Now I need to go buy the Steam version. Can I request some things to be changed for the French version? As you see there are still English names in there, and it would be nice to have it all in French. I can provide words that fit in the same space as they do right now.
All menu headers never got translated in french (but they did in Final Fantasy IX). The french words are not that different: Name=Nom, Time=Temps, Choice=Choix, Num.=Qte. (abbreviation for "Quantité"), Item=Item/Objet, Magic=Magie, Status=Statut (badly translated to "Situation" in the main menu), Help=Aide, Target=Cible, Attack=Attaque, Ability=Compétence, Wait=Attente, Elemental=Elementale, Bullet= Balle(s), Cards=Cartes, Price=Prix.
Squall's limit "Trigger" and "Hit" got translated but "Perfect" was left in english wich is quite inconsistent; personally I'm okay with the english words.