Author Topic: [FF7PC] ChaOS -Character Overhaul Seven  (Read 553758 times)


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Re: Improved and added unshaded characters
« Reply #250 on: 2013-07-29 20:59:13 »
As soon as I saw the save point from FFX I turned off the base field models with the config option, I left the game (minigame) models and world models from the base set checked :P
I coulda sworn this happened. I had a ffx save point after I installed the wrapped mod the first time... I've redone this just now and good old TA save point is back, so it doesn't look like the base set even includes a save point model. It should only be PRP + Squallff8 + Unshaded NPCs. Nearly 16,000 files... and so much smaller in .iro form. very cool.


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Re: Improved and added unshaded characters
« Reply #251 on: 2013-07-29 23:00:47 »
I checked the npcs in the 1.61 file against the unshaded char file in the unwrapped file and they're all included. So yeah, you'll only need the base models if you don't use bootleg, otherwise you can uncheck base model in the wrapper and you wont miss anything.


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Re: Improved and added unshaded characters
« Reply #252 on: 2013-07-30 12:12:05 »
Kaldarasha: Template reported a possible problem with 7thWrapper to me, but I have tested, and I think maybe it's not a wrapper problem.

If you install the 3rd unshaded models archive (3Unshaded Models.iro) and start a new game, Aali's driver complains about a zero count in a P file. It happens if I unpack the archive and drop the files into Aali's direct folder (and run the game without 7thWrapper) so I guess this is an issue with one of the P files in the mod.

I think it must be one of the models on the 1st map, not sure which one though...


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Re: Improved and added unshaded characters
« Reply #253 on: 2013-07-30 12:16:54 »
I totally forgot about Barret. He mentioned this to me many days ago and I forgot. I think it's a harmless error anyway. Basically I think the FF7 game engine is offended by Barret's tattoo.  :wink:
« Last Edit: 2013-07-30 12:19:32 by Template »


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Re: Improved and added unshaded characters
« Reply #254 on: 2013-07-30 13:05:43 »
I totally forgot about Barret. He mentioned this to me many days ago and I forgot. I think it's a harmless error anyway. Basically I think the FF7 game engine is offended by Barret's tattoo.  :wink:

For the most part this can be a harmless error. If you play with debug on it can come up quite a bit for different reasons. It can occasionally crash the game, although that could also be due to the GL error, and it was just the last thing recorded.


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Re: Improved and added unshaded characters
« Reply #255 on: 2013-07-30 14:08:38 »
The problem is, that I used parts from the HQ models. In kimera I can't prohibit a bone part to use a texture. I think the game
search for a texture, but can't find it, because I haven't set one to the bone. It's harmless, but think it affects a bit the loading of battle scenes. If Borde is updating Kimera once more, I will work on the main Characters once more, too and kill these texture channels or what ever it is with p-Creator.


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Re: Improved and added unshaded characters
« Reply #256 on: 2013-07-30 16:50:16 »
I would definitely tickle that chocobo behind its ears.  :-P


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Re: Improved and added unshaded characters
« Reply #257 on: 2013-07-31 06:23:48 »
Hello everybody ! I've been following this topic for quite a moment. You guys work is amazing.
I finally decided to ask you a question.
Do you have a stable version of your mod ? I mean could you do an easy step by step tutorial on how to install it ? I'm not very good at modding and stuff.
I really like all your character re-designed and how your background is smother without aliasing.
Could you help me out ?
Thanks a lot in advance for everything you guys can do.


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Re: Improved and added unshaded characters
« Reply #258 on: 2013-07-31 06:58:25 »
I think we've gone far enough off topic for me to repost this without getting perma banned:  :evil:

It's done!


You need the mod manager from iros.
Make a back up of your flevel.lgp (best is, you dump the text with Tough script before) and replace it with my flevel.lgp (and encode the dumped text to it).

Don't use the flevel. It needs some adjustments.

Edit: Mods Installed with 7thWrapper (click photos for larger res, if avail):

In this scene, Vincent's cape is blowing around like crazy and it looks absolutely stunning.

Ok so a series of pictures (only 1 of which is really helpful) is not exactly a step-by-step tutorial. Do you have any idea how fun making animations is? It's like doing surgery on yourself in the mirror. Well, making tutorials is slightly worse. But don't worry! Iros mod-manager is really really easy to set up. Just follow my screenshot. Put the stuff where I did basically. Anyway, we have good media on this thread but so much of what you see in the last screenshot comes from Omzy's field pack(backgrounds), which is in turn part of another giant package of customizable mods called Bootleg40. If I come back and you are still having trouble, I'll do some more screenshots tomorrow, I have spammed the forum enough for tonight.

