Author Topic: [PC Remaster] zzzDeArchive - Can extract, create, or merge zzz files.  (Read 49916 times)


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I made mine to give a little menu and ask for paths to files/folders. Completely command line, very simple, quick. When creating a zzz archive wait for it to exit, and it defaults to out.zzz. Then you can rename and copy that where you want.

I credit Maki for reversing it, I just made the code in c#. Post an issue on github if you have any issues. I had originally posted this as part of the OpenVIII project. Though to make a release I thought it should be stand alone.

Update: Sept-4-2019  I added some code to the end where it now opens the folder where the out.zzz is after it's created. Same with extraction it'll now open that folder for you.
Update: Sept-5-2019  I added the ability to merge two zzz files and some command line support.
Update: Sept-10-2019 Fixed a bug in merge.
Update: Sept-14-2019 Fixed a bug or 2. And added SHA1 verification for after making the zzz.
Update: Sept-15-2019 Added warning message if adding files and not replacing during merge.
Update: Sept-16-2019 Multi-file merges. It will increment the out.zzz if there is a write lock.
Update: Sept-18-2019 New Windows GUI and logging.
Update: Sept-20-2020 Mostly bug fixes and new exceptions to prevent the wrong things from happening.

See also: qt-zzz
« Last Edit: 2019-09-21 00:41:49 by Sebanisu »

Yagami Light

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Extracting works but where does the out.zzz file appear when making a new zzz file ? Cant seem to find it


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It should be in the folder with the zzzDeArchive.exe

I'll update the the code to say where it is on the screen. Before it exits. I'm wondering if I can open the folder. Encase you had it closed. I'll look into that. (Update: Done and Done new build on github)
« Last Edit: 2019-09-04 17:05:49 by Sebanisu »

Yagami Light

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Thanks, it was inside the debug folder


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Works great! I already imported McIndus' Triple Triad card map into my game.  8-)

EDIT: You might consider adding some sort of "press any key to exit" option for the command window that pops up. If I'm hyper focused I can see where it's saying something about the output file location before the window automatically closes. But most people will miss it. Just a suggestion.  :)
« Last Edit: 2019-09-05 03:33:30 by IFireflyl »


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I also made it open the folder the output is in. So i thought it wouldn't be needed to have it hang around. But I can add that.


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i am trying to extract the main.zzz files using your program, but it keeps on telling me the file does not exist, so what am i doing wrong then


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i am trying to extract the main.zzz files using your program, but it keeps on telling me the file does not exist, so what am i doing wrong then

Did you put main.zzz at the end of it? For example:

D:\FFVIII Remastered\main.zzz

If you do that then it should bring up another option that says "Enter the path to extract contents". Then you can do the same thing. For example:

D:\FFVIII Remastered\main


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i am trying to extract the main.zzz files using your program, but it keeps on telling me the file does not exist, so what am i doing wrong then

Yeah the path to the main.zzz has to be exact. What I like to do is drag the file into the console window. And windows puts the full path in with quotes. example:
Code: [Select]
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\FINAL FANTASY VIII Remastered\main.zzz"

I do a check for File.Exists before moving on. If it returns false I give you that message and try again. It's possible it could return false "if path is null, an invalid path, or a zero-length string. If the caller does not have sufficient permissions to read the specified file, no exception is thrown and the method returns false regardless of the existence of path."

If it's a permissions issue you may need to run as admin but that shouldn't be it, or else you couldn't run the game without running it as admin.


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I am trying my best here to Mod the ff8 remaster pc steam version with no luck at all

can someone help me please, i want to get the requiem mod or the [FF8PC-Steam] KLITLIKA'S Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger FF8 - V32 mod to work

can someone post some screenshots on how to do this please
« Last Edit: 2019-09-05 16:56:02 by Zara9 »


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is this game unmodable now


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I am trying my best here to Mod the ff8 remaster pc steam version with no luck at all

can someone help me please, i want to get the requiem mod or the [FF8PC-Steam] KLITLIKA'S Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger FF8 - V32 mod to work

Sadly not gonna happen for a bit of time,  progress on research and analysis is required.


