Author Topic: [FF7PC] Phoenix Rejuvenation Project (Discontinued, use Unified Model Installer)  (Read 727606 times)


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Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII Phoenix Rejuvenation Project
« Reply #875 on: 2011-07-03 04:40:40 »

1)   There is quite a bit of overlap between the .lgp and .png versions.
I think the .lgp version contains a few extra textures that aren't in the .png collection.
The 0.07.11b driver uses the .png if it exists, otherwise it looks in the .lgp file.
I put both versions  in the mix rather than try to compare all those files.
Since the .png's take precedence, they're probably the best choice of the two if conserving disk space is an issue.

Maybe someday I'll pare this thing down to the bare necessities.

2)   Those patches are part of YAMP.  Between Aali's 0.07.11b driver and the Menu Overhaul Project, the YAMP patches are not necessary.  To enable 9999 Limit Breaking, use the Menu Overhaul.  If you choose not to install the Menu Overhaul, then use the 'break_9999limit = yes' setting in Aali's opengl driver.  Don't enable both at the same time!
Lucky Tifa might not work with the Menu Overhaul.  I've never used this patch so it's something I still have to investigate.  The Menu Overhaul is very picky about having a vanilla 1.02 version of FF7.EXE.

3) The PRP add on pack is very difficult to locate.  I downloaded it months ago.  I've been unable to find it using this site and google.  There are only a few updated critters in the pack.  There may be a copyright issue preventing qhimm from hosting the file.

   Awesome!  Are you using Kimera?  Is there a simple fix for the models?  I hope to incorporate your work in the tutorial!



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Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII Phoenix Rejuvenation Project
« Reply #876 on: 2011-07-03 16:01:07 »
Thanks a lot man!

1.  Disc space isn't an issue, I just don't like having unnecessary duplicate files.

2.  Gotcha, thanks.

3.  It really irks me not being able to find the thing, even if it isn't that important.  Normally when things get pulled you can still find them floating around the web but when that main hosting site went down that add-on pack just plain ghosted.


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Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII Phoenix Rejuvenation Project
« Reply #878 on: 2011-07-18 20:17:58 »
I am probably the ultimate noob when it comes to modding. I just recently went to a performance of Distant Worlds and it got me in the mood to play FF7; however, my PS3 is currently out of service and I went and picked up the PC version. I saw the website looking to see what I could do. Low and behold...amazingness. The first thing I wanna do is thank each person who worked in the mods that I can find on this site.

The second thing I wanna do is ask for help.  :-\ I have successfully patched both with 1.02 and Aali's ff7_opengl-0.7.10b patch. Now, whenever I run the installer for PRP, it seems to install correctly (the default folder path is in my documents and won't let me change it) and whenever I go into the .../data folder under Final Fantasy 7 in my Program Files (x86) , there is no ffrp folder in there. I went back to check the default folder path and all I can find is the installer. (I'm assuming the installer sets the default install path as the location of the executable file.)

I'm running Windows 7 (64bit) and the game itself is working, but I can't seem to move past the installer step. Help?

EDIT: One last question: Would it be more beneficial for someone like me to simply download the Remix installer and use the patches there? I'm a proud person and believe I can learn just about anything...It's just so tedious reading and researching.
« Last Edit: 2011-07-18 20:20:42 by gunblade88 »


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Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII Phoenix Rejuvenation Project
« Reply #879 on: 2011-07-18 20:41:27 »
The installer will work fine on 32-bit systems, but since 64-bit systems have a slightly different path name (i.e. instead of "Program Files" we have "Program Files (x86)"). Anyway, to make things short, go to Program Files, there will be a similar folder hierarchy (you know, the Square > FF7 etc..). There you'll the prp folder in which there are 00.lgp and 01.lgp

Rename 00.lgp to char.lgp, and rename 01.lgp to world_us.lgp (instruction taken from Weemus' post)

The original files are located under data > field and data > wm in your correct installation directory. Back up those files first (in case something happens and you have to revert), then copy it over. Run ff7.exe as usual. It worked for me.

