I have never read whatever you have written in your
The Reunion - About GPL license file included in your project, until today. And this goes BEYOND every respect bar I may have reached with you.
Not only you uprisen yourself by even writing "It's not my ego project.", but then you
strawberries literally on everyone's hat here on the community, ME and quantumpencil included. Considering that I do have huge respect for him, we're not coupled together nor we are selfish, because if we were WE WOULD KEEP OUR CODE CLOSED like YOU DO.
I thought that file was going to contain any trace of the GPL license attached, while you instead wrote your own personal story and personal view on everything, you sell THIS
strawberries to everyone and then you're even trying to sound humble, and even worser you wrote something ABSOLUTELY FALSE, and feel free to give any proof of that statement as I NEVER asked you for ANY sourcecode when I did start FFNX ( and is written this way, not ffxn ):
I supplied this to quantumpencil openly and he and True Odin agreed to help improve the code and work with The Reunion.
No my dear DLPB, you supplied NOTHING to ME personally. I started from the fork made by Quantumpencil and Nax (
https://github.com/FFT-Hackers/FF7_OpenGL ), I started to improve that fork PR after PR, and THEN I started to work on FFNx because I wanted to get a more modern rendering stack that would have helped me fix the bugs YOU CLAIM YOUR WORKING ON.
So Mr. I am the perfect guy who works tirelessly for the community, tell me: did you ever fix missing textures in Hades spell? Did you fix XInput controller support OOB? Did you improve texture loading speed? What about memory issues and crashes? Or are those whistels and bells done because we have huge ego?
You're damn sick. and I'm tired of this attitude. Learn to respect people and ONLY THEN you will start to become humble towards the eyes of the community. I always had respect for you, even after all the
strawberries you pulled on Qhimm because you're used to cry, finger point and TAKE NO DAMN SELF REFLECTION. Even after that I had a 1% willingness to cooperate with you. Then after I read that file, we're done. You deserve NO RESPECT. You will have to earn it towards me.
Feel free to fork my code and do what you want on top of your selfish framework. But to the rest of the community DO NOT EXPECT any bugs to be fixed by me. Everything that will mention "FFNx" in DLPB framework, will be HIS OWN issue, HIS OWN mole of work to be fixed. DO NOT EVER consider coming to me to ask to fix anything he touches.
Good luck with your project.