Author Topic: [PC] Ultima - Real-Time game hacking tool / trainer  (Read 3323 times)


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Ultima - Real-Time FF7 PC Editor

If you've ever wanted to edit/hack Final Fantasy VII PC while playing the game then Ultima is the app for you. Its goal is to aid programmers, modders, challenge runners and people in general learning about FF7 internals, or if you just want to goof around and kill Emerald in one hit.

It can, among others, do the following things:

General stuff
  • Display and edit basic game information (game moment, Gil, GP, battle count, escapes, etc.)
  • Edit PHS status and Menu locks/visibility
  • Change game speed
  • Auto-skip intro videos (Squaresoft/Eidos logos)
  • Option to not pause the game when unfocused
  • Skip FMVs and minigames
  • Disable random encounters or make them happen constantly (both field and world)
  • Add/remove items and materia, including custom modded ones
  • Change party members (or set party slots as empty)
  • Common actions are accessible via global shortcuts (which are re-mappable)
  • View and edit Field/World variables as raw decimal, hex or binary values
  • And more...

  • Start an arbitrary battle both from the field and the world map
  • End a battle immediately (resulting in an escape or a win)
  • Toggle invincibility for allies
  • Instant ATB - no waiting for commands
  • Set the limit bars to full/empty
  • EXP / AP multipliers (also possible setting them to 0 to disable the level ups)
  • show and edit ally and enemy information (HP, MP, statuses, ATB), instant kill button
  • show enemy stats, elemental affinities and item drop/steal rates (basically built-in basic version of the FF7 wiki)
  • view chocobo rating during battle

  • show current field ID, step ID, step fraction, danger value
  • warp to any field and pick valid destination coordinates from a list of destinations
  • enable/disable character movement
  • display a list of field models with their coordinates
  • save state manager - works even across different fields!

  • world map viewer with ability to zoom and pan around, showing all controllable models and weapon positions in real time
  • see current model's position and triangle information, and current region name
  • indicator when walking over chocobo tracks
  • ability to click on the world map to teleport to that position
  • view a list of all loaded world models and edit the coordinates
  • custom zoom/tilt camera controls

The app also comes with an auto-updater so when I release a new version it will get updated automatically.

I've spent a bunch of time working on this app and I really hope you will like it. Also, I have a lot of plans going forward with it, it's not by any means finished, I've just felt it's at a point where I can confidently call it a 1.0 release and show it to everyone.

Note: I am of course aware of the existence of Ochu, which was a big inspiration in making this app. While Ochu is great and I used it extensively, I've also noticed where it was lacking. It sometimes failed to connect to the game. Sometimes it hanged and required a force quit. The UI was something almost no one could understand without reading the manual (some people *still* don't know you can actually edit values with Ochu and not just view them). Finally it was lacking few features that I really wanted, like the ability to start any battle at any time (also on the world map) or view and edit ally and enemy statuses.
« Last Edit: 2025-02-17 10:10:49 by mav »


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Re: [PC] Ultima - Real-Time game hacking tool
« Reply #1 on: 2024-12-23 10:52:47 »
Great job on this tool

do you think you could make a tool for final fantasy 8 and fantasy 9 1 day please



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Re: [PC] Ultima - Real-Time game hacking tool
« Reply #2 on: 2024-12-24 06:09:45 »
nice to see you've posted your app on qhimm :) been enjoying following your livestream coding of it :)  should note ochu's freeze exp just deals with active party, whilst ur ultima tool deals with out of party :D

still surprised how quick u added that wee feature in many many thanks much <3

« Last Edit: 2024-12-24 12:46:29 by wdx »


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Re: [PC] Ultima - Real-Time game hacking tool
« Reply #3 on: 2024-12-26 17:34:29 »
Great job on this tool

do you think you could make a tool for final fantasy 8 and fantasy 9 1 day please

Thanks, I don't have any plans working on FF8 or FF9 at this moment, it would be a very long process for me as I have way less experience with these games when it comes to how they work internally.

