Author Topic: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.99994)  (Read 4994783 times)


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« Reply #6550 on: 2018-01-15 20:34:46 »
Hi all, can you tell me your best set up party members (and their build) and why please? :)

Sega Chief

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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« Reply #6551 on: 2018-01-16 00:16:20 »
I was going through the Steal / Morph excel sheet and I was disappointed to know that it is >almost< impossible to Morph Shake with his max evasion. I don't know where else we can get the Sprint Shoes. I do this quest so early so I don't have much gear to pump luck.

He's Lv255 you can use L5 Suicide it's kind of funny.

I think the intended way was to use Morph and land a Lucky Hit using the Luck stat, but I learned recently that Critical hits might not be checked when using Morph.

Hey, Sega Chief, I just had a crash against Jenova-DECAY when I had Cid use Hyper Jump against it. That was just my first try, I'll keep doing the fight and edit this post if more happens

There's a problem with Hyper Jump's animation when played on the steam version which uses a slightly older version of Aali's Graphics Driver; it can cause crashes under certain conditions (but what these conditions are is tough to pinpoint). This issue is apparently fixed when playing the 1998 PC version with the latest Aali's Graphics Driver.

Hi all, can you tell me your best set up party members (and their build) and why please? :)

My go-to team tends to be:
Cloud w/ Hybrid Phys & Mag build
I use Cross Slash a lot early on to make use of Paralysis, and I can slap Added Cut onto an elemental spell to output tonnes of damage. His later damage-dealing Limits are solid and he's sturdy enough to have on the front row a lot of the time.

Barret w/ Str/Vit
Cover + Counter attack is always a good combo, and I generally use Barret for support spells like Barrier and the like which don't depend on the Magic stat. Not a huge fan of his Limits but his defence and damage output is reliable. I'll typically put him in the front just to get more damage going with his innate, even if he has a ranged weapon.

Tifa w/ Full STR/DEX build
I find Grit very useful because I tend to go full out with attacks and it acts as a safety net in case I get caught out. The Limits are strong throughout and I can make use of high Dex with Haste/Slow to get more damage out (also combos well with Deathblow for accuracy due to the way it is tallied). I generally don't bother with Powersoul.


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« Reply #6552 on: 2018-01-16 07:45:49 »
Oh thx for your answer, so you don't use a pure mage?
And what build you choose for cloud? (Shinra, makonoid?...) last game, my Cloud was hybrid but he lack a lot of dammage and speed (compare to others)
Add cut on Cloud hybrid sound nice idea


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« Reply #6553 on: 2018-01-16 07:49:15 »
And for Tifa i make the smasher build (str and lucl) but it looks better to go like you str and dex (monk build it is in remember ?)

Sega Chief

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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« Reply #6554 on: 2018-01-16 15:31:49 »
And for Tifa i make the smasher build (str and lucl) but it looks better to go like you str and dex (monk build it is in remember ?)

Luck can work well but if you're using masamune or the auto-crit status then it can lose some of its impact. Dex on the other hand helps with managing enemies and boosts the accuracy of attacks like Deathblow.


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« Reply #6555 on: 2018-01-16 16:05:17 »
My go to team.

Cid, full Dragoon for +80 Str / Dex.
Masamune or Venus Gospel depending on the fight. Just insanely powerful decent quick hitter. Once Haste is on him he goes fast and I'll usually run a heavy dexterity armour on him to help him out even more.
If Venus Gospel, I generally give him the Amulet accessory as his innate ability bypasses the Amulet effect and Cid has such a great innate luck that this will result in him getting over 200 luck (barely) for lucky hits / lucky evades.
If I give him the Masamune I generally go with Fury Ring just for faster / harder hits.

Red XIII full Red Mage for +80 Mag / Dex.
Crazy good magic damage dealer, even better than Aeris just because he gets a stronger magic / dexterity combo for extra turns plus his innate bumps his magic up slowly during combat.

