Author Topic: [PSX/PC] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v6.0)  (Read 351611 times)


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Re: [FF9] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v4.3)
« Reply #75 on: 2017-09-24 10:40:36 »
Yes, i know that new threat is a big hudge of work ^^
Anyway i'm enjoying your mod, i'm just a lindblum, and i really like how you improve bosses, cu the vanilla easy game, this time we have real bosses and that's good, thx to you :)


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Re: [FF9] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v4.3)
« Reply #76 on: 2017-09-27 18:15:56 »
Hi, I saw that you made an assembly file that will work with Frag's HD Backgrounds. I noticed Alternate Fantasy is now on update 4.3 but the post you made about a workable assembly file was for 4.2's update. Would the assembly file still work with 4.3 to make both mods work?


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Re: [FF9] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v4.3)
« Reply #77 on: 2017-09-27 19:31:02 »
Hum. If I recall correctly, Fraggoso's HD mod came after the last update of Alternate Fantasy, so any assembly file compatible with both should be v4.3 of AF.
If you're talking about the file in this post, it's not for compatibility with Fraggoso's mod. It's for a "Normal difficulty/gameplay but with recruitable Beatrix" version.

See there for an assembly file that's compatible AF + HD mods. And thank Fraggoso for it ;)


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Re: [FF9] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v4.3)
« Reply #78 on: 2018-01-09 06:07:10 »
Hey, loving what this is so much. I've been itching for a good FF9 mod and this is soothing that itch! I have a real quick question though. That thing that happens in Oeilvert against the Epitaphs
Spoiler: show
When the Clone insta's their original and they disappear. Is that supposed to be permanent? Going out of the battle after winning, Zidane is just gone out of the party leaving Amarant,
 Steiner, and Freya all alone, and if that's intended, is it permanent permanent, or do you get your lost member back later?
Other than that, so far (other than Fairy's Flute taking me almost 2 days straight trying to steal it) I've been super enjoying it! The difficulty feels just right throughout, never have gotten to a point where I feel like I'm severely under-leveled (albeit a little under-skilled.) I hope to see more things from you in the future, whether it be this mod, or another!


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Re: [FF9] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v4.3)
« Reply #79 on: 2018-01-09 06:28:16 »
Thank you very much :)
For your question: yes it is intended and no it's not permanent. You are not notified at the moment when you get them back though.


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Re: [FF9] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v4.3)
« Reply #80 on: 2018-01-09 12:09:34 »
Checked around and saw that this wasn't reported, but world map tents do not work on Beatrix. If you're in a place, like a town it does normal and heal half. In my example I'm using the save moogle in Gizamaluke Grotto, and she's healing fine, but out on Popo Heights she doesn't heal at all.

Edit 1: Could I also make a request? Is it possible to have one of Steiners low level weapons be available for Beatrix so she's viable as a physical attacker in Ipsens castle?

Edit 2: Also Waterga is super strong. I'm not sure if this is something that's been a thing even in vanilla or what, but it's doing a ridiculous amount of damage. With half MP it's the only spell I really ever need to use. Combined with Mag Elem Null there's really nothing so far Vivi can't absolutely destroy.
« Last Edit: 2018-01-09 23:58:48 by strife98 »


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Re: [FF9] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v4.3)
« Reply #81 on: 2018-01-28 04:36:32 »
I noticed that when I use this mod it disables all the boosters except the Fast Speed booster. Is this supposed to be intended or a bug?

I'm using the Steam mod. Thanks!

EDIT: Never mind. I just found out it's intended. Is there way I can re-enable them? I really like the No Encounters cheat. lol
« Last Edit: 2018-01-28 16:25:12 by Pianobeats »


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Re: [FF9] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v4.3)
« Reply #82 on: 2018-01-28 16:44:09 »
You can use Hades Workshop to re-enable them:
First, you need a FF9 folder without gameplay mod, so remove Alternate Fantasy or use a copy of the game.
In Hades Workshop, "File -> Open" your unmodded game (select the FF9_Launcher.exe) and choose the language "English (US)" since that's the only language compatible with AF for now.
Then "File -> Open Mod" and select the file "AlternateFantasy_v4.3.hws" which is shared along with the mod. Let everything checked and apply. It will take some time to load.
Once it's imported, go to the panel "CIL Code" and sub-panel "Macros". You'll see an option "Disable Cheats" that is applied. Click on "Unapply Macro" to re-enable the cheats.
Finally, "File -> Save Steam Mod" will generate modded files with that change.


