Author Topic: [FF7PC-98/Steam] Multiple mods and Modding Framework-The Reunion [R06f]  (Read 3086108 times)


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If anyone is having trouble with scaling issues/using R06 installer, this setting seems to work wonders.

Right click installer > Properties > Compatibility > Change high DPI settings > DPI override > use System (enhanced)


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If the most you can "toy" with a complex mod like this is 15 mins before throwing in the towel and deciding it's no good, then I have no idea why you think modding games is for you in the first place. Your opinion isn't worth the grain of salt you recommend we take it with.
That's simply not true.  I love modding FF7.  Most people can easily (and do) tell if they like a product within that amount of time or less.  It's like staying on a date for 5 hours when you already made up your mind you weren't attracted to the person as they were first walking up to greet you.  Why torture yourself?  Hence why they invented the very popular speed dating.  The value in downloading, installing, reading, configuring, and then ultimately using without seeing much really exciting (to me) was not worth it to me.  Excellent if it is for you.  Reunion won't be "an acquired taste" for me by using it longer.  I simply don't like it.  On the bright side, at least R06 installed.  I couldn't get that far with R05.

I'm sure there will be many fanboys and fangirls that don't agree with me and will run up to defend it, and that's OK.  But it's pathetic to let someone else not liking a mod get under your skin.


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First of thanks heaps DLPB and friends for your tireless work, I've been waiting for this to fire up a new play through.

I have a question, I'd love to play FFVII again with the updated pre-renders from the Remako mod. I've added the .iro files to a Remako folder in the customs folder and set Mod_ID = Remako in the options.ini. it's does not seem to work. Am I missing something?

All the best I hope your able to have at least a little bit of rest now.


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unab0mb is a committed modder, I would value his feedback, I have not installed it yet, but I think his point is very valid about having a modular aspect.  Some people might want the translation and no other part, other might just want the UI changes (I do think the battle UI status effect stuff is quite neat in the video).
« Last Edit: 2019-11-21 15:21:37 by Chrysalis »

Cert Serth

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Many thanks for all your hard work, DLPB! Looking forward to seeing how the new modding scheme works, as I wouldn't mind tinkering with it. Also, how on earth did you also think of the Dreamstone theme song for the completion of R06? It came to my mind as well. O_o


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If the most you can "toy" with a complex mod like this is 15 mins before throwing in the towel and deciding it's no good, then I have no idea why you think modding games is for you in the first place. Your opinion isn't worth the grain of salt you recommend we take it with.
You're new here, and perhaps new to forums like these as well, so I'm going to give you a piece of advice.  Learn something about the person you're criticizing before jumping down their throat.  Unab0mb is both a modder and a coder.

Cert Serth

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So far things are looking pretty swell, save for two issues:

1. The 3D models are horribly aliased for some reason. GPU settings don't seem to affect it.

2. The battle victory music kept playing indefinitely following a fight in the train graveyard. Not sure if the location is relevant yet, though, as it's the only time it's happened.


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I'm not having any luck with R06.

I installed FFVII from Steam. Version 1.0.9 English Steam.
I ran the game.
I ran the The_Reunion_R06.exe
Launched the game again, from both ff7_en.exe and FF7_Launcher.exe.
FFVII Launcher is coming up. Click Play.
Game launches without Reunion.

edit: windows 10

Does anyone have this working for the Steam version? Can you tell me the steps you used to make it work?

Sega Chief

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First of thanks heaps DLPB and friends for your tireless work, I've been waiting for this to fire up a new play through.

I have a question, I'd love to play FFVII again with the updated pre-renders from the Remako mod. I've added the .iro files to a Remako folder in the customs folder and set Mod_ID = Remako in the options.ini. it's does not seem to work. Am I missing something?

All the best I hope your able to have at least a little bit of rest now.

I think it needs to go in a specific file structure. So in either Global, Custom, or Base (I went with Global for example but should be same in all 3 cases):


And then subfolders for each field with the background files in those subfolders. 'games' there is the name of a gold saucer field.
« Last Edit: 2019-11-21 14:51:32 by Sega Chief »


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Does anyone have this working for the Steam version? Can you tell me the steps you used to make it work?

Just login in to say I have the same problem. Any help will be appreciated!

Sega Chief

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Does anyone have this working for the Steam version? Can you tell me the steps you used to make it work?

I ran the installer and pointed it at this directory:
D:\Steam\steamapps\common\FINAL FANTASY VII
I didn't have any of the options ticked when installing.
From there, I ran ff7_en.exe

Should note that it's not in Program Folders, it's in like a regular folder.

When running the game, it should generate a file called APP (a notepad file) in the Final Fantasy VII folder where the .exe is. That might be able to shed some light on the source of the problem (but not always unfortunately). Pastebin is a good way of sharing its contents.


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First of all, congratulations, Dan.

I am very happy to see R06 out even if there seems to be a few nasty problems, which you have anyway anticipated and will be working on the next days.

A small reply to unab0mb: the retranslation itself wouldn't seem to you a very valid reason to have Reunion's Beacause?

It's an honest question, not meant to be inflammatory.



