Author Topic: [PSX/PC] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v6.0)  (Read 350933 times)


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Re: [PSX/PC] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v5.0)
« Reply #200 on: 2020-04-24 13:08:04 »
Does this mod change the way the stats level like the unleashed mod does?. I hate that it's tied to the equipment so to get the best stats you have to be underleveled all the game.


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Re: [PSX/PC] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v5.0)
« Reply #201 on: 2020-04-26 21:14:52 »
@fenrrir18: Not yet. Snouz is doing some more works, correcting a couple of bugs. Once he's done, I'll look at what needs to be done for a compatibility version.

Glad to know you will update compatibility with snouz's mod to moguri. One more thing, is there any tutorial to modding the skills of the characters? For example, if I want to bring back thievery skill for zidane, dragon crest for freya and frog drop for quina to alternate fantasy mod. Thanks


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Re: [PSX/PC] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v5.0)
« Reply #202 on: 2020-04-28 07:04:03 »
For all thing I like about this mod, I have to say I really do not like Kuja's first fight, that attack that reduce Max HP to 1 is honnestly bullshit, unless I missed something it seems to be up to RNG had a try where I end up with 3 character at 1 Max HP what was I suppose to do really ?


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Re: [PSX/PC] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v5.0)
« Reply #203 on: 2020-05-03 12:32:21 »
Ey, quick question. I couldn't play for a while and my game is in version 4.5.

Can I update to 5 and continue with my save? Anything I have to know?

Alsi, is there any changelog to know what exactly change between versions?

Thanks for the great work!


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Re: [PSX/PC] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v5.0)
« Reply #204 on: 2020-05-03 19:18:34 »
@pseudodiego: No, the stat system is still the same as in vanilla. The final weapons each give a big boost in primary stats (which is something that already was in Unleashed).

@fenrrir18: It depends on whether you use the Moguri mod or not. In any case, this kind of things is explained in the "Source files" download (there's a detailed "Readme").

@Nesouk: If you have 3 characters with 1 HP, that means you are making the fight last very long, which is not something that Kuja is happy with since he wants to trance :p
I'm not sure how I am supposed to make 4 vs 1 fights more challenging if I can't add crippling effects to bosses' attacks.

@Rasca: There is no changelog (the description of v4.5 is still there though). You may completly update to v5.0 and keep your save file. Very few mods actually would make save files incompatible and I am not sure if the few exceptions are actually public anyway.


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Re: [PSX/PC] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v5.0)
« Reply #205 on: 2020-05-05 20:09:21 »
Well since then I progress through Memoria and beat Hades and Ozma.

Hades is a fun fight, the Defend command find a good use here.

Ozma, geeeeez this ball is really pissed off I have a few thing about this ball :

-What the hell is going on with his speed ? It's like he has no delay between his turn.

-Hades LV3 ? Well I hope nobody grind LV99 for this fight ^^ (I did this fight LV41-44)

-Countering with AoE Berserk, honnestly if you don't have Reflect I don't see how you can win this fight with reasonnable odds, cause this freaking move right there.

-As usual Meteor is random and can randomly end the fight, on top of it now we have Gran Cross same deal.

So yeah Meteor and Gran Cross are the big potential show stoppers of this fight, having Reflect make this fight much more manageable pretty much needed to get through his Berserk Counter, also usefull if he decide to cast Holy. As for damage I had so much gils (800k to be exact) that Amarant was dealing 9999 fix with Spare so he ned up being my main source of damage XD, Steiner with Excalibur 2 and Choc deal really good damage to, Zidane with Solution 9 deal 9999 to, gear everyone against darkness, use Carbuncle with Eiko and eventually if Meteor and Gran Cross don't mess to much he should fall.

Next time will try the new bosses.


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Re: [PSX/PC] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v5.0)
« Reply #206 on: 2020-05-06 05:00:35 »
Well done!
I don't know if anyone discovered that genuinly, but Ozma can be affected by Silence in the mod (nobody tries even though there is silence on several end-game spells) ^^"


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Re: [PSX/PC] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v5.0)
« Reply #207 on: 2020-05-06 05:47:09 »
OH interesting !
I guess this is the result of the syndrome of superbosses generally be immune to everything ^^".
Wondering tough what can he do under the silence statut ? Considering outside of Gran Cross everything look like a spell that would be block by silence.
Looks like the Reflect strat I use would be the high risk high reward strat, considering if he cast Holy he does 9000 to himself and if he counter with Berserk he takes 7000 out of it ^^, good RNG can make you kill him in 2 rounds XD, but you are still at the mercy of meteor. Silence would be the safer strat.


