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Messages - Hybir

Pages: [1] 2 3
I've just reinstalled FF8 and tried pressing every button on my keyboard. The S button seems to do the trick  and cuts both sound & music from Chocobo World.

From what I remember of it, there was a button to turn off the music and sounds. Have you checked the readme file?

Archive / Help With Running ff7 on my xp
« on: 2005-07-03 12:28:58 »
I got the Ultima edition to check it out and it does indeed come with all movies and works on XP straight after installation.
I might find it useful for reinstalling FF7 but the hi-res patch doesn't work on it so I can't find any use for it (my curiosity wasted a gig of my bandwidth).

You can get the latest verion of "Ficedula.dll" at

Troubleshooting / FF7 crashes in motocycle mini game
« on: 2005-07-02 10:01:53 »
Can you provide more information, such as system specifications?

Following what Div said, the game now works in hi-res. To get rid of the black bars, set your desktop to 16bit colour.

Archive / FF8 Can't find song
« on: 2005-06-29 09:44:58 »
Does the song only play on the Ragnarok, or at different times throughout the game?
I could have an idea to what the name is.

I managed to get it partially working. Using the FF7w patch, the game loaded up but there are no visuals. You can hear the sounds and play the game but all you see is the desktop.

EDIT: Got a little closer. The game loads to fullscreen at high resolution but it still stays black forever.

Quote from: The SaiNt
Are you able to run the basic FF7 1.02 in 640x480 mode?

The original game runs fine at 640x480 (Full Screen) with the basic FF7 1.02.

My FF7 just stays on an infinitely black screen. The original exe seems to work fine, however. :-?

I heard it can run on XP without any patches but what makes it so small compared to the original discs?

Archive / FF7Music and ficedula.dll
« on: 2005-06-05 11:33:40 »
Have you tried substituting in an mp3 dll (in_mp3.dll) from Winamp to see if it plays?

General Discussion / Vincent Valentine
« on: 2005-06-05 11:27:32 »
Could that mean he's got some kind of Darth Vader type body to keep him alive?

Releases / Battle model > Field model Conversion FINALLY!!
« on: 2005-06-05 01:01:41 »
Zack was in-game but only as a low-res model, but since his model is similar to Cloud's, Cloud's body can be used for a hi-res Zack.

General Discussion / New AC Trailer!!
« on: 2005-05-17 06:34:23 »
Awesome! finally get to hear speech.

PS. also watch the FF7 PS3 tech demo if you havent seen it. It's a remake of the intro movie of FF7.

General Discussion / This ones for the oldshcoolers
« on: 2005-05-15 00:31:24 »
If you want the Prelude song in MP3 then:
1. Get a hold of the PSF of 'Prelude' or a MIDI
2. Install the PSF plugin for Winamp(if you are using a PSF)
3. Set Winamp's Output plugin to Disk Write
4. Play the song and Winamp will make a WAV file out of what you played
5. Convert the WAV to MP3

It probably isn't perfect but it's the song in MP3

General Discussion / FF7 Advent Children release date
« on: 2005-05-14 11:22:39 »
It's nice to know that they've announced a release date. Many of us have been waiting years for it to release.

General Discussion / This ones for the oldshcoolers
« on: 2005-05-14 11:18:27 »
Do you mean 'Prelude'?

Releases / Battle model > Field model Conversion FINALLY!!
« on: 2005-04-25 09:31:48 »
Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't there already a low-res battle model patch?

Archive / Constant pausing every second FF7
« on: 2005-04-17 09:06:15 »
Can you list your system specs?

General Discussion / Yet another new FF7 game
« on: 2005-03-10 04:50:25 »
Wonder when they'll make a mobile phone game on the bike sequence

General Discussion / FF for mobile phones?
« on: 2005-03-07 10:12:38 »
You see, it annoys me when Square releases games for other 'non-Sony' brands that are different from the ones of the 'Sony' console. This gets them money since people like me buy all these different consoles just to play a game with FF on the label.

Sorry If I was a bit vague on my last comment, I meant to say the original FF7 ported to PSP.

General Discussion / FF for mobile phones?
« on: 2005-03-07 09:58:14 »
I don't think I can argue on any further :roll: . Square seems to be going all over the place and milking money.
All I hope for is Final Fantasy VII on PSP

General Discussion / FF for mobile phones?
« on: 2005-03-07 09:42:53 »
(offtopic post)
Chesso: It's like Final Fantasy IX style of graphics but changed to a hack & slash multiplayer type gameplay. I played it but never liked it because it was too different from the turn-based FF I'm used to.

General Discussion / FF for mobile phones?
« on: 2005-03-07 09:23:34 »
:isee: Sorry there but it seems i have been corrected. Yes, the majority of FF games are with Sony but also yes, a few FF games have spread to other consoles.

Chesso: The game you are talking about is most probably Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles for GameCube

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