, pro-xenophobia, and pro-racism (well, one of them isn't and the other one would never admit it... but if your party has representatives who openly mock non-Christians and openly publish fantasies about killing gays and enslaving niggas... errr... wai, yes, you haz a racist party :P You also haz a party that causes great LULZ in media; not even they openly condone the actions of their more outlandish representatives, but unfortunately for them, these people 'engage mouth first, brain second, deny everything later'. Which leads to all kinds of LULZy explanations afterwards. ;D).

Having said that, the final results will probably be lot closer than might be apparent from the first round results; I forecast the usual 55-45 split. Still, this one should go to conservatives - unless something very unexpected happens. Not that it would matter too much; they are the two best candidates, and both of them quite good.

Completely Unrelated / Re: The 2012 elections and Ron Paul
« on: 2012-01-22 16:56:54 »
Why yes, about 5 minutes left to vote. Also about 5 minutes to results of the early votes.

But who is this Ron Paul you speak of?


Not my fault that "The 2012 elections" is somewhat ambiguous title. :-P

Anyway, it seems possible that on the second round - there will almost certainly be one, simple majority for the front-runner seems almost impossible now - there will be openly gay candidate running for president. Which is cool. We have had a femail president (for two terms, even), it's time for gay president now.

But because he's actually the most accomplished diplomat of the candidates and an overall nice person, not because he's gay.

Sadly he won't be the next president, but the front-runner is perfectly decent too.

Jari and hermoor belong with each other.  They both clearly come online to torment people or get kicks by acting like idiots.  They don't change at all.  Covarr is correct though, Jari turned Qhimm's into a complete farce.

You seem to have chickened out of our duel. Remember, you were very much threatening to kill me. I offered you the chance. So, shut up, or put up, bitch. ;D

Oh, I definitely need to read this thread. ;D

And then he -was- given another chance, d*cked it up, using Jari (who has also gone off the deep end) as a trump card, and then they both wound up getting banned.

I... errr... what now?

Oh, sorry. Been kinda busy with so called real life. :)

Methinks I should read this thread - I did read the opening post over a mobile konneksion, during the midsummer weekend here in Winland, and found it rather... hmm... optimistic, let's put it that way. I somewhat expected lulz later on, but have been too busy to read it. I pwomise to do that. :P

Completely Unrelated / Re: IT'S OVER! SONY IS FINISHED!
« on: 2011-04-27 07:44:46 »
"Finnish consumer rights groups and some EU courts have deemed the removal of OtherOS illegal"

Got a source I can read, curiosity has the better of me here?

In short; consumer bought a PS3 on first of April, last year - the very same day Fony released an update which removed support for OtherOS. Consumer demanded 150 euros for compensation - bit more than half of what he paid for PS3 - because the console no longer worked as advertised; you could either run Linux on it, or you could update it and play online, but not both.

The seller declined to pay, arguing that the consumer had entered into an agreement with Fony, and had performed the update on his own; seller had nothing to do with either.

Fony declined to pay, arguing that blah blah, security concerns, more blah blah, consumer has agreed to licensing terms, blah blah.

Consumer disputes board ruled that there is an obvious defect in the product, and that license agreements can not overrule Winnish law - consumer protection law in this case - and recommends (it's not a court of law, after all, just a consumer disputes board...) Fony and/or the seller pay 100 euros compensation to the consumer.

I'd assume that the seller and/or Fony will pay, it's not much money and if they won't, the neckbeard might take them to an akshual civil court, and would rather likely win.

Since when has Windoze had different types of folders, or has had a need for them?

As for needing links... you do realize that symbolic (and hard) links are originally a feature of *NIX - which you seem to so dearly love - and are heavily used in such systems?

I would just like to point out one place where a *NIX system has a huge advantage

I need to type the location of my music on Windows: "C:\Documents And Settings\Cupcake\Local Data\My Music"

*NIX: "/home/Cupcake/Music" or "/users/Matt/Music" for OS X

Which one looks easier, and less cumbersome to type to you?

You could just lrn2use Windoze and create symbolic links, making your music available for example at \music.


No, but past behaviour is usually the best predictor of the future.

Funny Jari that you still insist that I am biased since I just moderated someone who i regularly talk to for an attack on someone who I am clearly 'biased' against.  :roll:

Oh, absolutely. Because you are.

