Author Topic: [FF7PC-98] The Reunion (OLD THREAD, SAVED FOR POSTERITY)  (Read 1276977 times)


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Re: The Reunion [IN PROGRESS]
« Reply #1775 on: 2013-07-04 05:23:34 »
Are you saying this is a likely origin for the name?
As likely as any other, given the relationship of Gysahl Greens and Chocobos.

Correct, but the Japanese name doesn't either.  It specifically ends -a.
I guess this might be an issue of personal pronunciation, then. When I see Bughe think "Boo-guh."

At times it may be wiser to do this, sometimes however the dialogue specifically calls for a description of the man.
Understandable, though that does bring up the question of using multiple translations for a single term within a single localization.

The re-localization of FFIV for the DS / Complete Collection comes to mind. Though they adopted Eidolon for Genjū as a key term, they still occasionally refer to them as phantom creatures, IE "Eidolons are phantom creatures."

The technique has also been occasionally used in a few manga I've read, and so long as it's used sparingly, I feel like it's usually a pretty good alternative to external documentation.

That's a clever move, and I may use it sometimes.  The way I look at Soldier is like the Marines.  "I was a marine"  "The Marines"
Sure, and there really just needs to be enough clarity for the player to understand the basic twist: Cloud was a soldier, but he wasn't a Soldier.

Of course, I think what I really like about "SOLDIER" is that it goes further in making it sound like a corporate-owned name brand -- which it is. I know it almost certainly wasn't intended as such by the original translator, but I sort of dig the idea that it's stylized in all-caps like many real trademarks (heck, even the FF brand is officially stylized as "FINAL FANTASY" in all official English materials).

And honestly, the Japanese name sort of gives the same vibe, right? They opted for a foreign word rendered in katakana, when something like 魔特部(神羅魔晄特殊部隊) would have probably been par for the course.

But I digress. "Soldier" is perfectly valid.

I thought was French?  Any case, if so I will change the documentation.
Well, Technique is pronounced the same in French, English, and Japanese: テクニック, as opposed to テクニカ, which would be Technica (Latin, I suppose, if they put that much thought into the name).

The meant pizza so I have to keep it.  They prob did this as a joke on the fact Midgar looks like one.
Yeah, I agree. I'm just saying that you don't have to make the punchline quite so obvious. A bit of subtlety might serve the joke better.

There is no such thing as a rocket port and it seems very unlikely that the writers really intended that.  I understand your point on it being unique, but it sounds wrong.  I will discuss this.
So, you're basically thinking that they meant ロケットパッド instead of ロケットポート? Quite possible.

I'm certainly not going to pretend like I know what was going through the creator's mind... I've seen enough intentional uses of Engrish from Japanese authors to know better. Hoshino Katsura had Viz change their translation of アレイスター・クロウリー from Aleister Crowley to Arystar Krory, for example. Maybe she didn't know what she was doing, or maybe she did.

Sector is kept in installer option, but is definitely wrong and cannot be included in what we consider the new localisation. The whole point about midgar was that they were districts with names... they were not merely sections, and the Japanese makes that clear.
Mind pointing me to some more context on this?

I mean, I know that districts and sectors aren't technically the same thing when referring to city planning, but I always assumed that the use of "sector" was a play on Midgar's circular shape. And damned if it doesn't create some lovely alliteration ("Sector Seven Slum" has such a great ring to it).

I thought foot of was quite good, and the Japanese uses foot.

The foot / the base / the bottom (of a mountain) are synonymous. My dictionary lists all three as translations for 麓.

Doing some google-fu, it appears that "base" is used more technically, IE "base-to-summit vertical rise," whereas "foot" might be used poetically, IE "a sleepy town at the foot of a mountain."

"Foot of the Cliff" has a nice ring to it, but I don't know if it would be at home on, say, a topo map.

