I've been playing through the whole game on windows 10. with only a few crashes with all mods activated except character overhaul seven, werewolf, and gameplay and story mods. only two crashes have not happened randomly and could crash my game almost every time i try. the first was right after getting your first chocobo and running past the midgar zolom and getting to the field after running through the cave. this would crash every time on me. i eventually just saved before going out the exit through the save anywhere tweaks and cheats mod 4 or 5 times until it decided not to crash. the second bug that happens on command is when i'm fighting 3 head hunters with Cid, Yuffie, and Red XIII, in the mideel area's forest, and decide to use Cid's limit break "Hyper Jump" it crashed almost every time. I'm sure that Junon area crash happens to people without windows 10 using just the steam version. i have no clue about the Mideel + Hyper jump crash. oh! also. one more bug. when you go to the northern crater for the first time, and you have the tornado barriers blocking you, you have to wait for the wind to die down... except it never does with the omzy field textures. no idea why. i turned omzy field textures off at that part and it worked fine after that.