Author Topic: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.99994)  (Read 4991758 times)


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.4)
« Reply #4300 on: 2016-10-18 01:34:11 »
Hello everyone I have been following the forum for awhile now and just got my account set up..... So nice to meet you guys!
Anyway I have one bug to report lol.

When you are in Midgar the 2nd time when you walk on the save point Hojo's final boss form always attacks the second you step there I got lucky and beat him but just so no one gets caught with their pants down like I did save at Shinra HQ (Thank god for all my turbo ethers and elixrs.)

But I am loving the mod it is really a challenge and it keeps me on my toes since bosses are not the only threat. Nice job SegaChief!!!!!!!!!!

Also when you load up the game gruesome shows up don't use the save point. XD
« Last Edit: 2016-10-18 01:36:53 by ScottHighwind »


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.4)
« Reply #4301 on: 2016-10-18 03:21:38 »
Yeah, Attack can be viable on boss fights, but you still have to deal with +50% physical damage (in other words, usually more MP and turns burnt on healing), which is specially annoying for Tifa given that you will face party-wide physical attacks, misses for Cid and the low HP for Yuffie against high acc spells. Obviously nothing major, but as you said, it really is overshadowed by magic.

On regular fights it's simply too annoying, as there get to a point where you have to escape battles where enemies aren't weak to your equipped elemental and fighting without a elemental with anything besides Yuffie or Tifa using Deathblow+Added Cut, as anyone else i felt like didn't hit often enough, means you only have 2 party members instead of 3.
Yeah this was one of my issues as well going through the mod. I had to devote so many materia slots to multiple Elemental/weakness combo's to ensure that my physical attackers didn't always suck in random battles. I didn't get to use all the materias I wanted to by doing this, but it was still better than constantly having to run away from fights in order to adjust my setup (which I don't mind doing for boss fights, but for random encounters it really started to ruin the pacing).

Other than that and some issues with the SP system (which seems to have been fixed with the latest patch), this mod has been fantastic.

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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.4)
« Reply #4302 on: 2016-10-18 12:19:37 »
Hello everyone I have been following the forum for awhile now and just got my account set up..... So nice to meet you guys!
Anyway I have one bug to report lol.

When you are in Midgar the 2nd time when you walk on the save point Hojo's final boss form always attacks the second you step there I got lucky and beat him but just so no one gets caught with their pants down like I did save at Shinra HQ (Thank god for all my turbo ethers and elixrs.)

But I am loving the mod it is really a challenge and it keeps me on my toes since bosses are not the only threat. Nice job SegaChief!!!!!!!!!!

Also when you load up the game gruesome shows up don't use the save point. XD

Knew I was forgetting something; I sometimes set fights to trigger at a save point during testing and then forget to remove them. It'll be gone in the next patch.

Yeah this was one of my issues as well going through the mod. I had to devote so many materia slots to multiple Elemental/weakness combo's to ensure that my physical attackers didn't always suck in random battles. I didn't get to use all the materias I wanted to by doing this, but it was still better than constantly having to run away from fights in order to adjust my setup (which I don't mind doing for boss fights, but for random encounters it really started to ruin the pacing).

Other than that and some issues with the SP system (which seems to have been fixed with the latest patch), this mod has been fantastic.

That's the key thing to tackle right now; Disc 2/3 random encounters with some boss tuning to make the fights fit faster. As it stands they've got too much HP and are hitting hard enough to make it tricky to juggle offence with defence.


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.4)
« Reply #4303 on: 2016-10-19 01:53:25 »
Can't learn Blaster from Tsarcat, the character does an animation when getting hit but there is no damage (i think that's normal, can't remember from Mimic's fight) and i don't  get dual or haste (no status resistances on my characters). Is there anything else when you get outside of Dark Cave ? There is a mention of something missing, but i went to Dio and explored a bit of Midgar and talked to some NPCs, but nothing. Also didn't get Mystile there.


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.4)
« Reply #4304 on: 2016-10-19 01:54:38 »
I don't mind that the SP is gone forever, keeps me honest. Only reason I was tempted to ask is that I've been slamming against a brick wall for the past couple of days insofar as the Corel Train Huge Materia gauntlet goes - I can just about get through the regular enemies through copious use of Laser and Demi 2, but I'm not sure I'll be able to muster enough damage to pass the boss in time...

This is my first full playthrough of the NT mod and it's been almost entirely blind - that said, I'd be really grateful if someone could let me know (without spoiling too much) whether failing the train event causes me to miss something important? I already tried paying for the shiny rock...

Additionally, is there any consistency to which boss enemies are morphable and which are not? At first I thought bosses couldn't be morphed, but then there are posts on here that suggest otherwise...

