Author Topic: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.99994)  (Read 5040755 times)


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.35)
« Reply #1800 on: 2015-07-30 01:51:29 »
what kind of item do you think she should have been working on? maybe since its a whole new addition to the main story line, maybe it should be a whole new item? like your own personal Armor that ONLY cloud can wear?


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.35)
« Reply #1801 on: 2015-07-30 03:42:42 »
Alright, so I fixed the Django problem; he lost his activate menu/movement script when I added the SP additions. What I've not been able to replicate though is the soft-lock you've encountered in the screen where Gi Nattak is fought. Does the screen load up or does it stay black? Also, can you leave the Cave of the Gi?

I'm also looking into the scene with Cloud's memory and encountered the soft-lock toward the end. Also noticed some music problems while the scenes play, likely caused by the field music option.

Yo Chief,

It's neither of those. Like I was saying when you first go there in Disc 1, you know how Bugen stops the party and warns them of the danger before you actually proceed into the room, how you actually lose control of the character because of the text? It's like that, except obviously Bugen isn't there and there isn't any text. The help finger disappears if I have it on and so do the red arrows, so Tifa is just kind of stuck standing there right as she tries to actually /enter/ the room where you would fight Gi Nattak, since you have to pass that into Seto's room to fight Django. Sorry if I wasn't clear, hopefully that explains it a little better? :(

EDIT: While waiting I went ahead and made a separate save before I went to check out the Dark Cave sidequest, am I not supposed to be able to climb the wire at Wall Market to reach the Shinra Building? Red XIII's the only party member I'm missing. :o
« Last Edit: 2015-07-30 06:01:26 by BelialLion »


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.35)
« Reply #1802 on: 2015-07-30 08:35:30 »
@Sega Chief
I've been thinking about this for a while. Is it possible to make the Silver Barrette sell-able? Some kind of flag you could change?

Robo Jesus

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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.35)
« Reply #1803 on: 2015-07-30 09:34:07 »
Ok, I just got to disk two. Hmm, I'm kinda conflicted. I understand why you did what you did, but, hmm, it feels kinda cheap, on both ends (vanilla game and the mod here). One because the vanilla game didn't even address the issue you brought up here, but also because the way it was done feels cheap and kinda dumb/idiotic, from both ends (vanilla for not addressing that issue and in the mod here with Sephiroth not addressing that potential and being a d*ck to ensure it didn't happen, which kind makes the situation here come across as very mediocre). And that's not touching on the fact that dead bodies float (Link#1, Link #2). :P

Hmm, thinking about it, I get the feeling that you could have your metaphorical cake and eat it too, at least here in this situation. I'll have to explore the idea and develop it a bit more, I think.


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.35)
« Reply #1804 on: 2015-07-30 09:34:34 »
New Armor - Jessie's Momento. 0=0 0=0 +5 str/mgk. Basically the combination of the Titan/Mythril Bangle with 1 extra slot that is also connected. Not game breaking. But also not bad/useless.


Robo Jesus

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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.35)
« Reply #1805 on: 2015-07-30 09:37:34 »
New Armor - Jessie's Momento. 0=0 0=0 +5 str/mgk. Basically the combination of the Titan/Mythril Bangle with 1 extra slot that is also connected. Not game breaking. But also not bad/useless.

Needs more cowbell. :P

More seriously though, hmm, I think that it won't see much use considering players will be able to grab much better armor less than an hour afterwards in the Shinra building unless it has reasonable def/mdef. Yes, the linked slots are useful, but by that point all you really have to link to them is an All and an Element, and most players will be moving those about. Hmm.
« Last Edit: 2015-07-30 11:03:31 by Robo Jesus »


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.35)
« Reply #1806 on: 2015-07-30 11:34:42 »
I think it would be fine to get an S-mine or something from her (she likes bombs and monitors! You know, flashy stuff. :)), saves spending a whole armour on a unique, missable, underpowered item. Could be good for getting through a tough boss in Midgar.
I guess it's an easy way to channel the spirit of AVALANCHE right into Reno's smug face.