Edit: Regarding the Remix, if you have the time, I would recommend installing the mods one by one. For one, some mods included in the Remix is outdated, so if you want to get some of the newer stuff you still have to install those. Secondly, it's easier to find out what goes wrong while modding, because you install everything by hand instead of getting all the files modified by the Remix installer. Third of all, there might be a few bugs in the Remix (as far as I heard). That being said, the Remix is very very convenient and you don't need to get your hands dirty with all the different ways to modify files. 
« Last Edit: 2011-07-18 20:48:57 by vAddicatedGamer »


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Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII Phoenix Rejuvenation Project
« Reply #880 on: 2011-07-18 21:04:14 »
Thanks! After reading your post I re-installed and saw where the installer was placing it in the Program Files instead of Program Files (x86)... It's always the smallest things it seems. I installed and copied everything and it's working great! Now to install Avalanche's 2D overhaul. :)


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Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII Phoenix Rejuvenation Project
« Reply #881 on: 2011-07-19 13:14:13 »
FF7-PRP_Installer.rar is the Phoenix Rejuvenation Project installer.
PRP_AddOnPack.exe is and add on pack that contains models not in the PRP installer.



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Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII Phoenix Rejuvenation Project
« Reply #882 on: 2011-07-26 00:47:38 »
In order to get the PRP models into my regular .exe instead of whatever crap that installer was trying to do, I copied 00.LGP and 01.LGP, unpacked them, and sorted out all the contained files into the corresponding .lgp files from a regular install.
Would it be bad form for me to post these reorganized .lgps? Obviously I take no credit for the models (and whatever other modifications) contained therein, I just thought other people might like to have a char.lgp they could copy and paste into their own data folder rather than rely on the installer's cooperation.
Please advise.


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Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII Phoenix Rejuvenation Project
« Reply #883 on: 2011-07-26 02:10:46 »
Distributing LGP's is not allowed.


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Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII Phoenix Rejuvenation Project
« Reply #884 on: 2011-07-26 04:18:56 »
In order to get the PRP models into my regular .exe instead of whatever crap that installer was trying to do, I copied 00.LGP and 01.LGP, unpacked them, and sorted out all the contained files into the corresponding .lgp files from a regular install.
Would it be bad form for me to post these reorganized .lgps? Obviously I take no credit for the models (and whatever other modifications) contained therein, I just thought other people might like to have a char.lgp they could copy and paste into their own data folder rather than rely on the installer's cooperation.
Please advise.

What do you mean by needing the installer's cooperation? As I understand it once you have 01 and 00 lgps you can just save those on your HD and use them to reinstall PRP on a fresh ff7 build anytime. No need for the installer ever again, no?

PRP is the first mod I install on a fresh ff7 build. Idky but it's the only way I have been able to get the APZ type cloud on the world map to work without any futzing around with things after I complete the rest of the mods I use. So I just always use 01.lgp and 00.lgp without unpacking them at all and simply changing the filenames. Seems to me PRP's installer is not needed other than to acquire 00 and 01 lgps originally.
« Last Edit: 2011-07-26 04:29:29 by Template »


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Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII Phoenix Rejuvenation Project
« Reply #885 on: 2011-07-26 17:02:54 »
Distributing LGP's is not allowed.

Question answered. Out of curiosity, why is that?

As I understand it once you have 01 and 00 lgps you can just save those on your HD and use them to reinstall PRP on a fresh ff7 build anytime. No need for the installer ever again, no?

...So I just always use 01.lgp and 00.lgp without unpacking them at all and simply changing the filenames.

True enough, and that's basically what I'm doing.

I'm wary about just changing the filenames, because 00.lgp contains the contents of both char.lgp and chocobo.lgp, and 01.lgp contains almost all the others (except for battle.lgp, magic.lgp, flevel.lgp, and midi.lgp, I believe). This may not lead to any gameplay errors but it seems at least a little inefficient to me. Why have thousands of unneeded files in your char.lgp (though it's probably a negligible filesize concern -- like I said, just thinking about efficiency)? Not to mention I don't know how many of the other .lgps' files are actually identical to the originals -- as far as I can tell PRP doesn't make any changes to the minigames, movies, or disc related stuff.

But whatever. I'm pretty clueless as to how most of this stuff works so who am I to make any of these judgments in the first place?


