Author Topic: haha  (Read 33072 times)

Hermoor IV

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Re: haha
« Reply #75 on: 2010-03-31 19:49:30 »
Just so you know it, everyone every single person I know. Look at oh...why do you call yourself that arrogant bastards. GREAT brittain...great? Well, everyone I know that hasn't been englishman or american. Look at america and england as arrogant bastards. If you go down to spain or italy for holiday. It is always the englishmen that are fat and talking REALLY loud. are very arrogant and in many peoples opinion stupid.

It's kinda like how you englishmen look at USA. You see them as loud farmers...sweden and many other countries around europe sees the Englishmen as snobby arrogant loud idiots. You really seem to think you know everything. Hermodr was a name I picked a long time ago. And I didn't pay attention to the D letter...of course it's hermodr. But hermoor sounds fine, and at least it's orginal.

As it happens, I'm quite well-versed in Ancient Greek and I know a fair bit of Latin as well. Hell, I've even dabbled in Old Norse, and my Hermóðr thread shows that I know more about it than you do. Sowwy Hermoor, but ancient languages are a strong point of mine. You're not going to win.
You seem to think I care?? I don't get why you would like to learn those languages anyway. Since you don't appreciate the original works of fiction these cultures has created. You are so obessed with you blue hair chibi anime girl. And Final FAntasy VII, then why do you even care about these languages?

The video I posted earlier...very beautiful. You called it a pedophile with a kid, you don't seem to care about the video and what it represents. And you don't seem to care about what they are saying either. You are arrogant, you are intelligent but not wise.

Also, we should be arrogant. The English did more to create the modern world than any other nation. Certainly more than Sweden did.
Sure...sweden lost it's great power some 500 years ago. Maybe you are educated in this as well kudistos? Sweden was a superpower under Karl XII. Sweden controlled most of northern Europe. You can say what you want, but being arrogant because you ancestors liked to take colonies is idiotic. You should really think over your replies dude.

Kudistos Megistos

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Re: haha
« Reply #76 on: 2010-03-31 19:59:02 »
Just so you know it, everyone every single person I know. Look at oh...why do you call yourself that arrogant bastards. GREAT brittain...great? Well, everyone I know that hasn't been englishman or american. Look at america and england as arrogant bastards. If you go down to spain or italy for holiday. It is always the englishmen that are fat and talking REALLY loud. are very arrogant and in many peoples opinion stupid.

So you're basing your opinion of English people on the ones you see when you're on holiday? And you're justifying your opinion by saying that other people agree with you? Those people who agree with you are probably just jealous xenophobes like you.

Hermodr was a name I picked a long time ago. And I didn't pay attention to the D letter...of course it's hermodr. But hermoor sounds fine, and at least it's orginal.

So having an o instead of an ð is fine? You sure it's not just because you didn't know what a ð was and couldn't recognise it, despite your love of ancient Norse culture? Oh, and BTW, it isn't the same as a d.

As it happens, I'm quite well-versed in Ancient Greek and I know a fair bit of Latin as well. Hell, I've even dabbled in Old Norse, and my Hermóðr thread shows that I know more about it than you do. Sowwy Hermoor, but ancient languages are a strong point of mine. You're not going to win.
You seem to think I care?? I don't get why you would like to learn those languages anyway. Since you don't appreciate the original works of fiction these cultures has created. You are so obessed with you blue hair chibi anime girl. And Final FAntasy VII, then why do you even care about these languages?

So you're saying that if I like anime I can't like Greek literature? That's typical Hermoor logic ;D

As it happens, I quite enjoy the works of Homer, and also Greek theatre, especially Sophocles and Aristophanes.

Also, we should be arrogant. The English did more to create the modern world than any other nation. Certainly more than Sweden did.
Sure...sweden lost it's great power some 500 years ago. Maybe you are educated in this as well kudistos? Sweden was a superpower under Karl XII. Sweden controlled most of northern Europe. You can say what you want, but being arrogant because you ancestors liked to take colonies is idiotic. You should really think over your replies dude.

