Author Topic: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.99994)  (Read 4997798 times)

Sega Chief

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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.3)
« Reply #975 on: 2015-03-30 03:30:45 »
Guilds? I dunno how much mileage could be gotten out of that.


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.3)
« Reply #976 on: 2015-03-30 12:15:02 »
Hey guys and Sega ofc.
I have a question/doubt... From what i have seen, in disc 2 or 3, we are supposed to see a npc in highwind near the pilot right? I cant see him and i cant see the npc to change leaders in disc 3. Something isnt right :s
I have installed it the right way... Can it be because ive used bootleg or 7H before? I think i cleaned the registry entries and all.
Ive played the game untill after midgar raid 2 times already xD


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.3)
« Reply #977 on: 2015-03-30 12:22:58 »
Lopes- you have to reach the bottom of the North Crater for most of the NT stuff to show up!  :D


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.3)
« Reply #978 on: 2015-03-30 12:27:40 »
For real? I am so stupid xD
Than you very much! Here i go again :D


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.3)
« Reply #979 on: 2015-03-30 12:30:01 »
Haha! Enjoy it! (And watch for Malboros!)


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.3)
« Reply #980 on: 2015-03-30 12:30:28 »
I will, ty :)
Once again thank you :D

Sega Chief

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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.3)
« Reply #981 on: 2015-03-30 13:04:04 »
It happens quite often, I'll maybe add a message to that effect in-game or (for the next version) change the triggers for it so that a trip to the bottom of the north cave isn't required anymore.


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.3)
« Reply #982 on: 2015-04-05 16:36:32 »
Hey bro just say a stream and Dio says Ancient Forest making people think it is not in the city of the ancients area.

Sega Chief

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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.3)
« Reply #983 on: 2015-04-05 20:01:38 »
Yeah, it's in my notes; I haven't updated the mod yet though, unfortunately.


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.3)
« Reply #984 on: 2015-04-07 20:00:43 »
The way the fight goes is this: After a few turns, Brass will use Alloy Blast which reduces the player party to 1HP; the fight then transitions into Phase 2 when X-ATM turns up and starts fighting with Brass Dragon. The player's job here is to try and juggle between keeping themselves and X-ATM alive while wearing down Brass Dragon. If X-ATM is destroyed, Brass will wipe the player party. You'll also want to make sure X-ATM doesn't have the Petrified or the Slow-Numb statuses for very long as Brass will start to attack your party instead.

Some things that help here is to give X-ATM Barrier + MBarrier, and to throw some healing at it once in a while. If it's HP falls too low, it'll give a warning message and you'll want to get it healed immediately. As for your party, assuming that X-ATM isn't under Slow-Numb or Petrify then Brass will only use Zinc Wing (physical attack) or Alloy Ray (inflicts Petrify, single-target) on them.

Now for Brass Force; all Dragons in NT have a counter-attack that's triggered whenever they're struck by a Limit Break. If you avoid using Limit Breaks on Brass then he shouldn't use Brass Force at all.
TNX! Your mod rullez.

Sega Chief

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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.3)
« Reply #985 on: 2015-04-07 22:23:37 »
\\News on Next Update//

Work is going into making the next update a pretty major one, with the following fixes/changes either already implemented or in testing. As far as the test/prototypes go, I'd be interested in hearing people's thoughts about them.

-) Wall Market scroll fix (never actually noticed this, but there is a stutter when entering Wall Market for the first time as it scrolls down to show the market; this is an issue in default game). Cheers to DLPB for posting the fix to this on another thread. I've also amended some other minor script errors relating to things like love points, etc. based on his notes that were posted on this thread earlier.

-) Christopher enemy soft-lock; for whatever reason, this guy somehow reverted to using (or trying to use) an old spell rather than his new one. A version 'slip' might be to blame, but I've tested it out and made sure that the fix has persisted this time.

-) Re-checked all of Gerolt's weapon dialogues to remove a soft-lock from attempting to craft Ultima Weapon without all the required materials (it was a logic loop due to a label not jumping far enough).

-) Dio's Disc 3 Dialogue fixed; he now says Sleeping Forest instead of Ancient Forest which caused some headaches when trying to find the new Dark Cave sidequest.

-) Removed Reels from Special Battle; as the full party thing was causing unpredictable problems, I've set Special Battle to occur without Reels. It also gives 20,000BP as a fixed prize at the end, on top of Final Attack, etc.

