I'm lost as to how the "9999 Limit Break" patch is suppose to work. It would be great if someone could help me out.
I downloaded the patches from a torrent site, not sure which one. Anyway, in the torrent was a folder called "3. YAMP - Yet Another Multi-Patcher by dziugo" which had the "9999 Limit Break" patch amongst others. Csith, LuckyTifa, Highway & Snowboard mini-games etc. I followed the read-me file that was with it exactly, though every time I try to active the patches using a file called "install", It says something like "somethings gone wrong....dunno what." "No patching today". I thought I was missing a file of some sort, but I'm pretty sure that's not the case.
Then I tried the patches available for download which was in dziugo's first post for this thread. I followed the read-me files exactly again, but they would'nt work either. Something about "Could'nt create output file: patched_ff7.exe" "ERROR Patch could'nt be applied" etc. So now I'm kinda stuck, and which patch out of the two I have, am I meant to use exactly.