Unless you are operating on a some kind of scale; do one biased thing, do one unbiased thing = problem solved, they negate each other! I don't think it works like that, and I doubt you do, either. :)

Seriously, you  need to learn to get your fun elsewhere.  This is a bit basic.  You have both got to such a point that you don't even care how obvious your trolling is...  it has become second nature to you.  While we are at it, trolling is a mental disorder and is strongly linked to:

In other words it makes you awful, bitter people; delighting in the trouble you cause.   All you serve to teach us in this thread is that you are not nice people and are both mentally disturbed.  Usually stems from childhood and upbringing.

Hey, you didn't say anything about winding people up! I am disappointed now. :/

A familiar pattern around here is the ones who don't contribute anything to FF7 are the same ones who go round trolling.  Always stuck in this section bringing up as many things as possible to get a reaction.  It is sad...  but not surprising that Kud is a regular over at 4chan.  :mrgreen:

So, contributing something to FF8 doesn't qualify? Drats, I knew I picked the wrong game. :|

The whole point of the statistical slant was to show that people who quote "Planes are the safest" are basing it on dodgy stats; parroting the propaganda and brainwashing that is peddled by the media and aviation, and that a fairer stat is the deaths by JOURNEY NUMBER.  I don't think anyone here feels safer knowing that they are more likely to die in a plane by journey number and instead think "oh well, by miles travelled I will just think of happy thoughts.  It's gonna be a goooooood day.".  That would be crazy.  The reason the aviation use that stat is because it looks good (honestly, that's obvious).  The reason the insurers use the death by journey number is because it is a more faithful statistic.  Yes I said more faithful, not perfect.

Oh, fucking Jesus H Christ; on what God-forbidden grounds can you compare two methods of transportation that are as far apart as driving and flying using number of journeys? I believe Kudi-chan explained to you earlier why it makes no sense at all. Unless, of course, you indeed fly as often as you drive. Very, very few people do that.

I would also like to add that given the choice of death, most of us would like the sharp fast death of car. If something goes wrong in a plane, generally you will be alive for a long time, in utter panic the likes of which you cannot conceive.  You are placing your life in the hands of a human operator, and hence most accidents in plane are human error related.  I am afraid that human error does exist on plane.. it doesn't just stop because the Aviation's dodgy stats say so.

Hate to tell you this, but most traffic accidents don't kill you. They, however, might leave you disabled for the rest of your life. Plane crashes on the other hand have a pretty high and nice fatality rate.

And assuming you drive on public roads, you are rather likely to encounter other drivers, not to mention cyclists and pedestrians. Who usually also tend to be people. Each and any of those can cause an accident. Most of them don't have anywhere near the training an average pilot has, or even much of a screening.

I did not manipulate any statistics, as I did not compile the stats, I merely stated them.  The fact is, kud is just trolling and I would wager in direct conversation with his buddy, the lunatic Jari.   

Sorry to disappoint, but I haven't had direct contact with Kudi-chan for quite a few months. Unlike some people who seem to use rather high-schoolish methods of rallying up a gang via PMs, I don't think I need such tactics. I can hold my own just fine without a brigade of my own. I suspect Kudi-chan feels the same way. :)

We are never going back to the old days so move on.  :o

So.... why exactly do you edit your old posts, then?

I probably shouldn't have posted that picture, but what's done is done.  However, I think you do realize your bias and just want an argument.

But do you and SL realize your bias?

Not that I'd be complaining, I find it rather hilarious, being a big fan of hypocrites and all. :) I'm just curious whether it's intentional or not - because it is there. :)

Or he's trying to keep order in the forum that no longer needs, or wants you.  Sorry you're not terribly important to us, must have you questioning your self worth, considering you keep coming back.

I find this amusing, given the fact that you yourself said that you'd leave the forums a few weeks ago and said that you aren't important.

Then changed your mind five minutes later.

Mako talked me into staying, don't think it's of free will.

Oh, it's not free will?

Did she tie you up and prevent you from deleting your account?

Figures you would show up Jari.

Hey, you can call me your conscience if you want. :-P

I am not 'Seifie-kun's' damage control team. I have a problem with anyone who wishes to attack another person on here. Argue with whatever point you wish but start attacking people directly and i have a problem.

If you say so. :) I admit, that is lot more realistic scenario than existence of a higher power - God if you will - and lots of people believe that, too. :)

I shouldn't need to explain trolling to you Jari. You know exactly what it is.