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Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII Phoenix Rejuvenation Project
« Reply #886 on: 2011-07-28 18:22:55 »

I'm wary about just changing the filenames, because 00.lgp contains the contents of both char.lgp and chocobo.lgp, and 01.lgp contains almost all the others (except for battle.lgp, magic.lgp, flevel.lgp, and midi.lgp, I believe). This may not lead to any gameplay errors but it seems at least a little inefficient to me. Why have thousands of unneeded files in your char.lgp (though it's probably a negligible filesize concern -- like I said, just thinking about efficiency)?

That's very interesting. Perhaps I'll do some testing--thanks for the information!

After looking at this I wasn't sure how I would even go about placing the files in their correct lgp counterparts... How did you do it?
« Last Edit: 2011-07-28 19:09:54 by Template »


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Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII Phoenix Rejuvenation Project
« Reply #887 on: 2011-07-28 19:28:38 »
The Remix does a tremendous job of sorting through the PRP models.
I'm updating my Bootleg installer with the additional field and world models from the PRP, PRP Addon, Dahfa and Squallff8 that are not already in the remix.  The tutorial details all the steps.



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Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII Phoenix Rejuvenation Project
« Reply #888 on: 2011-07-28 19:34:56 »
I'm not sure, but I don't think I want to use remix. Lots o people have problems that seem to be related to it.


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Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII Phoenix Rejuvenation Project
« Reply #889 on: 2011-07-29 17:22:02 »
The Remix does a tremendous job of sorting through the PRP models.

I started looking into this in the first place because the Menu Overhaul Project seems to conflict, at least on my machine, with the Remix, so I installed all the mods included in the Remix individually. All the ones I wanted, anyway. I'm still a little hung up on specifically which weapon mods were used and where to find them.

After looking at this I wasn't sure how I would even go about placing the files in their correct lgp counterparts... How did you do it?

I unpacked the original lgps from a fresh install in one set of folders, then created a new set of folders to sort the PRP files into. Then I looked at the contents of the originals, hunted them down amidst the thousands of files unpacked from 00 and 01, and put them in corresponding folders. This method was effective for the lgps with 100 or fewer files in them. For the lgps with 400 to multiple thousands of files, I did it backwards: I went one by one through the files from 00 and 01 and ran a search through my folders of original files to determine which lgp they belonged in. Fortunately the filenames follow some consistent patterns, so after getting the hang of those it went more quickly, since I wasn't running a search for every single file.

So this is why I posted here, because that took a lot of time and it would be helpful for other people who want to use these mods without using the PRP installer if there was a distribution of just the files they want, already sorted out for them. (Though I far from guarantee my sort is flawless). But I'm not about to distribute someone else's work, even covered with proper documentation that gives them sole credit, without being absolutely certain they're cool with it.


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Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII Phoenix Rejuvenation Project
« Reply #890 on: 2011-07-29 20:46:57 »
Wouldn't it be easier to unpack the vanilla char.lgp into a folder 'char'.
Then unpack the 00.lgp into another folder 'prpchar'.
Then cut all the files in 'prpchar' and paste them into 'char' and choose SKIP for all files that already exist.
Then all the files left in 'prpchar' would correspond to files in the original char.lgp.
You still have to go through and load every model .hrc file left in 'prpchar' to make sure there aren't any missing parts.
Then just repeat the process for all the .lgp archives in 00.lgp and 01.lgp.



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Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII Phoenix Rejuvenation Project
« Reply #891 on: 2011-07-29 21:10:49 »
I started looking into this in the first place because the Menu Overhaul Project seems to conflict, at least on my machine, with the Remix, so I installed all the mods included in the Remix individually. All the ones I wanted, anyway. I'm still a little hung up on specifically which weapon mods were used and where to find them.

Millenia's custom sword mods for Cloud


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Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII Phoenix Rejuvenation Project
« Reply #892 on: 2011-07-29 22:56:52 »
Wouldn't it be easier to unpack the vanilla char.lgp into a folder 'char'.
Then unpack the 00.lgp into another folder 'prpchar'.
Then cut all the files in 'prpchar' and paste them into 'char' and choose SKIP for all files that already exist.
Then all the files left in 'prpchar' would correspond to files in the original char.lgp.
You still have to go through and load every model .hrc file left in 'prpchar' to make sure there aren't any missing parts.
Then just repeat the process for all the .lgp archives in 00.lgp and 01.lgp.