-) Fixed Coin, which caused a crash when used on too many targets. Not too wild about the idea of people running around with Coin again though, so watch this space.


-) The Lv.70 cap, a sloppy counter-measure against overpowered physical attacks (which failed anyway) is now being replaced by a much more discreet and effective solution. There will be no level cap following the next update.

-) Changing Weather/Time: Step 1 of expanding the towns & locales of FF7, this is based on Roden's video which had progressing time and changing NPC scripts. I'm only planning t implement two 'states' of time; Daytime (normal) and Evening along with the potential to rain now and then. Doesn't sound like much, but it'll serve as the basis for changing NPC scripts depending on the time of day and the weather.

Step 2 is adding the main cast to each town in a similar way to how they appear in Costa Del Sol (Kalm and Disc 2/3 Wall Market are already done for this), and then Step 3 is expanding NPC scripts themselves. No matter what though, shops will always be open regardless, and crucial NPCs will always be available.

-) Refining Dark Cave sidequest: This is quite threadbare to my mind at present, so I'll be doing some work on it. Changes will be fairly minor to begin with, just dialogues and maybe some refinements to the AI enemies use here to buff up.

-) Vitality and Spirit tend to fall behind the other stats in terms of how useful boosts to them are in reducing damage, this is why they tend to have higher boosts than the others on equipment (which creates higher overheads which are tougher to balance end-game as natural Vit/Spr and Armor defensive ratings start to creep up). However, a new AI function doubles the effectiveness of these stats for the player party only which allows me to greatly reduce the defence bonuses for Armor and Accessories without sacrificing their effectiveness.


-) Character-specific 'Ultimate Armor': at present, there's 7-8 pieces of Armor that have been, for way too long, 'set aside' for use in the New Game+ that's being made at the end of NT's development. It's probably about time to change this, and make these armors available now. Some have already 'leaked through' due to there not really being enough left over to dish out as rewards for beating end-game monsters.

An idea I had for it was to tailor each of the 8 armors to be used by a specific character, and perhaps develop some kind of sidequest around them. What would people think about that? It'd mean armors like Mystile, Imperial Guard, Ziedrich, etc. only being available to one character.

-) Difficulty settings: Due to the way the new damage fix works, it's on the cards to create an in-game difficulty setting that adjusts enemy strength/AI. This may be pushed back to 1.4 depending on how it pans out. But the thing here is that it'd be possible to add other options, such as challenge conditions like No EXP, etc. Any ideas for what you'd like to see as options that could be toggled in-game?

-) Alternate character stat-building: At present, the character's stats are based on traditional trees that have an upper limit of 100 and steadily rise as you level up. The alternate system would have player stats be static throughout, with the player deciding which stats to develop so that they can 'build' and customise each character. This'll likely need to be tested by people in Arrange first, but just mentioning it as a potential development for NT 'Original' if it proves popular.

If I've forgotten anything, let me know.


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.3)
« Reply #986 on: 2015-04-08 00:03:04 »
Possibly one of my favourite mods for FF7 so far. I haven't played through the game in ages and the whole new bosses and quests thing makes it feel like a whole new game. Not that far into the playthrough so don't know if this has changed, but just wondering if it's possible to change events and stuff so that Yuffie joins the party within the story, rather than doing the whole searching through the forest etc thing.

Maybe a certain point in the game the battle is triggered as a boss and she joins after that... Like for example when you exit Mirthil Cave for the first time rather than being transported to the world map you end up on the field where the whole original Yuffie joining you event happens, and as you walk through it you get jumped. I dunno.

Amazing work anyways!

(PS moogles as NPC's?)


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.3)
« Reply #987 on: 2015-04-08 00:43:44 »
Greetings from Scotland <:

Signed up just to say I'm having a blast with this mod and pretty chuffed to see the amount of work (still) being put into it. It's very appreciated.

Looking forward to see what is to come!

Currently having a bash at disc 3 content and being constantly challenged! Really really appreciate the little things such as more character dialogue in Kalm (disc 2 onwards) and Wall Market and I'm glad to see that's being considered for other towns as well. Added a further layer of immersion to a game I know inside and out.

Up to level ~65 for my main group (<3 exp plus) and have a black chocobo. Getting there very gradually! Still a tonne of things to go through.

