Author Topic: [PSX/PC] Field Editor - Makou Reactor (2.1.0)  (Read 530551 times)


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Re: [FF7PC/PSX] Field Editor - Makou Reactor (1.6.5)
« Reply #550 on: 2016-02-20 17:54:34 »
Thanks for the info but field.tbl file Its for world to field. For example if I change some values,  when I enter to midgar the model appears in kalm´s entrance. I want to find otherwise, if I leave a town the model appears in other world coordinates. You know what I mean?

Thank you so much for your support.
« Last Edit: 2016-02-20 17:57:01 by jusete »


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Re: [FF7PC/PSX] Field Editor - Makou Reactor (1.6.5)
« Reply #551 on: 2016-02-20 21:30:46 »
I wrote a program that decodes the World Map script assembly and displays it in a format very similar to how Makou Reactor will probably do it.

Here is a sample output result from Final Fantasy VII International PSX version World Map 0:


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Re: [FF7PC/PSX] Field Editor - Makou Reactor (1.6.5)
« Reply #552 on: 2016-02-20 22:41:58 »
Not sure if this was not fixed but I am still getting the model bug where the one first selected stay on and animations dont play.


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Re: [FF7PC/PSX] Field Editor - Makou Reactor (1.6.5)
« Reply #553 on: 2016-02-20 23:55:34 »
I wrote a program that decodes the World Map script assembly and displays it in a format very similar to how Makou Reactor will probably do it.

Here is a sample output result from Final Fantasy VII International PSX version World Map 0:

woo and with your program could I make the changes I need? Any release date? xD


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Re: [FF7PC/PSX] Field Editor - Makou Reactor (1.6.5)
« Reply #554 on: 2016-02-22 21:56:23 »
When using the "find all" feature, is it possible to arrange the results by field ID, as opposed to alphabetically by map name?


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Re: [FF7PC/PSX] Field Editor - Makou Reactor (1.6.5)
« Reply #555 on: 2016-02-23 12:26:01 »
Thanks for the info but field.tbl file Its for world to field. For example if I change some values,  when I enter to midgar the model appears in kalm´s entrance. I want to find otherwise, if I leave a town the model appears in other world coordinates. You know what I mean?

Yes. When you go from worldmap to field, the worldmap script uses field.tbl to determine which field to go into. But when you go from field to worldmap, how does it know where to place the character?

I think I know the answer, or at least part of it. There's a large section of code in the worldmap script that does a series of checks like this: "If GetSpecial(6) = 1, put the character at this coordinate facing this way; If GetSpecial(6) = 2, put the character at that coordinate facing that direction; etc." So, I'm assuming that when you exit a field, either the kernel or the field will populate that special variable with an ID that the worldmap can use to determine where they came from.

I don't know if this is fully understood yet by anyone on this board. Our Wiki for that worldmap script opcode says that the purpose of Special address 6 is "Unknown":

So, what I just said above might be an important discovery for this community? :) However, the complete answer is definitely more complex. There are a lot of other factors that come into play.

woo and with your program could I make the changes I need? Any release date? xD

Showing script data is one thing; editing script data is something completely different. There are a few things that will make this difficult in the short term:
  • The data is compressed, so you can't just use a simple hex editor tool to change a single byte; you need to "extract section of file, unzip, change, rezip section, recreate file"
  • If you want to change worldmap coordinates, you probably need a visual tool to pick the location you want. The world map is divided into large square sections (meshes), and basically you have to set which mesh you want (Mesh X and Mesh Z), then set coordinates within that mesh (X within mesh, Z within mesh). I'm not sure if such a visual tool exists. The only thing I'm aware of that's even remotely close to that is, Ficedula has a tool called "Reeve" that can display world maps. But, I can't remember if it shows coordinates, and I'm not sure if we have the source code to be able to edit it.
  • Also, note that the world map itself changes depending on how the story progresses. A few of the meshes have multiple versions of itself.
  • If you want to know which fields you're affecting, this requires more understanding of what I was talking about above, about how the data is passed between field and worldmap. Perhaps it's just as simple as the special variable 6, but there's probably a little more to it than that.
  • All of the above just assumes you just want to edit a single value of a single constant. If you want to add or remove things (behavior, fields, meshes, etc.), it makes things much more difficult because you have to adjust IDs and addresses and stuff all over the place, potentially on both the field side and the worldmap side.

    So, long story short... sorry, but you probably shouldn't expect anything anytime soon.


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Re: [FF7PC/PSX] Field Editor - Makou Reactor (1.6.5)
« Reply #556 on: 2016-02-23 13:08:17 »
But when you go from field to worldmap, how does it know where to place the character?

from what i have seen there are two sets of coordinates for the player one is for field and the other for world only. when you leave the field you enter world the field value is set to map id 3 and the location id is set depending on you point of entry to the world . the field settings for xytd don' seam todo anything on the world map your direction always seams to be facing away from the entry point. Once your on the world map the world map coordnates get updated and take over untill you hit another field. when you enter a field the map id is set to 1 and the location id is set to the fields id (xytd are set to gateway values) that op code could very well be setting the initial "gateway" into the world map.

you can play w/ this in black chocobo by manually changing the map id to 3 and trying different location ids. you first need to go in to options and enable show XYTD for the location viewer  in this mode changes to the map id, loc id  xytd will be auto saved.