Cloud 4 Shinra Trooper 4 Makonoid. Under Sega's new planned rank ups this combo gives +40str/ +60dex / +40mag / +20spr / +20lck
Excellent switch hitter and a good dexterity to be a great support once Haste-All is up (and this is a combo I usually keep on a couple of people)
« Last Edit: 2018-01-16 16:07:18 by zuloph »


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« Reply #6556 on: 2018-01-16 18:33:59 »
Yes i understand now why dex is bettet than luck for Tifa :p
Thx for answer too zuloph, i was thinking to make red as pure mage, like you said this looks a good idea !
I like to know wich team and why people use, it can bring some idea for everyone :)

Sega Chief

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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« Reply #6557 on: 2018-01-16 19:25:13 »
So for the 1.5 patches I've been looking at the innates. Cid's is proving tricky as it seems to cause problems with Barrier/MBarrier in-battle for other party members. My working solution currently is:

Crotchety (means tired & irritable)
Cid will counter-attack with Deathblow with the chance increasing based on his current increment of HP (75%, 50%, and 25%). Bit straightforward, maybe the counter itself could change depending on the level of damage or have some other effect attached to it. But there's another possibility (more at the end of this post).

For Cloud I was thinking of reworking his innate to revolve around the party's use of Limit Breaks. There's two possible mechanics for that, his currently equipped Limit Level and the Limit Level of the used LB in-battle. The former would be nice and compact to code, the latter may be a bit clunkier as I think I'll need it to check for attack IDs.

While it would be nice to have the Limit gauge itself be affected in some way, I don't think I have an opcode for AI that can adjust this value. The bonuses would likely be straightforward STR/MAG.

If that was put in, then I could perhaps drop the counter-attack thing from Cid and give him Cloud's current innate Second Wind instead (or would that be Second Highwind?) What do you think?

Edit: Forgot to mention, for Vincent's Limits would people prefer a set pattern for his attacks? As in, 1 or 2 physicals then 1 magical guaranteed?


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« Reply #6558 on: 2018-01-16 19:53:56 »
well  gorkii and shake i done and  morphed , but checkhov.... is  imune  all physical attack and morph not work? i playing  this  mod  in ´´morph run´´ in all bosses, if  morph  work( i need go to temple ancients history line) just confirm but NO SPOILER plz XDDD  i want  discovery it , 3 hours trying  and  nothing to morph, maybe   i need any  materia or equip for  it.                        rip english xd.


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« Reply #6559 on: 2018-01-16 23:37:39 »
I played NT 1.4 through last year and after hearing 1.5 was out decided to run through it again recently.
Having beaten FFVII 30+ times and being a seasoned modder myself (albeit of a completely different video game franchise) I will try and give a list of feedback.
For reference, Ive just got to the bottom of the crater in 1.5, got a game over to Jenova and will try again soon, then I will of course move on to all the new content.

There are a TON of positives to this mod id like to point out:
- Very creative use of game mechanics in fights/bosses, I know the game inside and out but this mod was keeping me guessing the whole way through, never had so many game overs before this mod and I had to constantly rethink my strategy and approach to each boss, I couldnt just use the same setup and just upgrade weapons as I go ala vanilla VII
- Comet 2 hitting more times? Yes Please! Always bugged me about the original
- LOVE the script re-write, it does a much better job of explaining many events than the original, and even made me understand areas of the story I didnt before (Hojo using Nibelheim survivors for the Jenova Project being one). I elected to not skip any of the flashbacks/sequences just so I could see how the new script explains things.
A couple bits really made me laugh too, namely Yuffie at the first visit to battle square: Cloud - He's Dead... Yuffie - Bummer
- Loved the idea of X-ATM "chasing" you throughout the game, seeing him grow in strength as I grew was also fun, and his appearance as an Ally in the Temple was beautifully done
- The "Ally" battles in general were expertly done, although the allies appeared in multi target attacks attacking enemies, but I understand this is probably down to how they have to be coded in and couldnt be avoided
- The materia changes were extremely well done, Osmose saw a lot of use from me and elemental spells remained strong throughout the game whereas even level 2 spells drop off VERY quick in vanilla.
- Good balance between physical and magical attack power until the end game (I will discuss this later)
- Amazing selection of weapons that each had their niche, with some having very situational uses
- Mr Smile's Emporium was a great idea to handle stat growth, having each character being truly different and their stats sort of being representative of their story character was great, and their innates reinforced this
- Battle items were much more useful this time around, Morphing Aps into Dragon Scales to then one hit the Airhawk/Thunder Gunners was a sight to see. Also Chests now containing them was a nice addition, the only battle item in a chest in vanilla VII iirc was the Swift Bolt in Wutai.
- Mandatory Yuffie recruitment was handled well and the scene made perfect sense
- Great script/storyline workarounds for Aeris' survival
- Loved how Cait Sith's personality was sort of changed after it was revealed he was a spy, his dialogue was on point throughout all of Disc 2 and I thoroughly enjoyed it.
- Limit Breaks werent overly powerful, but retained their usefulness, I am yet to obtain any Lv4's so ill see how they go.
- Summons were done perfectly, had their use, 100% status affliction was great but not OP due to the MP cost/once per battle.