In other news I've just updated the app with an upgraded World section, now it shows the world map with current model and all vehicles/weapons marked on the map, and you can click on any place on the map to teleport to it instantly:


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Re: [PC] Ultima - Real-Time game hacking tool
« Reply #4 on: 2024-12-26 22:53:23 »

I really like your new update on your ff7 tool

but your ff7 tool crashed on me today when i used the start the battle option on it

are you gonna add in a have all items, have all materia and always have limit break in battle option as well please

and can you also add in a option for us to teleport when we are buildings or towns please, so i can teleport to the sierra mason please

when i tried in status effects on the enemies using your program it won't work at all and softlocks my game

and can you also in the option to max out our status, and change our hp and MP out of battle as well please

1 more idea request, my request is this when someone uses the start battle option on your program they also select what battle music they want to use with it

« Last Edit: 2024-12-27 00:55:04 by forkst »


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Re: [PC] Ultima - Real-Time game hacking tool
« Reply #5 on: 2024-12-27 07:08:56 »
If you experience crashes please let me know which game version you’re on, are you running the game via 7th Heaven and whether you’re using any mods (and which ones), FFNx version if you’ have it, etc. Also please post what function of the app you were using as the crash happened.

I am planning to add an option to warp to any field level. It’s more complicated than teleporting on the world map because for each field level you need to set proper coordinates for the player model, otherwise you’ll get soft locked.

Changing party stats out of battle is currently out of scope for this app since Black Chocobo can already do that when you load up your save file. I might add this option in future but it’s lower priority for me.

Adding items and materia is also something I’m thinking about but not sure exactly what would be more useful: “give me all items/materia” OR “give me a specific item/materia”.
« Last Edit: 2024-12-27 08:35:02 by mav »


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Re: [PC] Ultima - Real-Time game hacking tool
« Reply #6 on: 2024-12-27 19:33:58 »
Adding items and materia is also something I’m thinking about but not sure exactly what would be more useful: “give me all items/materia” OR “give me a specific item/materia”.

could do a 'core' bit like new threat  :)
eg fire/ice/lightning/wall/cure materias alongside adding a few x-pots/megalixers/ethers, so 2 options "give basics" and 'give all '
imo items not really that useful as if fighting as with your insta battles drops needed superquick to get anyhow :)

anyhow there will be reported bugs likely if giveall is used as some modifications have other item numbers etc above the standard list so would have in readme / help 'og full items' if doing that


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Re: [PC] Ultima - Real-Time game hacking tool
« Reply #7 on: 2024-12-29 20:50:06 »
New version released with two cool features:

Warp to Field:

As the name suggests it lets you to warp to any field in game - just click the Field ID row on the Field section in the app. Additionally it lets you to pick your destination, sourced from a list of possible destinations gathered from other fields that link to the one you want. This way when you warp to a field your model will not be softlocked at some random coordinates.

Save states (very experimental!)

This feature lets you create a save state and then load it back quickly. It's different from the normal save game mechanic, because it preserves script state (and everything else). So you can create a save state literally during a cutscene and then load it back perfectly fine. The catch is it currently only works when you don't leave the field level where the save state was created in. If you do leave, even if you come back, loading the state will crash the game.

In future I want to make this feature more stable and work across fields, but I'm not 100% sure whether it will be possible to do.


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Re: [PC] Ultima - Real-Time game hacking tool
« Reply #8 on: 2024-12-30 00:12:23 »
This tool is such an incredible boon for those of us who make mods that require individual testing of nearly every battle and/or field!! THANK YOU, you are seriously going to make testing my next ReMusic update a breeze!

I'd like to ask, is there anything you can share about how/where the game is determining your position/location on the world map, and how it logs when you have entered a new location. For example, being able to track when you've left the Midgar area and entered the Kalm area. I suspect its related to what triangle you're on in the world map (since your tool seems to show when you are on a grass/beach tile) but I honestly dont know.