Also, Chief, I've just left Midgar on Arrange /exe patch. Doing alright so far, the difficulty has been enjoyable. Had to retry a couple of battles (mostly from hanging about trying to morph then getting stuck in healing cycles).
Learning Enemy Skill mid battle as soon as Red shows up is beautiful. So satisfying.
I loved the elevator battles. Speedy Barret with VIT out the ears in the front row building up his attack every turn. Aeristh healing /lightning spells, Red healing /barrier /grenades. No long range sled fang :'(. Makes sense though! Always was confusing.
Rufus may not bleed or cry, but I was crying because of his resistances!! I had to blow a bunch of lv2 magic items on him to take him down, because of some awkward elemental choices. Didn't have to reset though!
And I love Rubicante healing you at the start of the fight ;). Tifa with lightning element attack was chewing through his hp like no ones business! Cloud with bolt /cure, Red with cure /barrier/cover, and we were OK.

I'm enjoying the changes to materia stats. Really makes you think about who gets what! So far I've been ranking up across different options for everyone, too, so that's working well. Gotta love those DEX boosts!


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.35)
« Reply #1807 on: 2015-07-30 12:35:59 »
I think it would be fine to get an S-mine or something from her (she likes bombs and monitors! You know, flashy stuff. :)), saves spending a whole armour on a unique, missable, underpowered item. Could be good for getting through a tough boss in Midgar.
I guess it's an easy way to channel the spirit of AVALANCHE right into Reno's smug face.

true enough. but that would feel very useless IMO. like I am always getting those items to throw at enemies, but I never use them, theres no need to. So I think it would end up being another useless item.

Its Jessie's last gift to Cloud to make up for her mistakes. It should be...special... dont you think?


Actually now that I think of it, it could be a special Bomb item. Remember how she was saying that her Reactor 1 Bomb was too big, and she "did just like the computer told her to". Maybe she makes Cloud a Bomb, but it ends up being like ridiculously strong. 1 time use, maybe even 9999 dmg to all enemies on the field. Save it for a super special occasion. That sort of thing.

So far I've been ranking up across different options for everyone, too, so that's working well.

I keep reading about this "ranking up" thing. What is everyone talking about? is that Arrange only? Or are you simply referring to Leveling up?
« Last Edit: 2015-07-30 12:57:42 by AverageJoeFF7Fan »

Robo Jesus

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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.35)
« Reply #1808 on: 2015-07-30 13:01:12 »
true enough. but that would feel very useless IMO. like I am always getting those items to throw at enemies, but I never use them, theres no need to. So I think it would end up being another useless item.

Its Jessie's last gift to Cloud to make up for her mistakes. It should be...special... dont you think?
I use items all the time, but they have to be, you know, useful. A couple S-mines/SS-mines as an example would be useful early in. And having more than one would allow players to mess around with them to see how useful they actually are.

And yeah, Sega Chief, the more I look over the Aeris death and resurrection scene in this mod, the more ridiculous it looks. No, don't get me wrong, I like the idea of having Aeris and her oh-so-useful limitbreaks around, but the way it was done here is just so damned mediocre and sub-par compared to how it could be. The main issue here that makes it look so damned silly is Cloud's reactions as he bemoans her passing before then shrugging and using a pheonix down. The initial thought I have is to just tweak that scenario, but the story-teller in me thinks you could reuse every vanilla canon scene and still have the end result of 'Aeris' around afterwards.


Well, the train of thought I have at the moment goes something like this. In the game, Aeris is 'killed' by Sephiroth (I'd add in a line of him saying he made sure that she can't be revived (linked materia as an example) as well, to avoid the 'why didn't they just revive her question).

So how does that allow the party to 'keep' Aeris?



In the game's story, Jenova is described as having the ability to take any shape or form, as well as grab memories of those nearby. And here Sephiroth is, using a piece of Jenova to move about on the surface shaped like Sephiroth, with Aeris in a magically special place as she's trying to disrupt what Sephiroth is doing, and physically incapacitated. Thus, you can easily end up with an Alex Mercer type situation using that fragmented, damaged Jenova piece, taking on Aeris' shape and memories, easily allowing the players to retain 'Aeris' while still having Aeris dead and Cloud's initial reactions unchanged and still valid. And that's not touching on the potential plot hooks for 'Aeris' to have to fight through a situation in order to remain 'Aeris' and not become another Puppet or threat like all the other Jenova pieces.

