ok, so I think I have a problem with my registry keys... or maybe my load order.
This is route I have taken.
Initially I did a fresh reinstall, redownloaded FF7 (using steam version on windows
cleaned the registry keys, however I did not run ccleaner... not sure why now I think about it my logic was flawed.
Error 1) Couldn't get HD battle models, switched load order so that battle - characters was above CHaOS, worked fine.
Error 2 ) Yuffie killed me, went vanilla on the gameplay mod, worked fine
Missing Palettes, not really an error but I played with my load order before asking about it.
Error 3) Latest Error, as time goes on everyone attacks Tifa. No matter where she is in the party. At first it was just melee attacks that focused on her, but now its magic as well. Not had many ranged enemy encounters.
I think I need to do a fresh reboot again, but if anyone can see an obvious error, please let me know
Current Load order
Red Werewolf
Battle Models - Characters
Battle Models - Weapons
Battle Models - Enemies
Field Textures
no real order after that