Ooh, so Sweden is the best country ever because it used to rule over some of the smallest countries in Europe? lol

And yes, I did know that. Unlike you, my knowledge of foreign countries isn't entirely based on stereotypes.


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Re: haha
« Reply #77 on: 2010-03-31 20:03:32 »
Hermoor, shut up and stay banned. You are a child who, after having gained a bit of knowledge, assumes he is above the dull masses. Little do you seem to realize how much catching up you have yet to do before you are ready to play with the big boys. Please, if you're going to try to act smart, try at least reading up on facts first instead of assuming you know sh*t just because something sounds viking-related. You seem to reason that if anything at any point was related to vikings, it's your cultural property and anyone else using it are thieves? Well good job, since in your example both ælf and ræd are both Old Germanic in origin, from where they were ended up in both Old English and Old Norse. It's not like the Norse had much original thought about anything at all; hell, most of the mythology is just modified from Germanic myths (for example, Odin originated there and moved into both Norse and Old English religions). I won't dignify your ideas about "mythological references = culture rape" with an answer; I hesitate even reading anything you write for fear of catching the stupid. You're an embarrassment to Swedes everywhere -- so much for our image as an intellectual people!

Ban reinstated. Hopefully this huge exercise of "feed the troll" can now come to a close.

Jumping back to the topic, I doubt anyone else was thinking that someone chose the word "Midgar Zolom" just because it "sounds cooler to dumb yanks". As has been mentioned, the original localization team probably had very little resources for (or interest in) researching cultural references, were probably dumbstruck by the massive amounts of strange katakana, and in the end just chose something randomly. What I was talking about earlier was about replacing cultural references that made no sense to foreign audiences (like Moguri), but Norse mythology is well-established in the Western world (it is Western culture), so there's no reason not to preserve the reference.

I'm starting to think it's impossible to even discuss this issue, because I see way too many sensible, well-informed and balanced views slammed as or met by extremism. I'll calmly reiterate my views here, and I'll be preaching to the choir for most of our members, but clearly it needs to be pointed out anyway since people on both sides seem to have a knack for intentionally misinterpreting their opponents. I'm writing this as a means to establish some common ground, so try to read it to see how much you're able to agree with instead of looking for things to disagree with.

  • FF7 contains a myriad of concepts and references from a wide range of religions and cultures. Building upon existing ideas instead of inventing everything yourself is a cornerstone of not only all literature, but of all civilizations. Referencing existing stories adds familiarity and depth to a new story without having to explain yourself, much like the concept of using idioms. (I wouldn't want to read any story that invents everything from scratch; in fact, I would assume it worse for the effort, and be surprised if it was even readable at all)
  • Localization is a very difficult task, of which translation is but one piece of the puzzle. Languages and cultures do not match 1:1, so clearly some hard choices need to be made where you have to prioritize what's most important to convey. Sometimes this can mean it's warranted to change even names and other seemingly "constant" terms, if it means the overall feeling is better preserved. (I stand by my personal opinion that Schala and Janus were good examples of this)
  • Seifer's goal is to do translation with minimal localization. Realizing this difference is important, as is realizing when other people already do as well.
  • The fact that FF7's translation contained mistakes does not invalidate all of it, nor does it invalidate the basic approach to localization.
  • Regardless of being originally correct or not, canon does matter. Buster swords, spoony bards, sons of submariners, when a term "sticks" then that will be what triggers nostalgia later on, not a "corrected" translation. Thus when doing away with canon, you will need to be very clear about it, and quite frankly be prepared for a lot of criticism. (It's like trying to claim Jesus had short hair)

I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that most of the criticism that Seifer's project receives is not so much because of the changes they make, but because of the attitude with which it is presented; that there is one true translation and that they're the ones doing it, and if you prefer a different translation, then you're wrong (and possibly stupid). Also, claims like "your hands are tied" and "you are only following the Japanese original" make you sound less like a competent translator and more like a self-proclaimed prophet doing the work of God. In other words, the kind of fanaticism you sometimes accuse your critics of.