But yeah, however you go about it, at the moment the scene we have is kind of ridiculously silly. At the very least, make some dialogue tweaks, or hell, ponder the above, but whatever you do, don't leave it like it currently is.
« Last Edit: 2015-07-30 13:14:44 by Robo Jesus »


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.35)
« Reply #1809 on: 2015-07-30 13:40:05 »
I think the way Aeristh is handled in this is fine, myself - we've all played the game before, we know the 'true' story. This mod is just for fun, not a replacement of that.
It's not worth trying to justify it beyond "we wanna keep her around for gameplay /fun", messing with pseudo scientific reasons would just raise more issues. JENOVA impersonating her sounds pretty horrible, too.
I have enjoyed the little in jokes. Things like "This guy be sick" and the W-item materia. I see the abrupt revive as another one, it's just lampshading! :)


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.35)
« Reply #1810 on: 2015-07-30 15:03:14 »
all the ___________________ makes it very hard to even understand what you're saying O.O;


nvm.. i just woke up. ignore me XD i can read it now
« Last Edit: 2015-07-30 15:08:32 by AverageJoeFF7Fan »

Robo Jesus

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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.35)
« Reply #1811 on: 2015-07-30 16:57:38 »
I think the way Aeristh is handled in this is fine, myself - we've all played the game before, we know the 'true' story. This mod is just for fun, not a replacement of that.
It's not worth trying to justify it beyond "we wanna keep her around for gameplay /fun", messing with pseudo scientific reasons would just raise more issues. JENOVA impersonating her sounds pretty horrible, too.
I have enjoyed the little in jokes. Things like "This guy be sick" and the W-item materia. I see the abrupt revive as another one, it's just lampshading! :)
With the changes made here, it's not handled fine at all. The scene used here is fine in vanilla, because Aeristh remains dead. Here, she doesn't, and because she doesn't, and more importantly how it's handled here, it makes the scene come across pretentiously. How it's fixed isn't as important as the fact that it is an issue that needs fixing.

And useful constructive criticism involves pointing out what's wrong and a few suggestions for how to fix it. The stuff in the spoilers is just the story-teller in me musing, but the scene needs tweaked in order to fix the issues in it. And likely all that is needed is just some dialogue changes in that scene so it's not so, well, pretentious. Because that scene was just too ridiculous with how it tried to keep both the vanilla dialogue and the change made. It doesn't work well here. At all.

So, Sega needs to get rid of the vanilla dialogue and replace it with something else, or, if he wants to keep that vanilla dialogue, he needs to use the situation differently so the scene actually works (like what I pointed out in my spoilered musings).

Because many of the scenes and alterations and references he's made so far have worked, and worked quite well, because all they required is a working knowledge of the English language. This particular scene though? Yeah, it doesn't quite work here.
« Last Edit: 2015-07-30 17:01:10 by Robo Jesus »

Sega Chief

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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.35)
« Reply #1812 on: 2015-07-30 17:45:18 »
what kind of item do you think she should have been working on? maybe since its a whole new addition to the main story line, maybe it should be a whole new item? like your own personal Armor that ONLY cloud can wear?

Probably a weapon, that way it's for Cloud. Although a grenade would be funny. I can't add new armour/weapons/accessories in though, it has to be a pre-existing one that gets edited. Might go for an item.

Yo Chief,

It's neither of those. Like I was saying when you first go there in Disc 1, you know how Bugen stops the party and warns them of the danger before you actually proceed into the room, how you actually lose control of the character because of the text? It's like that, except obviously Bugen isn't there and there isn't any text. The help finger disappears if I have it on and so do the red arrows, so Tifa is just kind of stuck standing there right as she tries to actually /enter/ the room where you would fight Gi Nattak, since you have to pass that into Seto's room to fight Django. Sorry if I wasn't clear, hopefully that explains it a little better? :(

EDIT: While waiting I went ahead and made a separate save before I went to check out the Dark Cave sidequest, am I not supposed to be able to climb the wire at Wall Market to reach the Shinra Building? Red XIII's the only party member I'm missing. :o

Right, I'm with you now. I had a look at that screen too though, and couldn't replicate the problem there either. What I'll do is add an extra check for Game Moment to make sure that event line is cleared. My concern is that the only way it could trigger is the var got reset or Game Moment has (somehow) fallen back down to a Disc 1 value. Whichever it is, I'll get it fixed.