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Re: [FF9] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v4.3)
« Reply #83 on: 2018-01-29 03:13:41 »
Thanks. It worked. :)


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Re: [FF9] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v4.3)
« Reply #84 on: 2018-02-04 17:57:27 »
Hi Vir

           The downloads for
Are down, I will wait until they are up again I guess, can you let him know or can u uploaded them?

2 Followed the steps by patching  but  its just a black screen I will try with the hades method

I look forward to playing your mod :)


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Re: [FF9] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v4.3)
« Reply #85 on: 2018-03-07 12:00:44 »
2) You need to add custom translated texts in the "Environment" -> "Texts" panel. Look at the texts already in place for the text format (the dialog conventions may also differ from one language to the other, like the english dialogs using “” and a space at each new line). The added texts which are related to Beatrix can be found in the following file (append ".txt" to the URL). Since it contains spoilers of my mod, don't dare to read it for non-translation puprose ! Else, I'll get to come to your house and remove your memories of this file 'manually' from your head.

I think this is last time I annoy you (lol). There is a mirror for this file (I would like to translate in italian "Beatrix mod"). With or without .txt ad the end of the link the file is missing


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Re: [FF9] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v4.3)
« Reply #86 on: 2018-03-07 12:31:28 »
Don't say that! It is still possible to annoy me many many more times :p
Here's an updated link.

However, Italian is actually a language for which there already is a translation (of the current version of AF). TheFF8Fan was able to translate everything all by himself, and even added a couple of scripted sequences. (Check out his profile for the parts after this.)


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Re: [FF9] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v4.3)
« Reply #87 on: 2018-03-07 13:08:50 »
Don't say that! It is still possible to annoy me many many more times :p
Here's an updated link.

However, Italian is actually a language for which there already is a translation (of the current version of AF). TheFF8Fan was able to translate everything all by himself, and even added a couple of scripted sequences. (Check out his profile for the parts after this.)

Ah ah ah...thank you
Didn't know about TheFF8Fan and his works... anyway he hasn't released his mod but with the video a lot time of work is saved ;)
« Last Edit: 2018-03-07 13:13:01 by usb »


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Re: [FF9] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v4.3)
« Reply #88 on: 2018-03-25 20:57:35 »
Hey dudes, anybody know if the Yan Enemy was also modded?


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Re: [FF9] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v4.3)
« Reply #89 on: 2018-03-25 21:01:15 »
Yes he was modded (both the usual and the friendly yans).
It was also proven that, contrary to the non-modded fight, you can defeat a Friendly Yan at lvl 1.


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Re: [PSX/PC] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v4.3)
« Reply #90 on: 2018-04-29 05:09:50 »
Hey Tirlititi,

I've been playing through FF9 with your mod and have been thoroughly enjoying it and the extra challenge it's brought. However, I do have one possibly minor question and that is I can't seem to find beatrix to recruit her into my party. A friend told me she was in Alexandria but when I went there she was nowhere. I currently just got to Memoria within the story. I didn't try looking for her until this point because I didn't think to look up when I could add her and thought she would just join the party instead of me having to look for her. Is this a bug or did I simply wait too long to be able to add her?


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Re: [PSX/PC] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v4.5)
« Reply #91 on: 2018-07-06 18:58:12 »
Hello Mezzey.
I'm sorry, I didn't see your message... There's an anti-spam system that requires newcomers' posts to be validated and maybe that's why I wasn't notified. Or maybe I'm just dumb.
So, I don't know if you got the answer by yourself, but you waited too long to be able to add her. At this point, Beatrix is on the Red Rose and can't join you anymore.


I Updated the mod to v4.5 International:
- Made the mod compatible with all the available languages,
- Enabled the Japanese language: you can select it from the main menu,
- Fixed a few bugs,
- Allowed two steps for the "Fast Forward" booster: it goes x3 or x5 (without any mod, the speed factor is x5).