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Thanks Sir!

tom servo

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Thank you for the release!

Sega Chief

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I've spent the day with it, here's my thoughts so far:

1) Audio fixed, enhanced, and functionality expanded
2) Comes with a good base set of features for graphical/performance overhaul out of the box
3) Multiple Speed-up settings, FMV skip, Mute Audio, and Game Reset shortcuts added.

1) No XML support, meaning in-game hotswapping of files isn't available.
2) Mods must be combined manually; one custom slot, rest of desired files must be set either in base or global override.
3) Text-based management for options.

For the audio, I've got an example. In the observatory scene, multiple sound effects are supposed to play together in order to create the full effect. However, on PC the sound channels don't work together properly and you end up with only one playing at a time:

[Mind your volume]

This now plays correctly in R06; there are also field script tweaks, etc. to adjust other issues like the character being hidden by the camera during the PC version of the scene.

Similar adjustments and fixes are throughout the game. A list of the fixes and changes can be found here on the Field Script errors tab and Other Errors tab:

Menu Overhaul is now quite close to the original aesthetic. I feel that's the way to go, but others may prefer the old Menu Overhaul. Battle looks pretty good with the entire screen being used and being able to see currently active statuses by using Square is really handy (works even while paused). The other assets like model overhaul, world map textures, etc. that come packaged are solid choices.

The shortcuts to speed up the game, etc. will be very handy. While the speedup is better than the PS4 version's equivalent, I think it'd be good to add a random encounter toggle so that it more fully matches it.

Overall, game looks and performs well. World Map is nice and bright like the PSX game. Fields seem to load faster as well during transitions (I think this is when New Translation is turned on, which has the field fixes in it).

Modding-wise, I see a lot of potential in the audio section. Having SFX play into battles means that environmental ambience can carry over into a battle (for instance, the corel train battles could have the train SFX as you're fighting). There's also the 255 expanded limit for music tracks and the 65535 limit on SFX which opens a lot of doors for audio modding.

Not having an XML to hotswap files in-game, however, is a drawback as it enables features in 7th heaven that R06 can't do like swapping character models from an in-game menu.
« Last Edit: 2019-11-21 23:15:46 by Sega Chief »


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I ran the installer and pointed it at this directory:
D:\Steam\steamapps\common\FINAL FANTASY VII
I didn't have any of the options ticked when installing.
From there, I ran ff7_en.exe

Should note that it's not in Program Folders, it's in like a regular folder.

When running the game, it should generate a file called APP (a notepad file) in the Final Fantasy VII folder where the .exe is. That might be able to shed some light on the source of the problem (but not always unfortunately). Pastebin is a good way of sharing its contents.

Still no luck. My APP file is completely blank.


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Yeah, my "The_Reunion.log" has the same
     Warning: No valid registry entry was found.
     Are you sure Final Fantasy VII is installed properly and that this is a legitimate copy?
My copy is definitely legit, and I tried reinstalling. So, not sure what is going on.

Sega Chief

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I think your error was the registry one. I'm not sure what to do for that but 7th heaven has a registry cleaning tool for troubleshooting, maybe that can help?


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Cheers D

Could it be possible to create an alternative link for no-torrent users? (big issues with this software)


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Cheers D

Could it be possible to create an alternative link for no-torrent users? (big issues with this software)

When we have a proper stable release, I certainly need seeders.  Can't use my own Google Drive etc as it would be shut down in a week. 

I am now providing a reply to the questions and issues thus raised.


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« Last Edit: 2019-11-21 23:58:29 by kalathi »

Sega Chief

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Cheers D

Could it be possible to create an alternative link for no-torrent users? (big issues with this software)



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Any mirrors people make are free to be posted here and I'll add to the main post.  Cheers, SC.


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Hi! I'm really enjoying the mod so far. Here are a few oddities I've encountered:

1) In the scene in Aeris's house when Cloud goes to sleep and the music cuts out, there are a lot of loud, glitchy sounds. The audio remained blank (even menus didn't make sounds) until I touched the save point outside her house -- then the music and everything kicked back on and all was normal.

2) In the Honeybee Inn, when picking the Group Hive, the musclebound guy in the lower right of the group gets "stuck" when they all run in. He kind of glitches in place and the game hangs since he doesn't stop moving and the scene doesn't continue -- requiring a reset. I was able to continue the game by picking the Love Nest room instead.

3) During the Shinra HQ invasion, when your party reaches the floor where Aeris is being held captive and confronts Hojo, Barrett normally runs forward to aim his weapon towards the "cage" Aeris is inside. If your party formation is Cloud -> Tifa -> Barrett, he ends up running the wrong way and gets stuck, causing the game to hang and a reset is needed. I managed to get around this by rearranging my party to Cloud -> Barrett -> Tifa, which places him in the correct position so the scene can play out normally.

Thanks for all your hard work on this :)


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I'm not getting any sound from FMVs. It must be properly opening the sound device, because it pops on start and stop, but doesn't play anything. Full logs don't show any errors. Shouldn't be a codec problem--I analyzed the files and they're just PCM, so no codecs are needed. This is on two different systems, Windows 10 and Linux through wine. What am I missing?