As for Dark Cave, you need the following party members to advance up the wire:
Cait Sith

Vincent and Yuffie should be skippable (this was set up back when they were both optional characters, rather than just Vince being optional). As for Red XIII's location, try heading for the Train Graveyard.

@Sega Chief
I've been thinking about this for a while. Is it possible to make the Silver Barrette sell-able? Some kind of flag you could change?

Ah right, I've heard of that issue (Ribbon and Water Rings were affected as well, right?) I think i checked the kernel once but the sell flags were all correct. It must be some other problem that I might not be able to fix as easily. What I could do is set up an NPC somewhere who will 'buy' these items from the player using field script rather than the shop script.

I think it would be fine to get an S-mine or something from her (she likes bombs and monitors! You know, flashy stuff. :)), saves spending a whole armour on a unique, missable, underpowered item. Could be good for getting through a tough boss in Midgar.
I guess it's an easy way to channel the spirit of AVALANCHE right into Reno's smug face.

Also, Chief, I've just left Midgar on Arrange /exe patch. Doing alright so far, the difficulty has been enjoyable. Had to retry a couple of battles (mostly from hanging about trying to morph then getting stuck in healing cycles).
Learning Enemy Skill mid battle as soon as Red shows up is beautiful. So satisfying.
I loved the elevator battles. Speedy Barret with VIT out the ears in the front row building up his attack every turn. Aeristh healing /lightning spells, Red healing /barrier /grenades. No long range sled fang :'(. Makes sense though! Always was confusing.
Rufus may not bleed or cry, but I was crying because of his resistances!! I had to blow a bunch of lv2 magic items on him to take him down, because of some awkward elemental choices. Didn't have to reset though!
And I love Rubicante healing you at the start of the fight ;). Tifa with lightning element attack was chewing through his hp like no ones business! Cloud with bolt /cure, Red with cure /barrier/cover, and we were OK.

I'm enjoying the changes to materia stats. Really makes you think about who gets what! So far I've been ranking up across different options for everyone, too, so that's working well. Gotta love those DEX boosts!

Escaped Midgar on EXE Arrange, eh? Yeah, I changed the Range flag of Limit Breaks (except for projectile ones like Blade Beam, Big Shot, etc); small tweak but makes a difference. Tifa seems to be the MVP of this patch, lot of people are saying she's hitting the hardest. A speedy Barret sounds interesting, he could be very dangerous with those attack stacks if he has enough speed to get the turns in.

true enough. but that would feel very useless IMO. like I am always getting those items to throw at enemies, but I never use them, theres no need to. So I think it would end up being another useless item.

Its Jessie's last gift to Cloud to make up for her mistakes. It should be...special... dont you think?


Actually now that I think of it, it could be a special Bomb item. Remember how she was saying that her Reactor 1 Bomb was too big, and she "did just like the computer told her to". Maybe she makes Cloud a Bomb, but it ends up being like ridiculously strong. 1 time use, maybe even 9999 dmg to all enemies on the field. Save it for a super special occasion. That sort of thing.

I keep reading about this "ranking up" thing. What is everyone talking about? is that Arrange only? Or are you simply referring to Leveling up?

When you're at a Save Point, there should be a extended menu on-screen with options like Quick-Tent, Rank Up, etc. If you visit the Rank Up screen (L2/CAMERA button) then you can get Sources to upgrade your character's stats with. Each character gains SP throughout the game that lets them rank up, with 8 ranks in all. I'm not going to say the mod will be impossible to beat without using the ranks, but it will likely get very tough.

I use items all the time, but they have to be, you know, useful. A couple S-mines/SS-mines as an example would be useful early in. And having more than one would allow players to mess around with them to see how useful they actually are.