Now onto some things I noticed:
- Around level 87 my characters stopped gaining anything from level ups, stats were ofc gained through Mr Smile and HP/MP seemed to stop increasing, im level 97 now and HP hasnt moved a bit since 87 afaik, Ive fully read the documentation so I understand the changes made to levelling/power creep but it seems these last few levels are completely redundant? is this the case or am I missing something?
- XP Gain seemed to be massive towards the end of the game, I went from level 60-80 odd without breaking a sweat, Seemed to level every battle post Gaea's Cliff, Not sure if this needs to be looked at or if its what you were going for.
- Physical/Magical power balance fell off completely late game, Anything post Gaea's Cliff my Physicals capped out at around 1200 damage on my strongest attackers, whilst my magic could consistently hit for 5000+, I ofc read the documentation you wanted magic to be more of a longer time spent and MP use = more power but physicals became pretty much useless in the crater. This was amplified by the massive AP gain and Planet being extremely easy to master, With Added Cut my spell would hit for 4000+ and the physical for around 500 in the front row, it just seems off. Midgar Raid onwards the most efficient strategy was just to load Planet=MP Turbo on each character, Magic Counter=Comet 2 on one and just spam spells and Turbo Ethers. Physicals were next to useless, Im unsure how the endgame content and new weapons will amend this but for the storyline enemies magic is extremely unbalanced late game, in my opinion. Through Disc 1/Early Disc 2 though balancing was spot on, a level 2 spell hitting for 500 odd and a physical for 250 odd seemed perfect through the Gold Saucer-Nibelheim segment.
- A lot of status effects had no visual indication they were present, Dual only had the HP drain, then the battles where characters were rendered immune to barriers/healing had no indication this had happened until I tried to Wall my party and see it didnt land on one, although I understand visual effects for these would be extremely hard/if not impossible to code. Same for the status menu screen, Dual wasnt present there likely due to it being a non-stock status effect.

- Few minor bugs I noticed too:
Life only heals 25% of HP when casted out of battle, unsure if intentional or not

If a character ends a battle with Dual, their HP will drain to 0 and they will "die" during the victory animations, and be "dead" in the results screen but still gain XP, and after battle they will be alive with the HP they had when the finishing hit was dealt, this is a purely visual bug but thought id raise it.

Not sure if you're addressing typos in the script, but I noticed 2, When Scarlet is discussing the Sister Ray with Rufus, and he asks will it reach the northern border, she responds "off course!" Which should be "of course!".  And when Aeris meets Zack's Parents in Gongaga on Disc 1, Zack is referred to as a "Lady's man", Should be "Ladies man"

Overall this mod was absolutely fantastic, kept me on my feet the whole way through always wondering what was going to come next, gave completely new life to FFVII and a whole new experience of it for me, Gonna run through the final bosses tomorrow and have a crack at all the new endgame content, which I thoroughly look forward to! Amazing job on NT1.5 :D