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Re: [FF7PC/PSX] Field Editor - Makou Reactor (1.6.5)
« Reply #557 on: 2016-02-23 17:38:25 »
Thanks sithlord, I didn't know a lot of that stuff. Good point about playing with Black Chocobo, you can just edit your save game and put whatever coordinates you want, and experiment that way. Also, I bet Ochu can be used in a similar way, and in fact it has a lot of pre-defined locations for you to choose from.

Anyway, thanks again, I plan to use this info and to keep playing around with it...


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Re: [FF7PC/PSX] Field Editor - Makou Reactor (1.6.5)
« Reply #558 on: 2016-02-23 18:01:23 »
The world map script will decide world map positions, unless they are always fixed based on ID.  If you set debugger on the character direction upon entering world map, this would be fairly simply to see.  I might test later.


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Re: [FF7PC/PSX] Field Editor - Makou Reactor (1.6.5)
« Reply #559 on: 2016-02-24 12:47:49 »
Thanks guys, I wilk play with  black chocobo and see what happens.

Enviado desde mi D6503 mediante Tapatalk


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Re: [FF7PC/PSX] Field Editor - Makou Reactor (1.6.5)
« Reply #560 on: 2016-02-24 20:07:02 »
The world map script decides direction as I thought, and can set any direction and position - same as normal field and fieldgate jumps.

The direction is set from world to field at 63C094.

Each model has 0x88 bytes of information (I already know a lot of this for Ochu - X Y Z T is also set here and other immediate data) starting at CC16A8.  There must be an upper limit to the number of models allowed on screen or it would overrun into other data.  It's likely 16 models maximum (this includes ALL models - such as treasure chests and Save Points and NPC and Characters and so on).

Field to World Map is done with the Field.  You can set that in Makou, either script code or exit gate.  Direction can be set here also.
« Last Edit: 2016-02-24 20:31:01 by DLPB »


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Re: [FF7PC/PSX] Field Editor - Makou Reactor (1.6.5)
« Reply #561 on: 2016-02-25 14:22:07 »
DLPB: Thanks, that clears up a lot!

All: I've added some new features to my worldmap script disassembler:
  • Now shows friendly var names for known model IDs: $Cloud, $Tifa, $Cid, $UltimateWeapon, $Highwind, $Submarine, $Chocobo, etc.
  • Now shows friendly var names for known system functions: $OnWorldMapLoad, $OnFrameTick, $OnEnterHighwind, $OnTouchMidgarZolom
  • Now shows friendly var names for known model functions: $OnModelLoad, etc.
  • Now shows friendly var names for known chocobo types: $YellowChocobo, $GreenChocobo, etc.
  • Now shows friendly var names for known submarine types: $BlueSubmarine, $RedSubmarine
  • Now shows the full "call table" (list of system functions, model functions, and walkmesh functions)
  • Now shows which "call table" entries invoke which sections of code. Sometimes multiple functions point to the same code. For example, System function 25 and Highwind function 25 both point to the same address.

So, the World Map script is becoming much easier to understand now.

I've updated the example I posted earlier:


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Re: [FF7PC/PSX] Field Editor - Makou Reactor (1.6.5)
« Reply #562 on: 2016-02-25 15:09:43 »
You should probably also know that the world map has a maximum of 16 (although it looks like 15... so maybe it is)  IDs for models.  I am not sure what decides the order - in field order is determined by ID number... but with world map, for example, object coords can shift to a different area (one of the 15 areas for coord data in this example).  When new Ochu comes out, you'll be able to see this better. Certain vehicles share the same ID - so you can't have all vehicles on screen at once. The 15 areas I am talking about above are records, 0xC0 long - so they likely contain a lot of other data about the model.

World map jumps to field by placing the location map and X Y T  in the SAME place as the field does (like with field to field, Z is calculated based on this).  It uses a different method of calling the jump. 

You've also got the undersea area and the great glacier - which are part of the world map code.

« Last Edit: 2016-02-25 20:54:33 by DLPB »


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Re: [FF7PC/PSX] Field Editor - Makou Reactor (1.6.5)
« Reply #563 on: 2016-02-27 14:18:06 »
Hello everyone, I released a 1.7.0 beta version on GitHub.
There are lot of internal changes: the source code is reencoded to UTF-8, every strings is now in English in the code (the main language was french). Qt version is updated from 4.8 to 5.5.

Please let me know if you find bugs or crashs.


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Re: [FF7PC/PSX] Field Editor - Makou Reactor (1.6.5)
« Reply #564 on: 2016-02-28 00:52:42 »
Super! In the coming days I'm going to go through Makou Reactor and document anything I think could help.