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Re: [PC] Ultima - Real-Time game hacking tool
« Reply #9 on: 2024-12-30 07:06:21 »
Glad you liked the tool :). As for world map, the location name is actually quite easy to track (you're right, it's a property of the triangle the current player model is standing on), I'll add a display of it to the next version of the app.

Edit: I've just released a minor update with the following changes:


- show chocobo rating when fighting a chocobo
- button to instantly kill a character


- show current location (region) name
« Last Edit: 2024-12-31 13:56:03 by mav »


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Re: [PC] Ultima - Real-Time game hacking tool
« Reply #10 on: 2025-01-01 11:11:16 »
Version 1.0.6 dropped!

New features:

Chocobo tracks indicator

When you step on a triangle that has "chocobo tracks" flag set (meaning you can catch a chocobo there) a little chocobo icon will show up in the Location & Terrain section.

Camera tilt/zoom controls

Video of the feature in action

Few days ago I finally figured out some previously unknown world script opcodes and during this process I found out, that the game has some "hidden" mechanics to control the camera zoom and tilt, which it almost never uses (the only meaningful spot it's used is during the cargo ship sailing scene). So I've added a way to control these parameters from Ultima, and it's very fun to play around with, you can get some very interesting and unique camera angles.
« Last Edit: 2025-01-01 13:32:22 by mav »


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Re: [PC] Ultima - Real-Time game hacking tool
« Reply #11 on: 2025-01-01 19:53:19 »
Thanks for sharing this perfect application, :) hopefully if there is PSX version also, it will be so helpful for who working on it. :) Personally if there application with feature that allows to edit BCX files of field models and LZS file of Battle models it will so awesome.  8)


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Re: [PC] Ultima - Real-Time game hacking tool
« Reply #12 on: 2025-01-08 11:47:24 »

I figured the problem, when you click out of the final fantasy 7 game on steam the game still plays but the music stops

is there anyway you can fix that problem on your program please

and is there anyway you could allow us to fix the battle music as well while being on the world map please

« Last Edit: 2025-01-08 11:52:59 by forkst »


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Re: [PC] Ultima - Real-Time game hacking tool
« Reply #13 on: 2025-01-08 20:37:58 »
I figured the problem, when you click out of the final fantasy 7 game on steam the game still plays but the music stops
is there anyway you can fix that problem on your program please
and is there anyway you could allow us to fix the battle music as well while being on the world map please

I will look into fixing these in the next releases. In the mean time:

Version 1.0.9 dropped!

Since 1.0.6 the following changes & fixes have been implemented:

- added version number to the status bar and a simple About dialog
- fixed a couple of UI bugs and made it clearer when a value can be clicked to edit
- added a picker with a list of game moments to choose from
- ability to change current party members
- editing in-game time now accepts time in format [HH:][MM:]SS

- fixed some UI bugs in the Warp to Field dialog
- "Warp to Field" now also works from the world map
- you can now edit field model coordinates and direction

World Map
- added "Super Speed" option for 6x the normal movement speed
- fixed editing world model coordinates

- fixed a bunch of battle descriptions in the Start Battle dialog
- chocobo rating is now set up correctly when starting a chocobo battle
- added a picker for battle music when starting a battle from the field

Thanks to Phantasm and others for testing and feature ideas!


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Re: [PC] Ultima - Real-Time game hacking tool
« Reply #14 on: 2025-01-12 06:07:37 »
Version 1.1.0 dropped!

I did some plumbing work that enabled me to add one major feature (and a lot more in the future):

Add/remove inventory items and materia, including custom modded ones

This one is pretty self-explanatory, it lets you add (or subtract) any quantity of items/equipment to your party. It works by reading the available items from the game's memory so it works with any mods that modify your equipment.

It also lets you add any materia (again, including custom ones) optionally setting its AP value.

Edit: Version 1.1.1 is out!

* Fix: looping sounds that persisted after warping from some specific fields (like canon_1 or tin_2)
* Feature: key items management:

Edit: Version 1.1.2 is out!