Hmmmm. Apparently it's one of the alternatives I pointed out then, since I don't see you disapproving them. :P

I have attacked no one. I have warned, but feel free to spin things whichever way you like.

O RLY? You sure you ain't picking on Kudi-chan, because he stepped on someone's toes? Someone who... let me guess, in one way or another was the first to come crying for mommy? I doubt he'd use the word "demand" again, that would have been bit too rich even for him, though. :)

Answer me this; do you seriously think that implying driving to be safer than flying based on that particular statistic is not stupid?

And if it is stupid, is it wrong to point out the person doing so is, in fact, stupid?

BTW, I do wonder why the statistics seem to have disappeared from Seifie-kun's post. :D This is totally unprecedented behavior! I have never seen anything like this from him! Must be the little grey aliens abducting text from his posts! :P

Goddamnit Jari, can't you just f*cking drop it already?

Same goes for you Kudi, you're becoming more and more of an insufferable ahole by the day.

I mean really, we're not a large community, is it so goddamn hard to not hate each other?


Everyone best drop this now.

Afraid of something, are we? :D

Anyway, I have things to do and places to be. Ta-ta for now. :)

The question is fine, the implication that he is not intelligent enough to understand what you are saying is not.

Truth can be a painful thing. :D

Case in point; you are now doing exactly what Seifie-kun demanded of me - acting as his personal damage control team. He makes a booboo - not that rare of an incidence, considering that he is stupid, and prone of making it lot worse, because he is an asshat.

Like I said... truth. It can hurt.

But do carry on, I find this most amusing. :D

Oh come on, do you think I am stupid? You almost always argue the opposite side of a point just to stir things up. Especially when he is involved. There is a word for that you know... trolling? I seem to remember you discussing it before.

So, it's now called trolling to disagree with an idiot who has issues?

Or are you suggesting that Kudi-chan is not right? If not - and I hope you aren't, because he obviously is - are you suggesting that disagreeing with Seifie-kun is trolling? Or perhaps you are suggesting that speaking the truth about Seifie-kun's behaviour is trolling?

Because it certainly looks like you are doing one of those things.

No one deserves trolling. Attack his arguments if you feel the need to. Leave the attacking of the person out of it.

How about you do the same?

PS. And I thought that no more LULZ could come from this thread, after the stupidest interpretation of statistics... well, ever. I was wrong, oh so wrong. This is great. ;D

Completely Unrelated / Re: Apology
« on: 2011-02-27 18:05:23 »
    I fail to see how indenting the first line of a paragraph proves anything. In school writing, both MLA and APA format require it.

I'm sure they do. I suspect most semi official document templates require it, too, even globally. If I guess correctly, even you Americafags do use the tab-key, or tools in word processor itself, to indent, yes? So, banging the space bar for random amounts isn't really the same thing - it most certainly should not be, in word processing. For obvious reasons.

And I'm sure you'd fail to see it - I would have not expected any less. :) But do answer me, how many people have you seen to do it here? Or even in forums in general. How many of those share location and ISP? Email addresses? Behavioral patterns? Undying love for Xenogears? Apparent wealth? Why has one of them changed her story several times, and blamed me for editing logs? Why was one of them practically trying buy this forum?

It is not for me to remove the scales from your eyes, and I do not care whether you want to remove them yourself. But I have given you food for thought.

I'm not even going to bother quoting anything as it all does not make any sense.

Well, that's one defense, I guess. I really expected more, though. :)

Besides, weren't you supposed to stop posting, or something?

You say that you don't care what others think?  Yet you post on a social forum looking to convince others?! Mind boggling!

And here I thought that I was just having fun on your expense. I think you said something of that nature, as well.

Seriously though, you are a hypocrite. I don't really see you in a position to be judgmental. If you try it, I'm not very likely to let it go.

You mistake kindness for manipulation, You have dodged everyone question's countless times so I will tell you once more: I didn't have to try and stay in contact with you AFTER you left, doesn't make any sense you were gone.

No. I'm just not as gullible as you'd hope.

Of course. But having typed an email would look good, had you ever to defend yourself. I think you are a lousy manipulator, I don't think you are dumb. :P

Also, I wasn't referring to any particular act of kindness with my crocodile tears-remark, but rather to your "I'm so sad, my feelings are hurt"-act, which you have pulled at least twice. I'm sure it works quite well with some people.