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Re: [PSX/PC] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v5.0)
« Reply #208 on: 2020-05-06 15:01:34 »
It just doesn't use these spells anymore when being silenced... and start using other abilities :p
Basically, there is much less randomness in its attacks if it is silenced (no more Meteor, no more Grand Cross). It can't counter with Berserk anymore but still has a chance to cure (Curaja is not a silencable spell... since it still has few HP for a superboss, I didn't want to remove its cure).
The reflect strat is the best one I think if you don't silence it. There's also the possibility of defending with a couple of characters (as in vanilla, it counters with Berserk when reaching a certain HP threshold (but it's reflect-single in vanilla (Tiamat also counters floating people with Snort in vanilla btw but it doesn't have Float-all or floating Twister so you see it much less))).


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Re: [PSX/PC] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v5.0)
« Reply #209 on: 2020-05-06 20:11:51 »
Well I tried with Silence, first I had to say without Zidane and Soul Blade the odds of silencing him are ridiculously low, I cast Silence 10 times with Beate and Eiko not a single one landed -_-.

But then when he get Silenced...... the fight is actually worst than not using Silence for the following :

-Curse, fucking Curse not only it does Statut Effect but the Damage are very high and seem quite random sometime he cast it all my team survive, sometime all my team die with over 7000 damage, IMO the second worst attack ennemy can have in this game behind Meteor.
-A customize Atomnium that deal high damage.
-An attack that kill and Zombify at the same time.
-Flare Star

And he still use Gran Cross, Silence doesn't prevent him to cast it, dunno if he had queued before getting Silenced but he casted it after getting Silenced. So huh yeah I'm gonna stick with fighting him normally ^^


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Re: [PSX/PC] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v5.0)
« Reply #210 on: 2020-05-08 04:22:15 »
Spoiler: show
Ok what the hell is happening with Zorn and Thorn refight, I've been casting Atomos over and over dealing 7982 damage each cast and they just never die, so wtf ? Is there a secret or do they just have a million HP or something ?

EDIT : And the try after they died in no time, I did'nt understand anything

EDIT 2 : OK So beat the 4 new boss fight so can give an overall opinion on them, the video will come soon, putting in spoiler in case people don't want to get spoiled :

Spoiler: show
-The Black Waltz : A pretty fun fight can be rough when going unprepare, have to get immune to at least 2 element to survive their Valse, Black Waltz 2's GĂ©henne hit very hard, Black Waltz 1's Nocturne is dangerous when attempting this the first time. Steiner's Sword Dance and Dagger's Atomos were my best AoE damage here. Zidane was attacking one and Eiko was on support.

-Lovecraft 2 : The fight is interesting, like that spawning different monstrer out of the books (FFV's reference ^^) however I feel it drag a little, and when it's closed the book just doesn't do anything frightening, also when the real spawn I honnestly one shot him dunno if that intended.

-Meltigemini and Zorn/Thorn refight : The Meltigemini part is good you either fight him normally where he act 2 times per turn, but can do a lot of shit, or you put Berserk on him and he only do Casoar but 3 times in a row, feel it's more consistant to put Berserk on him, and so easier to keep HP high for when he cast berserk on everyone, as anyone that die after he cast berserk is perma lost for Zorn and Thorn part. As said sooner, didn't get how to kill them, had a try where I keep casting Atomos for a whopping 20 minutes dealing 7982 per cast and they just didn't die, so I feel I didn't understand a gimmick, good for me however I found their Mini Atomnium is earth elemental and being immune to it prevent the zombie which help ^^.

-The 4 elemental Guardians : My only complain about this fight is Lich's gimmick of casting Zombie twice then Over Hades while cool when you fight him alone, really isn't suited for a fight against 4 bosses, handling Zombie while having 3 other bosses hammering you is just horrible, other than that the hardest part is the beginning managing to pull off Mighty Guard, once Mighty Guard is set it's become a lot more manageable, having a Gris-gris on everyone to halves all elemental attack. As for damage Dagger's Shiva is great (really was a good call to maximize her XD) cause both Merilith and Tiamat are weak to it and take a whopping 9000 damage from it (Kraken took 3000, the camera angle didn't allow me to see how much Lich took probably 5-6k), Steiner's Sword Dance does 9000 damage on everyone, Kweena was mostly of support and Zidane was attacking physically (probably could have replace him by someone else to be honnest).