Crisis core is talking bollocks, and this is the original game.  I don't take any other material except the current original on board except in some circumstances.  The original game makes it clear that the translation is "Northern Great Cavity"  Or Great Cavity of the North.  I have used Crater for localisation.  It certainly is not cave.
Not gonna get into CC too much, as it certainly borders on retcon several times, but Kazushige Nojima, Yoshinori Kitase, and Tetsuya Nomura all worked on Crisis Core, and could well be considered the primary creative forces behind FFVII. Naturally, that doesn't preclude from changing their minds to expand the story years later, but still.

As for localizing Great Cavity as Great Crater -- my point is that in technical terminology, caves are "underground cavities large enough for a person to fit through," and thus "cave" works as a more appropriate localization than Crater, which is merely a depression in the Earth.

My interpretation of this location, and correct me if I'm wrong, is that it's comprised of two parts (three if you include Crisis Core's superboss area). On the surface you have an impact crater (クレーター), most likely created when Jenova slammed into the planet. In-universe, this is frequently misidentified as volcanic crater (火口), another example of the limited understanding of Jenova and the Ancients. Then beneath the crater you have a subterranean cave, which serves as the actual final dungeon and leads into the core of the planet.

It is definitely Schildra fro, the German "shield".  The Japanese is clearly not a syl sound.
Why definitely? The Japanese fandom seems to believe it's a reference to シルドラ from FFV (presumably a portmanteau of silver+dragon or silver+hydra).

And if it's not a "syl" sound, explain シルエット, シルク, and シルバー.  :-P

The name sounded... crap.  General works best. I will add that note to documentation.
Man, I don't know. When I think of "General Store," I think of a run down store in a dusty western where the protagonist goes to stock up on hard tack before joining a wagon train.

How 'bout "Ancients' Emporium?" The word Emporium is associated with the markets of ancient Greco-Roman cities.

That would be a massive stretch and not in line with what was intended.
Aww, c'mon. A massive stretch? Really?  :P

The "intent" of all these locations is that they're places where people go to have sex, right? I mean, it's not very subtle. A love nest is a place people use for "illicit rendezvous," so "lovers' hive," as in a hive for two lovers, plays into that just fine.

The later, 恋人, is the Japanese term for "significant other," IE a lover, boyfriend/girlfriend, a sweetheart. Here I'm evoking "honey," the term of endearment, as it means roughly the same thing as "sweetheart" or "sweetie" or "love." Plus, it has the added connection to honey bees and bee hives... because, you know, Honey Bee Manor.

As for おしおき部屋... Punishment Room works just fine, but I'd probably opt for the double entendre of "Dungeon."

It is a proper weapon? in real life?  Do you have a link?

They even have a picture of a collapsible, Edo-period juji shuriken. It's just one of many different design variations of the shuriken.

It's after a name of a clan and so it cannot be translated away from that.  The clan name has to be there.
Again, not proposing you remove the clan name, just that the convention in Final Fantasy localizations is to use Fuma instead of Fūma.

It's an erroneous translation and should be changed in all ff media.
Eh. Ork, orc. I've got absolutely no problem with allowing permutations of these made up fantasy words.

and it's incorrect.

Well, it literally means "Full Moon Ring." While it refers to the same basic type of weapon, it's a seperate word from チャクラム with a different etymology.

More importantly, チャクラム and 円月輪 refer to two seperate recurring weapons in the Final Fantasy series. There are even a few games in the series where both are obtainable as distinctly seperate weapons.

Work gloves are not made of cotton?
Sure they are, there are plenty of work gloves made out of cotton.

Looking into the origins of the word 軍手, the term comes from Edo-period military-issued cotton gloves, later encompassed all military-issued work gloves, and work gloves in general after mass production made gloves available to the general public post-WWII.

