I don't know if this has been addressed yet, but there's a little problem with the cursor on the end of part 1 screen (I don't know if this happens on the other two parts)
When it asks you if you want to save, the cursor starts in 'No' you can't select 'Yes', and there's an invisible option out of the window like shown in this screenshot: http://i.imgur.com/i9X1wen.jpg
I just pressed No and the game kept going without saving. I didn't try the invisible option because I don't know if it could have crashed the game and lose all the progress.
Anyways, I'm enjoying the mod so far, you are doing a great job Sega Chief. I hope there are more updates and content coming.
Oh that, I forgot to re-align it. It should function okay, like it won't cause a crash. It's just that the text is one line longer above it, so the game is setting the selections in the wrong place. I'll correct it now so I don't forget again later.
More stream highlights:
Turks are nerds and I have unlimited cosmic power. For them, it was a boss fight. For me, it was Tuesd-...oh hay a barret event at the intersection. Neat. I'll just go to Gongaga Village. Nice inn rest, time to le- ...is this not the Barret event we had five seconds ago? Yes, yes it was past me. And we'll see it a dozen more times passing through.
Boxer has dialogue. Why would you crush my heart like this, I wanted a boxing goblin in my party. I mean, sure, Work Glove, BUT I WANTED A GOBLIN.
I ran into Zero enemies once. Then it took me like so long to find another pack of them I thought they were a hazy dream the first time.
okay we're back. Barret glitch fixed, but he's so far ahead in affection it doesn't matter. Possibly because of the earlier glitch. Current events lead to a name change and a lowering of affection. Well the latter was mostly to correct the glitch and bring him in line with the others. He might not win now. We'll worry about it later.
Barret is replaced with Red XIII and - oh he's dead. Hmn. Well it's okay we have a few Phoeni- oh he's dead again. This is going to happen a lot, isn't it.
YEAH FIGURED OUT GI NATTAN SWEET V- oh he doesn't morph. I might've missed a drop. Better go back and - nope. No drop. RAEG. Oh well. Better continue. Wait wasn't there an item in the boss chamber? I'll just go back after the cutscene and - NOPE. RAAAAAEG.
and then back to fort condor.
Maybe Zolom-senpai will notice me next stream. Why did you make it so he doesn't notice you anyway?
So that Barret event is repeatable, eh? Well, looks like you found a loophole. It's a previously 'dummied out' scene that didn't trigger due to a variable being used earlier in the game that this one relies on. But if it repeats then it seems like it has no handler to get that variable switch turned off again. Oh well.
No Boxer for you. But maybe Gambler will join the party. There are some extra enemies running around like the Zero thief; they tend to have slightly better drops on them. I've made a mistake with Glutton; he used to cast I think Mini or Frog, but one of those got converted to Pearl and the other was condensed down into a spell that inflicts Mini + Frog called Lagomorph; it looks like he has Pearl instead. Probably just as well he couldn't cast it, that's an end-game spell.
Gi Kattan should drop a Heavy Ring when killed, which absorbs Earth and Gravity attacks while giving a Vit boost. For stealing, he's got a Slash Lance, Jem Ring, and a rare chance at a Relic Ring. He has no Morph, though. The Heavy Lights should drop a T/S Bomb.
The Zolom was set up that way because it has a strong Enemy Skill but is also immune to Poison with some hefty stats in it. There was a problem in early builds where people would sit on Zolom trying to kill it, so I figured I'd push them along by adding an AI check to prevent the fight until they were a higher level. You need at least one person over Lv.30 (he randomly selects one party member, checks their Level, and then the AI plays out from there).
Hey Chief, one thing I've noticed is that renaming characters sometimes leads to dialogue leaking out of boxes, if the name is longer than the default! Not a massive problem, by any means, but if you're going to be going through events again soon, you might be able to pick up on some.
I will try and remember where things are if I spot any more, to let you know!
Otherwise, I'm enjoying the new set up so far - fun decisions with rank up, more materia than slots, and the character traits are cool. I like Aeristh 's ability a lot because it allows her to get small spells off regularly 'for free', looking forward to seeing her with summons.
Tying 'cure' to MAG again is good, I think. I liked the cutting through barrier effect, but allowing characters to be stronger at heals is another way to make them different.
Any sign of the .exe patch? Or is it still being tweaked?
That's something I'm working on, I'm re-sizing windows to leave a sufficient gap for a max-size name. 50 fields down, 700 or so to go ;-;
Yeah, I didn't like the fixed formula heals. It made them too similar to Items and I always thought that taking MBarrier into consideration with it was a part of the strategy.
As for the .exe patches, they're done. So I'll put together a patcher for them today. Just be warned, they'll make the game slightly harder:
-) Limit Break effects adjusted. Less power overall, but more effects on them/useless ones revamped.
-) Enemy physical attacks can now be long-range.
-) Materia Equip bonuses/penalties adjusted (revamped from previous build).
One thing, they aren't specifically for Arrange like previously planned either. They can be used with either mode and should be considered optional.