My advice? Just be clear about what you're doing, and don't involve other people if you don't want their opinions (this includes advertising your work!). You're well within your right to your take on how the translation should be done, but when you're going around portraying your translation choices as absolute truths you can't really throw a fit when other people beg to differ! You're never going to get everyone to agree with a translation (it's not an exact science), so accept that and move on. Acting self-important will impress no one.

Also, let Luksy do your public talking. :)
« Last Edit: 2010-03-31 20:22:09 by Qhimm »

Colonel Ramsay

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Re: haha
« Reply #78 on: 2010-03-31 22:42:44 »
   * FF7 contains a myriad of concepts and references from a wide range of religions and cultures. Building upon existing ideas instead of inventing everything yourself is a cornerstone of not only all literature, but of all civilizations. Referencing existing stories adds familiarity and depth to a new story without having to explain yourself, much like the concept of using idioms. (I wouldn't want to read any story that invents everything from scratch; in fact, I would assume it worse for the effort, and be surprised if it was even readable at all)

And no one is arguing with that so far so good....

Localization is a very difficult task, of which translation is but one piece of the puzzle. Languages and cultures do not match 1:1, so clearly some hard choices need to be made where you have to prioritize what's most important to convey. Sometimes this can mean it's warranted to change even names and other seemingly "constant" terms, if it means the overall feeling is better preserved. (I stand by my personal opinion that Schala and Janus were good examples of this)

Well first I have asked that you read the document and I don't think you have so far?  But in any case, there is a distinction between dialogue and non dialogue.  The reason FF7 has a lot of english sounding names is because they were taken from english words, and thus no localisation was needed.  The so called localisation that has been done has not been very good.  As Luksy stated FF English is hardly the Great Model of consistency.  Phoenix Down doesn't sound like anything compared to Phoenix Tail, and I really can't see why anyone would want the former.

Seifer's goal is to do translation with minimal localization. Realizing this difference is important, as is realizing when other people already do as well.

It isn't so much that I want to do as little as possible, it is imho

a.  That not much needs to be done because 95% of these things are based on cultures/mythologies including our own and if we preserve one, we should preserve others.

b.  The choices they originally made were often worse than the actual references (such as Spring Gun clip), so I still don't understand why these changes get a hostile reception when on the whole even the changes we have made often sound better.

c.  Most people would not realise what Ramu is, What Typhon is, what half of these enemy names are even in the original translation...without researching.  I simply cannot see how this is any different to what we have had with a vast majority of things.

d.  I don't think a lot of these actually need any localisation...

e.  The japanese gamers look at VII and see the same thing we do,  tons of different cultures and languages mixed in using katakana.  So I don't see why they should put up with it and we feel the need for special treatment?  

   * Regardless of being originally correct or not, canon does matter. Buster swords, spoony bards, sons of submariners, when a term "sticks" then that will be what triggers nostalgia later on, not a "corrected" translation. Thus when doing away with canon, you will need to be very clear about it, and quite frankly be prepared for a lot of criticism. (It's like trying to claim Jesus had short hair)

I have clearly stated in the document that canon has been thrown out -and that I consider it a disease that firstly prevents real change, prevents accuracy and as Luksy elluded to, causes severe problems with consistency from game to game.  Also there are 2 kinds of canon.  The established series canon and FF7 canon.  Both to me are irrelevant.  First, the Series canon is often there simply because the original translation team made mistakes (not always), and other times they took liberties.  Secondly, FF7 canon is based on a pack of mistakes.  Mideel means nothing to anyone.  I take the point that it may now be original but it was never intended to be and it loses its mythological connection (Midir).  If Nibelheim had been called "Fog Town" I think that would have been pathetic, but that would now be FF7 canon.  I do not buy any of those arguments because for every good thing canon seemingly does, it introduces 2 problems.  

