Author Topic: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.99998)  (Read 5538807 times)


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.9999)
« Reply #11650 on: 2024-02-13 13:23:17 »
When attempting to download from 7th Heaven v3.3.1.0 I get the following error message:

08:50:21|ERROR|SeventhHeavenUI.ViewModels.MainWindowViewModel|System.Exception: Google Drive - Quota exceeded

What should I do?


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.9999)
« Reply #11651 on: 2024-02-14 10:24:46 »
When attempting to download from 7th Heaven v3.3.1.0 I get the following error message:

08:50:21|ERROR|SeventhHeavenUI.ViewModels.MainWindowViewModel|System.Exception: Google Drive - Quota exceeded

What should I do?

in the initial post: there are mega links. try those. download then import the iro via clicking on the iro files themselves after downloaded.  if that doesnt work right hand side near top within 7th heaven has import button browse to the IRO downloaded and import that.  failing above, if you nip onto qhimms discords new threat channel there is an IRO posted within there which can download then import via above methods.


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.9999)
« Reply #11652 on: 2024-02-14 16:02:14 »
I just realized that there won't be one, as I had it set on Red XIII as his initial equipment and removed the other instances of Enemy Skill from the game. However with it being vanilla combat, he won't have it equipped. You may need to add it via a save editor. I can probably distribute more All Materia as well into the actual field screens too as I think some were shifted onto character equipment.

Good morning Sega Chief!  First I want to thank you for all the work you have done with this mod.  Truly amazing.

This message/bug brings up something that I personally keep coming back to that feels off about the Vanilla Combat versions of NT: the changes to Materia.  As Materia drive many of the spell and combat changes, it seems almost out of place when the equipment changes are all in Combat Only.

Is there any way to separate them out of the other Field Scripting changes and QoL updates (be that in an IRO toggle, global shift to the Combat Only version, or on an individual users mod setup)?
« Last Edit: 2024-02-14 16:04:52 by Angelsfury »

Sega Chief

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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.9999)
« Reply #11653 on: 2024-02-16 03:36:59 »
When attempting to download from 7th Heaven v3.3.1.0 I get the following error message:

08:50:21|ERROR|SeventhHeavenUI.ViewModels.MainWindowViewModel|System.Exception: Google Drive - Quota exceeded

What should I do?

There seemed to be a limit to how many times 7th could ping GDrives as all mods that were hosted on GDrives became unavailable. I added backup links since then so if these fail again in future, they should come direct from the 7th server instead.

Good morning Sega Chief!  First I want to thank you for all the work you have done with this mod.  Truly amazing.

This message/bug brings up something that I personally keep coming back to that feels off about the Vanilla Combat versions of NT: the changes to Materia.  As Materia drive many of the spell and combat changes, it seems almost out of place when the equipment changes are all in Combat Only.

Is there any way to separate them out of the other Field Scripting changes and QoL updates (be that in an IRO toggle, global shift to the Combat Only version, or on an individual users mod setup)?

I'm not 100% on what you mean; do you mean the Materia placements in Vanilla Combat? I could go about setting that up, as I need to set Enemy Skill down again as it's currently unobtainable in it.


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.9999)
« Reply #11654 on: 2024-02-17 05:55:43 »
I don't think I had anything like that set up, but what I could do is max the steal chance and then have him react to the Steal command to disable the Reflect.

Oh interesting; I must have made that memory up, lol. But that would be a cool gimmick to add to an already gimmicky fight!


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.9999)
« Reply #11655 on: 2024-02-17 13:15:44 »
Hello everyone! Got in the mood to play some FF7 again just for fun. Still having a blast.^^ I think the idea Seraph Sephiroth mentioned to add a quick scene with Cait Sith #2 and then later an other with the spoiler-y character at the City of the Ancients is great. I just fought Demon Wall. I don't know if I didn't update my New Threat correctly, but I didn't come across Cait Sith #2 at Gongaga. (Type A playthrough by the way.) Did someone else already try that part?
« Last Edit: 2024-02-17 13:19:25 by rufusluciusivan »


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.9999)
« Reply #11656 on: 2024-02-17 13:23:22 »
Hello everyone! Ive been playing New threat for about 3 weeks now and im loving it. The reason im posting this is to inquire about the location of barrets weapons missing score. The documentaion says "Missing Score - X-ATM Scorpion(D)" but I cant seem to decipher the location. The other item I wanted to inquire about is the W-attack materia. The documentation says "W-Attack - Sacred Cave" but i cant seem to place my finger on that location. I hope this is the right place to post this and would appreciate any help! thanks


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.9999)
« Reply #11657 on: 2024-02-17 22:42:34 »
Just popping in to report another bug. NT 2.0, Vanilla Combat, Path A.

