Author Topic: [PSX/PC] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v6.0)  (Read 318989 times)


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Re: [PSX/PC] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v5.1)
« Reply #300 on: 2020-10-19 03:24:08 »
When you edit a Status effect and you change his property, are you changing his animations too?


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Re: [PSX/PC] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v5.1)
« Reply #301 on: 2020-10-19 18:17:23 »
Hi everyone !!

I played the v5.0 in PC and is amazing, congratulation for this amazing mod, i enjoyed it A LOT !!

I have a question, what are the differences between the PC version (v5.1) and the PSX version (v3.2) ??? And is the beatrix recluitable version compatible with the psx version ??

I am thinking on replaying it on a phone emulators so it needs to be the psx version (and i want Beatrix in my party  :P )

Thank you :)


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Re: [PSX/PC] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v5.1)
« Reply #302 on: 2020-10-23 10:57:46 »
For the supporting ability, that's not so easy because you can't store the elemental properties of the target somewhere for temporarily change them (if you change them, it'd be for the rest of the battle)... I would say something like that should do the job, in AbilityFeatures.txt:

Code: [Select]
>SA 32 Your custom elemental resistance reduction
Ability WhenBattleScriptEnd EvenImmobilized
[►code=Condition◄] (TargetAbsorbElement & AbilityElement) != 0 [►/code◄]
[►code=EffectTargetFlags◄] EffectTargetFlags & 253 [►/code◄]
Ability WhenBattleScriptEnd EvenImmobilized
[►code=Condition◄] (TargetGuardElement & AbilityElement) != 0 [►/code◄]
[►code=EffectFlags◄] EffectFlags & 191 [►/code◄]
Ability WhenBattleScriptEnd EvenImmobilized
[►code=Condition◄] (TargetHalfElement & AbilityElement) != 0 [►/code◄]
[►code=HPDamage◄] 2 * HPDamage [►/code◄]

(Remove the black triangle signs ►◄ in the actual code; I had to put them for avoiding the forum's tag.)
"EffectTargetFlags & 253" prevents HP recovery of any kind and makes sure that the HP modifications, if any, are damage.
"EffectFlags & 191" removes the Guard flag; however it may have done side-effects before removal. For instance, elemental magic that have a chance to add a status will never add the status if the target is guarded. This will remain, unless changed in the .cs scripts.

About the status effect, I don't understand the question...
If you change the status effect of a spell for instance, then it will switch the whole status effect, including "animations" (icons, change of color, animation freeze...). Changing the property of a status effect property, in StatusData.csv, does not change its animation.

@heretic667: Do not use the "CIL Code" part of HW anymore, unless you know what you're doing, as there are way better ways to change the game's code than that.
The code it refers to is that one : EIcon.cs.
Either you take Memoria's dev version (which means that you download the github repository and install Visual Studio for compiling everything... which can be very tedious especially if you're not a programer), or you download the tool dnSpy (available on the internet) to change the code of your game's "Assembly-CSharp.dll". In the later, the method you're looking for can be found inside "Assembly-CSharp -> Assembly-CSharp.dll -> {} - -> EIcon -> PollCollisionIcon". Once you've found it in dnSpy, right-click for "Edit Method" and let the method always return false (writing "return false;" as the only line of the method for instance).

@Rikku: No, Beatrix is not recruitable in the PSX version of the mod.
The description of the PSX version can be found here.
« Last Edit: 2020-10-23 11:03:42 by Tirlititi »


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Re: [PSX/PC] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v5.1)
« Reply #303 on: 2020-10-25 02:42:24 »
You're a genious, man!
Thank you very much...
Some times a take days thinkng in how to eddit a line command.
A remade many Support Ability and Replaced some of than, too...
Now the Player have the opportunity to costumize your char.
There is:
- HP +10%, +15% and +20%
- MP +10%, +15% and +20%
- Defense + 15%
- Mag.Def. + 15%
- Strength + 25%
- Magic + 25%

- The Killer abilities now have nice names, like Dragon Slayer, Beast Chaser, Bird Hunter, Bug Killer (the same... this is nice as it is...), Man Eater and Dark Stalker (That work agains Undeads, Demons and Stones...)