Some of the bugs I've encountered:

-An attack in Cloud's level 4 limit break side-quest was causing the game to lock up. (I can't remember the name. Star something?)

- The machine after Cid's level 4 limit break side-quest would lock up the game after the battle. I learned this the hard way by clicking it after a pretty lengthy fight!

- I may have somehow gotten my hands on two ultimate weapons by stealing from two different disc 2 bosses via the airship. I don't think this was intended? I also managed to get a third ultimate weapon extremely easily using shop bought weapons as ingredients which didn't match up entirely with the database.

- Bomb King in extra battle actually ended up being Vorpar. Just think a name change was needed on the list :)

Just some issues I've come across but all in all really enjoying the game and it's clear that a mountain of work has went into this.

One additional question: I'm at the point where I'm missing just one item needed to create an ultimate weapon (such as the feather dropped by ultimate weapon). Is there anywhere I should be looking for these in particular?

« Last Edit: 2015-04-08 00:57:16 by Doully »

Sega Chief

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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.3)
« Reply #988 on: 2015-04-08 02:17:58 »
Possibly one of my favourite mods for FF7 so far. I haven't played through the game in ages and the whole new bosses and quests thing makes it feel like a whole new game. Not that far into the playthrough so don't know if this has changed, but just wondering if it's possible to change events and stuff so that Yuffie joins the party within the story, rather than doing the whole searching through the forest etc thing.

Maybe a certain point in the game the battle is triggered as a boss and she joins after that... Like for example when you exit Mirthil Cave for the first time rather than being transported to the world map you end up on the field where the whole original Yuffie joining you event happens, and as you walk through it you get jumped. I dunno.

Amazing work anyways!

(PS moogles as NPC's?)

Yuffie joining through a mandatory event has actually been hovering on and off the cards for a long time, specifically because people hate looking for her in the Junon area (encounter rate is at it's lowest there, unless it's level/story progress dependent) and because I need the player to have at least 8 people for the Bizarro fight at the end of the game (which is now always a three party fight).

Potential scenarios for it were:
-) Joins in Midgar (needs the most work, but would be a nice wee twist for things)
-) Joins in Kalm (I saw Cloudiar have an event here)
-) Joins in Chocobo Ranch or Fort Condor

There's a problem with each of these that have so far stopped me from working on it properly. Midgar was dropped due to the work involved at the time, and because there never seemed to be a good time for it to happen. Kalm was dropped because Cloudiar has something here already and he's a) protective of his work, and b) there's a language barrier there that might turn a misunderstanding into a pretty bad situation, like what happened with Nightmare7. And the Ranch/Condor are both optional areas, which is a pain. Mythril Mines wasn't a contender either, due to the Turks scene that happens in there. I think all in all I'd probably go for the Midgar one in the end.

I could add Moogles as NPCs, I guess. I personally dislike the little bastards but I could hide a few here and there, or y'know set up a Mognet thing.

Greetings from Scotland <:

Signed up just to say I'm having a blast with this mod and pretty chuffed to see the amount of work (still) being put into it. It's very appreciated.

Looking forward to see what is to come!

Currently having a bash at disc 3 content and being constantly challenged! Really really appreciate the little things such as more character dialogue in Kalm (disc 2 onwards) and Wall Market and I'm glad to see that's being considered for other towns as well. Added a further layer of immersion to a game I know inside and out.

Up to level ~65 for my main group (<3 exp plus) and have a black chocobo. Getting there very gradually! Still a tonne of things to go through.

Some of the bugs I've encountered:

-An attack in Cloud's level 4 limit break side-quest was causing the game to lock up. (I can't remember the name. Star something?)

- The machine after Cid's level 4 limit break side-quest would lock up the game after the battle. I learned this the hard way by clicking it after a pretty lengthy fight!

- I may have somehow gotten my hands on two ultimate weapons by stealing from two different disc 2 bosses via the airship. I don't think this was intended? I also managed to get a third ultimate weapon extremely easily using shop bought weapons as ingredients which didn't match up entirely with the database.

- Bomb King in extra battle actually ended up being Vorpar. Just think a name change was needed on the list :)

Just some issues I've come across but all in all really enjoying the game and it's clear that a mountain of work has went into this.

One additional question: I'm at the point where I'm missing just one item needed to create an ultimate weapon (such as the feather dropped by ultimate weapon). Is there anywhere I should be looking for these in particular?