Hmm  I will check the chinese. But it does look like Snake Spear is a real named weapon, and Shemao is not as such.
Shemao (or She Mao, if you prefer) is the romanization from Chinese. The full name is Zhang Ba She Mao. It may simply refer to a specific type of spear used from horseback, but it pretty much always seems to be referenced as Zhang Fei's personal weapon, even when shortened to just She Mao.

I am sorry if much of that isn't being changed
That's fine. It's always good to have a multiple sets of eyes when deciphering this stuff, in my experience.

Also, I typed this all up before the 9 previous posts were posted, so pardon any repetition.
« Last Edit: 2013-07-04 05:27:32 by Suzaku »


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Re: The Reunion [IN PROGRESS]
« Reply #1776 on: 2013-07-04 08:41:46 »
I edited some of the answers I gave to those, if you run back to them.  For example, Fuma probably misses the u with macron because they don't have it on the font, but I added it.  You're right that since I change Hojo with macrons to Hojo without, I should probably do same with Fuma, but I look online and it seems to be the norm to come with Macron, plus it gives it a nice feel.

The schildra thing, I was wrong on too, if could well be syldra.  See previous post.  I did not realise that the sil sound could be derived from it (and I am too used to seeing these things brought up that ARE wrong.  I apologise).

シルドラ・イン - "Syldra Inn," a likely reference to Syldra (シルドラ), Faris's pet sea monster from FFV. How it relates to an inn in Cosmo Canyon, though Nomura did work on the monster designs for FFV.

The problem is, FF5 probably translated it wrong as well....  Using ff5 as a source doesn't provide any concrete proof, it just asks the question whether that too got it wrong.

What we do know is that Syld is not a common word(?), and Schild is (albeit common in german). Although why the ra is anyone's guess in that case (maybe to make it sound like a name).  Need some hard evidence from somewhere as to intended word.  Syldra/Sildra is possible, but so is Schildra / Shildra.

Seems I was wrong on the sil thing as Luksy said, it certainly can be derived from that kana.


She is Faris Scherwiz's childhood friend.

Maybe no coincidence.


Work Gloves sound more correct.... I had a look at Ultmania again:

That's a picture of Tifa's weapon...  is it probably a joke, along the lines of Umbrella / mop?
Is that picture a work glove?


That is not the same weapon as the Snake Spear, which looks a bit like this:
« Last Edit: 2013-07-04 13:17:32 by DLPB »


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Re: The Reunion [IN PROGRESS]
« Reply #1777 on: 2013-07-04 09:16:38 »
Not gonna get into CC too much, as it certainly borders on retcon several times, but Kazushige Nojima, Yoshinori Kitase, and Tetsuya Nomura all worked on Crisis Core, and could well be considered the primary creative forces behind FFVII. Naturally, that doesn't preclude from changing their minds to expand the story years later, but still.

Expand the story later? They have done an irreversible damage to the story. These stupid creative made Tseng familiar with Cloud in CC and because of that
Tseng's is acting strange in FF7 like "Who is this mysterious SOLDIER (with this, never seen of me, big fat sword of his back)."
We Must assume that the Caverns of wonders and the great norther cave are entirely different places. Anything other would mean Shin-Ra has already detected the place (where the promised land is, at last for Shin-Ra). Even if they meant that both are the same, they obviously dosen't know how to create a
complex and correct story.


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Re: The Reunion [IN PROGRESS]
« Reply #1778 on: 2013-07-04 13:08:17 »
There is no mention of any of that in FF7 original, nor mention of the world being called Gaia.  All of these are later additions, and there's no way I will accommodate them.  I am with Kaldarasha that the preq and seq have pissed all over ff7.  Luckily, I have only read about them and never played them :)  I dread a remake of FF7 because I just know they will add all these silly changes to make it fit better with the preq seq, like Lucas did to Star Wars.  I can see it...   I wish I could have 60 minutes with the creative team behind ff7 and get to the bottom of a lot of the questions I have once and for all.  It's so lazy of them to leave so much to the localiser, and in a lot of cases there is no chance.