Yeah, that'd just about do it, with the exception of a couple areas where PRP has an additional file called aaaa2 (made up example, I'm pretty sure aaaa was not one of the ones for which this was the case) or something. And you'd also have to either have several copies of the files from 00 and 01, or unpack them repeatedly, which might eat up a little time and memory, but your method probably saves more time than that would add. Good thinking.

I've already done the legwork, I'm just trying to find out if there's a way I can save others that trouble.


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Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII Phoenix Rejuvenation Project
« Reply #893 on: 2011-07-30 00:01:07 »
DarkFang, the Remix uses Slayersnext Cloud Weapons, Slayersnext Aeris Weapons, a very very early version of Millenia's weapons which is missing most of the best models and Grimy's Diamond weapon from the Avalanche installer.

The Bootleg uses Millenia's newest sword pack for Cloud, Slayersnext Aeris Weapons and Mike's non effect weapons for Yuffi and Aeris.

Zoostation,  I've found this little trick to work wonders for sorting through files.
First, pipe a directory of the desired files into a text file:
    dir /b >filelist.txt

Next, make a for loop to copy the selected files out of ALLFILES and into SELECTEDFILES.
                FOR /F "usebackq tokens=*" %%G IN ("filelist.txt") DO XCopy "C:\ALLFILES\%%G" "C:\SELECTEDFILES\"



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Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII Phoenix Rejuvenation Project
« Reply #894 on: 2011-07-30 01:56:54 »
k yah, all of that is just too complicated for me... ill have an aneurysm or something

seriously tho, someone should "fix" prp and release it in a convenient package, especially the flickering faces. I cant be arsed to fix that myself but it drives me up the wall.
« Last Edit: 2011-07-30 02:10:53 by Template »


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Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII Phoenix Rejuvenation Project
« Reply #895 on: 2011-07-30 15:23:48 »
Most of the flickering faces are fixed in the Remix.
With the Bootleg, I've added even more field models from the PRP, PRP addon, Dahfa, and Squallff8.
The Bootleg uses parts of the Remix and most of the other mods I've found here at Qhimm.
I've also included an option to disable the Remix Remastered AI, stat and equipment changes.

Has anyone figured out how to get these broken Squallff8 Rebuilded models working:
    Man11 - Normal(TEMP)
    Mr Coates - Normal (fved)
    Old Man 4 - Normal (edjd)
    Punk 2(TEMP)
    Punk 3(TEMP)
    Punk 4(TEMP)
    Sumo 1 - Top Half (giha)
    Sumo 2 - Top Half (gjab)
    Wrestler 3 (TEMP)



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Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII Phoenix Rejuvenation Project
« Reply #896 on: 2011-07-30 17:10:03 »
k but I think most people wont want to use remix, so it would be nice if you would release the flicker fix without the other 1.8gigs.


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Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII Phoenix Rejuvenation Project
« Reply #897 on: 2011-07-30 19:39:25 »
For the Bootleg, the required mods are about 6GB and the end result is a FF7 install of roughly 6GB.  An additional 16GB is required during the installation process.
I've fixed many of the problems with the Remix; including removing changes to the AI, stats and equipment.  I don't have any unexpected errors related to the Remix in APP.LOG.  A lot of the content isn't available anywhere else.  It's the most work anyone has done recently to update the PRP.
Maybe Titeguy3 will come back someday and release a more modular version.

I'm just trying to make it easier to install everything together.


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Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII Phoenix Rejuvenation Project
« Reply #898 on: 2011-07-31 17:43:56 »
I figured out an easy way to get rid of those flickering faces.
It even works for Barret in the Remix.

Open the appropriate .hrc file.  I'll use acgd.hrc (Barret from the Remix).
Find this section:
    1 ACHC0
Change the last line to this:
    2 ACHC0 ACHC0

That gives the model 2 overlapping heads.
So far, it's worked for all the models I've tested.
They don't blink, but at least they don't flicker!



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Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII Phoenix Rejuvenation Project
« Reply #899 on: 2011-08-01 07:31:13 »
someone smart suggested I try to install remix, keep the lgps it makes and then uninstall/reinstall ff7 using those lgps. So far this approach seems to be working really well. The install was super painless this way, actually. And now that I have my lgps the way I want (the only thing i changed so far was the save point texture) I can just save them for later use.

The transparent faces fix and materia flicker fix is working.