* Feature: global keyboard shortcuts to access common actions like end battle, speed 4x, skip FMV, etc.
* Feature: full cure and status clear for the whole party, accessible via keyboard shortcut
« Last Edit: 2025-01-14 15:49:44 by mav »


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Re: [PC] Ultima - Real-Time game hacking tool
« Reply #15 on: 2025-01-17 12:45:40 »
Version 1.1.3 dropped!

* Fix: the PHS dropdown was not showing party members
* Feature: PHS and Party slot dropdowns now show actual character names from game's memory
* Feature: ability to instantly set your limit bars to be either full or empty (both in and outside battle)


Version 1.1.4 dropped!

* Fix: display of party member names in the party dropdowns when they're too long
* Fix: when changing party members while in the menu it will now refresh automatically to show the new member portrait and their stats

Version 1.1.5 dropped!

* Feature: show field names for wm* destinations in the Warp to Field dialog
* Feature: add a "world map" destination when warping to fields that have entry points from the world map
* Fix: toggling the limit bars outside battles now works in all cases
* Fix: display field id properly for wm* fields

Version 1.1.6 dropped!

* Feature: added keyboard shortcut remapping
* Feature: remember last used hacks between app launches
* Feature: automatically apply hacks between game restarts
« Last Edit: 2025-01-24 08:54:07 by mav »


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Re: [PC] Ultima - Real-Time game hacking tool / trainer
« Reply #16 on: 2025-02-08 19:47:11 »
Version 1.2.0 dropped!

* Feature: Save State manager! I've polished this feature a lot and it now works across fields, saves are also saved between app launches.

* Fix: issue with editing enemy details / killing enemies has been resolved
* Fix: reworked how the app connects to the game, hopefully it will not disconnect after some time anymore
« Last Edit: 2025-02-10 20:40:09 by mav »


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Re: [PC] Ultima - Real-Time game hacking tool / trainer
« Reply #17 on: 2025-02-16 14:29:42 »
Version 1.3.0 dropped!

* Feature: World map viewer showing a live, zoomable top-down map with ability to toggle section boundaries, triangle boundaries and showing current positions of all controllable models plus all weapons

You can toggle on and off the display of world grid lines, triangle boundaries and model positions. There are also 4 different rendering modes to choose from:

* Textured (pictured above, showing the map as it looks in-game)
* Terrain (shows terrain type for each triangle e.g. grass, wasteland, beach, forest; the encounters you can get depend on this)
* Region (different colors for all the main world regions e.g. Midgar Area, Grasslands, Cosmo Area etc.; this is what is shown as the location name in the menu)
* Scripts (highlights triangles that have scripts attached to them, it also highlights triangles where chocobo encounters are possible)

Here's how terrain, region and script views look like (click to enlarge):

« Last Edit: 2025-02-17 10:20:00 by mav »


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Re: [PC] Ultima - Real-Time game hacking tool / trainer
« Reply #18 on: 2025-02-16 18:17:45 »
this is wicked thank you

Re: [PC] Ultima - Real-Time game hacking tool / trainer
« Reply #19 on: 2025-02-23 17:47:18 »
Love this tool, so well done!! I do have an issue though. It seems like anytime I use anything in the app to modify the game in real time, the next encounter I get into whether it's random or scripted, the game freezes and black screens (music still playing). Need to quit and reload. Not sure if  i'm doing something wrong or not. Playing with newest 7th heaven and mods, still need to test with vanilla game instead of modded. Any ideas?


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Re: [PC] Ultima - Real-Time game hacking tool / trainer
« Reply #20 on: 2025-02-28 17:42:17 »
Amazing work, mav! Love it!

Is there any chance of being able to boost EX/AP by more than 4x and being able to speed up the game more than 4x as well? Thanks.