This is why sequels and prequels hardly ever work if it wasn't thought through beforehand. FF7 was a self contained story and was never meant to be expanded.  Because of this, the writers thought "Geeeeeeeeeeee  hMMMMmmm  we need to carry this on now.  How do we do it?" They did it the most basic way possible.  Character resurrection etc. So we have had Hojo come back to life, Sephiroth come back to life, Rufus come back to life, Cloud revert to an even worse psychological state than previously, despite his clear character growth in FF7.  Don't even get me started on that Genesis thing. Let's sum it up:  The preq seq are badly written money makers.  The only people who try to rationalise this mess are the deluded fanboys.  The simple fact is, it is bad writing.  FF7 isn't real.  I was on a particular forum not long back bashing my head against a brick wall because all of these clear errors were being explained away with the most twisted , crazy, self delusional reasoning I have ever seen.  Rufus clearly wasn't killed by that fireball because we didn't see his dead body (no seriously, that's what the concensus was).  It doesn't matter that the game ended and that 2 or 3 characters stated he was dead.  No.  He was clearly a super human.  Advent Children shows him being bombarded by fire lmao , it also shows Cloud being rammed into a building at 200 mph with not a scratch, and the pièce de résistance, being shot right in the face and only losing his sunglasses.  Aerith must be really weak, I mean only 1 stab and she was dust.  Or perhaps she just wasn't wearing AntiBigAssSword armour.  Rufus was probably equipped with some sort of fire elemental defence.  Yes, it all makes sense after all.  I am going to have to stop here before I have a coronary!

Seriously, I just wish people like that could go to a different internet.
[Here is an example I just googled. "Don't criticise bad writing, because I am too dumb to care."

End rant.

While it is true that the Cavity has a cave system inside it, the original Japanese is referring specifically to the hole.  If you think about it logically, the NPCs don't know what it inside the crater, no one has been there.  Why would they be calling it a cave system if they don't know that there are caves there?  Clearly, the translator didn't realise it was a big hole that was being talked about and chose cave (which the kanji can also mean).  It's a stone wall mistake, caused by lack of context.  No one told Baskett it was a big crater...  He likely thought "Well... cavity sounds unlikely" and chose cave.  I would have done the same if I didn't know there was a huge motherfucking hole up north.   :P :P :P  The exact same issue occurs in Tifa's Seventh Heaven, where Baskett wasn't told it was a bar and ends up calling it a shop.

Lastly, Caverns of Wonders is absolutely ridiculous.  There is nothing special about that cave system, and they are simply giving it a name for the pure sake of making it sound cool. Also, they prob ripped off Aladdin.

I am sorry if I appeared a little cranky in that other post too, you have to realise that it was like 4 AM here, and I get a lot of people bringing up the same points I have dealt with 100 times.  I am also a very stressful person, with good reason.  Your points were put across well and have helped.  Despite how aggressive I sound, I can assure you I appreciate it, and I sit here nice and calm while typing.  Perhaps Luksy should be the person to answer questions, he seems to be a far better people person than I ever could be.  :P  Actually, that's definitely for the best.  I understand full well that my approach does not help matters in the long run, but that is who I am.   I will leave most questions to Luksy.  I'm retiring!  :o
« Last Edit: 2013-07-04 15:10:07 by DLPB »


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Re: The Reunion [IN PROGRESS]
« Reply #1779 on: 2013-07-04 16:37:00 »
I hope you don't stop answering to people, DLPB.

You might be a little rough around the edges in your answers but they show great passion and care. I like to read each reply of yours to people's questions and concerns so please keep it up.