And yeah, Sega Chief, the more I look over the Aeris death and resurrection scene in this mod, the more ridiculous it looks. No, don't get me wrong, I like the idea of having Aeris and her oh-so-useful limitbreaks around, but the way it was done here is just so damned mediocre and sub-par compared to how it could be. The main issue here that makes it look so damned silly is Cloud's reactions as he bemoans her passing before then shrugging and using a pheonix down. The initial thought I have is to just tweak that scenario, but the story-teller in me thinks you could reuse every vanilla canon scene and still have the end result of 'Aeris' around afterwards.


Well, the train of thought I have at the moment goes something like this. In the game, Aeris is 'killed' by Sephiroth (I'd add in a line of him saying he made sure that she can't be revived (linked materia as an example) as well, to avoid the 'why didn't they just revive her question).

So how does that allow the party to 'keep' Aeris?



In the game's story, Jenova is described as having the ability to take any shape or form, as well as grab memories of those nearby. And here Sephiroth is, using a piece of Jenova to move about on the surface shaped like Sephiroth, with Aeris in a magically special place as she's trying to disrupt what Sephiroth is doing, and physically incapacitated. Thus, you can easily end up with an Alex Mercer type situation using that fragmented, damaged Jenova piece, taking on Aeris' shape and memories, easily allowing the players to retain 'Aeris' while still having Aeris dead and Cloud's initial reactions unchanged and still valid. And that's not touching on the potential plot hooks for 'Aeris' to have to fight through a situation in order to remain 'Aeris' and not become another Puppet or threat like all the other Jenova pieces.

But yeah, however you go about it, at the moment the scene we have is kind of ridiculously silly. At the very least, make some dialogue tweaks, or hell, ponder the above, but whatever you do, don't leave it like it currently is.

I'll explain my position on this and why the event turned out the way it did. When I approached this part of the game during my initial run/development of the first NT build, I had a thought that it would be a nice surprise to have Aeris tag along going into Disc 2 and that it would let players have this character to use against the myriad of new bosses and other challenges in the mod. The work involved + the damage it could do to the game's story should have put me off, but I eventually convinced myself to do it when I read through the game's Disc 2/3 script and realised that only one scene in the game would actually prove to be problematic from a story perspective; others only needed a word changed here, or a sentence restructured there. The rest were just tough mechanically due to the way the script is organised seemingly at random for different fields but that proved to be a good learning experience because I was still very shaky with field scripting at the time.

So after that was done I had to tackle the remaining issue of the actual 'revive' event. I'm not given to mushy scenes, and I didn't want to cook up some cringeworthy nonsense either. Ultimately, NT is a celebration of the game's diverse battle mechanics which I've always enjoyed exploring and the quirky story that was produced in a different time. Like Gatchaman said, I wanted the mod to be 'for fun' and a lot of the off-beat moments in it like the third battery (a dilemma in perfect games), the Boxer enemy's final dialog, etc. were put there as small nods to old rumours and other things that have popped up in the time that the game has been around.

I've never personally been a fan of the whole 'just use a Phoenix Down' thing itself, but I knew it would catch people out and there was a great moment when I was watching someone stream NT at that point of the game, with the chat 'suggesting' that the streamer use a Phoenix Down on Aeris; the reaction when Cloud actually did this moments later was quite fun to watch. On the whole, I think it's a nice way to do it; no fluff, no fuss, no amateur-hour dramatics. No creepy alien people hanging around with the party. Just a straight shot when you're least expecting it.

As for vanilla dialogue, I've actually been (discreetly) working through the flevel on a field-by-field basis. Some of the more eagle-eyed players might have noticed that certain scenes have had their dialogue redone slightly. The goal with that is just to make it 'click' better without straying too far, and repairing some of the weird text boxes along the way. I guess at some point I'll reach the field screens where this wee scene takes place; I can consider my options at that time, though I think I promised a few people the option to make the entire thing optional at some point. That'll likely affect things.