On Mt. Nibel (second visit) where you fight Scorpion in Path B, there are no models there but a 'Shinra Trooper' text box appears and a battle triggers, but it freezes on a black screen.

No way to progress through this battle, other than to avoid this scenario altogether. However this means missing out on items on this route.


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.9999)
« Reply #11658 on: 2024-02-18 19:53:06 »
What is up with Quadra Magic? When I use magic that has been linked to it, the spell is cast 8 times rather than 4 times.

When I revisited the basement of Nibelheim and
Spoiler: show
had the flashback where Zack dies, he fights an unwinnable battle, but with Cloud's battle model and name. Is this intentional, or is the battle supposed to have Zack's battle model? I'm using Ninostyle Battle mod, does that make a difference? Here's the list of all the mods I have, in order from top to bottom (using 7th Heaven):

60/30 FPS for NT 2.0, 60/30 FPS, Project Edge/Team Avalanche Remodeled Fields, Tsunamods: SYW Unified Field Textures, Avalanche Arisen Battle Textures, SYW Unfied Battle Textures, SYW Unified Spell Textures, SYW Unified Minigame Textures, Finishing Touch, Enhanced Stock UI, SYW Unified Worldmap Textures, Cosmo Memory, SYW Unified FMV, Ninostyle Battle, Ninostyle Chibi, ReMusic (NT compatibility), EDMusic soundtrack, Dracula9AntiChapel's arranged soundtrack, New Threat 2.0.

One of the lategame sidequests was obtaining the W-Item. Has the mod been balanced around using or not using the W-Item duplication glitch, that is, can I beat all the superbosses without requiring excessive grinding to farm Megalixirs, Hero Drinks and Gospel Sparks?


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.9999)
« Reply #11659 on: 2024-02-19 01:02:51 »
Hello Seraph_Sephiroth.

can I beat all the superbosses without requiring excessive grinding to farm Megalixirs, Hero Drinks and Gospel Sparks?

Spoiler: show
An easy way is use "Throw" materia in Second Star: "Coin", if you have three of this materia in every character you can
inflict a damage of 29,997 hp in one turn, in fact this technique avoid high defense, even Emerald and Ruby weapon recieve the entire damage.

Other way could be use "Sneak attack", again, in every character, you can use a lot of Summons or use other convinantions.

By the way, after use Sneak attack you can use the Limit Break of every character.

I hope these recomendations help you.
« Last Edit: 2024-02-19 01:15:48 by Final_Figue »


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.9999)
« Reply #11660 on: 2024-02-19 11:15:15 »
What is up with Quadra Magic? When I use magic that has been linked to it, the spell is cast 8 times rather than 4 times.

When I revisited the basement of Nibelheim and
Spoiler: show
had the flashback where Zack dies, he fights an unwinnable battle, but with Cloud's battle model and name. Is this intentional, or is the battle supposed to have Zack's battle model? I'm using Ninostyle Battle mod, does that make a difference? Here's the list of all the mods I have, in order from top to bottom (using 7th Heaven):

60/30 FPS for NT 2.0, 60/30 FPS, Project Edge/Team Avalanche Remodeled Fields, Tsunamods: SYW Unified Field Textures, Avalanche Arisen Battle Textures, SYW Unfied Battle Textures, SYW Unified Spell Textures, SYW Unified Minigame Textures, Finishing Touch, Enhanced Stock UI, SYW Unified Worldmap Textures, Cosmo Memory, SYW Unified FMV, Ninostyle Battle, Ninostyle Chibi, ReMusic (NT compatibility), EDMusic soundtrack, Dracula9AntiChapel's arranged soundtrack, New Threat 2.0.

