Author Topic: Running Glitch Meta Bitching  (Read 22473 times)


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Re: Running Glitch Meta b*tching
« Reply #25 on: 2007-04-02 12:50:11 »
A full stop the best i do or is it? Nope that the best i do.

What you say?

ChaosControl: Mouth off, by all means. But don't be too attached to your user account, if you continue. :-D

Like James Pond said; your choice.


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Re: Running Glitch Meta b*tching
« Reply #26 on: 2007-04-02 14:33:48 »
A full stop the best i do or is it? Nope that the best i do.

What you say?

ChaosControl: Mouth off, by all means. But don't be too attached to your user account, if you continue. :-D

Like James Pond said; your choice.
Unlike you I don't attach much or any value to my int0rn3t life. But if you feel the only way to solve this is by deleting my account you are a bit sad in my opinion (yeah, MY opinion, which is legal to state yes?).


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Re: Running Glitch Meta b*tching
« Reply #27 on: 2007-04-02 14:54:51 »
Ehm, I feel?

Wasn't it you who just stated that you are intentionally going to break the rules?

Very simple solution for that; don't obey moderators = get banned. We can fix your desire to break rules that way, too.

It has nothing to do with attaching value to this or that, or being sad. It's simply the path of least resistance for us; not to mention entirely your own fault. You have been warned - implications have even been spelled out to you, in a way that even a person as stupid as you should understand.

If you still insist going through with it... well, the consequences will be entirely your problem. You have been given massive amounts of slack already, I suggest you shut up while you still have your account.



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Re: Running Glitch Meta b*tching
« Reply #28 on: 2007-04-02 16:53:02 »
Ehm, I feel?

Wasn't it you who just stated that you are intentionally going to break the rules?

Very simple solution for that; don't obey moderators = get banned. We can fix your desire to break rules that way, too.

It has nothing to do with attaching value to this or that, or being sad. It's simply the path of least resistance for us; not to mention entirely your own fault. You have been warned - implications have even been spelled out to you, in a way that even a person as stupid as you should understand.

If you still insist going through with it... well, the consequences will be entirely your problem. You have been given massive amounts of slack already, I suggest you shut up while you still have your account.

I'll be a good boy then, can't lose my precious account. Thanks for the forehand advice jari, you pwn! :D


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Re: Running Glitch Meta b*tching
« Reply #29 on: 2007-04-02 18:01:13 »
Jari, ice_cold513  isn't a native english speaker... I don't realy know about this Running Glitch guy but I know about him.  It is just normal for someone which his native language isn't the english to have some probleme with english right?  And ice_cold513 is not the only one here I'm pretty sure of it.  If I understand you correctly everyone with problems writing english will be insulted by you, exept if they are dyslexics right ?  This is non-sense... I mean dyslexics can write properly(sometime).  But if someone isn't a native english speaker and they are still learning... what good it there to instult them... I mean they will do the effort that's for sure ... but they won't learn faster just by getting insulted by you.

And in you last post you say: "It's simply the path of least resistance for us" ... I wonder why's the "us" here.  It's not about the other moderators, it's just about you.  I've never seen Qhimm or The SaiNt insulting anyone(or at least not exept for a very good reason).  I wonder Jari... did Qhimm staff did gave you moderator powers so you can insult people even more than you did before ??  If so, I guess I'll just shut up 'cause it seems to ve the will of the Admin here, so I can't do nothing about it.  But I doubt it because you are the only one who instult the members non-stop as soon as either they do not agree with you, or they made an english mistake.

You said "I've had enough friendly notices do absolutely nothing"  Well... do you really have confirmation that you're insult notices did something better ??  I mean, exept maybe pushing people to hate you and get out of forums.  Or maybe that's just what you want, to push everyone off, exept youself and your followers (by followers I don't mean the others admins of the forums of course since they don't follow you at all in this: "I have to instult everyone quest").


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Re: Running Glitch Meta b*tching
« Reply #30 on: 2007-04-02 18:50:01 »
Oh, Jesus Fucking Christ with your "..." and "??". Here's a helpful hint; want to have some degree of credibility in a discussion about English? Try writing it.

Now, onto your "argument".

Jari, ice_cold513  isn't a native english speaker... I don't realy know about this Running Glitch guy but I know about him.  It is just normal for someone which his native language isn't the english to have some probleme with english right?

Oh, so that's why he has low self esteem, and wants to be treated differently because of it! Excellent!