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.35)
« Reply #1813 on: 2015-07-30 18:03:10 »
Probably a weapon, that way it's for Cloud. Although a grenade would be funny. I can't add new armour/weapons/accessories in though, it has to be a pre-existing one that gets edited. Might go for an item.

Right, I'm with you now. I had a look at that screen too though, and couldn't replicate the problem there either. What I'll do is add an extra check for Game Moment to make sure that event line is cleared. My concern is that the only way it could trigger is the var got reset or Game Moment has (somehow) fallen back down to a Disc 1 value. Whichever it is, I'll get it fixed.

As for Dark Cave, you need the following party members to advance up the wire:
Cait Sith

Vincent and Yuffie should be skippable (this was set up back when they were both optional characters, rather than just Vince being optional). As for Red XIII's location, try heading for the Train Graveyard.

Ah, I see. I couldn't make heads or tails of it, either, cause it seemed like it was one of those cases where the problem only affects you and hasn't for anyone else, as I'm sure that's happened to almost any one of us in our life at some point. :o I'll get back on it here shortly and check the yard, cheers for that, too. :)

EDIT: When trying to use the elevators on the 66th floor, the game softlocks before you even enter the elevator (You hit OK as usual to open the doors to go in....then you lose control and can't regain it). I noticed this during Disc 1 when you're there to rescue Aerith, and it happened again in the Dark Cave portion. Also, that final boss at the top.....a little strong, that's all I'm gonna say. ;p
« Last Edit: 2015-07-30 20:58:15 by BelialLion »

Robo Jesus

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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.35)
« Reply #1814 on: 2015-07-30 18:36:33 »
I'll explain my position on this and why the event turned out the way it did. When I approached this part of the game during my initial run/development of the first NT build, I had a thought that it would be a nice surprise to have Aeris tag along going into Disc 2 and that it would let players have this character to use against the myriad of new bosses and other challenges in the mod. The work involved + the damage it could do to the game's story should have put me off, but I eventually convinced myself to do it when I read through the game's Disc 2/3 script and realised that only one scene in the game would actually prove to be problematic from a story perspective; others only needed a word changed here, or a sentence restructured there. The rest were just tough mechanically due to the way the script is organised seemingly at random for different fields but that proved to be a good learning experience because I was still very shaky with field scripting at the time.

So after that was done I had to tackle the remaining issue of the actual 'revive' event. I'm not given to mushy scenes, and I didn't want to cook up some cringeworthy nonsense either. Ultimately, NT is a celebration of the game's diverse battle mechanics which I've always enjoyed exploring and the quirky story that was produced in a different time. Like Gatchaman said, I wanted the mod to be 'for fun' and a lot of the off-beat moments in it like the third battery (a dilemma in perfect games), the Boxer enemy's final dialog, etc. were put there as small nods to old rumours and other things that have popped up in the time that the game has been around.

I've never personally been a fan of the whole 'just use a Phoenix Down' thing itself, but I knew it would catch people out and there was a great moment when I was watching someone stream NT at that point of the game, with the chat 'suggesting' that the streamer use a Phoenix Down on Aeris; the reaction when Cloud actually did this moments later was quite fun to watch. On the whole, I think it's a nice way to do it; no fluff, no fuss, no amateur-hour dramatics. No creepy alien people hanging around with the party. Just a straight shot when you're least expecting it.

As for vanilla dialogue, I've actually been (discreetly) working through the flevel on a field-by-field basis. Some of the more eagle-eyed players might have noticed that certain scenes have had their dialogue redone slightly. The goal with that is just to make it 'click' better without straying too far, and repairing some of the weird text boxes along the way. I guess at some point I'll reach the field screens where this wee scene takes place; I can consider my options at that time, though I think I promised a few people the option to make the entire thing optional at some point. That'll likely affect things.
Makes sense, and yeah, I have noticed a few of the text tweaks here and there. And this isn't a major issue, more of a "That one scene makes no sense, but the rest is fine" sort of comment. It's not a big issue, but when you do get to it, it goes need some tweaking so it, you know, doesn't seem so... odd.