« Last Edit: 2013-07-31 07:09:45 by Template »


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Re: Improved and added unshaded characters
« Reply #259 on: 2013-07-31 13:25:36 »
I'll add to this since I had some trouble getting this to work.

I got errors if I launch the wrapper normally so you'll need to set it to run as administrator. Set up 7thwrapper as you see in Templates pictures. That parts pretty easy. Add FF7music.exe to Also Launch, it's in the ff7 music folder. Then just select what options you want. For this mod you'll need the first three options, the base models are optional and not necessary if you use bootleg. You can also add other mods by just adding an extra file in the wrapped folder, and putting in files with matching game file names. So like if you want to use different field animation files you'd put them in wrapper\extra folder\char.lgp. You'll do the same with Bloodshots new Motorball model, it's already set up this way so just drag in the file inside of the 7thwrapper folder. When you open 7thwrapper your extra folder will be listed, just check it too. 

The harder part can be making the game actually open when you hit launch. The game needs to mounted to the D\. So first go into the ff7 game file (games\final fantasy\ff7). Inside you'll see an ff7_cd.exe. Click that and you'll see a command prompt come up. This will allow you to tell bootloader where to mount the game. Type in D and hit enter. Now open bootloader and hit the mount button. If it says it went to the D\ then you're all set. If not you need to open windows Disk Manager. Hit start menu and type Disk Manager, you want the option that says create and edit hard drive partitions. When it opens see if anything else is listed as D. It may currently be your dvd drive. Right click it and select "change drive letter and paths". Hit "change" on the following window. In the drop down menu on the right it'll show the current drive letter. Change it to what ever you like. It'll show a warning when you hit ok. This is only important if you're changing a drive with drive path dependent programs installed. Hit ok and close it out. Now do the same for the games drive and change it to D. The game could work now, but restart your computer first. Now reopen bootloader. Set the drive so it says D. If it's not available hit mount, and check again. Sometimes it'll only show D as an option after it's mounted. Reset it to D and hit mount again. Now reopen 7thwrapper and hit launch. It should work now, if not you may have something else set up incorrectly. You'll need to post your settings in bootloader, and the error 7thwrapper gives you. Always check the drive the game's mounted to first though, if that's incorrect nothing else will help.

Also, you can change the games settings in bootloader. The only option I've found that doesn't seem to work with 7thwrapper is turning on "direct" mode. Also if you plug in a thumb drive or external hard drive that uses the D you'll need to change that too. 

Anyway, we have good media on this thread but so much of what you see in the last screenshot comes from Omzy's field pack(backgrounds), which is in turn part of another giant package of customizable mods called Bootleg40.

This is the Facepalmer background option in Bootleg. I've tried all of them and this is the one I'd recommend. If you haven't used Bootleg yet I'd start there, it automatically installs several mods for you and allows you to select other game changing options. The Improved and Unshaded mod with 7thwrapper works outside of bootleg, so the models you select for the main characters in bootleg are irrelevant as they wont be used when you start the game. 
« Last Edit: 2013-08-14 03:10:40 by cmh175 »


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Re: Improved and added unshaded characters
« Reply #260 on: 2013-08-03 00:43:40 »
He's not finished, but I made a new NPC for use. Here is Karman:

There are some smaller changes I want to do on him.
I also plan to replace (thanks to 7thWrapper) the fat man in front of the Honeybee by him. It would make more sense to ask the carter, where Tifa is.


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Re: Improved and added unshaded characters
« Reply #261 on: 2013-08-06 19:49:27 »
Hi everybody !
Is there anybody out here who could give me the link where to download the character changer program you use with all the models you guys did and the background smoothened.
And a really quick guide on how to use it ! It would be amazing.
Please help a huge fan of your work !
Thanks a lot in advance.