Ver Greeneyes

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Re: The Reunion [IN PROGRESS]
« Reply #1780 on: 2013-07-04 19:06:21 »
While it is true that the Cavity has a cave system inside it, the original Japanese is referring specifically to the hole.  If you think about it logically, the NPCs don't know what it inside the crater, no one has been there.  Why would they be calling it a cave system if they don't know that there are caves there?  Clearly, the translator didn't realise it was a big hole that was being talked about and chose cave (which the kanji can also mean).  It's a stone wall mistake, caused by lack of context.  No one told Baskett it was a big crater...  He likely thought "Well... cavity sounds unlikely" and chose cave.  I would have done the same if I didn't know there was a huge motherf*cking hole up north.   :P :P :P
Great Northern Crater Cave? :-D


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Re: The Reunion [IN PROGRESS]
« Reply #1781 on: 2013-07-04 21:41:39 »
I hope you don't stop answering to people, DLPB.

You might be a little rough around the edges in your answers but they show great passion and care. I like to read each reply of yours to people's questions and concerns so please keep it up.

^This :D


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Re: The Reunion [IN PROGRESS]
« Reply #1782 on: 2013-07-04 21:52:16 »
Great Northern Crater Cave of Wonders That Transcend the Greatest Minds and the Gods of Mount Olympus? :-D

« Last Edit: 2013-07-05 15:02:23 by DLPB »


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Re: The Reunion [IN PROGRESS]
« Reply #1783 on: 2013-07-04 22:38:30 »

Zhang Fei’s weapon is “Zhan Ba She Mao” (戰八蛇矛 / Battle Eight Snakes Lance).

Been doing some research on those points, and seems Suzaku is right...  they have taken the last 2 hanzi of this Chinese weapon for the name of Cid's weapon.  蛇矛

So correctly, as Suzaku said, the name in FF7 should be "She Mao" or Snake Lance / Snake Spear.  Given that the snake weapons are well defined and this is specific to Zhang Fei, I will use She Mao.  Thanks very much for spotting this, Suzaku.
« Last Edit: 2013-07-05 00:27:20 by DLPB »


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Re: The Reunion [IN PROGRESS]
« Reply #1784 on: 2013-07-05 00:40:07 »
That doesn't sound right to me. That would mean that people would be saying, "the Apple sure do design great products!"

It's either "Apple sure does design great products," or "the Apple employees sure do design great products!"

I rarely write my posts in one sitting and usually it's an hour or two between them. So if I didn't fully explain something you can turn to that as the explanation for why it doesn't make sense.

As you point out it doesn't work in all contexts. However, Shin-Ra also includes a military aspect. "The Army, The Navy, The Secret Service" are all valid singular entities that that works for.

You wouldn't say "Navy is developing a new battleship" or "The Navy are developing a new battleship." It would have to start with "The Navy is".

So both the sentences "Shin-Ra provides us with power." and "The Shin-Ra invaded our town." are completely valid and are referring to different organizations.


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Re: The Reunion [IN PROGRESS]
« Reply #1785 on: 2013-07-05 01:13:30 »
This is one of my favourite changes.  This event occurs immediately after Tifa leaves the Punishment Room (she has kicked the guy's arse in there).

More literal:
   Don't take me seriously
   and you'll end up in a world of pain!!”

“Of course!
   If you take me lightly,
   you're gonna pay for it!!”

“Well,he learned a lesson…
   Not taking me seriously will
   introduce you to a world of pain!!”
« Last Edit: 2013-07-05 01:16:48 by DLPB »


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Re: The Reunion [IN PROGRESS]
« Reply #1786 on: 2013-07-05 04:21:21 »
Speaking of Tifa, what is her new dialog with Scarlet after Sapphire attacks Junon and cuts open the gas room? Specifically Tifa's line that originally read something like "First you lock me in here, now you want me to come out". That line has always bugged me for reasons I could never quite put into words.


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Re: The Reunion [IN PROGRESS]
« Reply #1787 on: 2013-07-05 04:26:54 »

“What'd you do?
   Hey! Open up!”
“First you lock me in this weird place,
   and now you're telling me to come out?
   Make up your mind!”

