It's a tricky situation. It was originally set up as a surprise (there was no option) so when the choice was added I had to decide between either explicitly stating what the options were and losing that element of surprise, or retain the surprise while knowing that it wouldn't be immediately obvious what each option was going to do. What I could do is set up a secondary choice so that if people don't like what transpired they get a chance to change it afterwards.
I understand. I think adding a second choice (just as Cloud wants to use the phoenix down on Aerith) would be appreciated, as I think the frustration that comes with an unwanted scenario is preferable to avoid over keeping an element of surprise. I would also say that New Threat offering the option to keep Aerith alive perhaps isn't really a surprise anymore, as the mod has been out for years and has some amount of notariety among the FF fan base.
With that said, I'd like to also bring forward two bugs that could be fixed in 2.0, both related to music.
The first is during the post-Jenova-battle scene after Aerith's death. When the characters mourn Aerith, right before Cloud picks up her body (or uses the phoenix down on her), the music that plays is the Aerith Church track, not the iconic sad theme. Then when the game transitions to the scene where Cloud puts the body in water, it's the correct music again. This bug seems to happen regardless of the choice made before the Jenova battle.
The second bug isn't born out of the mod; it's something present in every FF7 rerelease since the original game was released, and something that Square doesn't seem interested in patching. The music that plays during the pivotal scene in which Cloud kills Sephiroth (in the real flashback) isn't the right one. It's supposed to be Cloud's theme, at a very precise moment when the music crescendos; instead, it's the Mako Reactor theme. I timestamped a video at the correct moment during a playthrough of the game: (the streamer is aware of the bug and goes on to find a video of the original scene as it is meant to be played). It would be really nice of you if you could fix that bug for us, because Square won't. It's been years and they keep porting the game with the bug, and it's frustrating because that scene is the most important scene of the game.