- Fast Reflexes (In the place of Distract): Evade +10 +(Evade / 2) and  Mag.Eva. +5 +(Mag.Eva. / 2)

- MP Attack became Trance attack,that consume Trance.
- Concentrate became Trance Magic, that does the same...
- There's also Trance Jump and Trance Throw.

- I addapted an idea from Alberios and created a SA called Deliverance, that consimes half of your Trance and avoid Death Blows, letting you with 1 HP.

- Freya has Lancer Up (In place of Innitiative.)

- Alert now gives an aritimetical bonus that increases with the number of members using the same SA: Preemptive Priority +1, Preemptive + 28 and Backattack -12 per Char with the SA active.
« Last Edit: 2020-10-25 02:48:55 by DenisColli »


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Re: [PSX/PC] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v5.1)
« Reply #304 on: 2020-10-25 03:18:38 »
How do you know so many flags and codes?
Is there any other manual than the one that comes in Memoria Mod?


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Re: [PSX/PC] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v5.1)
« Reply #305 on: 2020-10-25 12:09:18 »
I'm the one who made that system and its documentation, so that's my example of a supporting ability that avoids fatal blows (and give auto-Berserk + Reflect + Vanish when triggered) at the cost of 1/2 trance gauge.

There is no other "documentation" for this system than the one present in the file.
In order to understand more flags and codes, you'd need to read Memoria's version of the source code of the game (especially SBattleCalculator and more generally the classes in Memoria's Battle folder, btl_cmd, btl_init, ff9level, ff9play, btl_abil...).


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Re: [PSX/PC] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v5.1)
« Reply #306 on: 2020-10-25 16:34:45 »
Oops! Sorry, man!
I thought you were was just an expert programmer on the system.
But this is just more merit for you!

I liked too much the idea of the SA... But the way it was in the exemple was a little O.P.

So I made something more "soft":

>SA 56 Deliverance
Ability AsTarget WhenBattleScriptEnd
[ code=Condition ] HPDamage >= TargetHP && TargetTrance >= 128 && (EffectTargetFlags & 3) == 1 [ /code ]
[ code=TargetTrance ] TargetTrance - 128 [ /code ]
[ code=HPDamage ] TargetHP - 1 [ /code ]
« Last Edit: 2020-10-25 16:39:01 by DenisColli »


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Re: [PSX/PC] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v5.1)
« Reply #307 on: 2020-10-25 16:42:20 »
Another practical change I made was to give the Items the same descriptionin in battle that they have in field.
Just like Copy and Paste!


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Re: [PSX/PC] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v5.1)
« Reply #308 on: 2020-10-25 17:00:44 »
Your SA idea ended like this:
>SA 32 Break Resist.
Ability WhenBattleScriptEnd EvenImmobilized
[ code=Condition ] (TargetAbsorbElement & AbilityElement) != 0 [ /code ]
[ code=EffectTargetFlags ] EffectTargetFlags & 253 [ /code ]
[ code=HPDamage ] HPDamage / 3 [ /code ]  .......  ( or X / 4 ... I didnt decided...)
Ability WhenBattleScriptEnd EvenImmobilized
[ code=Condition ] (TargetGuardElement & AbilityElement) != 0 [ /code ]
[ code=EffectFlags ] EffectFlags & 191 [ /code ]
[ code=HPDamage ] HPDamage / 2 [ /code ]
Ability WhenBattleScriptEnd EvenImmobilized
[ code=Condition ] (TargetHalfElement & AbilityElement) != 0 [ /code ]
[ code=HPDamage ] 2 * HPDamage [ /code ]

My idea is that the enemy now take damage from elements that in other situation would not... But taking less damage than normal...
« Last Edit: 2020-10-25 17:02:16 by DenisColli »


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Re: [PSX/PC] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v5.1)
« Reply #309 on: 2020-10-25 23:11:33 »
I definitely would like to play this mod (currently playing Callisto's wonderful Ragnarok mod for FF8 though).

