Author Topic: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.99998)  (Read 5535004 times)


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.94)
« Reply #10450 on: 2020-11-15 11:32:50 »
Hey i am really stuck with tifa's limit break, i cannot find her level 4 limit break anywhere :S i have played the correct piano tune 5+ times with both cloud and tifa as the party leader (i am on disk 3) however i didnt play the piano in the flashback so i dont know if thats why i cant get her limit break? i also dont receive a letter when the piano is played :(


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.94)
« Reply #10451 on: 2020-11-15 18:00:35 »
any chance anyone can help me on this? is there a way to revive aerith on NT 2.0? I've done this is the past with 1.5 but it doesn't give me any options on the dialogue boxes

yes there is a way its been mentioned several times :) check the spoiler tag
Spoiler: show

do not kill the flowergirl in that fight either draain all of her MP or make her beserk. absuse the status effects :)
keeping her alive thou will remove ur ribbon.

alternatively if u would like to super cheese it, use the NPC on the highwind when u get it to revive her and keep the ribbon.

light curtains will help a lot with her physical dmg vs u.


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.94)
« Reply #10452 on: 2020-11-15 18:02:51 »
Do you know a different way to force the limit of tifa always on "Yeah" without this mod?

u can slow the slots down same as can manip the battle square and any other slots.  it will stop on the following reel.



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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.94)
« Reply #10453 on: 2020-11-15 22:00:31 »
Is it possible to get wonderful chocobos from icicle inn and mideel? i've been trying to get one for 20 minutes and i cant get the correct encounter in icile inn (Chocobo + 2 bunnies)


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.94)
« Reply #10454 on: 2020-11-18 10:00:13 »
u can slow the slots down same as can manip the battle square and any other slots.  it will stop on the following reel.

Hi! I checked on web and i'm not sure how i do that.
I read to use the start button and maintain the confirm button when i unpause. Is it that?

Sega Chief

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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.94)
« Reply #10455 on: 2020-11-18 14:37:53 »
Actually, I do have one issue now.  When I go into the secret cave, it soft locks while talking to Barrett.  Any ideas?

If this is the dark cave near Forgotten City, then it may be due to field model mods; disable them temporarily then re-enable them once you reach a save point. They cause a problem on that first screen for some reason.

Hi! Do you have a list of compatible / recommended mod for playing NW 2.0?
I deactivate a lot of mods to stabilize the game.

I just have NW 2.0 and Fiel Textures from Qhimm Mod.
I tried to activate the Gameplay mod from Qhimm Mod deactivating almost everything in it except "Lucky Tifa" Tweaks but it seems to trigger random error crashing the game so i deactivate it and it seems fine.

Do you know a different way to force the limit of tifa always on "Yeah" without this mod?

Thank you very much, and great job by the way!

Gameplay mods are a no-go, some mods like the stand-alone ESUI controller button add-on are incompatible because they overwrite the entire flevel but there's a button compat option available for NT in the Enhanced Stock UI-rel2 IRO (not the qhimm catalog one, the stand-alone one that has Chyrsalis listed as the author).

I could maybe add it as an option to the IRO along with other things for people to tweak the mod a bit.

Hey i am really stuck with tifa's limit break, i cannot find her level 4 limit break anywhere :S i have played the correct piano tune 5+ times with both cloud and tifa as the party leader (i am on disk 3) however i didnt play the piano in the flashback so i dont know if thats why i cant get her limit break? i also dont receive a letter when the piano is played :(

Is it 1.5 or 2.0? If party leader can be swapped then it should be accessible unless something has gone awry.

Is it possible to get wonderful chocobos from icicle inn and mideel? i've been trying to get one for 20 minutes and i cant get the correct encounter in icile inn (Chocobo + 2 bunnies)

Yeah wonderfuls are still there, but the encounter rate isn't changed from vanilla (world map editing is an area the mod doesn't cover) and isn't very good. As far as I'm aware, they can appear with either 1 Jumping or 2 Jumping (the bunnies). If there are any bandersnatches in there then it's not a wonderful.

Hi! I checked on web and i'm not sure how i do that.
I read to use the start button and maintain the confirm button when i unpause. Is it that?

It's buffering using the Square/Switch button to rapidly hide/show the battle menu. This causes the slot reels to move slower, allowing you to more easily pick the desired result. Works well with tifa reels or battle square reels, but some finesse is still needed for cait's reels which has some ulterior behaviour tied to it.


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.94)
« Reply #10456 on: 2020-11-18 17:05:33 »
Hi! Thanks for your answer.

In the notes of the 2.0 Version it is said tha Matra Magic will be used in the fight with Sample Opt. I don't have it, maybe killed it before he used it, don't know... Is it a different way to learn Magic Matra?