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« Reply #6560 on: 2018-01-17 04:45:52 »
- XP Gain seemed to be massive towards the end of the game, I went from level 60-80 odd without breaking a sweat, Seemed to level every battle post Gaea's Cliff, Not sure if this needs to be looked at or if its what you were going for.
- Physical/Magical power balance fell off completely late game, Anything post Gaea's Cliff my Physicals capped out at around 1200 damage on my strongest attackers, whilst my magic could consistently hit for 5000+, I ofc read the documentation you wanted magic to be more of a longer time spent and MP use = more power but physicals became pretty much useless in the crater. This was amplified by the massive AP gain and Planet being extremely easy to master, With Added Cut my spell would hit for 4000+ and the physical for around 500 in the front row, it just seems off. Midgar Raid onwards the most efficient strategy was just to load Planet=MP Turbo on each character, Magic Counter=Comet 2 on one and just spam spells and Turbo Ethers. Physicals were next to useless, Im unsure how the endgame content and new weapons will amend this but for the storyline enemies magic is extremely unbalanced late game, in my opinion. Through Disc 1/Early Disc 2 though balancing was spot on, a level 2 spell hitting for 500 odd and a physical for 250 odd seemed perfect through the Gold Saucer-Nibelheim segment.
- A lot of status effects had no visual indication they were present, Dual only had the HP drain, then the battles where characters were rendered immune to barriers/healing had no indication this had happened until I tried to Wall my party and see it didnt land on one, although I understand visual effects for these would be extremely hard/if not impossible to code. Same for the status menu screen, Dual wasnt present there likely due to it being a non-stock status effect.

If a character ends a battle with Dual, their HP will drain to 0 and they will "die" during the victory animations, and be "dead" in the results screen but still gain XP, and after battle they will be alive with the HP they had when the finishing hit was dealt, this is a purely visual bug but thought id raise it.

Hey bro about the first one yes magic attacks are stronger however my physical attackers (Cloud barret, cid) are very much relevant with their normal attacks maybe its of how u went with Smileys power ups?
Plus having the ability to counter  several times and in the mean time regen doing its healing helped a lot once regen was unlocked which took a lot for me since I did minimal grinding So I have much use for them,
im in the crater now im level 76 I say this bcuz of the second point about super leveling up once u are out of gaes cliff made every battle after that barely take into account all of the avoided grinding since it super mega levels you however u do need it at the end at least if you are underleveled so I didnt care much for it,
And yes I can understand the status bosses do onto themselves being something you have to discover but when they do a status onto you that doesnt show  visually  or by word it throws u off a bit, The one where u cant barrier yourself id idnt even notice since i havent used barrier much but I really  get your point

Sega Chief

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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« Reply #6561 on: 2018-01-17 10:02:21 »
well  gorkii and shake i done and  morphed , but checkhov.... is  imune  all physical attack and morph not work? i playing  this  mod  in ´´morph run´´ in all bosses, if  morph  work( i need go to temple ancients history line) just confirm but NO SPOILER plz XDDD  i want  discovery it , 3 hours trying  and  nothing to morph, maybe   i need any  materia or equip for  it.                        rip english xd.

It's impressive that you managed to Morph Shake, but I think Chekhov can't be morphed at all due to the Physical Immunity he has.


Thanks for the detailed feedback! Levels and the HP/MP curves are probably a bit mismatched going into the last stretch as the curve flattens out in the last 20% or so; the other problem is that Levels usually give extra damage for attacks but the AI has curbed this going past a certain point as well to keep physicals from getting out of control. The EXP gain was done with the idea of trying to avoid a late-game grind by getting the player to the 80s-90s but it perhaps accelerates too much; I'd like to try and have a buffer of 30 or so levels that the player can go into for some extra power to get through trickier encounters but at the moment there's no head-room due to the Level change enforced by the character AI (in other words, higher level has less of an impact on damage dealt).

For 2.0 I might try and move the flat +5 * 8 to every stat from the SP system and onto actual level arcs instead. That'd reduce the amount of button presses when using Sources and also make Levels more impactful (on the topic of source-use, I have an executable change that boosts Source stat gain from +1 to +5 to reduce the number of button presses needed further, though there's also a DLL that enables a new opcode that can edit characters directly and eliminate the need for Sources all together).