Little word on character balance :

-Steiner is honnestly kinda OP, the fact I got the Excalibur 2 probably help with that, but now that all bosses are susceptible to it his ability to reduce ennemies Strength and Magic is extremely usefull, Sword Dance is ridiculous with Excalibur 2 hit every ennemies while being able to stay in the Back Row, it cost a lot of MP but once you have Half MP it honnestly not that costly, and once you beat Hades you can forge an Armor exclusive to him that give over 60 in both Defense making him the hardest character to kill, so you have a character that deal great damage, can take quite a punishment and decrease Boss's power and defense.

-As such Beate feel like a lesser Steiner she hit hard but not as hard, she is resistant but not as resistant, however she at least has the quality of having good White Magic for support, so between the 2 Beate is trading power for ability to support when needed. I feel however she is missing in Power, and by the way think it would have been cool is Hades's Save The Queen would have been a stronger actually able to compete with Excalibur 2 (a shame she can't use it by the way despite being able to use Excalibur 1).

-Bibi on the other side is probably the worst character, to put it simply after the last time he was forced I only used him for Tiamat and this was just because I wanted to spice my LP by putting the character that face the corresponding Elemental Fiend, otherwise I would have take someone else. Bibi is great for mid game where he is force, starting on Disc 3 tough he fall quite short, and also....

-Dagger while starting as a healer, once you put work into strengthening her summon Dagger just completly overshadow Bibi, Shiva, Ramuh, Ifrit and Leviathan are just better than the -aga spell Dagger can easily reach the cap when exploiting weakness and these 4 elemental summons are really cheap to use especially once you get Half MP, the only way Bibi can compete with Dagger is with the Reflect on everyone set up on a single target ennemy, Dagger just doesn't need such set up, for AoE Bibi can't compete at all against Dagger as her summon don't get a Multi-target penalty unlike his spells and for Neutral damage Bahamut is stronger, and for fractionnal damage Atomos is on basis an AoE version of Demi so once strengthen no competition here either, and so suddenly at Disk 3 Dagger become the best source of Magic damage, while still keeping her White Magic for support, the poor little Black Mage can't compete with the Princess.

-Freyja is a solid character, she can deal great damage but also as some support ability her White Draw is probably the easiest way to recover MP in battle, making Freyja an MP battery for the mage.

-Tarask once getting his Kaiser Knuckles he is the only character in the game that at one point get better at dealing physical damage than Steiner, from the Oeilvert to Mount Goulg section Tarask with Kaiser Knuckles, wind ehancing gear and his Curse ability become the best physical damage dealer, once Steiner get Ragnarok and Excalibur he catch up with him, Tarask is still great due to his utility, if you have a lot of money Spare Change is the easiest and most consistant way to deal 9999 damage XD, Curse and Concentrate makes him a really good ally to pair with mages, Revive is handfull if your dedicate healer have already thing to do. Starbust however feels like an attack design for LV1 challenge I honnestly don't see it's use on a regular playthrough. Restore HP can have it's use for some ennemies attack that reduce HP to 1 digit. Also still has the best Trance in the game XD

-Quina is still the ultimate Jack of all trick master of none of FFIX, that being said Mighty Guard alone makes her a candidate for best support character combine with White Wind and Angel's Snack for healing both damage and Statut effect, then on the damage have a little of everything of course she doesn't compete with Dagger or Bibi, but when you don't need her for support she can deal decent damage, don't get what's the purpose of HP Switching and Self Destruct tough.

-Eiko IMO she shares the spot for best support character with Quina, Carbuncle is just so usefull and you can tune him depending of what you need, also the only character that can increase Strength of other physical attacker, also Phenix can save in case of a wipe and tough it takes a while to get it Holy spell is a good damaging spell, become even better as a support with her Trance.