I did a cursory reading of this mod's features and it seems enemies are stronger? that said, does the difficulty curve still feel fair? I'd rather not have to juggle equippment to min-max stats just to get by; it would drain the fun of the game for me.

Thanks for making Beatrix playable, too. I always wanted that.


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Re: [PSX/PC] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v5.1)
« Reply #310 on: 2020-10-26 02:16:02 »
The mod was designed to be beatable with no sort of grinding.
It was even proved to be beatable in a full lvl1 game (although that requires a lot of luck, retries and planning).

(Congrats @DenisColli btw)


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Re: [PSX/PC] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v5.1)
« Reply #311 on: 2020-10-26 04:04:24 »
The mod was designed to be beatable with no sort of grinding.
It was even proved to be beatable in a full lvl1 game (although that requires a lot of luck, retries and planning).

(Congrats @DenisColli btw)

Thanks, it's comforting to know. I'll be sure to share my impressions as I play when I get to it.
Keep up the good work.


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Re: [PSX/PC] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v5.1)
« Reply #312 on: 2020-10-28 11:40:01 »
Hello! I have a question; I'm wondering if the friendly monster encounters have been changed in any way. I've been running around outside Dali for a looong time (like, 20 minutes), both in the forests and plains, and I haven't encountered the Friendly Mu yet. I was stutter stepping the whole time which worked perfectly for the quizmaster, giving me all four possible encounters in ~10 minutes. At this point it seems statistically improbable for me not to have seen the Mu. Has its location been changed, or was it added to the regular encounter pool so encountering it is only possible with normal movement? I didn't see any mentions about either of this in the documentation, leaving me puzzled.

Edit: I tried running around normally for a while and eventually found the Mu, but it took over 20 encounters for some reason. I guess I just have the shittiest luck? So considering that, I guess results are inconclusive about the idea of stutter stepping not working for friendly monsters anymore. My hands are tired from the tapping, but maybe I'll try to ascertain this later.
« Last Edit: 2020-10-28 13:20:57 by SirBlackMage »


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Re: [PSX/PC] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v5.1)
« Reply #313 on: 2020-10-28 13:55:07 »
Stutter-stepping reduces (down to 0 if done perfectly) the probability of any encounter, except for the Ragtime Mouse. The other friendly monsters are handled like regular random encounters (except that you can't find them after giving them their item: they are replaced by another random encounter).

The locations and chances for meeting friendly monsters have not been modified in this mod. Only the Ragtime Mouse questions/rewards and the Friendly Yan (when you decide to fight him) have been changed.


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Re: [PSX/PC] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v5.1)
« Reply #314 on: 2020-10-29 14:12:16 »
Ah, that explains it. For some reason I remembered the friendly monsters working the same way, probably because they use the same battle music. But now that I think about it, I have read that you can set battle music on a per-encounter basis in this game. And the Ragtime Mouse showing up in every forest would warrant its own encounter type whereas the friendly monsters each only appear in one area anyway. Makes sense, thanks for the quick reply!

Obviously I'm very early in the game, but I'm definitely enjoying the mod so far. Went into Plant Brain with everyone at lv1 and Black Waltz 1 at lv4 and the difficulty felt just right. One thing I was wondering about though, is the below-deck battle vs. Steiner when escaping Alexandria. Him inflicting Death with his regular phyiscals was a big surprise and I'm not really sure why it's a thing. Did you just want to have fun with that fight because losing doesn't affect anything? I'm playing your mod in co-op with a friend and I had to assure him repeatedly that this is not supposed to be some dumb hardcore mod where everything one-hits you haha.