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Re: [FF7PC/PSX] Field Editor - Makou Reactor (1.6.5)
« Reply #565 on: 2016-02-28 15:52:16 »
1. When changing model and animation, the new model does not show up in the preview window.  You have to close and reopen the flevel. This happened to me while removing an item bag and replacing it with a red materia on map anfrst_2 (complete with correct anim).

2. Walkmesh Gateway shows X Y ID for Destination Point.  This would be better as X Y T (for triangle). Less confusion.

3. 'Show 3D models' option in Walkmesh is always ticked when Makou is opened.  Makou doesn't remember user preference.

4. I'd personally remove the Save icon from the tool bar.  It can be clicked by accident very easily.  I've done it :P

5. Akao and Akao2

Argument 7 decides the action.  Argument 7 currently shows numbers rather than their operation.  For example, 192 should be "set music volume" in the drop down menu / argument text.

Parameter 1-5 (argument 8 to 12) also need renaming. For example, Argument 8 /Parameter 1 is Volume.  Its maximum is 127 when setting absolute volume (although, for some reason, 255 is used in some places - perhaps by accident?). 

When playing a sound effect, Argument 8 is the volume and Argument 9 is the ID of the effect.

Argument 7 should be renamed "Operation" or something similar.

Are arguments 1-6 used for setting values based on mem addresses? If not, they can be hidden.  I don't think they're ever used in FF7?

I am not sure how Akao and Akao2 differ?   They look exactly the same in their functionality.

6. Language.

It may be better if I look at the source code and change it myself rather than trying to explain every small English niggle.

7. When selecting "find script > opcode" - makou no longer automatically selects the correct opcode you have highlighted in the script window.

8. Feature request: Archive manager to import more than one file at a time?

9. Feature request: "Recently opened" list on file menu.

10. Should not be able to add more than 0-15 Field models to one map.  Anything over this will likely cause a crash or just be ignored.  Maximum model ID is 15 (this is seen very rarely; for example, in cos_btm). There will be limits to location lines and so on, as well, but I don't know what they are.

« Last Edit: 2016-02-28 15:56:01 by DLPB »


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Re: [FF7PC/PSX] Field Editor - Makou Reactor (1.6.5)
« Reply #566 on: 2016-02-29 00:45:15 »
11. Lastmap still does not work correctly.  It does look ok now compared to the mess it used to when importing, but Holy is still not being shown on its own (showing background param 3 and 4 should do that - and do on PSX).  It's being shown always with the red background.  So Z value calculation still off?


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Re: [FF7PC/PSX] Field Editor - Makou Reactor (1.6.5)
« Reply #567 on: 2016-02-29 08:06:37 »
The Z issue when converting PS background to PC is still there.
You can repair the background directly on the flevel.lgp, did you use the repair button on the background viewer dialog? If yes, I'm afraid that the best I can do for now.


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Re: [FF7PC/PSX] Field Editor - Makou Reactor (1.6.5)
« Reply #568 on: 2016-02-29 11:21:15 »
I Don't see no repair option....  ?
« Last Edit: 2016-02-29 11:25:59 by DLPB »


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Re: [FF7PC/PSX] Field Editor - Makou Reactor (1.6.5)
« Reply #569 on: 2016-02-29 11:47:44 »
You can use this option in a PC version clean, not edited with psx port.

This option is in the background, here:

But I don't get how to hide red rocks...

It doesn't work the changes I make...
« Last Edit: 2016-02-29 11:49:23 by spy__dragon »


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Re: [FF7PC/PSX] Field Editor - Makou Reactor (1.6.5)
« Reply #570 on: 2016-02-29 11:49:38 »
Mine doesn't have the repair button and I'm using 1.7.0b

The red rocks are hidden when importing the psx version (the code is there in PC probably too).  But something isn't working right,


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Re: [FF7PC/PSX] Field Editor - Makou Reactor (1.6.5)
« Reply #571 on: 2016-02-29 11:57:38 »
If you use option "Repair", dissapear "red rocks" and it's like psx version and you won't have the Z's issue.
But to hide... red blocks... I don't get... it's like if aren't compatible in pc version the options of background,
or that field is special.


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Re: [FF7PC/PSX] Field Editor - Makou Reactor (1.6.5)
« Reply #572 on: 2016-02-29 12:59:26 »
Sometimes opcodes are not fully implemented on the PC version, for example you can't remove materia and a special fade in a cut scene at nibelheim is different on the PC version.


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Re: [FF7PC/PSX] Field Editor - Makou Reactor (1.6.5)
« Reply #573 on: 2016-02-29 14:12:58 »
Mine doesn't have the repair button and I'm using 1.7.0b

The red rocks are hidden when importing the psx version (the code is there in PC probably too).  But something isn't working right,

Does it also display wrong in software mode?


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Re: [FF7PC/PSX] Field Editor - Makou Reactor (1.6.5)
« Reply #574 on: 2016-02-29 16:26:04 »
Very likely, since this is a PC issue all over.