I understand the point of large renderings. The argument from KnifeTheSky77 is a little bit odd.
The whole game has a rendered size of round about 640x480 +-100px at the highest ingame scenes. U can play the game on an 8K TV, but the stretched old scenes looking very very very bad on 8K. 4K is at the moment not the standard. And as a normal desktop monitor, the most users (gamers) still have a normal 1920x1080px resolution. 4K and 8K are not desktop PC resolutions. It's for TV's like u said and maybe the pc nerds!
Why i say that ?
What do u think, how long it takes to recreate all the missing scenes in HD ?
Let me think:
We have 2 modders who create scenes. I don't count the slicers!
If each modder creates 10 scenes in a year, we need 32 years to finish it at the moment.
What do u think, which resolution is in 32 years the standard ?
Where we should draw the limit ? 4K ? 8K ? 16K? 32K?
I haven't said, don't make high-res project renders! I said, keep the ingame renders real and don't overact it.
"My personal thoughts about the HD scenes"The problem is, all the people who doing mods here at the team avalanche forums doing all their own thing. I see no teamwork here! That's my impression! That is the first really big problem here! We have so much lonely wolfs, who doing their job. I read sometimes from different people: "good teamwork" and I just wondered. What does they mean ? Creating alone the whole scenes and put sometimes a rendered high-res picture into the thread ?

Another thing: It's not organized. Moders or artist lose themselves in perfection... Begun scenes will be never finished, because a line of darkness is drawed on the scene. Don't take it serious

I am overacting it! Perfection is not bad, but u will never finish the scenes if u act like that. Who cares the pipe who is 1mm shifted in the scene ? Or too large doors ? I don't believe the user noticed it, if he have not the comparison!
I read before months for the first time the jmp434 thread who searched for new people to help him. My personal experience is, he isn't looking for help. I have personal no problem with jmp434 or anyone else, but how u tell the people the mistakes or something bad creations is horrible. I hope for u, u have not a position in a company, where u teach newcomers. I hope it! Really! It's discourage.
The biggest thing is, that u haven't the sensitiveness. U can criticize what ever u want, but than also explain it and help the newcomers! My impression was, u search only for experienced moders and that's it. Other lonely wolfs!

I have not the experience. I am new to this and i have much to learn! I know it! I am not an idiot. If I nailed it, than why u have created the tutorial ? Masters don't need a tutorial dude! And masters don't fall from the sky.
I feel lost here. I have created the overview page to be a part of a team, to learn something, and yes, I love the game too. But my feeling is, we haven't a team!
All of u doing a great job, but i don't wonder, why u haven't more moders.

That's my personal impression of the forums. U must don't share my opinion, of course.