I know full well I am going to get slayed for some of the changes, and as I have stated....I really don't care.  If this was forced upon everyone I would possibly create 2 translations but that would just be to appease people as enix do to sell games.  Luckily I don't need to do that...and surprisingly a lot of people have welcomed the changes.  We all know people have choice here.

I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that most of the criticism that Seifer's project receives is not so much because of the changes they make, but because of the attitude with which it is presented; that there is one true translation and that they're the ones doing it, and if you prefer a different translation, then you're wrong (and possibly stupid). Also, claims like "your hands are tied" and "you are only following the Japanese original" make you sound less like a competent translator and more like a self-proclaimed prophet doing the work of God. In other words, the kind of fanaticism you sometimes accuse your critics of.

Complete hogwash.  The reason it has come to me boldly telling it as it is, is because of the illogical criticisms this has recieved, mixed in with a few good posts.  I am tired of hearing the same moaning and groaning from a select few and arguments that

a. YOU CAN'T CHANGE THAT it has been in the series since 1988 (yes, but the Japanese created the game series and did not intend it.)

b.  YOU CAN'T CHANGE THAT it sounds cool! (yes so do 100 things, but when we start deciding what to keep and what not to, it defeats the purpose of a retranslation that sets out to be as accurate as possible to the original vision.  And that isn't fanaticism, it is a fact.)

c. YOU CAN'T CHANGE THAT it could have been made simpler for a native to understand.  (So could Ramu, So could Ifrit, so could Niblheim, so could midgar, so could 100 other things....)

To every single response there is an argument and a problem.  If I started listening to everyone who had a problem which was based on abolishing canon or of changing things that could possibly sound better (and I mean that as in taking away from the meaning), then I might as well not bother!  Because everyone is going to hate at least SOMETHING.  Some will hate it more than others.  That is a price that is unavoidable.

My advice? Just be clear about what you're doing, and don't involve other people if you don't want their opinions (this includes advertising your work!). You're well within your right to your take on how the translation should be done, but when you're going around portraying your translation choices as absolute truths you can't really throw a fit when other people beg to differ! You're never going to get everyone to agree with a translation (it's not an exact science), so accept that and move on. Acting self-important will impress no one.

I have to disagree that it "isn't an exact science", it certainly is with a majority of the items.  Yes there are some that this is not the case with, yes there are some that we even had to take a liberty with, but you cannot generalise this by nitpicking a few that sound dodgy.  The alternative is a fan driven mess that was decided on because of fanboyism, bigotry, allegiences to canon or simply as was said earlier "I liked zolom"

Also, let Luksy do your public talking.

Luksy has his own way of dealing with things, as do I.  I don't cotton wool what I think because experience has taught me that nobody listens regardless...

I am not advertising this as "the greatest thing ever" or "no one can do better" I said no fan made translation could be better (in an accurate sense) if it was sticking to canon or to fanboyism, because it would simply have to sacrifice these things and as I said before, then the question becomes, "What was the point in retranslating?"

Now, people have a choice to install the mod or go for a more fan driven change, such as Titeguy's.  I am not coming into his thread having a pop at what he has done.  I respect that I can choose to use it or not...the thing is, others will have to respect my mod.  And that really is the final word I have to say on this...I like to take on board peoples comments as long as they are constructive and I will definately be making this project clearer to people as there is certainly some kind of misconception about what we are doing.  Finally, Dialogue will not be butchered or literal.  It is a different animal with far more leeway.

The ultimate irony and logic against canon is that had my translation (or should I say accurate translation) been used from the beginning, the same people arguing against them would now be the same people telling me "I don't like zolom what on earth!?", "I don't understand why you are changing canon"

It all breaks down....when you think about it.
« Last Edit: 2010-03-31 23:03:06 by Colonel Ramsay »

Timu Sumisu

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Re: haha
« Reply #79 on: 2010-03-31 23:24:19 »
Btw...Timusumisu, give me credit for that Red XIII model you little....

I cant say any of the current model has any of your work in it o.o I think i remade the entire thing.