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Re: Improved and added unshaded characters
« Reply #262 on: 2013-08-06 20:04:38 »
Hi everybody !
Is there anybody out here who could give me the link where to download the character changer program you use with all the models you guys did and the background smoothened.
And a really quick guide on how to use it ! It would be amazing.
Please help a huge fan of your work !
Thanks a lot in advance.
Templated posted the link for you, it's on this thread:

Version 1.05 is the most recent so check the last page if it's not on the first page yet. I wrote out a tutorial on how to make this work right below Templates post. It's not even three posts before this one, so just check the center of this page. If you haven't run bootleg yet click the link I provided in that post and follow that tutorial first, then use mine. If you have problems after following the directions provided above post any errors you get and what you did during configuration.
« Last Edit: 2013-08-06 21:20:27 by cmh175 »


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Re: Improved and added unshaded characters
« Reply #263 on: 2013-08-07 17:29:32 »
I recently started using some of the mods here and I have to say it is really awesome how much you guys have improved this game. One thing I noticed when using this mod is that Cloud´s hair color is different than the original (darker and kind of orangish). I don´t know if this is deliberate or not but I changed it back to the original one using Kimera. Here is how it looks:

« Last Edit: 2013-08-07 17:35:38 by Cosmos »


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Re: Improved and added unshaded characters
« Reply #264 on: 2013-11-02 20:19:08 »
Small update. Look at the first post.

Mayo Master

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Re: Improved and added unshaded characters
« Reply #265 on: 2013-11-07 14:52:49 »
Thanks for the update  :)
On my side, I've just finished the colne_b1 field (see Team Avalanche section), it'd be awesome if you can check it out.

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Re: Improved and added unshaded characters
« Reply #266 on: 2013-11-09 03:57:36 »
I probably sound like an idiot, but how does one actually install the unshaded models?  I understand they're not included in Bootstrap, but I'm missing something (clearly) when it comes to using the tools.


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Re: Improved and added unshaded characters
« Reply #267 on: 2013-11-09 04:10:33 »
Bootstrap? LOL  :D

I would use the 7th Heaven tool to inject the IRO version. Search for it in the tools section and read about it. If you need help after that, let us know.

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Re: Improved and added unshaded characters
« Reply #268 on: 2013-11-09 16:52:29 »
Personally I used Kaldarasha's models by means of the individual files compiled in the 7z archive. I placed them under a /direct/ directory, and enabled "direct_mode = yes" under aali's ff7_opengl.cfg
Maybe that's not very conventional (since I'm modding myself, I prefer to install them one by one), but it works :P


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Re: Improved and added unshaded characters
« Reply #269 on: 2013-11-09 20:27:21 »
The direct folders work great for many things like the pngs for backgrounds and magic, but not for character models. It can effect performance if you load too many. I use them for testing new models. Other wise I use 7H iro's for everything, other than magic mods since that doesn't work with v10. I collect everything I want to use in different folders so it's really easy to change, than wrap everything in an iro. I like this because now if I ever have to reinstall I only have to convert my 2012 game to the 98, new installations only take 5 minutes now.



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Re: Improved and added unshaded characters
« Reply #270 on: 2013-11-09 21:06:36 »
what I want to know is has he fixed the transparency issue with the main characters and sephiroth yet


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Re: Improved and added unshaded characters
« Reply #271 on: 2013-11-10 06:07:45 »
what I want to know is has he fixed the transparency issue with the main characters and sephiroth yet

Yup, he has.  He figured it out some time back.  I still haven't tested it either.

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Re: Improved and added unshaded characters
« Reply #272 on: 2013-11-10 18:45:18 »
Bootstrap? LOL  :D

I would use the 7th Heaven tool to inject the IRO version. Search for it in the tools section and read about it. If you need help after that, let us know.

I was under the impression the unshaded models weren't in Bootstrap yet.  And AFAICS, the latest version of the unshaded models doesn't have an IRO version, unless I'm completely missing something.


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Re: Improved and added unshaded characters
« Reply #273 on: 2013-11-10 18:58:27 »
They're not included in Bootleg 040. There is an older compilation that has an IRO version. You can also make your own IRO version using the 7th Heaven tool. It's not difficulty at all.


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Re: Improved and added unshaded characters
« Reply #274 on: 2013-12-03 06:30:04 »
Well creating a new face mesh for Barret is harder as I thought:

For Tifa I have used an edited mesh from Grimny's Tifa, I think there is no need to make a new one if a good mesh already exist.

what I want to know is has he fixed the transparency issue with the main characters and sephiroth yet

I had found a way to bring back the transparency, but Borde has solved this in the newer Kimera version anyway, so it's no problem anymore.