In theory you pose no value at all to keep in contact with. I am nice I tried to tell you I was sorry instead you throw it in my face. I still didn't have to reach out to you via PM on IRC but I did. This does not make sense I lose more friends by reaching out to you. You are highly disliked. A master manipulator would sit by and let you keep digging your grave. Not try and find out if you liked Fallout: New Vegas?

Hah. No. A planning manipulator would do just that. A smart - probably bit ruthless - manipulator likes to keep his or her options open. Like I said, I think you are bad at manipulating, but I don't consider you to be dumb. ;)

Was going to make this a PM but I decided that you would post it anyway. I truly believe we can settle our differences via IRC I invite you to come as this will end. So if you truly don't care what these people think you will come. As I am sure you are aware that they don't care about our petty squabble.

Nope. I know who you are. And you know that I know - even if you choose to keep up facades. I have absolutely nothing to settle with you.

Completely Unrelated / Re: Apology
« on: 2011-02-27 16:27:00 »
I take it back, you can have the last word after this.

We'll see. ;)

BTW, you are exhibiting yet another of Master Aden's typing quirks now. Namely...this.
Doing a quick search to find your supposed  "Rare Proof" netted me a about a couple of dozen members. Inserting spaces you say?! well that's just about everyone.

Reading comprehension FTW! I didn't say anything about rare proof. I said that the latter idiosyncrasy is so rare that I remember seeing only you "two" doing it with any frequency. I remember seeing someone else do it only on one occasion, I believe this might have been SaiNt, but I'm not entirely sure.

So, by all means. Do show us "the just about everyone" who do it. :) Even better; show someone who starts to do it more often when he or she is clearly agitated. Because that's what you "two" do.

As for the former, it's much more common phenomena, but it still seems to be common between you "two".

This is where the Occam's Razor comes in - especially if one uses it in the incorrect, however most often used form; none of what I've said proves much - alone. However, to believe you one has to take several leaps of faith, which would be unnecessary assuming that you indeed are one and the same person.

My question to you: What do you consider a loss? Your reputation has plummeted, you've gotten into lurking around the forum, pretty much every regular forum member/s has come out against you, you've resorted to trolling, and every bit of "proof" that you release is met with words a dare not to repeat?

Certainly nothing that has anything to do with the forum, or Intertubes in general. I though I had made that much clear on several occasions, over the years. As surprising as it might seem, I actually have a life. Which I quite enjoy.

To me this is not some high schoolish popularity contest, either. I could not care less if every last person in the Intertubes thought I was the spawn of Satan, if I know that I am right. My ego ain't so weak that I need peer support to prop it up.

In all fairness I should thank you! You have shown me friends that I didn't even know I had.

Hey, good for you. Glad to be of service. :)

What is this "running out of steam half way" I say it was most of the way personally. You do realize that I talked most of them out of posting? This is one of the longest threads in awhile I am proud to be friends with these people.

Fairly curious that you talked them out of posting, just when they came across the part that was the trickiest for them to prove wrong. Quite a coincidence, even.

Furthermore you've ignored your logs, instead focused on you key defining piece of evidence as "typing quirk" Really?!

Really. I never said the logs were especially important. Just that you were repeating the exact same behavior in this thread that you had exhibited once earlier.

My dear, it's all these things combined - and even those I have not yet mentioned - that make your story fail. How many of leaps of faith is one willing to accept? Because there is much, much simpler explanation to this.

Do what you will Jari don't let my feelings stop you, they never have before. After all this is about you and your fun.

Awww, there there. You really are rather obvious when you try to manipulate, did you know that? And indeed, I did not give in to little Miss "Oh woe is me, my life is ruined" when she tried it the last time. I did comfort her, but it takes a bit more than crocodile tears to change my mind.

Completely Unrelated / Re: Apology
« on: 2011-02-27 07:40:43 »

Jari: Seriously? Are you still unable to let go? Yes I understand you do not agree with Qhimm allowing Mako to return. Yes  understand you think that Mako/Master Aden are one and the same. Well you know what? I dont care either way if it is true, as nobody here does. Mako has been an upstanding member of this forum and will continue to be so. What I do not understand is why you continue to beat a dead horse. Your issue is with Qhimm, and if you havn't noticed he is never here, nor do I really think that you being annoying on here is going to bother him all that much. Yeah i know its not the reason you decided to post in the first place but please can you just let the matter drop? At least on here.