About physicals, there can be a lot of variance at the end of the game depending on the enemy and the build. As the numbers get higher, the stacking 2x modifiers on everything can have a big impact on how damage comes out.

Menu effects for items and spells is hard-coded in the exe which I'm going to adjust. I've made a special .exe to build 2.0 on, but I'm going to produce an .exe for 1.5 as well to correct some issues here and there (and deliver on a promise to implement some things like Limit Break adjustments and materia stat bonuses/penalties).

Dual is a lot like Regen in that it has the same processing delay; if a character hits 0HP during an action (or victory sequence) the game will get a bit confused but thankfully updates to the held value before that action started (be a problem if it didn't). Regen probably has the worse problem in that it can look like a character should survive an attack but then they suddenly fall over dead after it when the game goes to using the held HP value. The bigger problem is the lack of a visual indicator (on enemies) along with Resist, Auto-Crits, and Shield. I was given some info on how to maybe set up a new status 'colour' a long time back so I could revisit this and have another shot at it.

I'll sort the typos. Off course is a little joke from the battle square options though so I might keep that one.


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« Reply #6562 on: 2018-01-17 10:17:15 »
Hi Sega Chief! Excellent mod so far i must say! tho im a bit curious about the exact changes you've done, and the mediafire link to the nt manual is outdated, any chance you could re-upload it?


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« Reply #6563 on: 2018-01-17 16:43:02 »
Anyone got any tips for the arranged Goldberry fight?

I'm trying to play through without grinding although my ap situation is probably better than most as I took full advantage of the double ap weapons for pretty much all of disk 1. i.e. most of my materia is mastered at this point.

I got the gold chocobo as soon as I could after getting Cloud back.

Kaktaur (spelling) and the bomb king were easy. Kaktaur not being much harder than a normal fight (a few attempts needed because some double/triple timewarp cheese or whatever it was called) and the bomb king is easily cheesed with remove.

The goldberrys on the other hand, I don't know how to counter the status effects. Sleep is basically death, even killing the character doesn't remove it, same with stop. Dual is a nightmare because the walking around action takes so long you can burn through thousands of HP waiting for them to finish. Mini makes any kind of physical attacker permanently useless. Them applying reflect with no indication is just a kick in the nuts.

You can reset some statuses by killing your party but it doesn't always work and when you get to the point where they are chain knifing you, you have the same issue with the walking around so you barely get to take an action other than killing your party.

Am I missing something?


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« Reply #6564 on: 2018-01-17 22:04:23 »
Anyone got any tips for the arranged Goldberry fight?

check my spoiler tag

Spoiler: show
 The goldberrys apply resist with their hits but also have ignore stat def so that causes thier statues to always hit and because of resist they dont fade on death, the way around this is to use dispel, either the spell or a golden torch. Basically have 1 character dedicated to using dispel + esuna, 1 for healing and a physical damage dealer to take them out 1 at a time, do not hit them with an AOE attack or spell as their counter attacks will prob be the end of hte fight if you arent lucky.


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« Reply #6565 on: 2018-01-17 22:12:02 »
Spoiler: show
I tried dispel and esuna and they didn't remove the statuses?
Or are you saying I need to dispel the special status first before using esuna?

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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« Reply #6566 on: 2018-01-17 22:45:38 »
Hi Sega Chief! Excellent mod so far i must say! tho im a bit curious about the exact changes you've done, and the mediafire link to the nt manual is outdated, any chance you could re-upload it?



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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« Reply #6567 on: 2018-01-18 01:31:13 »
Animation mods like "ChaOS - Animations" and "Animations" seem to break the dios side quest right after barrett says "the others aint here either"

I haven't played much further but the dialogue seems to continue past that paint after deactivating them. Just FYI

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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« Reply #6568 on: 2018-01-18 01:59:00 »
I'm not sure why that happens; it's a strange field screen, I've had some bizarre errors pop up there in the past.


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« Reply #6569 on: 2018-01-18 17:31:14 »
No worries! That was tons of fun! Now on to the Special Battles!