Sega Chief

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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.4)
« Reply #4305 on: 2016-10-19 02:12:18 »
Can't learn Blaster from Tsarcat, the character does an animation when getting hit but there is no damage (i think that's normal, can't remember from Mimic's fight) and i don't  get dual or haste (no status resistances on my characters). Is there anything else when you get outside of Dark Cave ? There is a mention of something missing, but i went to Dio and explored a bit of Midgar and talked to some NPCs, but nothing. Also didn't get Mystile there.

Blaster isn't an enemy skill, but it is missing half of it's formula. I've made the change and it'll be in the next patch. The new enemy skill, Mustard Bomb, is learned from Pollensalta; she'll use it on whoever hits her with a Limit Break. In the documentation, it probable mentions Stasis Lock instead; this skill was changed to Lv.3 Def-less briefly before ending up as Mustard Bomb. The docs that come with the mod still need to be updated to reflect recent changes, unfortunately.

Just remembered what must have happened with the Mystile; if memory serves, the way that enemy ends the fight means there's no results screen. I'll need to sort that out; Mystile will be added to the Highwind 'lost & found' NPC outside the Operations Room in the meantime, placing it in the inventory if the sidequest vars check out as completed.

I don't mind that the SP is gone forever, keeps me honest. Only reason I was tempted to ask is that I've been slamming against a brick wall for the past couple of days insofar as the Corel Train Huge Materia gauntlet goes - I can just about get through the regular enemies through copious use of Laser and Demi 2, but I'm not sure I'll be able to muster enough damage to pass the boss in time...

This is my first full playthrough of the NT mod and it's been almost entirely blind - that said, I'd be really grateful if someone could let me know (without spoiling too much) whether failing the train event causes me to miss something important? I already tried paying for the shiny rock...

Additionally, is there any consistency to which boss enemies are morphable and which are not? At first I thought bosses couldn't be morphed, but then there are posts on here that suggest otherwise...

There's nothing missable from the Corel Train, but the Materia can be tough to find. Boss Morphs are being phased out.


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.4)
« Reply #4306 on: 2016-10-19 04:36:18 »
I think that's everything fixed up that was mentioned (thanks for the lists MoCheese & Purazis for the inaccessible pillar report).

No problem, although I bring bad news, which is off course, more bugs! Also opinions on things talked about recently, apologies for the very long read! The bugs will be in Spoilers after the opinions at the top here.

Sadness & Fury & Limit Breaks, oh my! - In regards to the Sadness damage reduction I am in half agreement, half disagreement. I think the mechanic should stay as it is because it is rather helpful for low Vitality characters that can't get numbers high enough to mitigate enough damage without having to heal them every hit. That being said, I do agree and believe Sadness and Fury could be re-balanced a little to make having either on more thought fight changing then they are right now, both in terms of numbers, and in effect. Right now as things stand, there's almost no reason to not have Sadness on. The slower Limit Break speed isn't strong enough in my opinion. So what could you do? Take Sadness for example, you could also add an effect where the character deals less damage as well. For high risk, high reward characters like Tifa and Yuffie having them take less damage while also dealing less would be something to think about. Even if the damage dealing reduction is something as "small-ish" as 10 - 15%, it would be felt and would certainly have to be taken into consideration when applying it or having bosses applying it to you. Likewise on Fury, you could make it so characters do more damage, while taking more as well. Same numbers as Sadness could be a starting point. Deal 30% more damage and take 10 - 15% more or whatever. The numbers could be worked out I'm sure and it would make people have to pay more attention to those limit bar colours. A boss putting Fury on Tifa then hitting her with a big physical attack could be devastating. Off course, doing things like this would also have to take into Limit Breaks into consideration. Personally I think they come way too quickly, even with Sadness on. With Fury, which I rarely ever use, I couldn't even imagine! If you did a system like this(If something like this could even be done), you could remove the Limit Break filling speed mechanic on Sadness and Fury and those abilities would improve or weaken Limits. Another thing this kind of system would accomplish is utilizing this as an actual weapon against bosses. All of a sudden, a new door to how the player wants to fight the enemy would be available. They could make the fight go quicker if they can handle the boss doing more damage, or they could take it slow and steady if they want to play it safer. The only serious problem I see with this relate to another issue I wanted to bring up...

The magic spell, Resist - In my opinion, this spell may need to be looked at as well. It's very strong as it is, and the reason for that is the fact that it never goes away. On bosses that rely on status effects you can effectively shut them down in one move. If Resist had a timer and a spell effect so players could know it's going, it would be another thing the player would need to be aware of. Off course, this is all riding on that fact that things like this could be changed? I have no clue. This one isn't a huge problem or anything.