Are you sure nobody does? The swift and terrible attack of the Mako-Brigade suggests otherwise. Well, it was swift and terrible, until it ran out of steam halfway there. I guess the brigade ran out of arguments, or something. Kinda sucks, since I still had more. Oh well. :)

Like you said, that wasn't the reason I came. And like I said, if someone wants to play, I'm all game.

Anyway, thanks for giving me lulz of the week with your earlier comment about obesebear lifting Herbie's IP ban. Had my coffee been ready, I'd be in need of a new keyboard now. ;D

Lay down your arms typing fingers and listen up. I do not wish for all of you to fight, you guys are all so nice I couldn't stand it if anything were to happen to prevent you from coming here. Please, besides improving FF7 is were its at...This is what Jari intended for us to bicker and quit. If you have a problem with me take it up with me via PM I will be more then happy to help :).

Uhhh... right. That's exactly it.

BTW, you are exhibiting yet another of Master Aden's typing quirks now. Namely...this. Most people insert a space after ellipsis, he occasionally - often enough to make it noticeable - does not, just like you. This is of course much more common and thus lot less distinctive than inserting spaces before paragraphs, but it is something you "both" share.

Funny that. :)

Furthermore I will gladly extend a hand to any that wish to "start over" *Hint* as I said in my first post on this thread "Let it go" I believe it may be very difficult for you Jari, but I believe that you need help. To dwell on anything this long is insane...I wish you the best of luck in the future, and just like the last time we spoke I wish you a good night. I will let you have the last word as I know thats your favorite.

Much like pathological liars need help, am I right? ;)

BTW, that's quite an interesting view into our last conversation. It's actually true, but... well, elaborating on it would be too personal (not for me, though). Let's just say that there was lot more to it.

Completely Unrelated / Re: Apology
« on: 2011-02-27 01:00:14 »
Awww, look at the Mako-brigade go. ;)

You guys are really worried that I'm right, are you not?

Anyway, I'm off to bed. While I'll be getting sleep, explain her curious typing quirk to me. They both do share it, feel free to check their older posts.

It's rare enough that I have seen only these "two" people exhibit it with any frequency. So, since you seem to think that both theories are as likely, or mine is less likely, you probably have a good explanation for that too. It's contagious, or something like that? :P

After that, tell me why she later switched stories about Master Aden's supposed personality from this person mentioned in the IRC log to her current boyfriend/husband/whatever?

Completely Unrelated / Re: Apology
« on: 2011-02-27 00:40:51 »
It is curious why you'd want to lie about that. 8)

You know I was on the phone for a bit...that's when I first found out it could be "Him"  were is that whole conversation? and it looks terrible out of context like that. Really just looks dumb. So yeah YOUR the liar.

Right. Well, if it makes you happy, here's the hour before it: log. I think I killed all the IPs, let me know if I missed any.

I don't really think it adds much of a context - except to show how unexpected your comment was.

Completely Unrelated / Re: Apology
« on: 2011-02-27 00:16:13 »
This is fantasic! This is what you have? this is your evidence? This proves that there are two are embarrassing and the log is heavily edited. I just didn't come out like that, there was a phone call that lasted for a bit...

Jari you have sunk to an all time low, I hope you enjoyed it. It really don't "Prove anything.

Just saving this. In case you change your mind. Because you know as well as I do that it haven't been edited at all - except to remove the IP-addresses.

It is curious why you'd want to lie about that. 8)

I got a really weird vibe from that. Out of the blue she brought up a really obscure troll, which even I had forgotten - and I'm pretty sure everyone else had, as well. How would she even know about this person? Why would she bring him up? More to the point; I got the impression that it was almost like she was bragging about how Master Aden had made me quit - from the safety of a new user account. Sort of like arsonists like to return to the scene.
If she knew him IRL, and he TOLD her what he'd done (or even implied it), this is neither out of the blue, nor surprising that they'd know each other. Additionally, if they were indeed dating, it is no surprise that they would be in the same geographic area, possibly even the same IP at times if one or both of them has a laptop.

Your logic fails. Try harder.

Yes, if. You do know Occam's Razor, of course? :)

Also, you perhaps noticed that I told you she later changed her story about him? ;)

Wow Jari, have you ever considered working for Fox News, you do a great job of taking things out of context

It's all there, my dear Cupcake. All there.

