Actually, I do have one issue now. When I go into the secret cave, it soft locks while talking to Barrett. Any ideas?
If this is the dark cave near Forgotten City, then it may be due to field model mods; disable them temporarily then re-enable them once you reach a save point. They cause a problem on that first screen for some reason.
Hi! Do you have a list of compatible / recommended mod for playing NW 2.0?
I deactivate a lot of mods to stabilize the game.
I just have NW 2.0 and Fiel Textures from Qhimm Mod.
I tried to activate the Gameplay mod from Qhimm Mod deactivating almost everything in it except "Lucky Tifa" Tweaks but it seems to trigger random error crashing the game so i deactivate it and it seems fine.
Do you know a different way to force the limit of tifa always on "Yeah" without this mod?
Thank you very much, and great job by the way!
Gameplay mods are a no-go, some mods like the stand-alone ESUI controller button add-on are incompatible because they overwrite the entire flevel but there's a button compat option available for NT in the Enhanced Stock UI-rel2 IRO (not the qhimm catalog one, the stand-alone one that has Chyrsalis listed as the author).
I could maybe add it as an option to the IRO along with other things for people to tweak the mod a bit.
Hey i am really stuck with tifa's limit break, i cannot find her level 4 limit break anywhere :S i have played the correct piano tune 5+ times with both cloud and tifa as the party leader (i am on disk 3) however i didnt play the piano in the flashback so i dont know if thats why i cant get her limit break? i also dont receive a letter when the piano is played 
Is it 1.5 or 2.0? If party leader can be swapped then it should be accessible unless something has gone awry.
Is it possible to get wonderful chocobos from icicle inn and mideel? i've been trying to get one for 20 minutes and i cant get the correct encounter in icile inn (Chocobo + 2 bunnies)
Yeah wonderfuls are still there, but the encounter rate isn't changed from vanilla (world map editing is an area the mod doesn't cover) and isn't very good. As far as I'm aware, they can appear with either 1 Jumping or 2 Jumping (the bunnies). If there are any bandersnatches in there then it's not a wonderful.
Hi! I checked on web and i'm not sure how i do that.
I read to use the start button and maintain the confirm button when i unpause. Is it that?
It's buffering using the Square/Switch button to rapidly hide/show the battle menu. This causes the slot reels to move slower, allowing you to more easily pick the desired result. Works well with tifa reels or battle square reels, but some finesse is still needed for cait's reels which has some ulterior behaviour tied to it.