“What'd you do?
   Hey! Open it!”
“First you lock me in this weird place,
   and now you're telling me to come out?
   Make up your mind!”


“What have you done?
   Hey! Open up!”
“First you lock me in this weird place,
   and now you want me to come out.
   Make up your mind!”
« Last Edit: 2013-07-05 04:28:36 by DLPB »


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Re: The Reunion [IN PROGRESS]
« Reply #1788 on: 2013-07-05 18:53:00 »
Don't know if this was asked yet, but do you know if the translation mod will work with the other PC releases, or will it not?


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Re: The Reunion [IN PROGRESS]
« Reply #1789 on: 2013-07-05 20:50:19 »
Don't know if this was asked yet, but do you know if the translation mod will work with the other PC releases, or will it not?

Virtually the first line on the first post answers your question.  You will need to convert any other non 1998 game using Kranmer's converter. 


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Re: The Reunion [IN PROGRESS]
« Reply #1790 on: 2013-07-05 21:07:50 »
Sorry, just amusing myself.  Back to work now.  :P

“But with Rufus dead,
   the army is in disarray.
   Heidegger and Scarlet don't have
   what it takes to hold Shin-Ra together…”{NEW}

FF7 Remake
“But with Advent Children on its way,
   the army has a chance again.
   Heidegger and Scarlet might be
   dead,let's just wait and see,but
        at least Rufus is cool!”{NEW}


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Re: The Reunion [IN PROGRESS]
« Reply #1791 on: 2013-07-06 15:19:38 »
Actually it ended up being much the same this one.  The accuracy has had to take a hit here v slightly because otherwise Barrett sounds far too articulate.  The only real difference is the last lines, where originally they've been translated as if the previous lines and 2 options didn't exist.  Barrett is responding to Cloud's questions when properly translated.

“Yo, {CLOUD}!
   Let's get a move on!”
{CHOICE}Wait a sec
“{CLOUD}, what's wrong?
   You just gonna stand there while
   Sephiroth heads for the Promised Land?”{NEW}
“I ain't lettin' Sephiroth or
   Shinra get to no Promised Land.
   If they do,
   then we're all screwed.”{NEW}
“Y'know what I'm sayin'?”
{CHOICE}Beautiful, just beautiful!
{CHOICE}Is that all?
“Jus' leave it to me!”
   That's good enough.”

   Let's get a move on!”
{CHOICE}Wait a sec
“What're ya waitin' for?
   You just gonna stand there while
   Sephiroth heads for the Promised Land?”{NEW}
“I ain't lettin' Sephiroth OR
Shin-Ra get there. If they do,
we're all screwed.”{NEW}
“I know that much!”
{CHOICE}Is that all?
“No problem!”
“C'mon,it was perfect!”
« Last Edit: 2013-07-06 18:31:32 by DLPB »


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Re: The Reunion [IN PROGRESS]
« Reply #1792 on: 2013-07-07 11:03:02 »
Not sure if I ever shoved this one up...  This one is an example of missing dialogue.  This dialogue is needed more than most too, because it tells the player that a monster up ahead can turn you into stone.

“Say, aren't you bored?”
{CHOICE}Not that much
{CHOICE}Yeah, we fight a lot
“Isn't that good?
   You're just expecting too much.”

“Do you ever get bored?”
{CHOICE}Not really
{CHOICE}Yeah,we fight all the time
“Well,that's a good thing.
   You shouldn't take it for granted.”{NEW}
“Just look at me…
   stuck here like this.”{NEW}
“Must be amazing fighting dragons,
   and weird monsters.”{NEW}
“Come to think of it,they say there's
   a giant bird-like monster at Mt. Corel,
   whose attacks turn you into stone.”{NEW}
“You'd best be prepared.
   Anyhow,it's back to work for me!”


Another one that changes things...