For the Tifa's slot i tried the square/switch button trick. Yes, i saw that the slot just advance one to one with this trick but i don't succed in confirming the right text. Don't we have a way to mod the game on this only point without creating issue with New Threat?

By the way, do you want some help for NW FF8? Can we help with low skills ^^?

PS: The Qhimm Mod for User Interface seems working just fine but it looks like the same as Chrisalys's

« Last Edit: 2020-11-18 17:13:36 by YouffieFanFR »

Sega Chief

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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.94)
« Reply #10457 on: 2020-11-19 16:34:55 »
Hi! Thanks for your answer.

In the notes of the 2.0 Version it is said tha Matra Magic will be used in the fight with Sample Opt. I don't have it, maybe killed it before he used it, don't know... Is it a different way to learn Magic Matra?

For the Tifa's slot i tried the square/switch button trick. Yes, i saw that the slot just advance one to one with this trick but i don't succed in confirming the right text. Don't we have a way to mod the game on this only point without creating issue with New Threat?

By the way, do you want some help for NW FF8? Can we help with low skills ^^?

PS: The Qhimm Mod for User Interface seems working just fine but it looks like the same as Chrisalys's

Matra Magic can be learned from Custom Sweepers in the Midgar Area of the world map (wasteland areas).

The hex for tifa's slots could be added to the IRO's hext file; open the 7th heaven launcher, then under Tools >IRO Tools select Unpack IRO; select the NT IRO from the FF7/mods folder and unpack it. In the unpacked folder find the hext folder and add this to the notepads (anywhere is fine):

Code: [Select]
6E31E8 = B0 02 90 90 90 90 90
6E34A0 = B0 02 90 90 90 90 90
6E3778 = B1 02 90 90 90 90 90

In the 7th heaven launcher go to tools > IRO tools again and select pack IRO. Select the unpacked folder and save it as an IRO with no compression. Remove the old NT IRO from your mods list and import your new NT IRO using the Import Mod button in the top right of 7th heaven.


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.94)
« Reply #10458 on: 2020-11-19 18:04:52 »

The hex for tifa's slots could be added to the IRO's hext file; open the 7th heaven launcher, then under Tools >IRO Tools select Unpack IRO; select the NT IRO from the FF7/mods folder and unpack it. In the unpacked folder find the hext folder and add this to the notepads (anywhere is fine):

Code: [Select]
6E31E8 = B0 02 90 90 90 90 90
6E34A0 = B0 02 90 90 90 90 90
6E3778 = B1 02 90 90 90 90 90

In the 7th heaven launcher go to tools > IRO tools again and select pack IRO. Select the unpacked folder and save it as an IRO with no compression. Remove the old NT IRO from your mods list and import your new NT IRO using the Import Mod button in the top right of 7th heaven.'re genius... more comment...

PS: People who code the 7th Heaven Launcher are genius too... really impressive work
« Last Edit: 2020-11-19 18:07:56 by YouffieFanFR »


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.94)
« Reply #10459 on: 2020-11-20 13:09:56 »
I am playing 2.0, and im just wondering is there a way to break damage limit? i used the 9999lb patch on my original ffvii but when i play on NT 2.0 i still do 9999 damage ;-; , is there a mod that allows us to break the limit?


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.94)
« Reply #10460 on: 2020-11-20 13:33:07 »
Also how do we start the dark side quest here? i cant find DIO in his museum :/, is there a walkthrough that i can read for NT 2.0 because i would love to 100% it


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.94)
« Reply #10461 on: 2020-11-21 08:20:51 »

I have few crashs. I have 3 mods activated:
- NW 2.0
- Field Textures from Qhimm Catalog with the 4x Upscale SYW 4
- Enhanced Stock UI-rel2

I have the log of the crash but it's too long to be posted here.

Sega Chief

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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.94)
« Reply #10462 on: 2020-11-21 20:50:33 »
I am playing 2.0, and im just wondering is there a way to break damage limit? i used the 9999lb patch on my original ffvii but when i play on NT 2.0 i still do 9999 damage ;-; , is there a mod that allows us to break the limit?

Break damage limit is a series of exe patches that set up the new number for it so those will need to be added in a way that doesn't get overwritten.

If using the installer, the change will need to be added to the .exe after patching. I'd probably need to do this.

If using 7th Heaven, the change could be added to its hext file as per the Tifa Reels post a little further up.

Do you have a copy of this patch I can look at? Or is it on 7th heaven as a mod option? I'll be able to maybe see what can be done there.

Also how do we start the dark side quest here? i cant find DIO in his museum :/, is there a walkthrough that i can read for NT 2.0 because i would love to 100% it

2.0 doesn't have this sidequest anymore, it was retired and the scripts were converted (partially) for the Type B mode.