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« Reply #6570 on: 2018-01-18 22:49:34 »
Getting through a lot of the extra content and its proving a lot of fun.
With W-Magic, Magic Plus and Princess Guard Aeris is able to pump out 30,000 damage per turn doublecasting Comet 2, this is making a lot of fights easier using her as the main attacker and the other two as constant support, Got myself a Master Magic too which is only helping things. Slash All and Princess Guard is a nice way to heal 1500 odd and give Shield to all in one turn, VERY useful for crater random encounters, this combo makes me somewhat like Shield since it being single target usually lets it down.
Having a lot of trouble with Yuffie's Ultimate Limit Break battle though, I dont want to outright be told the way to win, but maybe a couple pointers wouldnt hurt?
To avoid Yomi Burial im currently using Bad Breath to Confuse/Sleep the side enemies, then Regen to keep their HP topped up, however even with the side enemies incapacitated the main boss is still handing my ass to me, Limited to single target attacks as not to hurt the side enemies and trigger Yomi Burial is hurting my damage output alot. I can doublecast Comet for ~3500 per hit, and Pearl will hit for about the same, however I am unable to keep up with her attacks, with them dispelling Wall/Regen/Sadness all at once and constantly inflicting slow im either constantly combatting statuses and maintaining buffs OR dealing damage, I cant seem to do both.
Is the fight supposed to be a one character battle and should I just accept Yomi Burial will happen, or am I on the right lines of keeping them alive to keep 3 characters in the game?

Also ran into a bug in Gongaga, after visiting Zacks Parents house with Cid was the leader whilst looking around for his quest item, I became unable to leave the house, the door would not open and Cid would just walk "over" the door and could not leave the house under any circumstances, locking my game, luckily I had saved a minute ago. Unsure on how to replicate this or what caused it or even if its down to Cid being leader at all, but it happened
« Last Edit: 2018-01-18 22:53:44 by ProRevenge »


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« Reply #6571 on: 2018-01-19 02:49:17 »

Having a lot of trouble with Yuffie's Ultimate Limit Break

I beat it at around level 45 and the way i got through the battle was to give cloud the masamune for auto crits and fill it with counter attack materia and just wipe the fight if cloud gets kicked out of the fight by mistake. I used an adamantai bangle to null water and give high def and paird the element of one of its attacks, ill post that as a spoiler. I also equiped an acessory that nulled the other element. Then i would heal with xpotion or remedy and rebuff myself with sun curtain and the haste giving item. Use limit breaks when it pops up and just wait on counters to win the fight for you.

Spoiler: show
The element of its starfall attack is holy so i paired elemental with alexander in my armor slots. I equiped the accesory that nulls wind aswell making me null water, holy and wind altogether. The defence from the adaman bangle allowed me to survive the physical hits and i had enough xpotions and remedies to outlast the enemy.


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« Reply #6572 on: 2018-01-20 00:29:18 »
check my spoiler tag

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 The goldberrys apply resist with their hits but also have ignore stat def so that causes thier statues to always hit and because of resist they dont fade on death, the way around this is to use dispel, either the spell or a golden torch. Basically have 1 character dedicated to using dispel + esuna, 1 for healing and a physical damage dealer to take them out 1 at a time, do not hit them with an AOE attack or spell as their counter attacks will prob be the end of hte fight if you arent lucky.

Well that made the fight trivial, oh well. I would have never figured out what was going on on my own, probably would have come back later with more boom to insta gib them.


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« Reply #6573 on: 2018-01-20 04:24:09 »
Currently going through my first playthrough of the New Threat Mod and I can say that I am loving it. I reached Disc 3 and found myself trying to do the Materia Caves. I found that some of the bosses are quite challenging. I am not complaining as vanilla FF7 was not very challenging but I would like to propose an idea for version 2.0. It would be cool if the new bosses or most bosses have a certain weakness or "cheese".
Spoiler: show
For example, how in vanilla FF7 Ruby weapon can be paralyzed or the blue materia cave boss can be cheesed with Remove.