Morphing - Ok, I need to speak on this one because someone brought it up in the past two pages. This might actually be my biggest problem with the mod, which is actually a great sign that the mod overall is in great shape! But this is one area that needs a big change. To put it bluntly, Morphing sucks. Here's the problem, either you spend 15 - 30 minutes a fight trying to morph those crater enemies or bosses for whatever it is you're looking for because you're too afraid to hit them with another normal move in fear you'll kill them, OR you try and shorten the time by hitting them with a normal move, killing them in the process and losing all the time you just spent! If that second thing happens, you turn the game off in frustration. If the first thing happens, you're so drained mentally that you turn the game off! At least that was the way it was with me. Morphing needs to be fundamentally changed. I read that you are removing boss morphs, which is a great first step but it needs to go further. Since we can't sense enemies, either move those weapon morphs and any other important morphs save for the Guide Book to stealing, OR give us some weaponry for ALL characters that have that Yuffie Conformer gimmick on them where they deal full damage when Morphing. A good place to start in my mind would be all the Crystal Weapons in Mideel, by that point you're through most of the game, they're easily obtainable, and there's nothing inherently special about them. This would make it so we're not pigeon holed into using a character we haven't used throughout the playthrough in order to Morph, and it gets away from the trap of people who built Yuffie into a caster and having a weak Morph because of low Strength. Do any other weapons have that gimmick on them? That's my idea, but yeah, please do something about this. I don't want to lose anymore hair in frustration.

I'd also still like to hear some thoughts on something that I raised earlier in regard to Cover:
(Onto the opinion piece from me here, but I think Barret or anyone with high Vitality in the back row using Cover may need to be looked at in regards to balance issues. This really struck home with me during the Armour Keeper fight. It seems to be TOO effective at negating physical attacks. Magic damage doesn't have a way to just be cut in half like physical attacks do by doing something as simple as moving someone to the back row. I know elements can be negated and even absorbed, but what about non-elemental? Besides which, there are so many more forms of magic attacks that guarding against them all is impossible, while every enemy in the game can just attack. Seems to be a little one sided to me.

While I would never suggest removing the back row damage reduction mechanic, what I think could use a discussion on is the Cover materia itself. Maybe make it so Cover has a VERY heavy vitality reduction attached to it, a percentage perhaps? That way it can it stay evened out throughout the game. Maybe have it only absorb half the blow while the other half still goes through to the intended target, if things like that are even possible?

I'm sure you could think of something, if you even think this is a balance issue at all that is. There is certainly something to be said about leaving it up to the player to decide if they want to use this tactic or not. I know as it stands right now though, on my next playthrough, I won't use it. I think it's too strong personally.

Cover would certainly be a more interesting materia if something like the Sadness and Fury things I mentioned above and the Vitality reduction idea on Cover were in effect. Cover may not even need a tweak with the Sadness/Fury suggestion implemented. But yeah, thoughts? I think Cover is too strong as is.

One last thing:
That's the key thing to tackle right now; Disc 2/3 random encounters with some boss tuning to make the fights fit faster. As it stands they've got too much HP and are hitting hard enough to make it tricky to juggle offence with defence.

Really drawing a blank on this one, what bosses are you referring to here? Short of bosses like Hojo, which I think has already been changed? Keelhaul which I mentioned quite a while back that I think needed a seriously overhaul. Was that ever implemented by the way? And maybe Tyrant, almost all the bosses fell into the 7 - 13 minute mark if I remember correctly. According to the video timers on my uploaded playlist anyways That is where you wanted them, no? For the record some bosses SHOULD be longer then the shot 7 - 13 area. Bosses like Hojo for example should have a longer timer because he's a bigger or more important boss fight in the scheme of the game, compared to some of the more random ones like Illuyankas or Palmer for example. Also, two of the better bosses in this mod in my opinion were Mimic/Flares, and Abyss. They were both a little longer on the timer sure, but the mechanics were great. Overall, I think the bosses are pretty dang close to where they should be, other then the ones I mentioned above.

Holy jeez, I'm a windbag. Apologies! I know the things I've suggested would probably be a ton of work to not only implement, but balance as well. But I do think the discussions are good for coming up with some ideas for sure. Anyways, FINALLY on to the bugs, which will once again be behind the spoilers for those who haven't run the Dark Cave yet. The two most critical bugs are on top.

Spoiler: show
- In Dark Cave, at the save point right by the pillar after you've rested in 7th Heaven, if you save your game and restart, there will be an invisible wall preventing you from going up the pillar. Additionally, Tifa won't allow you to leave the screen, effectively locking you in that one screen, and forcing you to load an earlier save. If you don't have an earlier save file you're stuck. I'm not sure if I did anything else to trigger this. Is this the error Purazis informed you about? Because if so, it's still there.

- In Dark Cave, during the final escape, the save point right before Brute Justice still has a little window that shows up. At first I thought it wasn't important and just looked weird, but if you go and talk to the only NPC on the screen with that glitch window still on the screen, his text window won't show up and it will softlock the game, forcing a reset.