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why is it so hard to get mods to work on the ff8 remaster for


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why is it so hard to get mods to work on the ff8 remaster for
dotemu went and buggered up the whole file structure


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i tried just now this program , and it works perfectly, does anyone know how is called the file that contain the values of the cards ? you know: A, 9, 8 etc, also now that we can extract those files, it will be a bit easier to create something that allow to change the spawn location for the monsters ? just like what we can do in final fantasy 9 with hadesworkshop (that program created by trilititi), also i tried to inject the modified files from the steam version , the kernel.bin and the init.out and also the mwepon, unlike the steam version , you can inject the modded files only one time with deling , and the game will immediately recognize them
« Last Edit: 2019-09-07 04:53:29 by rick »


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Some tools/mods will still work. Some will need updated. Kinda in early stages. Will need to learn what's changed and try stuff.

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yup, for now i tried the kernel.bin , the wepon.bin and the init.out file, i injected them in to the remaster using deling after extracting the .zzz archivie with this new program, and they are compatible, infact i mentioned the values of the cards because is one of the few things that weren't never modified before along with the spawn location and condition for the enemies, it could be useful to be able to fight as many times we want all the bosses, as for the programs , they also need an update for the interface you know, since for now the program to mod the init.out (quezacolt) have a pretty messy and bugged window that can't be resized so you are literally unable to put your hands over some fields of the pages, also since that program is inspired by the interface of the save editor but it is way more useful , it could also have the same "global" commands, in that way we could fill all the slot for the items without stand there to put them one by one


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In 2013 and 2000 version I think card data and images are in exe. I think remaster has them in another file. Like I saw something in one of the folders card related. And the high res textures of course.

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yeah as i thought


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another important thing: will this program finally allow us to get rid of the defect of tomberry 2.04? will be finally possible to directly inject the modded textures in to the archives of the game in place of the original ones?


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Sadly we might need something like tonberry. Ff8r replaces specific textures. We can replace any of those the game already replaced but anything else we can not. Yet. Tonberry won't work because it's for direct x 9. We maybe able to make something like it. But I never done it before. If I we're going to i'd start with fixing tonberry to gain exp. Then find another library that would work with opengl or what ever it is now. If I were better at reversing and exe mods maybe there's a way to just make the game load new textures. Though I'll probably just work on OpenVIII. And then people and just use that to play with any mods they want.

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« Last Edit: 2019-09-09 00:33:03 by Sebanisu »


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Sadly we might need something like tonberry. Ff8r replaces specific textures. We can replace any of those the game already replaced but anything else we can not. Yet. Tonberry won't work because it's for direct x 9. We maybe able to make something like it. But I never done it before. If I we're going to i'd start with fixing tonberry to gain exp. Then find another library that would work with opengl or what ever it is now. If I were better at reversing and exe mods maybe there's a way to just make the game load new textures. Though I'll probably just work on OpenVIII. And then people and just use that to play with any mods they want.

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what the fuck ??? so that's the problem, the current exe without any modification may not recognize the new textures even if we just delete the normal one and inject the modded one on it's place , seriously those lazy morons at square enix didn't make the effort to make sure that the game's resolution could be at 16:9 , but did the effort to make the executable conflict with a different texture?? this is really stupid and problematic


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basically they put out shi* , and then *ucked up the structure so we couldn't do anything with it .   


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basically they put out shi* , and then *ucked up the structure so we couldn't do anything with it .

on purpose , on fucking purpose, those motherfucking idiot don't understand that modding allow more and more people to be interested in a video game, if wasn't for modding many people wouldn't even care about a game, and still those masochistic idiots complicate the life of the modders, but this doesn't mean that nothing can be done , it may be harder , but not impossible


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hi there , are there any updates incoming for this program? also , did anyone else besides me noticed a certain "null.png" in the "textures" folder of the extracted main.zzz ?