-Zidane well he is force for most of the game, but at least he do the job (thank god for the increase steal rate), his Transcend ability is welcome to have better control over Trances, Regenerate with Herboriste is a solid way to recover MP, Warmup allow him to keep up with more dedicate physical character, his final weapon high attack power allow him to stay relvant in the end game.
« Last Edit: 2020-05-08 07:41:11 by Nesouk »


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Re: [PSX/PC] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v5.0)
« Reply #211 on: 2020-05-08 22:56:23 »
Thanks for the extensive feedback :)

I have seen your videos. That's a bug for the Zorn & Thorn fight... that's the first time I see it (I've checked the fight a good dozen of times though!). For their second phase, they have a shared HP pool: when you damage one, the other's HP is updated as well. Attacking both should double the damage. It may be that having them both at low HP and attacking them both may make their death canceled or buggy. It's a shame that Dagger wasn't available anymore to check what her Scan would say there :/

Also, the "diaporama" lag is another bug that doesn't happen for me... It's strange because it shouldn't be such a big deal memory-wise (only one or two backgrounds are in the RAM at the same time). It might be that the shooting the video at the same time makes it lag like hell... I hope that I'm not the only one for which this feature works because I was quite proud of it!

For the rest, I agree with some of your comments (those about Tantarian and many things about characters' balance). Lich's gimmick was reduced for this fight: its "Mega Death" targets 3 characters instead of 4 and can miss depending on character's magic evasion. It's still very problematic and I should probably have reworked it better though. To be honest, I was expecting people to use more "Auto-abilities" (like Auto-Shell/Protect/Regen/Haste/Reflect): when you use many, its pattern changes and Lich doesn't attack you anymore as long as the 3 other guardians are alive.

Also, I disagree with Bibi being useless end game. It is true that his spells are getting weaker and less interesting to use, but he's also the only character that has both "Return Magic" and "Element 0" (which is actually useful and cheaper in the mod compared to vanilla) and he can carry several of these fights with that combo.

Also, your usage of the ATB trick is just horrible ^^"
Sorry to say that; I know that you were frustrated many times because enemies got their turn before you. Sometimes it's because they are extremely fast and/or counter-attack indeed (for Ozma, you must act before it ended its cast and that was already the case in vanilla), but many times you just gave free turns to the enemies because you were holding the ATB of your own party. Except for keeping buffs longer, it would have been way better to just let the ATB run in many situations.

Speaking of Ozma, you are right about Gran Cross: it doesn't cancel when it gets silenced but it won't queue it anymore. You got unlucky because that's the only of its "non-silence" spells in that case. The "Silence" White Magic (contrary to Waterga, Soul Blade, Thunderbolt...) indeed has an accuracy based on the difference between your level and the level of the enemy. Since you didn't have such a high level, it was pretty much impossible against Ozma yes.

I'm not sure about the bug with Ark... It deals damage twice in the mod but that shouldn't crash the game and that shouldn't be related to the speedup booster. Besides, it deals damage twice only on full cast. Other than that, there is no difference in the mod and that's a crash that I think was not caused by the mod.

Well, in any case, well done with the let's play (good luck for Necron still) and thanks again for the feedback.


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Re: [PSX/PC] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v5.0)
« Reply #212 on: 2020-05-09 03:38:30 »
Well I retested the diaporama feature, and it seems some screens lags like crazy others work fine, and I happened to have choose an option that directly start with screen that lags, don't know what cause the lags, I also have some graphical glitch on some screen, I only try the Alexandria one.

About ATB trick should have guess I was doing something wrong, as for the Auto-Abilities I admitadly should use them more, must admit outside of Auto-Float and Haste that their cost kind of make me hesitant about using them which I probably shouldn't ^^", as for Bibi admitadly forget about the Element 0 ability. Despite how much I liked it, FFIX is to be honnest one of the FF that I played the least, it's in fact the first time I replay it in years so I'm not as used to it than let say FFVII or FFVIII, so I'm not surprise I'm doing things wrong ^^.

For Ark crashing the game not sure either, maybe it's because I used him repeatdly, in a very short period with 5x time speed, maybe to much thing to process at once, I don't know, but I was admitadly very frustrated by this crash, cause I was working on maximizing Ark damage while learning him, and I was almost done lose all my progress due to that XD.

Would you say I was underlevel for these fights, or I was about right ?


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Re: [PSX/PC] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v5.0)
« Reply #213 on: 2020-05-09 07:48:41 »
I would say you are in the medium-low range for the strongest bosses (I talk about Ozma, Necron and the 4 guardians that are in the same range; the others are a little step lower). In this game, leveling up basically increases HP, MP and Magic stones (it also increases accuracy/evasion of some spells but it's not so important; in vanilla it also increases/decreases the duration of buffs/debuffs). The damage of the strongest bosses were scaled rather for a party at level 55-60. You countered the rather low HP with permanent Mighty Guard (which is not easy at all to maintain as characters are expected to be KO'ed from time to time). I guess that being level 70-75 would be pretty much like having permanent Protect/Shell at level 40-45.

