Author Topic: [FF8-PC Steam/Switch] FFVIII Crystal 1.5.6 / Remastered Version 1.1.6  (Read 82757 times)


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funciona para la version en español tb?, gracias


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1.5 (2013) / 1.1 (Remastered) released.

Steam-2013: Nexus
Remastered PC/Switch: Nexus


- The party's Command and Character Abilities will no longer be unequipped when transitioning to and from Laguna dreams.

- Increased Darkside's HP penalty.
- Fixed errors with the counter behavior of the following enemies:
*X-ATM092 (rematch)
*Edea (Sorceress Memorial)
*Seifer (final)
*Ultimecia (second)
- Fixed bug in which certain some enemies' models wouldn't appear when fighting alongside Elite Soldier.
- Corrected Caterchipillar's low-level item drops to no longer include Spider Webs.
- Fixed issue in which one of G-Specialist's abilities was set incorrectly.
- Fixed issue with Ultimecia (second)'s Helix behavior.
- Added Adamantoises to Deep Sea Deposit.
- Changed coloration of Remastered version's title screen.


- A new battle has been added, accessible by using the Seven Virtues item after buying it from the secret shop.

- On Disc 3, Zell's party will now fight the Mobile Type 8 before being ejected from Lunatic Pandora.


- Increased GF damage.

- Increased Crisis Level value of Defend from 20 to 25.

- Reverted statistical changes to Fire Breath, Aqua Breath, and Electrocute.
- Ultra Waves is now a physical attack.

- Fixed bug with My Final Heaven.
- Increased Mag growth; no longer learns Mag+20%.

- Adjusted Slot table.
- Lowered Crisis Level HP modifier.
- Double status now boosts Crisis Level by 25.

- Adjusted stats, weapon stats, and Shot stats.
- Fixed issue in which empty ability spaces appeared in Cerberus'/Cactuar's GF menu.


- Caterchipillar: Increased drop rate of Spider Webs; added high-level Caterchipillars to the forests in southeastern Centra.
- Cockatrice: More likely to be mugged for a Coral Fragment at low levels.
- Grand Mantis: Lowered HP and Vit; increased Spd.
- Edea (1): Can now Dispel Aura; fixed bug with Blind casting behavior.
- SAMo8G: Lowered Vit; increased Spr.
- Edea (Sorceress Memorial): Fixed error preventing Edea from acting.
- Abyss Worm (aberrant): Increased appearance rate.
- Mobile Type 8: Lowered power of Twin Homing Laser and Megiddo Flame.
- Ultimecia (second): Altered GF-targeting behavior.
- Helix: Lowered HP.
- Ultimecia (final): Altered GF-targeting behavior.


- Corrected AP Ammo's price to 350 gil.
- Esthar Shop now sells Cottages.
- Esthar Pet Shop now sells an item that teaches GFHP+30%.
- Changed mod files' folder structure for easier installation.

I'll fix any other bugs that may crop up, but if I ever develop this mod any further it won't be for a long time. I appreciate everyone who gave it a try and left their feedback.

There were a few major things I had wanted to add before hanging this up, but in the end I chose to implement only the one I wanted to do most. I didn't say much about the content additions added up to this point, but I wanted to elaborate on this one a bit and talk about FFXI.

Spoiler: show
Once you've bought the Seven Virtues item from the secret shop (located here btw), you can use it to fight Virtuous Weapon, an enemy based on the NM Absolute Virtue from FFXI. With this fight I attempted to translate certain FFXI mechanics to FFVIII.

FFXI's enemies auto-attack until they've built up enough TP, their primary source of which is being attacked by players, to use a special ability. The fight with VW works similarly, with different player abilities contributing different amounts to VW's "TP" total. When "TP" reaches a certain value, it will use one of its special attacks. I also gave it a way to build some "TP" on its own to help keep things interesting.

In FFXI, when players combine their weaponskills (TP-consuming special attacks tied to the weapon the player is using) in specific ways based on their elemental properties, they can create a Skillchain, which deals additional damage to the enemy. Similar to FFXI, VW is able to trigger Skillchains when using its abilities in specific combinations within a certain timeframe. Due to movelist limitations I've only adapted three types of Skillchain; however, the combinations are true to FFXI's Skillchain chart.

Finally, each class in FFXI has what's called an SP Ability or 1-Hour Ability (formerly 2-Hour), which are supposed to be powerful exclusive skills with long recast timers. Absolute Virtue could use many of them, and so can VW. I've adapted several to FFVIII (though in the end I had to use a couple that Absolute Virtue doesn't) and VW will use one such ability at specific intervals or under certain conditions. There are 10 total.