Also I found a bug where when Tifa is the party leader in Disc 3 and you return to the one room with a save point in Junon where Barret and Tifa are handcuffed, the room next to Rufus's office, there is a visual bug
« Last Edit: 2018-01-20 04:48:19 by Whutever42 »

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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« Reply #6574 on: 2018-01-20 15:20:45 »
Getting through a lot of the extra content and its proving a lot of fun.
With W-Magic, Magic Plus and Princess Guard Aeris is able to pump out 30,000 damage per turn doublecasting Comet 2, this is making a lot of fights easier using her as the main attacker and the other two as constant support, Got myself a Master Magic too which is only helping things. Slash All and Princess Guard is a nice way to heal 1500 odd and give Shield to all in one turn, VERY useful for crater random encounters, this combo makes me somewhat like Shield since it being single target usually lets it down.
Having a lot of trouble with Yuffie's Ultimate Limit Break battle though, I dont want to outright be told the way to win, but maybe a couple pointers wouldnt hurt?
To avoid Yomi Burial im currently using Bad Breath to Confuse/Sleep the side enemies, then Regen to keep their HP topped up, however even with the side enemies incapacitated the main boss is still handing my ass to me, Limited to single target attacks as not to hurt the side enemies and trigger Yomi Burial is hurting my damage output alot. I can doublecast Comet for ~3500 per hit, and Pearl will hit for about the same, however I am unable to keep up with her attacks, with them dispelling Wall/Regen/Sadness all at once and constantly inflicting slow im either constantly combatting statuses and maintaining buffs OR dealing damage, I cant seem to do both.
Is the fight supposed to be a one character battle and should I just accept Yomi Burial will happen, or am I on the right lines of keeping them alive to keep 3 characters in the game?

Also ran into a bug in Gongaga, after visiting Zacks Parents house with Cid was the leader whilst looking around for his quest item, I became unable to leave the house, the door would not open and Cid would just walk "over" the door and could not leave the house under any circumstances, locking my game, luckily I had saved a minute ago. Unsure on how to replicate this or what caused it or even if its down to Cid being leader at all, but it happened

I'll sort that bug out with Cid, I forgot about it.

For that particular fight, Stop + Sleep is a good combo to keep the two floating spirits locked down and like Uprisen suggested having Holy and Water protection is a big advantage (adaman bangles, typhoon ring, elemental + restore/revive/heal, escort/minerva bangle should provide one or the other). The boss itself is weak to Holy so if you have Planet Materia from the crater then the Pearl spell should hit for a tonne of damage compared to Comet, same with physical attackers using elemental combined with restore/revive/alexander. The fight is likely a lot easier with 3 party members but a solo strategy would enable counter-attacks.

Currently going through my first playthrough of the New Threat Mod and I can say that I am loving it. I reached Disc 3 and found myself trying to do the Materia Caves. I found that some of the bosses are quite challenging. I am not complaining as vanilla FF7 was not very challenging but I would like to propose an idea for version 2.0. It would be cool if the new bosses or most bosses have a certain weakness or "cheese".
Spoiler: show
For example, how in vanilla FF7 Ruby weapon can be paralyzed or the blue materia cave boss can be cheesed with Remove.

Also I found a bug where when Tifa is the party leader in Disc 3 and you return to the one room with a save point in Junon where Barret and Tifa are handcuffed, the room next to Rufus's office, there is a visual bug

Currently going through my first playthrough of the New Threat Mod and I can say that I am loving it. I reached Disc 3 and found myself trying to do the Materia Caves. I found that some of the bosses are quite challenging. I am not complaining as vanilla FF7 was not very challenging but I would like to propose an idea for version 2.0. It would be cool if the new bosses or most bosses have a certain weakness or "cheese".
Spoiler: show
For example, how in vanilla FF7 Ruby weapon can be paralyzed or the blue materia cave boss can be cheesed with Remove.

Also I found a bug where when Tifa is the party leader in Disc 3 and you return to the one room with a save point in Junon where Barret and Tifa are handcuffed, the room next to Rufus's office, there is a visual bug

Most bosses should have a weakness or two from what I remember on the elemental/status table; try experimenting with statuses against the Gold and Platinum matches in Extra Battle for instance. I left them vulnerable to statuses that don't exist in their respective games.