I would like to thank a lot the people who helped me for correcting the translations:

Thanks to them, you will hopefully be able to enjoy the mod in language of your choice without "out of place" dialogs or constant reminders that the modder screw up his translation there and there.
Unfortunatly, I've got no feedback for the Japanese translation so you will most probably see these mistakes in Japanese. You can still enjoy the original version of the game for everything that is not coming from the mod.

I've decided to put the source files of the mod in a separate link because it's not only a .hws file anymore and it may be more and more files in the future.


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Re: [PSX/PC] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v4.5)
« Reply #92 on: 2018-08-07 19:26:42 »
I wonder if there is a version of this mod that keeps the vanilla experience but allows you to recruit Beatrix?


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Re: [PSX/PC] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v4.5)
« Reply #93 on: 2018-08-07 22:10:17 »
There is one, in english only (it was made before the latest release).


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Re: [PSX/PC] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v4.5)
« Reply #94 on: 2018-08-07 22:14:42 »

will the final fantasy 9 cheat tables work on this mod at all


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Re: [PSX/PC] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v4.5)
« Reply #95 on: 2018-08-07 22:54:39 »
Yes, I don't see what cheat could be messed up with the mod.


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Re: [PSX/PC] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v4.5)
« Reply #96 on: 2018-08-08 15:05:29 »
There is one, in english only (it was made before the latest release).
Thank you :) I actually want to try your mod as well but I am not really an experienced player in FF9. I only played with it twice on ps1. Once nornally but lost the save somehow then I found the gameshark team editor mod and added Beatrix to my team.

Noh Future

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Re: [PSX/PC] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v4.5)
« Reply #97 on: 2018-08-13 12:32:17 »
Quick query, but first I'd just like to thank Tirlititi for this fantastic reason to run through IX again.

Anyway, level one runs - are they possible, were they considered, and has anyone attempted a lvl 1 run with this mod?

I'd be curious to know. I am in the process of trying, but would like to hear if it's something anyone else has been stupid enough to attempt. I hit a bit of a brickwall at the second boss (BW1 + Sealion), due to not having enough HP to sustain the necessary damage. My level 3 party is now struggling against BW2, so my low level experiment might be futile, but it'd be good to know!


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Re: [PSX/PC] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v4.5)
« Reply #98 on: 2018-08-13 20:56:45 »
Hello Noh Future,

Yes, someone made a lvl 1 challenge using the mod and, to my great surprise, managed to finish it, including optional bosses and even the Friendly Yan (while he is considered impossible in vanilla, his changes make him beatable at lvl 1 in the mod).

The guy is LightChaosman. He used a slightly different version of the mod that you can find here (it was built with the v4.3 of the mod, so there are a few bugs that were not fixed at the time and it is US language only). I didn't remove the exp of the various fights that he mentions in his post because they are useful for normal playthrough, so if you don't use his version, you can do a lvl 1 challenge except for Blank and Beatrix (the Pandemonium fights don't give exp anymore anyway). If you use his version (or manually remove the exp yourself), Beatrix can also be kept at lvl 1 until the end.

His mastery of the game's mechanics is impressive though. I didn't see the record of all his fights but the few ones I've seen used chirurgical precision ^^
Also, I was quite sure that neither Necron or Ozma were beatable at lvl 1 because they are the two bosses for which I planned a bit of grinding in normal playthroughs. He proved me wrong for both even though it required a big amount of luck and retries.

In any case, good luck ^^

Noh Future

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Re: [PSX/PC] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v4.5)
« Reply #99 on: 2018-08-13 21:54:29 »
Thanks for the heads up - your reply was incredibly fruitful.

I'll definitely look into LightChaosman's variant, I recall seeing a couple of his clips whilst poking through Google. A much, much better player than me. I shall definitely give it another go though, futile as it may be!

Again, thank you for all the hard work, from what I've played thus far it feels great; very precise. A lot of thought obviously went into the revisions and additions, and as good as the original game is, the effort and attention to detail here is awesome.