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Re: [PSX/PC] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v5.1)
« Reply #315 on: 2020-10-29 17:42:02 »
The fight with Steiner is one of the "boss" fights I'm the least satisfied with. Indeed, I didn't want to have a "press X to win" fight, especially early game, in order to let the player aware of the difficulty increase (and since everyone is healed before/after that fight), but the solution with the death strike is cheap.
Steiner's AI was made such that he wouldn't use that death strike often or if you're in a dire situation already (so you can always use items), but still, there's no much fun in that fight.

Anyway, good luck with your playthrough.


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Re: [PSX/PC] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v5.1)
« Reply #316 on: 2020-10-30 21:53:05 »
Inoticed that in your game the Healing magic give the same amount of heal from single or multi-target...
Is this proposital?


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Re: [PSX/PC] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v5.1)
« Reply #317 on: 2020-10-30 23:30:58 »
I was planing for a Moguri update to fix that kind of bugs but it might never come...
You can fix it manually by further edits of the "Memoria.ini": in the "[Battle]" section, apply these changes to the related fields:
Code: [Select]
Enabled = 1
EncounterInitial = 0
CountersBetterTarget = 1
SummonPriorityCount = 1
CurseUseWeaponElement = 1
FloatEvadeBonus = 30
CustomBattleFlagsMeaning = 1
SpareChangeGilSpentFormula = Power * Gil / 100
StatusDurationFormula = ContiCnt * (StatusIndex == 31 || StatusIndex == 27 ? 8 * (30 + TargetSpirit / 2) : (StatusIndex == 30 ? 200 : 400))
StatusTickFormula = OprCnt * 150
(More specifically, the bug with multi-single target being as powerful comes from "CustomBattleFlagsMeaning".)

The history of that bug is that "AlternateFantasy/Memoria.ini" should patch the main .ini file, and it works as long as the "[Mod] FolderNames" field is not the latest field of the main .ini. Since the Moguri mod decides for some reason to put that field last, the bug occurs and I had to write a fix for that (such that it'd work even when that "FolderNames" field is last). But for the fix to take effect, one would need to update the Moguri mod with the latest version of Memoria, which haven't happen for some time.


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Re: [PSX/PC] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v5.1)
« Reply #318 on: 2020-10-31 00:43:01 »
The strange is that i dont use Moguri at all...
I dont even have it...
I only use the ALternate Fant./Memoria...
Moguri is too heavy... too much GBs!
And the onlt magic tha show this problemms seams to be healing magics...
I'm using the "Noautotrance". is that a problem?
I Tried... Problem remains...

Is it possible to fix it? writing a cheat to force the Scrip 10 to respect single/multi damage sistem?


I decided to download the Moguri...
Lets see...

... Hum... Bad news...

No change! Even in Moguri and doing the changes you told me.
« Last Edit: 2020-10-31 05:06:12 by DenisColli »


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Re: [PSX/PC] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v5.1)
« Reply #319 on: 2020-10-31 05:16:40 »
This is my Log:

31.10.2020 01:47:56 |M| [SteamSdkWrapper] Initialized: True
31.10.2020 01:47:57 |M| Loading configuration Memoria.ini
31.10.2020 01:47:57 |M| [FontInterceptor] Dynamic font initialization.
31.10.2020 01:47:57 |M| [FontInterceptor] Pass through {Configuration.Font.Enabled = 0}.
31.10.2020 01:47:57 |M| [FontInterceptor] Loading font [Original: TBUDGoStd-Bold (UnityEngine.Font)]
31.10.2020 01:47:59 |M| [GameLoopManager] RaiseStartEvent
31.10.2020 01:47:59 |M| InitializeItemText
31.10.2020 01:47:59 |M| InitializeImportantItemText
31.10.2020 01:47:59 |M| InitializeAbilityText
31.10.2020 01:47:59 |M| InitializeCommandText
31.10.2020 01:47:59 |M| InitializeBattleText
31.10.2020 01:47:59 |M| InitializeLocationText
31.10.2020 01:47:59 |M| InitializeEtcText
31.10.2020 01:47:59 |M| InitializeEtcText
31.10.2020 01:47:59 |M| [ResourceExporter] Pass through {Configuration.Export.Enabled = 0}.
31.10.2020 01:47:59 |M| [ResourceImporter] Pass through {Configuration.Import.Enabled = 0}.
31.10.2020 01:48:00 |M| InitializeItemText
31.10.2020 01:48:00 |M| InitializeImportantItemText
31.10.2020 01:48:00 |M| InitializeAbilityText
31.10.2020 01:48:00 |M| InitializeCommandText
31.10.2020 01:48:00 |M| InitializeBattleText
31.10.2020 01:48:00 |M| InitializeLocationText
31.10.2020 01:48:00 |M| InitializeEtcText
31.10.2020 01:48:00 |M| InitializeEtcText
31.10.2020 01:48:00 |M| [AudioResourceExporter] Pass through {Configuration.Export.Audio = 0}.
31.10.2020 01:48:02 |M| [SteamSdkWrapper] Request stats: True
31.10.2020 01:48:54 |M| InitializeBattleText
31.10.2020 01:48:55 |M| [AssetManager] Asset not found: BattleMap/BattleTexAnim/
31.10.2020 01:48:55 |M| [AssetManager] Asset not found: Models/GeoTexAnim/
31.10.2020 01:48:55 |M| [AssetManager] Asset not found: Models/GeoTexAnim/
31.10.2020 01:49:01 |E| [SoundData] Sound not found: 484
31.10.2020 01:49:01 |M| [AssetManager] Asset not found: SpecialEffects/ef484
31.10.2020 01:56:09 |M| [GameLoopManager] RaiseQuitEvent

(In Memoria... In Moguri is almoust the same)
« Last Edit: 2020-10-31 12:24:00 by DenisColli »


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Re: [PSX/PC] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v5.1)
« Reply #320 on: 2020-10-31 12:14:35 »
You cannot use Alternate Fantasy without the Moguri mod or Memoria now (unless you go back to a previous version of the official game, force the game to ignore Steam updates and install a previous version of AF that is not available in the OP anymore).

You can install Memoria only without installing the 8GB of Moguri. Now that you have Moguri, you can attain about the same result by deleting the 3 Moguri folders (in the folder "Final Fantasy IX") and removing their names inside the Memoria.ini.

I've just checked and that was indeed a bug from my end: I forgot to take the multi-target decrease into account in the formula.
So... there's no fix for that now. I don't think I will ever update AF to fix that... I may update the source code though... which would allow people to fix the problem after a relatively easy manipulation... I don't know.

Thanks for warning then.


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Re: [PSX/PC] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v5.1)
« Reply #321 on: 2020-10-31 12:33:04 »
Nice! Do it , man!
For me its better to update the Source Code than restart a new version...
(After all this changes)
We are waiting...


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Re: [PSX/PC] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v5.1)
« Reply #322 on: 2020-10-31 12:57:07 »
Turns out it was easy to update in the end (I could just use Memoria's one-click compiler) so the whole thing is updated now, source code and mod file (that's the Memoria.Scripts.dll file that needed an update).

I saw that I miserably failed and that the source code that was previously shared was the one from a previous version of AF (when it came to the .cs files at least; the .hws surely were up-to-date), so that's also a good thing.

Also, the Memoria.Scripts.dll is now slightly smaller for some reason (it was 50KB and it's now 45KB). Not sure why is that... It might be because I compiled with the Moguri mod installed instead of the Memoria mod, or because there was a couple of updates of the Moguri mod since then... It's surely nothing, but if you spot something weird in battles that weren't there before, don't hesitate to tell me.


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Re: [PSX/PC] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v5.1)
« Reply #323 on: 2020-10-31 13:26:59 »
Thanks man!
For me, its better to simply replace "Memoria.Scripts.dll" for the new version.
Is that right?
« Last Edit: 2020-10-31 14:07:08 by DenisColli »


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Re: [PSX/PC] Alternate Fantasy (v3.2 & v5.1)
« Reply #324 on: 2020-10-31 14:04:30 »