Your mod has actually made me smile and laugh throughout it at various points (I literally cackled like a loon during the Scorp appearance before fighting Dyne). I damn well love what you've done here, and the battle aspects are fun as hell (I started the game in full NT conversion mode because I wanted to see what you did). I wouldn't be speaking up or spending time going through things and commenting if I didn't feel it wasn't worth it (and I'm sure as hell not going to complain for the sake of complaining). :-D
« Last Edit: 2015-07-30 18:39:06 by Robo Jesus »


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.35)
« Reply #1815 on: 2015-07-30 19:58:04 »
@Robo Jesus
Thanks for continuing to think well of the mod. Lots more to explore and request. Afterall, it's not every day you meet someone as nice and well mannered as Sega Chief.

@Sega Chief
Yes, please! Gold Saucer is a great spot for that sort of NPC, alongside the NPC that sells Fire Fangs, Shrapnel, War Gongs, etc. Get them all in the same corner of a room alongside the planned Fort Condor Runner and it'll be a cool kid's party.  ;)

I never got around to saying this till now, but thanks for condensing Transform into the Legomorph spell. I've been using status effects a ton in random battles lately due to the safety it provides when stealing and morphing. The level gap between my characters and enemies in Arrange is so large now that I require 6 attempts on average to get a steal, and that can be really bad when you're a greedy son of a gun like me. Having the ability to frog/small a bunch of enemies is just refreshing and therapeutic after all the trouble.

Also, I thought something was "off" about certain scene dialogue. Glad to know you're adding more of your sensibilities to the game. I really like the way you think, as well as your sense of humor. You have my respect for sticking to your guns with Aerisths. No need for over-dramatic angst bait, convoluted "Jenova is the culprit" plot lines, or "HOJO WAS RIGHT ALL ALONG" excuses. Haha. :D

EDIT: Hojo is always right, btw. All along.
« Last Edit: 2015-07-30 20:22:53 by Bowser9 »

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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.35)
« Reply #1816 on: 2015-07-30 20:59:29 »
Makes sense, and yeah, I have noticed a few of the text tweaks here and there. And this isn't a major issue, more of a "That one scene makes no sense, but the rest is fine" sort of comment. It's not a big issue, but when you do get to it, it goes need some tweaking so it, you know, doesn't seem so... odd.

Your mod has actually made me smile and laugh throughout it at various points (I literally cackled like a loon during the Scorp appearance before fighting Dyne). I damn well love what you've done here, and the battle aspects are fun as hell (I started the game in full NT conversion mode because I wanted to see what you did). I wouldn't be speaking up or spending time going through things and commenting if I didn't feel it wasn't worth it (and I'm sure as hell not going to complain for the sake of complaining). :-D

No worries, I'm always on the look out to improve things so don't hesitate to mention anything.

Yes, please! Gold Saucer is a great spot for that sort of NPC, alongside the NPC that sells Fire Fangs, Shrapnel, War Gongs, etc. Get them all in the same corner of a room alongside the planned Fort Condor Runner and it'll be a cool kid's party.  ;)

I never got around to saying this till now, but thanks for condensing Transform into the Legomorph spell. I've been using status effects a ton in random battles lately due to the safety it provides when stealing and morphing. The level gap between my characters and enemies in Arrange is so large now that I require 6 attempts on average to get a steal, and that can be really bad when you're a greedy son of a gun like me. Having the ability to frog/small a bunch of enemies is just refreshing and therapeutic after all the trouble.

Also, I thought something was "off" about certain scene dialogue. Glad to know you're adding more of your sensibilities to the game. I really like the way you think, as well as your sense of humor. You have my respect for sticking to your guns with Aerisths. No need for over-dramatic angst bait, convoluted "Jenova is the culprit" plot lines, or "HOJO WAS RIGHT ALL ALONG" excuses. Haha. :D

EDIT: Hojo is always right, btw. All along.

Cool kid's party, eh? I'll maybe add him to the Saucer then.

Lagomorph solved a couple of problems; Frog Song always kind of made Frog itself a little moot unless you were using it with All but the two spells were always a little squared off against each other in effects.

Hojo is a tad eccentric. And he seems to forget plot points at the drop of a hat.