I have few crashs. I have 3 mods activated:
- NW 2.0
- Field Textures from Qhimm Catalog with the 4x Upscale SYW 4
- Enhanced Stock UI-rel2

I have the log of the crash but it's too long to be posted here.

I think the field texture upscale might be responsible here as I remember there being problems with using 4k resolutions in-game where it would eventually overload the VRAM (unsure if this has been sorted out now or not). I'd recommend going for a 2x (2k) option if there is one.


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.94)
« Reply #10463 on: 2020-11-22 02:05:54 »
Hello Sega Chief! I love your mod. I've played 1.4 and 2.0 and I've had such a blast.

Recently I used a gold chocobo to get to the great glacier area right after the icicle Inn to visit the silver chocobo. In the vanilla game the south exit by the sign took you back to the town of Icicle Inn, and the weird slide thing took you to the world map area in between the great glacier and the Icicle Inn, where my chocobo is currently parked. :/ I've been back to the ranch, and couldn't ride another chocobo, or find any other way to get the one gold chocobo I had out of that area.

Do you have any advice? I'm kinda stuck, a wild caught chocobo can't access where mine is either.


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.94)
« Reply #10464 on: 2020-11-22 07:34:43 »
I think the field texture upscale might be responsible here as I remember there being problems with using 4k resolutions in-game where it would eventually overload the VRAM (unsure if this has been sorted out now or not). I'd recommend going for a 2x (2k) option if there is one.

Maybe, i'm trying playing without this mod and it seems fine for now... Don't have 2x choice so for the moment it's old field texture (kinda ugly...)


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.94)
« Reply #10465 on: 2020-11-22 11:31:07 »
Break damage limit is a series of exe patches that set up the new number for it so those will need to be added in a way that doesn't get overwritten.

If using the installer, the change will need to be added to the .exe after patching. I'd probably need to do this.

If using 7th Heaven, the change could be added to its hext file as per the Tifa Reels post a little further up.

Do you have a copy of this patch I can look at? Or is it on 7th heaven as a mod option? I'll be able to maybe see what can be done there.

2.0 doesn't have this sidequest anymore, it was retired and the scripts were converted (partially) for the Type B mode.

I think the field texture upscale might be responsible here as I remember there being problems with using 4k resolutions in-game where it would eventually overload the VRAM (unsure if this has been sorted out now or not). I'd recommend going for a 2x (2k) option if there is one.

I am using the 7th heaven mod option :)

Awww noooo i looked at all the side quests on youtube and the extra bosses looked so fun to fight ;-;


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.94)
« Reply #10466 on: 2020-11-22 15:02:59 »

Just to report a little issue. When the Yuffie Wutai Quest n°1 launch you lose all your materias, some materia were still in my possession:

1 x Osmose equipped on Aeris weapon
2 x Fire + 1 x Slow on the stock

Is it normal?

By the way i'm not really using Fire, Lightning, Ice, Erath, Poison Materia. It's nice to male them more different but it seems not enough base attack to be worth the slot. (As in the original game) Do i miss something?

PS: Sometimes the game launch in French... don't know why...

Spoiler: show
As we don't met Materia Keeper in , where Trine can be learned?
« Last Edit: 2020-11-22 18:21:14 by YouffieFanFR »

Sega Chief

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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.94)
« Reply #10467 on: 2020-11-23 01:03:09 »
Hello Sega Chief! I love your mod. I've played 1.4 and 2.0 and I've had such a blast.

Recently I used a gold chocobo to get to the great glacier area right after the icicle Inn to visit the silver chocobo. In the vanilla game the south exit by the sign took you back to the town of Icicle Inn, and the weird slide thing took you to the world map area in between the great glacier and the Icicle Inn, where my chocobo is currently parked. :/ I've been back to the ranch, and couldn't ride another chocobo, or find any other way to get the one gold chocobo I had out of that area.

Do you have any advice? I'm kinda stuck, a wild caught chocobo can't access where mine is either.

A save editor could perhaps move the chocobo on the world map; the Black Chocobo tool should be able to do it. That or it could set your coords to be within the area of the Gold Chocobo.


Just to report a little issue. When the Yuffie Wutai Quest n°1 launch you lose all your materias, some materia were still in my possession:

1 x Osmose equipped on Aeris weapon
2 x Fire + 1 x Slow on the stock

Is it normal?

By the way i'm not really using Fire, Lightning, Ice, Erath, Poison Materia. It's nice to male them more different but it seems not enough base attack to be worth the slot. (As in the original game) Do i miss something?

PS: Sometimes the game launch in French... don't know why...