The reward for beating VW is three GFs: Siren, Diablos, and Doomtrain. I've given them the following properties:

Siren: Non-elemental damage that inflicts Silence and Doom; heals the caster; highest HP of all GFs.
Diablos: Deals Spr-ignoring non-elemental damage; stronger than Bahamut.
Doomtrain: Poison-elemental damage that inflicts most status effects in the game, including Death and Curse.

All three come with the GF command and Siren and Doomtrain come with Boost while Diablos has Boost+.

There were a couple of things I wanted to do but couldn't. The first was to give it an altered version of the beach battlefield that resembles Al'Taieu. The second was to give it the following Scan description: "A notorious monster from a distant world. Its strength is impossible to gauge." With regard to the latter, I couldn't implement it because VW replaces the Garden Faculty enemy, and by default its Scan description is "NOT A TARGET." as with almost all enemies you're not meant to Scan and I couldn't fit anything longer than that message. On that note, there is a minor bug with VW: when it uses its normal attack, there's no sound effect. I assume the game assigns enemies' basic attack sounds based on the number of their c0m file and they didn't assign Garden Faculty one since it doesn't attack. I tried to find a solution to this but couldn't. It's annoying, but oh well. (Actually, I didn't notice it until after the fight's scripting was more or less finished because I usually playtest with the sound muted.)

I've also added a version compatible with the Switch version of Remastered. It's identical to the PC version with two exceptions: the FFVIII_EFIGS.dll edits and the Angel Wing ability. Since vanilla Angel Wing would be far too strong in this mod, I changed the ability to instead give Rinoa a few buffs, including Double. I've also changed certain things about the "Sorceress" (phantasm)'s AI to accommodate this change. The Switch version's folder structure is made for Atmosphere.

This is really late, but as for what you're supposed to do with the Aberrant Keys...
Spoiler: show
You go to Trabia Canyon. The word spelled out by the Key items is meant to be a hint. Glens and Canyons are both types of valley.
« Last Edit: 2021-10-01 19:48:40 by Leythalknight »


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1.5.2 / 1.1.2 released.

- Fixed a crash that could occur when fighting "Sorceress" (1) under certain conditions.

- Fixed a crash that could occur when fighting "Sorceress" (1) under certain conditions.
- Fixed a crash that could occur when fighting Vysage under certain conditions.
- Fixed a typo.
- (Switch) Made some minor adjustments to certain enemies' HP and drop tables to reflect the PC version.


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I am really enjoying your mod alot

keep up the great work on it


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I am really enjoying your mod alot

keep up the great work on it

Thank you!


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I found some missing information on your ff8 Crystal mod, for the final fantasy 8 pc steam 2013 version

the starfall item on your mod does the meto move insted of making the party members invisiable


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I found some missing information on your ff8 Crystal mod, for the final fantasy 8 pc steam 2013 version

the starfall item on your mod does the meto move insted of making the party members invisiable

I replaced a few items with enemy-only attacks because of limits on the number of enemy abilities. If you're looking for a strong defensive item, try using Wall Stones.


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I am at the end of disk 2 sefier boss battle on your ff8 pc steam 2013 version, your mod softlocked my game twice today at that boss battle

can you take a look to see if there are any errors on that boss battle please


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I am at the end of disk 2 sefier boss battle on your ff8 pc steam 2013 version, your mod softlocked my game twice today at that boss battle

can you take a look to see if there are any errors on that boss battle please

I can't reproduce this. You'll have to give me more information.


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I released a small update that fixes an issue in which using a Scan Stone on Seifer would cause a softlock. This is the only softlock I was able to find in the fight in question. There is also a fix for the remaster in which a sidequest was accessible too early.

Just thought I'd put this out here in case it helped any other modders. I fixed the softlock by unchecking this unknown flag here:
It's checked on the spell version, but items can be funny like that. Checking or unchecking the flag didn't seem to affect any other enemies I tested, at least with regard to the Scan Stone. The enemy versions of Seifer are just kind of volatile - he's a problem child even in mod development.

« Last Edit: 2022-01-07 16:05:02 by Leythalknight »


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Hey there,
i am currently playing through the mod and I've been enjoying it so far :D
Sadly i am unable to continue. I am currently in the second laguna dream and everytime I try to defeat the onslaught of enemies at the cliff (specifically 2 elite Esthat-Soldiers and one Elastoid i think) it crashes the game.