- In Dark Cave, I actually let the Mirage 20 minute escape timer count down, and regardless if you're in a battle or on the field, if the timer gets hits 0, the screen turns white and sound effects play simulating an explosion, then battle music starts playing, then the window from the very beginning of the mod that asks you what game mode you want to play appears and you get an unhandled exception if you select anything on it. Yeah, very strange.

- In Dark Cave, the battle with Swindler can be skipped entirely by hugging the wall on the left side (Swindler's right side) and slipping behind him.

- In Dark Cave, when escaping from Midgar, during random battles, the timer isn't visible.

- In Dark Cave, after Mystery Man sets the bomb on the first reactor and you get Tifa back in your party, if you leave the screen, then go back, another Tifa and Mystery Man will be there. You cannot interact with them.

- In Dark Cave, I found another "NPC Ghost". The dressmaker in his shop, the one behind the counter. You can talk to thin air there.

- In Dark Cave, random battles still have the boss music playing in the same room as Armour Keeper.

- W-Magic, Bahamut ZERO, and Phoenix are still not mastered and acquires AP just like Underwater as a 1-Star.(Wasn't this fixed a while back? I think I remember reporting this one? Anyways, it's back if so.)

Wow, this was one long long post! Apologies again!
« Last Edit: 2016-10-19 04:38:00 by MoCheese »

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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.4)
« Reply #4307 on: 2016-10-19 14:50:53 »
Sadness & Fury & Limit Breaks, oh my! - In regards to the Sadness damage reduction I am in half agreement, half disagreement. I think the mechanic should stay as it is because it is rather helpful for low Vitality characters that can't get numbers high enough to mitigate enough damage without having to heal them every hit. That being said, I do agree and believe Sadness and Fury could be re-balanced a little to make having either on more thought fight changing then they are right now, both in terms of numbers, and in effect. Right now as things stand, there's almost no reason to not have Sadness on. The slower Limit Break speed isn't strong enough in my opinion. So what could you do? Take Sadness for example, you could also add an effect where the character deals less damage as well. For high risk, high reward characters like Tifa and Yuffie having them take less damage while also dealing less would be something to think about. Even if the damage dealing reduction is something as "small-ish" as 10 - 15%, it would be felt and would certainly have to be taken into consideration when applying it or having bosses applying it to you. Likewise on Fury, you could make it so characters do more damage, while taking more as well. Same numbers as Sadness could be a starting point. Deal 30% more damage and take 10 - 15% more or whatever. The numbers could be worked out I'm sure and it would make people have to pay more attention to those limit bar colours. A boss putting Fury on Tifa then hitting her with a big physical attack could be devastating. Off course, doing things like this would also have to take into Limit Breaks into consideration. Personally I think they come way too quickly, even with Sadness on. With Fury, which I rarely ever use, I couldn't even imagine! If you did a system like this(If something like this could even be done), you could remove the Limit Break filling speed mechanic on Sadness and Fury and those abilities would improve or weaken Limits. Another thing this kind of system would accomplish is utilizing this as an actual weapon against bosses. All of a sudden, a new door to how the player wants to fight the enemy would be available. They could make the fight go quicker if they can handle the boss doing more damage, or they could take it slow and steady if they want to play it safer. The only serious problem I see with this relate to another issue I wanted to bring up...

Adjustments to damage reduction would be coming from the .exe; I guess that's the next thing to get done. In an .exe patch, the following changes would be made:

-) Enemy physical attacks can be long-range (projectile attacks like machine guns).
-) Limit Break effects adjusted; some minor, like Braver having it's base damage swapped with Cross Slash, and some major like Cosmo Memory being turned into an ally-buffing effect.
-) Materia has more pronounced equip bonuses/penalties (but not for HP/MP, that crippled this feature last time).

There might have been more, but it's been a while since I looked at my notes.

The magic spell, Resist - In my opinion, this spell may need to be looked at as well. It's very strong as it is, and the reason for that is the fact that it never goes away. On bosses that rely on status effects you can effectively shut them down in one move. If Resist had a timer and a spell effect so players could know it's going, it would be another thing the player would need to be aware of. Off course, this is all riding on that fact that things like this could be changed? I have no clue. This one isn't a huge problem or anything.

Resist has the drawback of being expensive to cast and preventing beneficial statuses.