Ah, a fellow Scot! Glad you're enjoying the end-game, I always feel that's where things need the most improvement for NT due to balance issues. Thanks for the bug reports, I forgot to mention the Lv.4 sidequest fixes in my notes. The steals are something I'm actually going to have to tweak because the rares aren't as rare as I thought, and folk have been telling me that they feel it spoils it a little bit when they get something very strong early-game. I'll have a look at what's available from the shops too, I often lose track of what can be bought from Junon, etc. on Disc 2/3.

The special items required (some are key items) are found in the Dark Cave sidequest, one of the Materia Caves, certain Lv.4 sidequests, and from  the Kalm Traveler.


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.3)
« Reply #989 on: 2015-04-08 03:49:13 »
Hey again Chief! I've been enjoying working through the extra battles, and I'm making progress with the materia caves. Got a couple of final weapons. (I noticed I've picked Red's up somewhere from a steal or drop- not sure where)
Cloud has hit the level cap, but I've managed to get him up to Lv71 from some battles giving fixed EXP (SPOILER:Like X-Guard Scorpion turning up AGAIN in Corel when you talk to the guy up front) I was going to try and identify which ones were doing this, but I'm glad I didn't as you're getting rid of the cap!  :D

About the stuff-
-) Character-specific 'Ultimate Armor': at present, there's 7-8 pieces of Armor that have been, for way too long, 'set aside' for use in the New Game+ that's being made at the end of NT's development. It's probably about time to change this, and make these armors available now. Some have already 'leaked through' due to there not really being enough left over to dish out as rewards for beating end-game monsters.
An idea I had for it was to tailor each of the 8 armors to be used by a specific character, and perhaps develop some kind of sidequest around them. What would people think about that? It'd mean armors like Mystile, Imperial Guard, Ziedrich, etc. only being available to one character.

This sounds good to me- I'm a big fan of the diverse stats across the party, as well as weapon utility (255% hit, status effects, blood sword), and special armours would make this even more cool! And how could I say no to more quests?
Not sure how tricky it would be to implement, but I had an idea reading this of an accessory which allows the character to equip someone else's exclusive armour at the expense, obviously, of an accessory! (Maybe it could be given by the crossdressmaker in Wall Market when you return, as there are implications to this ability...)

-) Difficulty settings: Due to the way the new damage fix works, it's on the cards to create an in-game difficulty setting that adjusts enemy strength/AI. This may be pushed back to 1.4 depending on how it pans out. But the thing here is that it'd be possible to add other options, such as challenge conditions like No EXP, etc. Any ideas for what you'd like to see as options that could be toggled in-game?

This sounds quite useful, and would increase replayability a ton. No EXP makes sense, maybe also a "Low EXP" where only bosses or mandatory fights give EXP to allow limited growth but remove the need to run from every random encounter (always feels cheap to me- those monsters should die!) to stay low.
A possible way to decrease difficulty would be to increase AP gain/decrease the AP cost of materia, allowing stronger spells earlier, but MP becomes an issue... I'm not fully convinced, but hey- it might help ya! Maybe learn limits faster?

-) Alternate character stat-building: At present, the character's stats are based on traditional trees that have an upper limit of 100 and steadily rise as you level up. The alternate system would have player stats be static throughout, with the player deciding which stats to develop so that they can 'build' and customise each character. This'll likely need to be tested by people in Arrange first, but just mentioning it as a potential development for NT 'Original' if it proves popular.

My gut feeling is that this removes some of the coolness that is character diversity, by allowing anyone to be anything again- but without weapons to support these stats, the 'unexpected' builds would be less useful than the 'standard' ones. I feel like it would also allow fools like me to make terribly unbalanced min/max builds leaving the mod to face a wide array of party abilities to challenge.
That said, it sounds like a really interesting thing to do technically, and I'm certain that some people would love such control over the system, especially in limited level challenges or whatever- so providing it as an option wouldn't be a bad thing. It's just not my cup of tea. :)

RE:Yuffie joining event, I agree it sounds like a good solution to the 8 party members final battle problem, as well as saving on frustration trying to get her near Junon. I'm sure you'll find a good place to squeeze her in, from the care and attention to detail I've seen already in new dialogue and events! (I loved Kalm and Wall Market disc 3, and am excited to hear of more!)
And weather and time varying in towns are sick!!