“How would you even know?
   You don't know how tough
   it is…getting sick on boats and rides…”{NEW}
“So, please…just leave me alone.”
“I really do understand, {YUFFIE}.
   When I get sick on a flight, it's a real killer.”{NEW}
“When I was in SOLDIER,
   I completely forgot about my motion sickness.”

“How would you know?
   …Airsickness… motion sickness…”{NEW}
“I'm begging you…
   please just leave me alone.”
“…I really do understand,{YUFFIE}.
   My motion sickness is a real killer.”{NEW}
“Although,for some reason,when I
   told the tale about how I was in
   Soldier,I forgot all about it.”
« Last Edit: 2013-07-07 12:04:58 by DLPB »


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Re: The Reunion [IN PROGRESS]
« Reply #1793 on: 2013-07-08 00:44:28 »
2nd revision ongoing.

386 of 690 done.  Another day or two.  Much easier to proof read and make amendments than it was to localise it.


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Re: The Reunion [IN PROGRESS]
« Reply #1794 on: 2013-07-08 02:15:22 »
Sorry about the wait, I had some deadlines go "HI YOU DON'T GET TO DO OTHER THINGS" on me.

Here we go! If you want changes, I have the raw files! Although tell me which variants you prefer so I can only edit one set, it'll make my life way easier. Also, these all work on all the background colors I've tested, although the text suffers a bit on pure black or pure white. I'm not positive on the text is gonna be clear upon resizing. tl;dr whatever you're not happy with let me know I can fix!

Top Buttons Set #1

Top Buttons Set #2

Top Buttons Set #3

Top Buttons Set #4

Select/Start Set #1

Select/Start Set #2

Select/Start Set #3

PS - I'll be happy to group the final ones into one folder, zip it, and e-mail it to you as well once you're happy!
« Last Edit: 2013-07-08 05:15:20 by mugenginga »


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Re: The Reunion [IN PROGRESS]
« Reply #1795 on: 2013-07-08 09:20:26 »
R1/R2 Selection 1 and 4 work best, but I need you to cheat and use the small button versions for both (not large for R2 L2).  Select and start need to be the same with the text "Select" "Start"  inside the button graphic.   I am liking the inside text buttons!  That's a good job.
« Last Edit: 2013-07-08 09:22:43 by DLPB »


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Re: The Reunion [IN PROGRESS]
« Reply #1796 on: 2013-07-08 09:37:15 »
What's with the direction buttons? The piano mini game would need it.


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Re: The Reunion [IN PROGRESS]
« Reply #1797 on: 2013-07-08 09:43:48 »
What's with the direction buttons? The piano mini game would need it.

Yeah the direction buttons are also needed...  Look at playstation joypad for those.  Shouldn't be too difficult, just make sure the graphic makes the direction obvious.


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Re: The Reunion [IN PROGRESS]
« Reply #1798 on: 2013-07-08 09:48:41 »
Yeah the direction buttons are also needed...  Look at playstation joypad for those.  Shouldn't be too difficult, just make sure the graphic makes the direction obvious.

Wasn't sure on those because they weren't in the original list.  I'm a little iffy on what to do with them because just basing it on the buttons is a bit confusing (they kind of seem to 'point' in the opposite direction of what they actually indicate XD). The thing is if I were to mirror them to face the right direction, it might throw people off because they try to follow it based on the actual controller. Any thoughts on a solution for this?

The other changes are really easy. I really think the dark inside text (Set 1) looks better, but it IS a bit harder to read, so would you prefer I go with the lighter inside text?

PS - I'm just so happy I'm able to contribute! I don't know Japanese, I couldn't program my way out of a wet paper bag... it makes me really happy I can help this project! :D
« Last Edit: 2013-07-08 09:50:52 by mugenginga »


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Re: The Reunion [IN PROGRESS]
« Reply #1799 on: 2013-07-08 09:52:14 »
Perhaps use another joypad as a template?  Or... Use arrows of some kind?