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Hey there,
i am currently playing through the mod and I've been enjoying it so far :D
Sadly i am unable to continue. I am currently in the second laguna dream and everytime I try to defeat the onslaught of enemies at the cliff (specifically 2 elite Esthat-Soldiers and one Elastoid i think) it crashes the game.

I'm glad you've been enjoying the mod :) Thanks for letting me know. Replace your battle files with these:
It includes files for all versions of the mod.

Whether the game would crash upon killing the Elastoid was inconsistent - I've definitely played through that part without issue and I know others have too - and I couldn't find any problems with the battle-specific scripting for either enemy. Hell, Elastoid's death AI only changes a variable and forces it to die. I could only conclude that the enemy formation itself was the issue, so I replaced the Elastoid with another Eliminator and slightly lowered the odds that they'll use Boomerang Sword.

I'll release a proper update later.
EDIT: Update 1.5.4 / 1.1.4 is out.
« Last Edit: 2022-01-19 22:30:11 by Leythalknight »


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I'm glad you've been enjoying the mod :) Thanks for letting me know. Replace your battle files with these:
It includes files for all versions of the mod.

Whether the game would crash upon killing the Elastoid was inconsistent - I've definitely played through that part without issue and I know others have too - and I couldn't find any problems with the battle-specific scripting for either enemy. Hell, Elastoid's death AI only changes a variable and forces it to die. I could only conclude that the enemy formation itself was the issue, so I replaced the Elastoid with another Eliminator and slightly lowered the odds that they'll use Boomerang Sword.

I'll release a proper update later.
Thank you so much for the quick answer, it works fine now :)


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I have encountered another error in my playthrough. Im currently in CD3 and trying to get into Esthar, right before the transition to the 5th Laguna Dream the game crashes everytime. I hope you can find a quick solution to that :D


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I have encountered another error in my playthrough. Im currently in CD3 and trying to get into Esthar, right before the transition to the 5th Laguna Dream the game crashes everytime. I hope you can find a quick solution to that :D

Been getting this one as well. It says Unexpected Error. Have played the older version before and I was able to get past the Esthar Laguna Dream. Gonna wait for a fix to this error in this lovely mod!


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Sorry for the wait. I'm not sure what's going on - even reverting the script to its vanilla behavior still causes a crash when it transitions to the Junction screen. For now, I changed the type of Junction used. You can use these field files to fix it (they're for the 2013 version - doesn't seem to happen in Remastered).

I'll release a proper update later.
« Last Edit: 2022-02-27 14:44:19 by Leythalknight »


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why is this more popular than the Ragnarok mod?


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I don't think it is.


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Sorry for the wait. I'm not sure what's going on - even reverting the script to its vanilla behavior still causes a crash when it transitions to the Junction screen. For now, I changed the type of Junction used. You can use these field files to fix it (they're for the 2013 version - doesn't seem to happen in Remastered).

I'll release a proper update later.

Thank you for this fix! Definitely love the mod! I found another bug or maybe its just for me but
Spoiler: show
The Aberrant Ruby Dragon doesn't spawn.. Already got the Ragnarok and all at Disc 3 and some Abberant keys as well


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1.5.5 / 1.1.5 released.
Nexus (2013)
Nexus (Remastered)

- Removed the Mobile Type 8 battle during Zell's stint as party leader on Disc 3.
- Fixed a crash that would occur when starting the last Laguna dream.

- Removed the Mobile Type 8 battle during Zell's stint as party leader on Disc 3.

Sorry for the wait. Not long after my last post, My computer broke down and I didn't have the money to fix/replace it.

Thank you for this fix! Definitely love the mod! I found another bug or maybe its just for me but
Spoiler: show
The Aberrant Ruby Dragon doesn't spawn.. Already got the Ragnarok and all at Disc 3 and some Abberant keys as well

In this update I changed the variable that controls its appearance. Let me know if that fixed it for you.
« Last Edit: 2022-03-27 00:23:23 by Leythalknight »


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Hey man, I hope you are doing good.

Im playing your mod on switch and oh boy – this is so wholesome! I always thought that ff8 is not very mod-friendly game and the best you could do is to edit some stats and I could never imagine that you could actually add some new content to the game.

Playing the game back in my young days I remember we had this crazy legend going around that you could get back to Dollet tower and re-fight the stronger version of that spider-robot, you needed a special key-card or something lol. And I almost s**t my pants when you actually added that opportunity to the game. The Knight Initiation scene/fight is also very cool; it fits the story so well.