He seems to be located in England itself though - you know, the place where English language originated? Perhaps he should try get some immersion, maybe that would teach him.

And ice_cold513 is not the only one here I'm pretty sure of it.  If I understand you correctly everyone with problems writing english will be insulted by you, exept if they are dyslexics right ?  This is non-sense... I mean dyslexics can write properly(sometime).  But if someone isn't a native english speaker and they are still learning... what good it there to instult them... I mean they will do the effort that's for sure ... but they won't learn faster just by getting insulted by you.

Well, obviously you do not understand me correctly. Perhaps some more English lessons would be in order?

To show "show some degree of leniency" means being somewhat forgiving. Somewhat. Get that?

If you had actually paid attention, you'd have found several cases of me treating people with obviously lacking skills of English differently. But have you paid attention?

No, you haven't. I have apparently crushed your weak ego like a faulty tin can, and you are desperately trying to seek some kind of argument - you grab everything that comes to your mind, without even knowing anything about it.

And you know what? ice_cold513's problem is not the lack of English skills. It's his laziness; again, every language I know comes with punctuation, something he often fails to use. Not to mention he himself played the Liek-Ron card; he was not even worried about being non-native - he was assuming that he'd get special treatment because he's fucked up in the head. Wrong answer. No can do. No respect for the lazy.

And in you last post you say: "It's simply the path of least resistance for us" ... I wonder why's the "us" here.  It's not about the other moderators, it's just about you.  I've never seen Qhimm or The SaiNt insulting anyone(or at least not exept for a very good reason).  I wonder Jari... did Qhimm staff did gave you moderator powers so you can insult people even more than you did before ??  If so, I guess I'll just shut up 'cause it seems to ve the will of the Admin here, so I can't do nothing about it.  But I doubt it because you are the only one who instult the members non-stop as soon as either they do not agree with you, or they made an english mistake.


You really don't pay attention, do you? :-D

If you had, you might have noticed that Qhimm is not the person to piss off, or you might notice that he is indeed capable of being highly insulting, should he choose to be. :) SaiNt doesn't really interfere in the forum these days, so it's pretty much a moot point in regard to him.

And why don't you see them moderating much these days? 1) Because now they once again have moderator staff that actually does something and 2) because at least Qhimm is very disappointed with the decline of his forum; mostly how stupid most of the n00bs are.

You'd probably have to ask Qhimm why he gave me moderator powers. I'd guess that for the last time the answer would be "because he thought I'd get results". I had told him what I thought of the "performance" of the existing moderators, and told him that if he gives me mod powers, I'll clean General up. He did - which is a some degree of vote of confidence in itself, seeing that we weren't on speaking terms at that time - and I did. He didn't take them away afterwards, and when asked why, he told me that he was pleased of my performance.

He is perfectly aware of my way of doing things. You realize that during my seven years in here, this is not the first time I moderate?

But by all means, ask him. I don't mind.

You said "I've had enough friendly notices do absolutely nothing"  Well... do you really have confirmation that you're insult notices did something better ??  I mean, exept maybe pushing people to hate you and get out of forums.

Yes, I do. And what you pointed out is one way of achieving it. You seem to be under the impression that we'd need every idiot who finds this place. We don't. We don't need anyone, and we only want the smart ones. If the rest go away... hey, works for me.

Or maybe that's just what you want, to push everyone off, exept youself and your followers (by followers I don't mean the others admins of the forums of course since they don't follow you at all in this: "I have to instult everyone quest").

Hey, if you really think that I'm wrong, talk to them. I'm sure they'll listen if they think you are right. Ask that they'll make a moderator while you are at it.


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Re: Running Glitch Meta b*tching
« Reply #31 on: 2007-04-02 20:44:56 »
Ok let's all put this to one side and move

Moving on where

He seems to be located in England itself though - you know, the place where English language originated? Perhaps he should try get some immersion, maybe that would teach him.

 I'm from Wales/Cymru so? That make's me what Saesneg/English nope
That make's me Cymraeg/Welsh
The city Casnewydd/Newport

Your good at your grammar but you might want to brush up on your Geography
Post goes out to all my fellow welsh men and woman who like all us welshy hate people who say arr the UK your from england and we say no but't we Wales (was going to do that part in Welsh)

Just so you all know UK split into England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland meaning you are English, Scottish, Welsh, Irish given where your born. All have there own language's

You can post a nice long Topic too Jari
You can burn me to My old saying is ( There is over 6 billion people in this world and some just not going to like you so forget the one's who don't like you and move on )

James Pond

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Re: Running Glitch Meta b*tching
« Reply #32 on: 2007-04-02 20:50:37 »
I'm going to have to come out and say it.