Morphing - Ok, I need to speak on this one because someone brought it up in the past two pages. This might actually be my biggest problem with the mod, which is actually a great sign that the mod overall is in great shape! But this is one area that needs a big change. To put it bluntly, Morphing sucks. Here's the problem, either you spend 15 - 30 minutes a fight trying to morph those crater enemies or bosses for whatever it is you're looking for because you're too afraid to hit them with another normal move in fear you'll kill them, OR you try and shorten the time by hitting them with a normal move, killing them in the process and losing all the time you just spent! If that second thing happens, you turn the game off in frustration. If the first thing happens, you're so drained mentally that you turn the game off! At least that was the way it was with me. Morphing needs to be fundamentally changed. I read that you are removing boss morphs, which is a great first step but it needs to go further. Since we can't sense enemies, either move those weapon morphs and any other important morphs save for the Guide Book to stealing, OR give us some weaponry for ALL characters that have that Yuffie Conformer gimmick on them where they deal full damage when Morphing. A good place to start in my mind would be all the Crystal Weapons in Mideel, by that point you're through most of the game, they're easily obtainable, and there's nothing inherently special about them. This would make it so we're not pigeon holed into using a character we haven't used throughout the playthrough in order to Morph, and it gets away from the trap of people who built Yuffie into a caster and having a weak Morph because of low Strength. Do any other weapons have that gimmick on them? That's my idea, but yeah, please do something about this. I don't want to lose anymore hair in frustration.

Morphing has been a big problem with enemies going past 30,000HP which is why it's being dropped as the method for acquiring end-game weapons. Stealing isn't easy either due to the level difference but I'm thinking that a Sneak Glove will sort that right out. So if one weapon is a common drop, and the other is a steal, that should work out.

I'm thinking of having Disc 1 bosses be Morphable, right up until Jenova LIFE who I think has 30,000HP. As far as weapons that ignore the Morph damage penalty go, I was told that Ancient weapons like Nail Bat do this but I can't remember if they did or not when I tried it.

I'd also still like to hear some thoughts on something that I raised earlier in regard to Cover:
Cover would certainly be a more interesting materia if something like the Sadness and Fury things I mentioned above and the Vitality reduction idea on Cover were in effect. Cover may not even need a tweak with the Sadness/Fury suggestion implemented. But yeah, thoughts? I think Cover is too strong as is.

I'm OK with Cover, it's already had its proc chance adjusted.

One last thing:
Really drawing a blank on this one, what bosses are you referring to here? Short of bosses like Hojo, which I think has already been changed? Keelhaul which I mentioned quite a while back that I think needed a seriously overhaul. Was that ever implemented by the way? And maybe Tyrant, almost all the bosses fell into the 7 - 13 minute mark if I remember correctly. According to the video timers on my uploaded playlist anyways That is where you wanted them, no? For the record some bosses SHOULD be longer then the shot 7 - 13 area. Bosses like Hojo for example should have a longer timer because he's a bigger or more important boss fight in the scheme of the game, compared to some of the more random ones like Illuyankas or Palmer for example. Also, two of the better bosses in this mod in my opinion were Mimic/Flares, and Abyss. They were both a little longer on the timer sure, but the mechanics were great. Overall, I think the bosses are pretty dang close to where they should be, other then the ones I mentioned above.

The thing with Hojo is that it comes at the end where you've already had a boss fight with Diamond Weapon, the Turks, and Proud Clod within the span of an hour or so. All these fights are 'big' fights, but they can't be left as long ones simply because they're too close together. Hojo itself is also three encounters rolled into one. The downtunes to HP that have been put in so far for these fights are more like quick fixes than actual changes. The randoms in Disc 2 also need to be made faster.

Holy jeez, I'm a windbag. Apologies! I know the things I've suggested would probably be a ton of work to not only implement, but balance as well. But I do think the discussions are good for coming up with some ideas for sure. Anyways, FINALLY on to the bugs, which will once again be behind the spoilers for those who haven't run the Dark Cave yet. The two most critical bugs are on top.

I'll get these sorted out; I need to patch the flevel anyway for this surprise Hojo fight on a save point  :-X


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.4)
« Reply #4308 on: 2016-10-19 23:01:02 »
I might have missed this, but has anyone posted a list of all the enemy skills / locations? Also where to get the 2nd (or 3rd) enemy skill materia? My enemy skill list feels barren right now and I can't figure out where to find the rest :/

There is a notepad "where is the thing" where it has such list, except one or two that aren't updated, but they're end game. There is only 1 E. Skill in the game so people actually have to put some effort into the materia setup.

Resist has the drawback of being expensive to cast and preventing beneficial statuses.

For me the only drawback of Resist is when you can't finish the boss fight before your Wall wears off or just a bit after that. On top of my head only 3 fights (only Red Materia and last boss left) made me consider or actually use an Added Effect protection instead of Resist. Then again i use the ATB wait trick as much as i can on slowest or medium speed to get the maximum time out of Wall, aka, only confirm the action in queue after the previous attacks animations already happened or simply only use the 3rd character to heal or remedy when needed because i have a high dex char getting 2 to 4 turns over the enemy, not that it's a big deal, but it's something to consider because maybe the average player isn't as much of a "tryhard".

