1. When changing model and animation, the new model does not show up in the preview window. You have to close and reopen the flevel. This happened to me while removing an item bag and replacing it with a red materia on map anfrst_2 (complete with correct anim).
2. Walkmesh Gateway shows X Y ID for Destination Point. This would be better as X Y T (for triangle). Less confusion.
3. 'Show 3D models' option in Walkmesh is always ticked when Makou is opened. Makou doesn't remember user preference.
4. I'd personally remove the Save icon from the tool bar. It can be clicked by accident very easily. I've done it
5. Akao and Akao2
Argument 7 decides the action. Argument 7 currently shows numbers rather than their operation. For example, 192 should be "set music volume" in the drop down menu / argument text.
Parameter 1-5 (argument 8 to 12) also need renaming. For example, Argument 8 /Parameter 1 is Volume. Its maximum is 127 when setting absolute volume (although, for some reason, 255 is used in some places - perhaps by accident?).
When playing a sound effect, Argument 8 is the volume and Argument 9 is the ID of the effect.
Argument 7 should be renamed "Operation" or something similar.
Are arguments 1-6 used for setting values based on mem addresses? If not, they can be hidden. I don't think they're ever used in FF7?
I am not sure how Akao and Akao2 differ? They look exactly the same in their functionality.
6. Language.
It may be better if I look at the source code and change it myself rather than trying to explain every small English niggle.
7. When selecting "find script > opcode" - makou no longer automatically selects the correct opcode you have highlighted in the script window.
8. Feature request: Archive manager to import more than one file at a time?
9. Feature request: "Recently opened" list on file menu.
10. Should not be able to add more than 0-15 Field models to one map. Anything over this will likely cause a crash or just be ignored. Maximum model ID is 15 (this is seen very rarely; for example, in cos_btm). There will be limits to location lines and so on, as well, but I don't know what they are.