Spoiler: show
As we don't met Materia Keeper in , where Trine can be learned?

Yuffie can't steal all your Materia, there's a limit to how much can be 'stored' in the savefile and she'll leave stuff based on a priority system (Summon Materia has highest priority to be stolen and so on).

The game launching in French I don't know, probably an install thing.

Trine can be picked up from Godo or Stilva in Gaea's Cliffs; Crater Dragon in North Crater has it via Manipulate if it's missed.


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.94)
« Reply #10468 on: 2020-11-23 18:24:12 »
Thanks for the answers.

Another question: when Aeris leaves the party close to the end of CD1, i didn't get back the armlet she had (Wizard something with a lot of slot...)
Is it normal?



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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.94)
« Reply #10469 on: 2020-11-23 19:33:17 »
Hi Sega! 8)
Congratulations for the 2.0  ;)
One quick question. Do you remember if your 1.5 NT has the Bizarro Sephiroth battle, with 3 teams,   active?
I want to prepare a mod(old) to make it compatible with NT, making as a complement to it( NT as required mod), and the 9 slots of Bizarro are the only that i need to make it(in my translation i had that battle disabled for problems and i think that in your version maybe you disabled too)
I also was thinking in make it for 2.0 but i think that the scene.bin its full xD

Thanks ;)

Sega Chief

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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.94)
« Reply #10470 on: 2020-11-24 19:56:07 »
Thanks for the answers.

Another question: when Aeris leaves the party close to the end of CD1, i didn't get back the armlet she had (Wizard something with a lot of slot...)
Is it normal?


Yeah it's an unfortunate shortcoming of the way the game deals with armour; it can't have nothing in the Armour slot (same with weapon) so that stays while everything else (materia + accessory) is unequipped.

Hi Sega! 8)
Congratulations for the 2.0  ;)
One quick question. Do you remember if your 1.5 NT has the Bizarro Sephiroth battle, with 3 teams,   active?
I want to prepare a mod(old) to make it compatible with NT, making as a complement to it( NT as required mod), and the 9 slots of Bizarro are the only that i need to make it(in my translation i had that battle disabled for problems and i think that in your version maybe you disabled too)
I also was thinking in make it for 2.0 but i think that the scene.bin its full xD

Thanks ;)

Yeah I disabled the 3-party battle in that so those 3 iterations should be free; however, I realised recently that I had the Bizarro scenes named wrong in the scene.bin (invisible to player, was for my reference that I named the unused enemy slot next to each one). 2.0 has the correct naming order so refer to that before removing Bizarro scenes.


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.94)
« Reply #10471 on: 2020-11-26 20:14:53 »
I need help with Jenova Death, I play on normal difficulty and I am Lv 35.
I use Barret(Phy) and Tifa(Mage). I barely do any damage on the boss, between 50-200 with physical attacks.
Tifa does like 700 damage with Laser. But I can't keep healing with so low damage output, do I miss some trick?


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.94)
« Reply #10472 on: 2020-11-28 06:18:55 »
Dude I absolutely loved the NTM 2.0 This was so well done thank you devs I just finished it yesterday on stream ALRiiiGHT!!! Now I'm grinding the side bosses and can I ask WTF is that Globe In Shinra Mansion Is that FFVII's Version of Ozma?




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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.94)
« Reply #10473 on: 2020-11-28 09:29:22 »

Yeah I disabled the 3-party battle in that so those 3 iterations should be free; however, I realised recently that I had the Bizarro scenes named wrong in the scene.bin (invisible to player, was for my reference that I named the unused enemy slot next to each one). 2.0 has the correct naming order so refer to that before removing Bizarro scenes.
Nice, in that case i can recycle it. But well in the case of 2.0 it seems that you use some of that slots(i think),and i dont want to change any battle from NT,so im gonna check better what slots i can use O_o


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.94)
« Reply #10474 on: 2020-11-28 14:36:26 »
I need help with Jenova Death, I play on normal difficulty and I am Lv 35.
I use Barret(Phy) and Tifa(Mage). I barely do any damage on the boss, between 50-200 with physical attacks.
Tifa does like 700 damage with Laser. But I can't keep healing with so low damage output, do I miss some trick?

Is it NT 2.0? For me it was kinda easy, defeated it on first try.
Spam Comet + MP Turbo with your highest Magic character and support with the 2 others (don't forget to steal the items)

None of her attacks does really high damage, maintain your character full HP and refresh Barrier and BarrierM as many as you can.
I think i managed to slow her too. (and obviously mine was Haste)

@Sega Chief: Where do we find the "Slash-All" materia in Great Glecier?
« Last Edit: 2020-11-28 14:56:33 by YouffieFanFR »