Using the fact you are welsh as an excuse for bad English skills is hilarious.

How old are you? 15? 16?


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Re: Running Glitch Meta b*tching
« Reply #33 on: 2007-04-02 20:52:53 »
ice_cold513: Oh Dear God with your excuses.

I'll show you something to brush up on.

Cymru (Welsh)
Wales (English)

Official languages    Welsh, English

The official languages in Wales are English and Welsh. English is spoken by almost all people in Wales and is the de facto main language (see Welsh English). However, Wales is officially bilingual, with 21.7% of the population able to speak Welsh and a larger proportion having some knowledge of the Welsh language according to a 2004 language survey.


Any more bad excuses?

EDIT: And of course, Welsh does not have punctuation at all, correct?  :-D

...oh wait, the Internets tell me that in general Welsh punctuation is similar to the English one! Wonder of wonders! It can't be the reason for you not doing it, then.

Come on, please stop. You are more embarrassing than Liek-ron with your excuses.
« Last Edit: 2007-04-02 20:58:07 by Jari »


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Re: Running Glitch Meta b*tching
« Reply #34 on: 2007-04-02 21:04:50 »
excuses what excuses

All Welsh people don't like bring called English
Less then 500,000 people speak Welsh now day's
But when i was in school witch was a welsh school now day's they both but welsh people who can speak write both
was not like this in my shcool days
But i'm tryed to get the english grammar down but it not on the top of my list todo's

Edit i dont make excuses about grammar is anything todo with writing i know why i'm bad at it but if you don't like the way i write post's just say so and i won't post in anything but the NPC Reconstruction Project topic i don't mind
« Last Edit: 2007-04-02 21:15:13 by ice_cold513 »


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Re: Running Glitch Meta b*tching
« Reply #35 on: 2007-04-02 21:40:57 »
excuses what excuses

The ones you write.

But i'm tryed to get the english grammar down but it not on the top of my list todo's

Neither is punctuation, I see.

Edit i dont make excuses about grammar is anything todo with writing i know why i'm bad at it but if you don't like the way i write post's just say so and i won't post in anything but the NPC Reconstruction Project topic i don't mind

Oooh! Threats! Excellent!

You know, be my guest - I don't mind either. And I don't take kindly to threats or blackmail. If you are trying to play chicken with me, you picked the wrong guy.


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Re: Running Glitch Meta b*tching
« Reply #36 on: 2007-04-02 22:21:08 »


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Re: Running Glitch Meta b*tching
« Reply #37 on: 2007-04-02 22:25:40 »

Where the Threats i ask a Question?

 Do you want me to just post in the NPC topic?

Alittle yes or no


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Re: Running Glitch Meta b*tching
« Reply #38 on: 2007-04-02 22:39:55 »
Where you post is up to you - none of my business.

But I expect you to follow the board policy. That includes human readable English. Everywhere. Even in that topic.


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Re: Running Glitch Meta b*tching
« Reply #39 on: 2007-04-02 22:59:51 »
Awwww... let's calm, please. There is no point on fighting each other. Everyone has his share of reason.
I can see why some newbies get bashed by Jari (and others). I think the language it's quiet a big barrier on it's own for us to keep enlarging it being too nitpicky. Then again, I don't see Jari reproaching people for every single mistake they do. On the other hand, I can see how a too low spelling level can hurt the communication, specially for non-natives (like myself).
But the focus of this discussion is if Jari's methods are too "expeditive". Well, I think you are a bit too harsh sometimes. It's obvious that it's an effective way of keeping the forum level from degenerating. What I wonder is if it's necessary. It's not that we have a noobs plague or something. In fact, we have an ever decreasing active membres population. I wonder if scaring people away systematically will help at all.
Anyway, I understand that's the policy of the admins in this forum. Since this place basically belongs them, it's logic that we have to follow the rules they impose to use it. The day I don't find those rules fair, I'll simply leave. And no, don't get me wrong, this isn't any kind of threat.


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Re: Running Glitch Meta b*tching
« Reply #40 on: 2007-04-02 23:54:37 »
I'm not discussing the rules here.  Not at all.  In fact I think they are really fair and I try to follow them the better I can.