Sega Chief

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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.3)
« Reply #990 on: 2015-04-08 04:24:14 »
Hey again Chief! I've been enjoying working through the extra battles, and I'm making progress with the materia caves. Got a couple of final weapons. (I noticed I've picked Red's up somewhere from a steal or drop- not sure where)
Cloud has hit the level cap, but I've managed to get him up to Lv71 from some battles giving fixed EXP (SPOILER:Like X-Guard Scorpion turning up AGAIN in Corel when you talk to the guy up front) I was going to try and identify which ones were doing this, but I'm glad I didn't as you're getting rid of the cap!  :D

Yep, no more cap. It was a sloppy counter-measure and it didn't really do the trick anyway.

Hey again Chief! I've been enjoying working through the extra battles, and I'm making progress with the materia caves. Got a couple of final weapons. (I noticed I've picked Red's up somewhere from a steal or drop- not sure where)
Cloud has hit the level cap, but I've managed to get him up to Lv71 from some battles giving fixed EXP (SPOILER:Like X-Guard Scorpion turning up AGAIN in Corel when you talk to the guy up front) I was going to try and identify which ones were doing this, but I'm glad I didn't as you're getting rid of the cap!  :D

About the stuff-
-) Character-specific 'Ultimate Armor':
This sounds good to me- I'm a big fan of the diverse stats across the party, as well as weapon utility (255% hit, status effects, blood sword), and special armours would make this even more cool! And how could I say no to more quests?
Not sure how tricky it would be to implement, but I had an idea reading this of an accessory which allows the character to equip someone else's exclusive armour at the expense, obviously, of an accessory! (Maybe it could be given by the crossdressmaker in Wall Market when you return, as there are implications to this ability...)

I don't think that can be done, at least not without something like 7H; it's a good idea, though.

-) Difficulty settings:

This sounds quite useful, and would increase replayability a ton. No EXP makes sense, maybe also a "Low EXP" where only bosses or mandatory fights give EXP to allow limited growth but remove the need to run from every random encounter (always feels cheap to me- those monsters should die!) to stay low.
A possible way to decrease difficulty would be to increase AP gain/decrease the AP cost of materia, allowing stronger spells earlier, but MP becomes an issue... I'm not fully convinced, but hey- it might help ya! Maybe learn limits faster?

Low EXP could work a lot better than No EXP; might be too tough to make it through on the starting levels.

-) Alternate character stat-building:

My gut feeling is that this removes some of the coolness that is character diversity, by allowing anyone to be anything again- but without weapons to support these stats, the 'unexpected' builds would be less useful than the 'standard' ones. I feel like it would also allow fools like me to make terribly unbalanced min/max builds leaving the mod to face a wide array of party abilities to challenge.
That said, it sounds like a really interesting thing to do technically, and I'm certain that some people would love such control over the system, especially in limited level challenges or whatever- so providing it as an option wouldn't be a bad thing. It's just not my cup of tea. :)

How it would work is that there's only specific ways that characters can be built, mostly boosting their key stats but with the option to take a weaker boost in order to cover their secondary or weak stats; here's an example. Every time a character 'ranks up' (maximum of 4-5 times), the player picks one of three source packs for the character. Here's what Barret & Aeris would have available (for comparison):

-) Str +10, Dex +10
-) Str +5, Vit +10
-) Vit/Spr +15

-) Mag +15
-) Mag +10, Spr +15
-) Mag +5, Vit/Dex +10

I've got this set-up in Arrange currently so that these sources have to be spent on the character before the script will continue (otherwise it displays a message and puts you back into the menu until all the given sources are used). It's less automated than leveling so it would need to check out with Arrange first, but it's on the cards if it works out.

I agree that it could be potentially tough to balance, with certain options being more potent than others/trivializing the game if they're not set up correctly. But at the moment I feel that the character stats are actually quite similar and it's only the stats from weapons that are properly diversifying them at the moment. The system for this source-based character development is up and running in the Arrange Beta, but it's still early days for the actual boosts themselves and it might not be to everyone's liking. If that proves to be the case, it'll stay in Arrange.

RE:Yuffie joining event, I agree it sounds like a good solution to the 8 party members final battle problem, as well as saving on frustration trying to get her near Junon. I'm sure you'll find a good place to squeeze her in, from the care and attention to detail I've seen already in new dialogue and events! (I loved Kalm and Wall Market disc 3, and am excited to hear of more!)
And weather and time varying in towns are sick!!