Colonel Ramsay

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Re: haha
« Reply #80 on: 2010-04-01 01:00:04 »
Just to add, Spanish and Italian seem to use Moguri.  So much for canon, unless we are arguing English canon is the correct one when the Japanese, Italian and Spanish say it isn't...
« Last Edit: 2010-04-01 01:15:05 by Colonel Ramsay »


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Re: haha
« Reply #81 on: 2010-04-01 01:27:47 »
Jumping back to the topic, I doubt anyone else was thinking that someone chose the word "Midgar Zolom" just because it "sounds cooler to dumb yanks". As has been mentioned, the original localization team probably had very little resources for (or interest in) researching cultural references, were probably dumbstruck by the massive amounts of strange katakana, and in the end just chose something randomly. What I was talking about earlier was about replacing cultural references that made no sense to foreign audiences (like Moguri), but Norse mythology is well-established in the Western world (it is Western culture), so there's no reason not to preserve the reference.

Well Moguri was kept in the Spanish and Italian versions of localized games, but in any case by that logic Chocobo should have been changed to something like Chocoba in English seeing as it's (allegedly) taken from a Japanese snack called Chocoball. I don't think the English translators were aiming to change Moguri to better fit a western audience, surely they would have done the same for many other things? Or more to the point why didn't the Italian translators of FFIX call it "Talpistrello" or something similar?

    * Localization is a very difficult task, of which translation is but one piece of the puzzle. Languages and cultures do not match 1:1, so clearly some hard choices need to be made where you have to prioritize what's most important to convey. Sometimes this can mean it's warranted to change even names and other seemingly "constant" terms, if it means the overall feeling is better preserved. (I stand by my personal opinion that Schala and Janus were good examples of this)

As I said before IOHO a lot of the "hard changes" in the original translation (let's call it the OT from now on :) ) seem to be rushed and / or poorly researched, and not changed because they fit the target market better.
    * Seifer's goal is to do translation with minimal localization. Realizing this difference is important, as is realizing when other people already do as well.

As far as what we have done so far (mostly names) yes, this is absolutely true. As for the dialogue there is no way we can or even want to make it sound like the Japanese.
    * The fact that FF7's translation contained mistakes does not invalidate all of it, nor does it invalidate the basic approach to localization.

Absolutely not, I mentioned this in my previous post; it does however mean that the OT should be pulled apart completely and purged of errors and inconsistencies. As you say below our approach is to ignore what has become canon, but I think our reasons for doing so were clear from the get go.
    * Regardless of being originally correct or not, canon does matter. Buster swords, spoony bards, sons of submariners, when a term "sticks" then that will be what triggers nostalgia later on, not a "corrected" translation. Thus when doing away with canon, you will need to be very clear about it, and quite frankly be prepared for a lot of criticism. (It's like trying to claim Jesus had short hair)

What is your opinion on FFT and the PSP remake? Surely you wouldn't argue that the PS1 version had a superior translation because it came first and established "canon"? I haven't met anyone who thinks so (although the PSP "olde speake" is a little OTT at times), why should FFVII not be subject to the same process?

I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that most of the criticism that Seifer's project receives is not so much because of the changes they make, but because of the attitude with which it is presented; that there is one true translation and that they're the ones doing it, and if you prefer a different translation, then you're wrong (and possibly stupid). Also, claims like "your hands are tied" and "you are only following the Japanese original" make you sound less like a competent translator and more like a self-proclaimed prophet doing the work of God. In other words, the kind of fanaticism you sometimes accuse your critics of.

The reasons for following the Japanese as close as possible is we have no contact with the original creators; every decent translation ever made is, I think, done with constant consultation and / or supervision from the original author(s), we don't have this luxury. If Nomura could tell us that a lot of the creature names were thought up under the influence of a particularly bad acid trip we'd be delighted.

Colonel Ramsay

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Re: haha
« Reply #82 on: 2010-04-01 01:30:37 »
LOL, so true on the last paragraph as well!