Edit: Quick scene hotfix patch, this corrects an issue with Mug's targeting:!SpVy1aKS!4VFBX8Opcu84lDQU80UT9E9FFqkg2YkXumUuV1oIiHA
« Last Edit: 2015-07-30 21:20:15 by Sega Chief »


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.35)
« Reply #1817 on: 2015-07-30 21:22:11 »
Any  idea when you might be releasing a hotfix for that chocobo? I'm up to 3x lvl 2 fire/bolt/ice/cure/all/cover, so each of my chars has a full set of lvl 2 magic and they are all on lvl 3 limit breaks now. lol  XD

oh, and 99 iron bangle/grenade/assault gun. cause of reasons.

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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.35)
« Reply #1818 on: 2015-07-30 22:17:56 »
I'm putting the flevel patch together at the mo; you might be, eh, a tad overleveled though.


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.35)
« Reply #1819 on: 2015-07-30 22:23:25 »
XD im close to lvl 3 All. I refuse to progress without my shiny bracelet! o.o;


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.35)
« Reply #1820 on: 2015-07-30 22:23:37 »
Lagomorph solved a couple of problems; Frog Song always kind of made Frog itself a little moot unless you were using it with All but the two spells were always a little squared off against each other in effects.

Hojo is a tad eccentric. And he seems to forget plot points at the drop of a hat.

Edit: Quick scene hotfix patch, this corrects an issue with Mug's targeting:!SpVy1aKS!4VFBX8Opcu84lDQU80UT9E9FFqkg2YkXumUuV1oIiHA

Lagomorph also felt like a solid design choice because it fed into a logical progression of status effect "spell power." You get it pretty much just as your double growth armors have unlocked Silence and Slow. Having it pretty much available as soon as you hit Gold Saucer felt incredibly natural and rewarding. It encourages the sort of forward momentum that keeps most players moving instead of stopping to grind out a spell they want. Also, thanks for the tight response on all the hotfixes.

Sega Chief

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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.35)
« Reply #1821 on: 2015-07-30 22:30:27 »
XD im close to lvl 3 All. I refuse to progress without my shiny bracelet! o.o;

Patch uploading; I just hope it's not too late ,_,

Lagomorph also felt like a solid design choice because it fed into a logical progression of status effect "spell power." You get it pretty much just as your double growth armors have unlocked Silence and Slow. Having it pretty much available as soon as you hit Gold Saucer felt incredibly natural and rewarding. It encourages the sort of forward momentum that keeps most players moving instead of stopping to grind out a spell they want. Also, thanks for the tight response on all the hotfixes.

I was a bit worried about Lagomorph but I think it alleviates the general problem with having too many niche spells locked behind AP requirements. It also lets us have a shiny new elemental spell to use at the end of the game :3


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.35)
« Reply #1822 on: 2015-07-30 22:40:06 »
too late. lvl 3 All. XD only another 12k AP for lvl 4 o.o;

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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.35)
« Reply #1823 on: 2015-07-30 23:05:28 »

That's the flevel patch :(

It contains the Cave of the Gi, Cloud's Memory, Chocobracelet, etc. fixes. But let me know if the contingency for Cave of the Gi doesn't work Belial; I wasn't able to trigger the softlock on my end, so I added an extra 'clear line' command trigger to clean up the event.

Edit: One thing to note: the Chocobracelet drops from the field event now, rather than the battle itself.
« Last Edit: 2015-07-30 23:36:06 by Sega Chief »


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.35)
« Reply #1824 on: 2015-07-31 00:05:07 »

That's the flevel patch :(

It contains the Cave of the Gi, Cloud's Memory, Chocobracelet, etc. fixes. But let me know if the contingency for Cave of the Gi doesn't work Belial; I wasn't able to trigger the softlock on my end, so I added an extra 'clear line' command trigger to clean up the event.

Edit: One thing to note: the Chocobracelet drops from the field event now, rather than the battle itself.

You got it, Chief. I kept a separate save file from before I went into the Dark Cave, just in case this fix came sooner than expected, which it did so cheers! By the way, did you catch on my last post the edit I made about the Shinra Bldg. stuff in the Dark Cave? I probably should have just made that part a separate post, so my bad on that end. ;p