Now, I'd like to quote these right from the rules's thread:

Here the rules talking about spelling:
"Please try to use good spelling and grammer.  Don't run round the house looking for that old, dusty dictionary you've never used if there's a word too difficult to spell, just try and spell as well as you can"

It is clairly wrote :"just try and spell as well as you can".  So ice_cold513 didn't broke this rule at all (exept maybe for ponctuation).

"Don't insult people about anything unless you have a good reason to. Report to an administrator or a moderator if someone has insulted and/or threatened you."

I don't think that the way someone write or think is reason enough to insult people so, unless you say that the rules doesn't apply to you(which I'm certain you will say something like that) you broke this rule several times here even being an moderator.  However it might be reason enough to warn them.

Another interesting rule here:
"Try to understand what people are trying to say if they have a different opinion to you, or are trying to give you some friendly advice.  Shouting back at them really doesn't help at all, you just get less respect and chances are your opinions will be ignored in the future."

Think I'll skip the comment here, I'm pretty sure everyone knows exactly where I'm getting at anyway.

These rules are the basic of any good forum(including those I didn't quote of course)  and I follow those rules and respect them.  Jari however doesn't seem to follow any rules implying respect which are the base of any discution, thus the base of any forums.  I think a lack of respect is a lot worst than a lack of grammar don't you?  (Well... I guess I already know your answer about that, but anyway...)
« Last Edit: 2007-04-02 23:57:46 by stormmedia »


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Re: Running Glitch Meta b*tching
« Reply #41 on: 2007-04-03 00:36:35 »
I had a long post written, but your whining is not worth it.

I'm going to point out just two things, one; if you really believe that ice_cold513 spells as well as he can, you are the most gullible person ever born, and two; how nice of you to quote rules for users. Written when the browsers hadn't even heard of spell checkers, by the way.

Do you understand the basic difference between a moderator and an user? One obeys the rules, the other makes the users obey the rules. Sadly, considering that there are several asshats amongst the users - as proven also by this thread - moderators can't just pat the asshats on the head and ask them nicely.

Sometimes, like right now, the users are simply too stupid for it.

And for the rest of your whining; I've listened it for nearly three days already. That's three days more than you'd get at most forums. I've graciously given you a platform to voice your concerns. In this time you haven't managed to come up with a single valid point.

Your original ones were complete bogus. When that was proven, you have tried to come up with new ones, each weaker than the previous.

Enough is enough. If you still have issues, click that PM icon next to Qhimm's name and ask for his opinion.


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Re: Running Glitch Meta b*tching
« Reply #42 on: 2007-04-03 02:19:54 »
stormmedia and ice_cold513: It almost seems as though your posts are getting even more erroneous and confusing as this topic progresses.  Just try to make your sentences as clear as possible, because even I am having trouble following your arguments.  You are probably doing this to provoke Jari, so stop.

stormmedia: You need to use punctuation. This I absolutely agree with. Even if you can't conjugate verbs properly, it is 10x easier to read what you are writing if you simply punctuate your sentences (Yes, you have been getting better at this as the topic has progressed).

Jari: I think that profane language in most cases is a worse offense than bad spelling; maybe you could tone it down just a little. Just my opinion of course.

Firefox 2 (and probably IE7) has an amazing spell checker built in that underlines words that have been misspelled in red. Simply right-click the word, and the correct spelling will usually pop-up (unless you have horribly butchered the word beyond recognition).

The following words, save "discution," have the correct spelling on Firefox's spell-check list (taken from stormmedia's earlier post):
clairly -> clearly
ponctuation -> punctuation
exept -> except
grammer -> grammar
discution -> discussion

I'm by no means bashing on you stormmedia, I'm just showing the powerful capabilities of a spell-checking browser.



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Re: Running Glitch Meta b*tching
« Reply #43 on: 2007-04-03 02:23:44 »
Wow, fuck sake jari, stop being so anal.

Stormmedia, well said! Jari cannot ignore the base rules of this forum, and i could always read your posts and ice_colds posts without too much deciphering so i dont know what the big deal is.

Jari you may think that your doing a good job by keeping the grammar rules to your high standards but your actually fucking it up. If i was a newbie in here and I had your "negative reinforcement" then i really wouldnt want to come back to a forum full of assholes, first impressions are really important.