Always happy to hear positive feedback about new dialogue, I usually worry a lot when adding any and spend quite a lot of time even over 'simple' lines to try and get them sounding right. As for Yuffie, I'm sure something will come to mind. It'll be either Midgar or Kalm.


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.3)
« Reply #991 on: 2015-04-08 05:09:49 »
Aha! That system sounds pretty good- more of what you want from that character and no constant fiddling, just some distinct choices! Would you get these events to happen through level ups or story progress? Would be satisfying to get some stat boost for character-specific events (and manages the stat progression for bosses a bit), as well as encouraging a bit of musical chairs with the party slots to try out new things (I found the weapons were already getting me to do this). Although certain characters get a lot more screen time than others, so it would need thinking about.


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.3)
« Reply #992 on: 2015-04-08 12:11:49 »
Would like so much enjoying this mod !
But I run with 7H, and there is only 1.2 support so far I know..  ???


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.3)
« Reply #993 on: 2015-04-08 13:00:50 »
any update on the fix for master materia bahamut damage not being absorbed with elemental-shout linked on armor? (i might be wrong but i swear ive absorbed shout attacks in the past with this)
and flagging pearl damage as holy/remvoing all link capability from it

Sega Chief

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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.3)
« Reply #994 on: 2015-04-08 13:17:16 »
any update on the fix for master materia bahamut damage not being absorbed with elemental-shout linked on armor? (i might be wrong but i swear ive absorbed shout attacks in the past with this)
and flagging pearl damage as holy/remvoing all link capability from it

Yeah, I fixed the Pearl thing (element + link flags) but I haven't looked at the summon attack being used by that enemy yet.

Would like so much enjoying this mod !
But I run with 7H, and there is only 1.2 support so far I know..  ???

I can work with 7H files now, and Elyza has some time-off coming up so hopefully we can start working toward making NT more compatible with other mods and get 1.3 into the catalog.


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.3)
« Reply #995 on: 2015-04-08 14:42:43 »
hey sega chief

there is 1 softlock problem on your mod still

when someone talks to the NPC standing next to the piller on your new dark cave sidequest, it softlocks the game

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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.3)
« Reply #996 on: 2015-04-08 15:12:32 »
I didn't know about that one; I'll add it to my notes.


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.3)
« Reply #997 on: 2015-04-08 16:43:16 »
Hi Sega Chief, I've noticed your message but I can't answer, I'm not allowed to send PM.
So I come there to thanks you and... not asking other question here i won't spam your thread.
Your answer in PM is sufficient for now I'll experimente


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.3)
« Reply #998 on: 2015-04-08 21:35:17 »
Really nice and polished mod, im in just the beggining and i was wondering how much difficult this mod adds to the game. Lets say that the vanilla game is "very easy" on difficulty, what would be new threat?  "normal"? "hard"? "very hard"?
Edit: And how it compares to "gjoerulv's Hardcore mod" ?
thanks and sorry the bad english.
« Last Edit: 2015-04-08 21:37:02 by rgmarks »

Sega Chief

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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.3)
« Reply #999 on: 2015-04-08 22:31:02 »
It's tough to say, we'll say normal for the most part with a few hard fights here and there (but it depends on the player's approach, their experience with the game, and how adaptable they are; even something as simple as ATB settings can change the game drastically). One problem right now though is that the level cap doesn't really do the job it was originally intended to do (which can result in the game slipping right back to very easy when you're doing end-game stuff at Lv.60+) but the replacement will sort it out once the update is finished.

As far as a comparison goes, NT and Hardcore have different pacing; Hardcore was designed to push a player's knowledge of the vanilla game to the limit as the enemies there are designed to combat the myriad of OP mechanics at the player's disposal. A lot of the later bosses are also more like 'puzzles', and overall the mod is a long, grueling, but ultimately rewarding experience (and a player generally comes away with a much better understanding of the game's battle system by the end of it).

NT on the other hand is about speed and adjusting mechanics to try and find a stable curve that's accessible to more people; the main 'feature' of NT, though, is freshening the game up for people who are already very familiar with it. The goal was to make fights different and challenging, but intuitive and benign enough that they could be figured out quickly and beaten. That being said, there's a few fights in NT that can be quite tricky.