If Resist had a deBarrier or a haste dispel effect, now that's what i'd personally call a drawback.
« Last Edit: 2016-10-19 23:24:37 by Purazis »


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.4)
« Reply #4309 on: 2016-10-20 01:02:07 »
Honestly speaking, I never use the resist spell unless an extreme exception occurs. I hate not being able to have beneficial statuses on my characters. I much prefer to use buffs freely while also using added effect materias. I think resist is perfect as it is. You can also get rid of its effect by despell I do believe if it really becomes an issue (Don't quote me on that but I am fairly certain it can be removed except for certain battles).


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.4)
« Reply #4310 on: 2016-10-20 01:25:12 »
I just got a new laptop with windows 10. ( I'm used to Windows 7). So I just wanted to confirm with you guys/gals. To get this working on the 1998 PC version all I need to do is get the ff7 1.02 patch, that file made by aali,  and the 1.4 build  download 14th main install file for new threat?  Or do I also need that new threat scene.bin hot fix, new threat flevel hot fix and  that  Install_Aali-s_opengl_driver_0.8.1b.exe as well?

I'm sure this is considered obvious,  easy stuff for most of you but I suck at computers and always go through hours of frustration to get any mods or anything like that working.  I almost lost my mind just getting my ps3 controller to work with motion joy on on my old windows 7 laptop with epsxe and also the 98 PC ff7 game.  Now that I have to reinstall everything on this new windows 10 laptop I'm sure I'll have more trouble again.  It's all worth it though.  This mod seems awesome so far.  I got to the sewers last time.

Thanks so much In advance. Looks like I'll have to use Tom's installer.  Hope I don't screw this up. Wonder how many tries it'll take this time lol
« Last Edit: 2016-10-20 02:13:08 by Ty_JY »

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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.4)
« Reply #4311 on: 2016-10-20 03:17:05 »
For me the only drawback of Resist is when you can't finish the boss fight before your Wall wears off or just a bit after that. On top of my head only 3 fights (only Red Materia and last boss left) made me consider or actually use an Added Effect protection instead of Resist. Then again i use the ATB wait trick as much as i can on slowest or medium speed to get the maximum time out of Wall, aka, only confirm the action in queue after the previous attacks animations already happened or simply only use the 3rd character to heal or remedy when needed because i have a high dex char getting 2 to 4 turns over the enemy, not that it's a big deal, but it's something to consider because maybe the average player isn't as much of a "tryhard".

If Resist had a deBarrier or a haste dispel effect, now that's what i'd personally call a drawback.

I use the Wait thing as well; I don't really think of it as a trick, tbh.

Honestly speaking, I never use the resist spell unless an extreme exception occurs. I hate not being able to have beneficial statuses on my characters. I much prefer to use buffs freely while also using added effect materias. I think resist is perfect as it is. You can also get rid of its effect by despell I do believe if it really becomes an issue (Don't quote me on that but I am fairly certain it can be removed except for certain battles).

Dispel gets rid of Resist, yeah; I'm in the same camp about Resist being a double-edged sword. It can help you, but it can also hinder you.

I just got a new laptop with windows 10. ( I'm used to Windows 7). So I just wanted to confirm with you guys/gals. To get this working on the 1998 PC version all I need to do is get the ff7 1.02 patch, that file made by aali,  and the 1.4 build  download 14th main install file for new threat?  Or do I also need that new threat scene.bin hot fix, new threat flevel hot fix and  that  Install_Aali-s_opengl_driver_0.8.1b.exe as well?

I'm sure this is considered obvious,  easy stuff for most of you but I suck at computers and always go through hours of frustration to get any mods or anything like that working.  I almost lost my mind just getting my ps3 controller to work with motion joy on on my old windows 7 laptop with epsxe and also the 98 PC ff7 game.  Now that I have to reinstall everything on this new windows 10 laptop I'm sure I'll have more trouble again.  It's all worth it though.  This mod seems awesome so far.  I got to the sewers last time.

Thanks so much In advance. Looks like I'll have to use Tom's installer.  Hope I don't screw this up. Wonder how many tries it'll take this time lol

Windows 10 can be a pain for the installer I've made; don't worry about patching it with NT until you've got the game running first. As for set-up, I don't know how it works with Tom's installer but the way I used to do it for a fresh FF7 1998 installation was:

Install the game (max)
Patch with the 1.02 patch; just drag-drop and replace/overwrite.
Patch with the opengl; drag-drop, overwrite again.
Run the config and go through the tabs, a 'self-test' should confirm it's working (this wasn't the case last time I did it however, maybe it's not in the newer versions of the driver patch?)
Test the game; if it's working (and doesn't look like it's been put through a shredder) play up until the first save point, doing your config settings along the way, and make a save in each of the 10 folders (prob not needed, but I'm superstitious).

After that, the NT Installer should just patch the game but it seems to run afoul of Windows 10 and won't do it properly. We'll cross that bridge when we get to it.