Thank you for the precision on the diaporama lag.


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Re: [PSX/PC] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v5.0)
« Reply #214 on: 2020-05-10 17:52:56 »
If I'd choose to give Beatrix Curaga, while using the Moguri Mod, could I just go to the Beatrix 1/2 file, change f.E 5;30 -> 3;0 then she would have learned it automatically without equipping a piece with curaga? Also, which files would I also have to change?


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Re: [PSX/PC] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v5.0)
« Reply #215 on: 2020-05-10 20:00:04 »
Hi, Tirlititi! Will you update Alternate Fantasy 5.0 with latest Memoria?


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Re: [PSX/PC] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v5.0)
« Reply #216 on: 2020-05-12 22:43:14 »
@Weisshuf: Yes, but in order for her to use Curaga in battles as well, you need to add Curaga in Beatrix's Wht Mag command.
It's in the file "Commands.csv" at the list "2, 5, 6, 10, 14, 16, 19, 24" (near the end). If you replaced "5" (Esuna) by "3" (Curaga) in the Beatrix 1/2 files, then you must do the same there.

@vitgil: Yes but I don't know when yet.


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Re: [PSX/PC] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v5.0)
« Reply #217 on: 2020-05-14 09:48:25 »
Hi, i'm sorry, i've got some things to do in this period.
I'll test soon and report some problems, if there will be.

Thank you so much Tirlititi


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Re: [PSX/PC] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v5.0)
« Reply #218 on: 2020-05-15 16:44:07 »
Hey, I've been enjoying Alternate Fantasy with Moguri/Memoria and having a blast playing what looks and feels like a new game, but I'm having a little graphical issue and I was hoping you all could help me find out where it's coming from. For some reason, the graphics for attacks in battle (ie, the animation for a spell, or a weapon attack's slash animation that happens on a target) are centered to the left of the target, respective of the camera's perspective.

Does it seem apparent what's causing this?


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Re: [PSX/PC] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v5.0)
« Reply #219 on: 2020-05-15 16:52:35 »
Hello and thanks Setafd.
That's a known problem of the widescreen mode. Unfortunatly, there is not a proper fix yet (I think).
You can either disable the widescreen mode (Alt + Spacebar) or try to use a hacky fix that should make things better (but then it will bug in the other way in the non-widescreen mode). This hacky fix is described there.


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Re: [PSX/PC] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v5.0)
« Reply #220 on: 2020-05-15 18:24:13 »
Hello and thanks Setafd.
That's a known problem of the widescreen mode. Unfortunatly, there is not a proper fix yet (I think).
You can either disable the widescreen mode (Alt + Spacebar) or try to use a hacky fix that should make things better (but then it will bug in the other way in the non-widescreen mode). This hacky fix is described there.

Thank you!

Re: [PSX/PC] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v5.0)
« Reply #221 on: 2020-05-17 17:57:01 »

@fenrrir18: Not yet. Snouz is doing some more works, correcting a couple of bugs. Once he's done, I'll look at what needs to be done for a compatibility version.

Hey Tirlititi,

does that mean once moguri mod version 8.0 is released, you will start working on compatibility between moguri mod and AF?
If yes, do you have by any chance a rough estimate how long establishing compatiblity will take from the moment on version 8.0 is released?

Thanks for your hard work, much appreciated  :mrgreen:


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Re: [PSX/PC] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v5.0)
« Reply #222 on: 2020-05-17 21:03:12 »
No idea sorry. It depends on too many factors, some of which being unrelated to the actual difficulty of building compatibility but rather on my own situation at that time.

Re: [PSX/PC] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v5.0)
« Reply #223 on: 2020-05-18 16:45:41 »
No idea sorry. It depends on too many factors, some of which being unrelated to the actual difficulty of building compatibility but rather on my own situation at that time.

I see. Yeah well life always takes priority over these things. Well at least in the moguri mod thread snouz replied that version 8.0 is only days away, so maybe it won't take too much time hopefully. Anyway thanks for your quick reply, I am really looking forward for this. Thank you so much for your hard work!  :mrgreen:


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Re: [PSX/PC] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v5.0)
« Reply #224 on: 2020-05-19 11:12:11 »
Heya ! Great mods ! I wanted to know if you had Beatrix mod + Moguri or at least just Beatrix mod for PSX, please ? Cheers !