I will say lastly on this, and it really is lastly....that if you created a novel and then went to japan and found out all the monster names you made were nothing like it...and 1 character had been made into a stereotype, and they had made a hash of names and decided character names had to change...

I cannot imagine you would be happy...and I cannot see how this is any different.
« Last Edit: 2010-04-01 01:39:40 by Colonel Ramsay »


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Re: haha
« Reply #83 on: 2010-04-01 01:35:22 »
Just to add, Spanish and Italian seem to use Moguri.  So much for canon, unless we are arguing English canon is the correct one when the Japanese, Italian and Spanish say it isn't...

The Spanish version actually uses Mog and Moguri, I think this is because the word Moguri feels more natural and easier for us to pronounce than Moogle. If there was an attemp to make the words more natural for the localization, Moogle would have sounded quite foreign.


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Re: haha
« Reply #84 on: 2010-04-01 01:41:45 »
So, to sum this up for everyone.

This translation is ignoring EVERYTHING past and present, and attempting to translate the game as if the original creators were perfectly fluent and knowledgeable in both Japanese and English.

Also, for continued discussion of this project.. maybe the "haha" thread isn't the best place.  Just saying.


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Re: haha
« Reply #85 on: 2010-04-01 01:48:32 »
So, to sum this up for everyone.

This translation is ignoring EVERYTHING past and present, and attempting to translate the game as if the original creators were perfectly fluent and knowledgeable in both Japanese and English.

Also, for continued discussion of this project.. maybe the "haha" thread isn't the best place.  Just saying.

We're not ignoring everything, and we know that the original creators are certainly not fluent in English, this really isn't a good tl;dr of what we're about, sorry.

Another thread would be nice!


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Re: haha
« Reply #86 on: 2010-04-01 01:50:16 »
Please feel free to explain exactly what it is I've missed.  Because that is the impression I've been getting. 


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Re: haha
« Reply #87 on: 2010-04-01 01:55:43 »
So, to sum this up for everyone.

This translation is ignoring EVERYTHING past and present, and attempting to translate the game as if the original creators were perfectly fluent and knowledgeable in both Japanese and English.

Also, for continued discussion of this project.. maybe the "haha" thread isn't the best place.  Just saying.

We're not ignoring everything, and we know that the original creators are certainly not fluent in English, this really isn't a good tl;dr of what we're about, sorry.

Another thread would be nice!

If you wish another thread just make one.


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Re: haha
« Reply #88 on: 2010-04-01 01:56:29 »
Well we'd need someone to splice out the relevant discussion from this one.


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Re: haha
« Reply #89 on: 2010-04-01 01:58:52 »
Nah, just start a new one, and have a very clear initial post explaining what this translation is and is not doing.

« Last Edit: 2010-04-01 02:01:45 by obesebear »

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Re: haha
« Reply #90 on: 2010-04-01 02:00:25 »
I think the new thread would belong in General, like the previous translation threads.


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Re: haha
« Reply #91 on: 2010-04-01 02:06:38 »
Please feel free to explain exactly what it is I've missed.  Because that is the impression I've been getting. 

Let's see to sum it up as I see it:

  • Translators had limited contact with creators, limited resources and limited time (and at times it seems limited talent) which resulted in
  • a dodgy translation, in more ways than one which lead to
  • the dodginess being repeated because no one could be bothered to contest it

FFT is a prime example actually, the PSP version shows what can be done in the hands of competent translators (I'm not saying we're competent! That of course will be for you to decide).

Colonel Ramsay

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Re: haha
« Reply #92 on: 2010-04-01 03:02:09 »
This translation is ignoring EVERYTHING past and present

Simply not true.  A lot of the stuff isn't changed AT ALL.  And when it comes to dialogue, 80% of the world map dialogue was unaltered.  All that is being changed is mistakes, some of which even square have decided to correct in games atter VII.


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Re: haha
« Reply #93 on: 2010-04-01 03:05:43 »
That's what I meant, but I think I'll quit discussing this for now.   You really should make a new thread.