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.4)
« Reply #4312 on: 2016-10-20 14:54:41 »
Hi SegaChief,

Did you think about opening a github page for your mod ? I think it would be more convenient for you to see the bugs, and others to report them.

Also you could show a front page with the last bugfixes / additions you made.


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.4)
« Reply #4313 on: 2016-10-20 17:09:38 »
The descent to the final fight is messed up, the scenario gets replaced with Midgar Disc 1 FMVs for a bit on screen transition and whenever you go on and out of the menu. Same happens after the 1st Jenova fight.  It's nothing detrimental to gameplay, though. Also the save option isn't working after that fight (pressed Yes but nothing happened), probably related. Maybe if i waited for the FMV to finish i could've saved.
« Last Edit: 2016-10-20 17:12:16 by Purazis »


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.4)
« Reply #4314 on: 2016-10-20 18:17:01 »
Where is this magical notepad? Is there a link / could you point me to where? Thanks!

It comes in the installer zip, inside documentation.

Spoiler: show

Frog Song: Touch Me (Gongaga Forest, World Map)

L5 Suicide: Mu, Chocobo Ranch (World Map)

Vital Hammer: Razorweed, Wutai (World Map) - Manip.

White Wind: Zemzelet, Junon (World Map) - Manip.

Big Guard: Beachplug, Corel (World Map - Beach) - Manip.

Stasis Lock:

Dragon Force: King Bub, Boss (Kalm Traveler)

Death Force: Adamantaimai, Wutai (World Map - Beach) - Manip.

Antipode: Ark Dragon, Mythril Mines

Laser: Deathclaw, Corel Prison (or Parasite, North Crater)

Matra Magic: Custom Sweeper, Kalm (World Map)

Bad Breath: Icy Oscar, Gaea Cliffs (or Malboro, North Crater)

Beta: Jemnezmy, Temple of the Ancients (or Stilva, Gaea's Cliff)

Aqualung: Garuda, Da Chao

Trine: Thundercracker, Mt. Nibel (first two screens)

Magic Breath: Malboro, North Crater

????: Jersey, Shinra Mansion

Goblin Punch: Boxer, Gongaga (trails)

Chocobuckle: Any chocobo (world map) - Use L5 Suicide after
   feeding them Mimett greens

L5 Death: Parasite, North Crater

Death Sentence: Gi Spectre, Cave of the Gi

Alpha: Midgar Zolom

Shadow Flare: Ultimate Weapon

Pandora's Box: Yahcobo (Kalm Traveller)

Sega Chief

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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.4)
« Reply #4315 on: 2016-10-20 23:07:37 »
Hi SegaChief,

Did you think about opening a github page for your mod ? I think it would be more convenient for you to see the bugs, and others to report them.

Also you could show a front page with the last bugfixes / additions you made.

Isn't github more for programming projects like tools? I'll have a wee look at it.

The descent to the final fight is messed up, the scenario gets replaced with Midgar Disc 1 FMVs for a bit on screen transition and whenever you go on and out of the menu. Same happens after the 1st Jenova fight.  It's nothing detrimental to gameplay, though. Also the save option isn't working after that fight (pressed Yes but nothing happened), probably related. Maybe if i waited for the FMV to finish i could've saved.

I've forgotten to put players back onto Disc 3 after Dark Cave; I'll add it to the lost&found NPC on the Highwind for the next patch to correct this issue.

Sega Chief

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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.4)
« Reply #4316 on: 2016-10-21 00:14:12 »
Latest crop of bugs are fixed, except when I checked Bahamut-ZERO, Phoenix, and W-Magic these have the correct AP needed to drop as mastered (16777215 to be exact). When you all picked these up, were they mastered or were they like Underwater Materia and able to accrue AP?

I also need to either make Vincent a mandatory recruitment or re-add optional chara checks for DK. I'd prefer to do the former, tbh; I've got to do this for Aeris soon.

Edit: Scene patch is up, it reduces the total HP of Diamond Weapon through to Hojo; his third form now has the highest base HP of this section at 100,000. Diamond and Proud had about 100k taken off them and they now sit in the 80k range; this was due to the proximity of all the boss fights throughout this segment. Midgar Raid enemies have also dropped down a fair bit of HP; this is going to be finalised once I've worked through all the enemies from the start of Disc 2.
« Last Edit: 2016-10-21 01:18:58 by Sega Chief »


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.4)
« Reply #4317 on: 2016-10-21 04:46:06 »
Does anybody have any good general tips for this mod? I've gotten as far as the Chocobo Ranch and while I'm not having too much difficulty, I feel there are some things I could do that'd make things a bit easier or maybe more enjoyable.

Also, loved that bit with Yuffie in Kalm. That was a brilliant addition.