Completely Unrelated / Re: Apology
« on: 2011-02-26 23:56:12 »
Mako situation in a nutshell: Jari is convinced that Mako is not a real person, despite a crapton of evidence saying she's a real person.

Actually, no. What I am convinced of is that Mako and Master Aden are one and the same person, or possibly two people; either a girlfriend/boyfriend or wife/husband (take your pick, she certainly has changed her stories...) team. There most certainly is a female in that team. Whether she works alone is another matter. Or maybe she is just a front - but certainly her domain belongs to a female.

Well, here's the log. It is - of course - entirely unedited, except that the IP-addresses of people joining, quitting and being disconnected have been removed. Since those seem to be a big deal to some people. If you suspect that it's been edited in some other way, please do ask any of the other people present if they log the channel.

A short preface; I think this was the first time Mako came to the channel, and for the first hour the conversation had nothing out of the ordinary.

Then this happened: the log.

I got a really weird vibe from that. Out of the blue she brought up a really obscure troll, which even I had forgotten - and I'm pretty sure everyone else had, as well. How would she even know about this person? Why would she bring him up? More to the point; I got the impression that it was almost like she was bragging about how Master Aden had made me quit - from the safety of a new user account. Sort of like arsonists like to return to the scene.

That is actually what got me curious about the whole thing. So, I did some digging.

It turned out that she and Master Aden post not only from the same geographical location, but also use the same ISP. Then I noticed that a whole bunch of accounts on different sites, and email addresses registered to those accounts seemed to tie these accounts to a single source.

And then I noticed the curious typing quirk shared by these accounts; they both occasionally - more often when agitated - start a paragraph with a variable amount of empty spaces.

   Like this.

See for yourself; compare Master Aden's posts to Mako's posts.

After that I questioned her about it, and she changed her story from Master Aden being an acquaintance to him being her husband and later on to her boyfriend.

Anyway. My point was that she seems to be again gloating about how she made me quit. Well, that's what she thinks, anyway. It's the very same thing that happened in IRC, that night.

I do not care one bit whether you believe them to be the same person, or persons. Or whether you simply believe that being nice now is all that matters. Neither concern me. What I do care about is that now I am even more sure that Mako indeed is Master Aden. And that's all - I am very much vindicated. Rather similar to feeling to when Qhimm finally admitted - after me yanking his chain for quite a bit :P - that even he thinks they indeed are one and the same.

Right, I was planning on replying to some posts, too.

If I'm in the "Told you so"-position, then yes, yes I do. :)
Do you even realize how immature this stance is? This is how 8-year-olds behave, and it should be embarrassing that you do as well.

Happy 8-year-old reporting for duty, sir!



Assuming you are correct and a normal, balanced person would shrug your replies off, and assuming you don't consider them to be normal and balanced, that would mean that you expected them to respond in a manner similar to how they did. If this is the case, then logically you WERE trying to get a negative reaction. It doesn't matter how you look at it, you were deliberately trying to incite trouble. And as I said before, in this way you are no different from hermoor.

I don't really see myself responsible for their mental health.

You've mentioned hypocrisy multiple times. You haven't clarified, but I'm guessing you mean that Mako and DLPB have no place to call you out for your behavior. To this, I have two responses:
1. Whether or not they're guilty of misbehaving in the past has no bearing on the fact that they're right. You are trying to start a sh*tstorm, regardless of what other people have done. Man up and stop deflecting.
2. Looking strictly at the present, you are the only person behaving like an ass right now. In the past few months, they have been nothing but pleasant, whereas you have openly mocked and insulted the members and management of this forum both here and in the IRC channel. The past has no bearing on the fact that right now you are causing trouble and they are not.

1. Nope. I am having fun on their expense, of course. Because I don't see how they could really afford to be very judgmental. So, you indeed did read my meaning right. I am not trying to incite anyone, however. If they themselves fly off the handle... well, that is not my problem.

2. Only commenting the part about me mocking and insulting members and management. Indeed - I do not hold the current management in very high respect, and I tend to speak my mind. Guilty as charged. :)

Umm, what I said doesn't prove anything. I don't believe for a second that Mako is masteraden, but the point I was making is that even if she was it does not matter.

And I don't care. Trust me. I'm not seeking to change anyone's opinion, or to be some kind of hero in the eyes of the people, or something bizarre like that. It's quite enough for me that I know they are the one and the same. Whether you share that opinion, or whether you care about it... neither concern me.

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