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Re: [PC] Ultima - Real-Time game hacking tool / trainer
« Reply #21 on: 2025-03-01 07:56:39 »
Is there any chance of being able to boost EX/AP by more than 4x and being able to speed up the game more than 4x as well? Thanks.

regards if using ffnx driver can do control+up/right arrow =speedboost  (cant remember if up or right arrow)  control+down/left arrow slower  either up/down or r/l toggles cant remember which off top of head.    if you disable battle swirl makes battles a lot faster so would be higher than 4x. there appears to be a cap on speedboost  'hardcoded' possibily which if speed 5+ could prevent going on ladders/vechiles.

you can compile source yourself and make changes to the source to raise exp by more than 4x. alternatively can use 7th heaven  gameplaytweaks qhimm. enable mod configure > stats  > exp boost mutliplay exp gained.   (that would multiply by whatever you select then again by whatever set to within ff7-ultima eg 10x boost in gameplaytweaks qhimm alongside 4x would then give 40x boost.


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Re: [PC] Ultima - Real-Time game hacking tool / trainer
« Reply #22 on: 2025-03-02 04:04:28 »
regards if using ffnx driver can do control+up/right arrow =speedboost  (cant remember if up or right arrow)  control+down/left arrow slower  either up/down or r/l toggles cant remember which off top of head.    if you disable battle swirl makes battles a lot faster so would be higher than 4x. there appears to be a cap on speedboost  'hardcoded' possibily which if speed 5+ could prevent going on ladders/vechiles.

you can compile source yourself and make changes to the source to raise exp by more than 4x. alternatively can use 7th heaven  gameplaytweaks qhimm. enable mod configure > stats  > exp boost mutliplay exp gained.   (that would multiply by whatever you select then again by whatever set to within ff7-ultima eg 10x boost in gameplaytweaks qhimm alongside 4x would then give 40x boost.

Thank you for this reply. Stacking the 4x speed boost in FF7 Ultima with the speed boost in the FFNx driver does work. Thanks.

Also, I get forking the code, modding it myself, and compiling it, but what do you mean by the second part, the following part? I can't understand that part. Thanks.

alternatively can use 7th heaven  gameplaytweaks qhimm. enable mod configure > stats  > exp boost mutliplay exp gained.   (that would multiply by whatever you select then again by whatever set to within ff7-ultima eg 10x boost in gameplaytweaks qhimm alongside 4x would then give 40x boost.

Edit: I just found the Gameplay Tweaks - Qhimm Catalog mod in 7th Heaven. Is there a way to assign some of those stat boosts to hotkeys so that I can easily toggle them on and off while in-game? Thanks.
« Last Edit: 2025-03-02 14:34:05 by HartleySan »


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Re: [PC] Ultima - Real-Time game hacking tool / trainer
« Reply #23 on: 2025-03-03 06:33:30 »
Amazing work, mav! Love it!

Is there any chance of being able to boost EX/AP by more than 4x and being able to speed up the game more than 4x as well? Thanks.

Speed is tricky because the way I’m doing it is by bumping the FPS limiter the game uses, which means it is capped by your monitor refresh rate. So while I could offer a 5x or more options if your refresh rate is lower than 150 Hz you would not see any difference.

As for custom Exp/AP boosts that should be possible, I’ll add that to my todo list.


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Re: [PC] Ultima - Real-Time game hacking tool / trainer
« Reply #24 on: 2025-03-03 18:33:06 »
Speed is tricky because the way I’m doing it is by bumping the FPS limiter the game uses, which means it is capped by your monitor refresh rate. So while I could offer a 5x or more options if your refresh rate is lower than 150 Hz you would not see any difference.

As for custom Exp/AP boosts that should be possible, I’ll add that to my todo list.

Thanks again, mav... and sorry for adding to your to-do list. As wdx noted, I can stack the speed boosts in FF7 Ultima with those in 7th Heaven to get the desired speed, but the EXP and AP boosts up to, for example, 10x would be awesome. It would be great if we could also boost Gil and items gotten from battles by the same amount to better simulate fighting "lots of real" battles.
« Last Edit: 2025-03-07 11:56:38 by HartleySan »