This got me wondering how far you can actually push this game – is it possible to add completely new content to the game?

Eithwer way, I just wanted to say big thanks to you, I really enjoy your mod.

Now the issue I have – Im on a disk 3 and trying to defeat 12 enemies in Esthar but when I get the ‘Magic Summon’ after normal enemy is defeated my game freezes (Im on Nintendo switch). While I know I still can continue, but I also want to get all the possible content there is. Is there any way you can help me?
« Last Edit: 2022-05-05 14:10:03 by gypsymania »


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Hey man, I hope you are doing good.

Im playing your mod on switch and oh boy – this is so wholesome! I always thought that ff8 is not very mod-friendly game and the best you could do is to edit some stats and I could never imagine that you could actually add some new content to the game.

Playing the game back in my young days I remember we had this crazy legend going around that you could get back to Dollet tower and re-fight the stronger version of that spider-robot, you needed a special key-card or something lol. And I almost s**t my pants when you actually added that opportunity to the game. The Knight Initiation scene/fight is also very cool; it fits the story so well.

This got me wondering how far you can actually push this game – is it possible to add completely new content to the game?

Eithwer way, I just wanted to say big thanks to you, I really enjoy your mod.

Thanks, I'm glad you're enjoying it! I had no idea there were rumors about being able to refight the X-ATM back in the day, but it makes sense - that little "sidequest" in vanilla seems like the beginning of something that was cut from the game. Scripting the ritual boss was a nightmare, but I'm happy to hear it was worth it.  :-)

As far as adding completely new content, I know it's possible to do more with fields than Crystal does, like adding characters/other models to fields in which they don't normally appear. I figure adding a totally new field would be a lot more difficult, though. I once tried to replace one of the game's unused "test" fields with another for a sidequest I ultimately never made, but...well, I can't quite remember what happened ;D. As for enemies, most of the new bosses in Crystal are existing enemies given higher stats and unique behaviors through enemy AI scripting, and the few new enemies were added by replacing existing ones. There are around 55 dummy enemy files in the game data after the last "real" enemy file, but as far as I know the game doesn't actually load them. I've been out of the loop on FFVIII's modding scene for a while and was never the most knowledgeable to begin with, though, so maybe others have gotten around these limitations.

Now the issue I have – Im on a disk 3 and trying to defeat 12 enemies in Esthar but when I get the ‘Magic Summon’ after normal enemy is defeated my game freezes (Im on Nintendo switch). While I know I still can continue, but I also want to get all the possible content there is. Is there any way you can help me?

Sorry about the issue. Could you tell me which enemies you're fighting to trigger the boss and on which Esthar map (that is, the fight(s) in which Magic Summon is being used)? Each enemy in Esthar has its own handling for this based on the battle scene in which they're encountered. There are some enemy combinations that would cause the game to crash when trying to summon the boss and while I thought I had fixed all of them before releasing that sidequest, it's possible I missed one. If that doesn't solve the issue, it may be a Switch-specific problem - I tried it out on both the 2013 and PC-Remastered versions just now and while I didn't trigger the boss in every possible fight, I did confirm that the spawn itself works in those versions. It may take me some time to check it out, but if you could send me your save file, that'd help. In the meantime, you could try using other battles in Esthar to spawn it if you haven't already.


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Thanks for getting back.

I tried all the different enemies in Eshtar – imps, iron giants, tauramas and those flying magical pancakes (don’t remember the name), solo enemies and different combos – as soon as they are defeated and ‘Magic Summon’ is triggered – game crashes. I tried different areas too.

Sure, here’s the link for save file:

Whenever you have a minute. Thanks again!  8)


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Thanks for getting back.

I tried all the different enemies in Eshtar – imps, iron giants, tauramas and those flying magical pancakes (don’t remember the name), solo enemies and different combos – as soon as they are defeated and ‘Magic Summon’ is triggered – game crashes. I tried different areas too.

Sure, here’s the link for save file:

Whenever you have a minute. Thanks again!  8)

Here, this should fix the problem: Just replace the existing battle files with these. I'll release a proper update another day.

Thanks for telling me about this. Let me know if you have any other issues.


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It worked, thanks a million! I will keep you posted if I'll find anything else. Thanks again.  8)


Hey, found another issue – this time it is the Sorceress Memorial fight – game crashes after I defeat 5th or 6th sorcerer and ‘Magic Summon’ is triggered.
« Last Edit: 2022-05-07 16:40:29 by gypsymania »