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.4)
« Reply #4318 on: 2016-10-21 06:31:21 »
Does anybody have any good general tips for this mod? I've gotten as far as the Chocobo Ranch and while I'm not having too much difficulty, I feel there are some things I could do that'd make things a bit easier or maybe more enjoyable.

Also, loved that bit with Yuffie in Kalm. That was a brilliant addition.

- Don't buy new weapons for all characters, only the ones you intend to stick with for a while or know that you will have to play with for story reasons
- Gravity is pretty good up until mid game when monsters becomes immune to it
- Most regular enemies and bosses have status weaknesses which makes them way easier
- Damage Enemy Skills should be learned as soon as you can, as they quickly loses their strenght due to their base power. L5 Suicide is pretty decent throughout the game, as long as you bother with Sense or trial and error, and specially useful on end game optional bosses
- Defense and m. def. are way more important than in vanilla
- Earth is very important because most bosses and relevant enemies are weak to it, so always have 1 or 2 equipped to get Quake 2 or 3 ASAP
- Aeris is pretty good for conserving MP/Gil with her healing staves (until your characters gets 2k+ HP)
- Summons ignores defenses and are guaranteed to cause their specific status effect as long as the enemy isn't immune to it
- Items that gives buffs and debuffs can be really useful, and to a lesser extent damage items
- Berserk is insanely strong, maybe not on early game, though, so never forget about this option


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.4)
« Reply #4319 on: 2016-10-21 07:52:39 »
- Don't buy new weapons for all characters, only the ones you intend to stick with for a while or know that you will have to play with for story reasons
- Gravity is pretty good up until mid game when monsters becomes immune to it
- Most regular enemies and bosses have status weaknesses which makes them way easier
- Damage Enemy Skills should be learned as soon as you can, as they quickly loses their strenght due to their base power. L5 Suicide is pretty decent throughout the game, as long as you bother with Sense or trial and error, and specially useful on end game optional bosses
- Defense and m. def. are way more important than in vanilla
- Earth is very important because most bosses and relevant enemies are weak to it, so always have 1 or 2 equipped to get Quake 2 or 3 ASAP
- Aeris is pretty good for conserving MP/Gil with her healing staves (until your characters gets 2k+ HP)
- Summons ignores defenses and are guaranteed to cause their specific status effect as long as the enemy isn't immune to it
- Items that gives buffs and debuffs can be really useful, and to a lesser extent damage items
- Berserk is insanely strong, maybe not on early game, though, so never forget about this option

Those are some pretty solid tips. I was surprised to see that the E.Skill Laser worked on Rude/Elena in the Mythril Mines.

Also, with Fort Condor, is it better to let the enemies overrun the hill and fight the Boss Monster, or should I participate in the minigame properly? I did a boss fight just then but I didn't appear to get any rewards for it.


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.4)
« Reply #4320 on: 2016-10-21 08:45:09 »
Instead of having enemies be immune or resistant to gravity, how about having it effect them but they immediately counterattack with something somewhat nasty so it "simulates" how much time it would take to do that much damage "normally"?


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.4)
« Reply #4321 on: 2016-10-21 10:26:03 »
Isn't github more for programming projects like tools? I'll have a wee look at it.

It's mainly for web programming at first, but you can use it for whatever you want to host I guess.

And if you don't want to bother too much making / hosting a website for your mod I guess it's the best solution to use.

You can use git, and you'll have a trace of what you worked on (thanks to your commits), and the repo / zip file will be on Github and not Mediafire anymore.

Anyway it's just a thought, I'm a developper myself (for the web) and putting myself in your place, I would feel it's kinda complicated to see / answers / manage all those messages in the forum and communicate on your changes.


Btw it's some kind of request but I would like to see more interactions (by that I mean dialogs) with your team members when you arrive to a village / city, like in Kalm or Junon. I think your idea was very interesting, and it reminded me of Star Ocean 2 where you could talk (and eventually date) your party members.

I guess it's not your top priority, but if one day you are willing to work on that, it would be interesting  :)


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.4)
« Reply #4322 on: 2016-10-21 11:43:09 »
There appears to be a bug with the Sand Worm enemies in the Corel Desert. Combat kind of freezes, where nobody follows through with their attacks and nothing happens. The characters keep their idle animations going, but combat doesn't progress.


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.4)
« Reply #4323 on: 2016-10-21 12:57:54 »
There appears to be a bug with the Sand Worm enemies in the Corel Desert. Combat kind of freezes, where nobody follows through with their attacks and nothing happens. The characters keep their idle animations going, but combat doesn't progress.

Did you poison it? There was a bug that trapped it in an instruction loop if it was inflicted with poison.


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.4)
« Reply #4324 on: 2016-10-21 13:09:39 »
Did you poison it? There was a bug that trapped it in an instruction loop if it was inflicted with poison.

Nope, no poison. It got off one attack, I think my party got off a couple, then we were just stuck staring at each other.