But the one thing that i cant understand is this, this is a final fantasy VII forum, which has released some killer mods and applications, through the spare time and hard work of many people in this forum... stommedia and ice_cold have both been working their asses off with the new NPC patch which so far looks great! And its these things, rather than your strict ass grammar rules, that bring people to this site over and over.

Dont get me wrong, your entertaining in yourself and pretty much everyone brings something cool to this forum, but you cannot start bitching at everyone that doesnt meet your grammar standards. Some people can deal with a comma missing or no full stop, grammar should be policed, but not the way your doing it, your being an asshole. Oh and "negative reinforcement" is bullshit, not when your trying to build a community built on friendship and a love for all things final fantasy. Christ final fantasy ROCKS!!!!

(Oh and dont threaten people with PMing qhimm, hes a nice guy and probably would care if people were not enjoying his forum because of some anal guy...)


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Re: Running Glitch Meta b*tching
« Reply #44 on: 2007-04-03 02:36:01 »
Jari you may think that your doing a good job by keeping the grammar rules to your high standards but your actually f***ing it up. If i was a newbie in here and I had your "negative reinforcement" then i really wouldnt want to come back to a forum full of assholes, first impressions are really important.

That's okay, we wouldn't want you, either.  :-D

(Oh and dont threaten people with PMing qhimm, hes a nice guy and probably would care if people were not enjoying his forum because of some anal guy...)

Why, it's not threatening if that's true, is it? :-D So, by all means, click it and we'll see. You are not scared, are you? Since you seem to be sure of what he thinks and so forth. Click it, buddy. Click click. :-D


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Re: Running Glitch Meta b*tching
« Reply #45 on: 2007-04-03 03:58:09 »
stormmedia and ice_cold513: It almost seems as though your posts are getting even more erroneous and confusing as this topic progresses. 
Well I didn't think my lastest posts was that confusing.  Sorry if it's the case.  In fact, in my last posts, I tried to get the better english I can.  Not being a native english speaker myself it's possible that I made mistakes.  I'm sorry if those mistakes was that big that you couldn't read the posts.

(Yes, you have been getting better at this as the topic has progressed).
Thanks!! Although I thought my posts were getting even more erroneous and confusing as this topic progresses, like you said earlier.  But thanks anyway :-).

Jari: I think that profane language in most cases is a worse offense than bad spelling; maybe you could tone it down just a little. Just my opinion of course.
Yep exactly what I think dude :-).

The following words, save "discution," have the correct spelling on Firefox's spell-check list (taken from stormmedia's earlier post):
clairly -> clearly
ponctuation -> punctuation
exept -> except
grammer -> grammar
discution -> discussion
Well, sorry about those... must be some typo I didn't noticed.  (the Spell Check is kinda buggy here... don't know why)

I'm by no means bashing on you stormmedia, I'm just showing the powerful capabilities of a spell-checking browser.
I know you don't.  This is the kind of notice that I find constructive.  You just trying to help me to have better english so the forums can be cleaner.  You didn't wrote some kind of:"Hey are you outta your f***ing mind to write those words like that, you little worthless asshat".  You see Jari you don't have to always use some insulting words to get the message done.  RPGillespie did it in a perfectly polite way, and I understood.


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Re: Running Glitch Meta b*tching
« Reply #46 on: 2007-04-03 05:44:32 »
I.... Uh....

What on earth is going on here?


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Re: Running Glitch Meta b*tching
« Reply #47 on: 2007-04-03 05:55:31 »
I.... Uh....

What on earth is going on here?
What else but:

Jari, its nice to see that someone here like to enforce rules but come on now! They post once and they leave forever. In fact I bet the person in question doesn't give two diet pepsis for whatevers happening here. I would understand if they continued but you know, they're gone.


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Re: Running Glitch Meta b*tching
« Reply #48 on: 2007-04-03 05:58:24 »
Well... short version would be: I said to Jari what I think about his way of insulting people instead of just telling them what's wrong in there posts.  And then, some b*tching because Jari took it as an insult (which wasn't my intention). And then some people came by to say hello and what they have to say about it. (very short version)


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Re: Running Glitch Meta b*tching
« Reply #49 on: 2007-04-03 07:26:49 »
Lol, don't worry be happy! :D

I'm on another forum ( which is ranked 10th biggest board on the planet and I never ever see mods whine on trivial things as these.. I guess thats what makes a board great, a nice community without asshats (not reffering to anyone specific).