One of the lategame sidequests was obtaining the W-Item. Has the mod been balanced around using or not using the W-Item duplication glitch, that is, can I beat all the superbosses without requiring excessive grinding to farm Megalixirs, Hero Drinks and Gospel Sparks?

quadra magic was 'upgraded' to octo magic in a fairly recent update to the mod.  likely if still says quadra it will be a different mod which is causing to be displayed incorrectly.
regards grinding there really is no need for any grinding what so ever. materia / equipment is more important than levels etc, the mod can be beating without gaining exp for the entire run (which does require item farming) you should be able to beat superbosses without any of the above items that you mentioned above.   i've sucessfully done a lvl6 playthrough (exception barret and tifa they start game at lvl7) typeb without using w-item glitch on hard mode typeb nor using SP upgrade system.

regarding the return to nibelheim
Spoiler: show
 you can win the gauntlet of fights, however the reward is same for win/lose 


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.9999)
« Reply #11661 on: 2024-02-19 14:03:06 »
quadra magic was 'upgraded' to octo magic in a fairly recent update to the mod.  likely if still says quadra it will be a different mod which is causing to be displayed incorrectly.
regards grinding there really is no need for any grinding what so ever. 

The problem was likely caused by either the Finishing Touch or Cosmo Memory mod. They both got an update today, and now Quadra Magic shows as Octo Magic.


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.9999)
« Reply #11662 on: 2024-02-20 22:06:59 »
I'm playing New Threat 2.0 Combat Only with Echo-S. I had a random encounter with Shin Godo in the Corel Prison area while I had Yuffie and Barret in my party. I'm assuming this is a glitch as it looks like this is supposed to be the Yuffie endgame ultimate weapon fight.


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.9999)
« Reply #11663 on: 2024-02-21 07:11:13 »
Hello. I'm playing New threat 2.0 vanilla combat and just got passed the gold saucer prison and acess to the buggy, went to Gonganga and I assume it's a part of this mod as it's been forever since I played the actual game on ps1 but Scarlet sends out a silver version of the buggy and the game crashes when the battle starts. I'm guessing it's not part of vanilla and that's why it crashes?.


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.9999)
« Reply #11664 on: 2024-02-21 12:56:38 »
Hello SkittyKittles.

I'm guessing it's not part of vanilla and that's why it crashes?.

Just in case: Are you using the option "Save anywhere"? If you do you have to close the game (not reset) and then use your save file. If you don´t you´ll see a black screen.

Sega Chief

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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.9999)
« Reply #11665 on: 2024-02-21 13:33:52 »
Hello everyone! Ive been playing New threat for about 3 weeks now and im loving it. The reason im posting this is to inquire about the location of barrets weapons missing score. The documentaion says "Missing Score - X-ATM Scorpion(D)" but I cant seem to decipher the location. The other item I wanted to inquire about is the W-attack materia. The documentation says "W-Attack - Sacred Cave" but i cant seem to place my finger on that location. I hope this is the right place to post this and would appreciate any help! thanks

He's sitting up at the Corel Reactor; to reach the plateau he's on, you have to jump onto the path from the train tracks on the next screen.

W-Attack is in the Da Chao fire cave; to get in there, revisit the pagoda with Yuffie to get the Leviathan Scales to get in.

Just popping in to report another bug. NT 2.0, Vanilla Combat, Path A.

On Mt. Nibel (second visit) where you fight Scorpion in Path B, there are no models there but a 'Shinra Trooper' text box appears and a battle triggers, but it freezes on a black screen.

No way to progress through this battle, other than to avoid this scenario altogether. However this means missing out on items on this route.

I'll fix that up; there's some things I missed when removing stuff that'd be incompatible with vanilla combat.

What is up with Quadra Magic? When I use magic that has been linked to it, the spell is cast 8 times rather than 4 times.

When I revisited the basement of Nibelheim and
Spoiler: show
had the flashback where Zack dies, he fights an unwinnable battle, but with Cloud's battle model and name. Is this intentional, or is the battle supposed to have Zack's battle model? I'm using Ninostyle Battle mod, does that make a difference? Here's the list of all the mods I have, in order from top to bottom (using 7th Heaven):

60/30 FPS for NT 2.0, 60/30 FPS, Project Edge/Team Avalanche Remodeled Fields, Tsunamods: SYW Unified Field Textures, Avalanche Arisen Battle Textures, SYW Unfied Battle Textures, SYW Unified Spell Textures, SYW Unified Minigame Textures, Finishing Touch, Enhanced Stock UI, SYW Unified Worldmap Textures, Cosmo Memory, SYW Unified FMV, Ninostyle Battle, Ninostyle Chibi, ReMusic (NT compatibility), EDMusic soundtrack, Dracula9AntiChapel's arranged soundtrack, New Threat 2.0.

One of the lategame sidequests was obtaining the W-Item. Has the mod been balanced around using or not using the W-Item duplication glitch, that is, can I beat all the superbosses without requiring excessive grinding to farm Megalixirs, Hero Drinks and Gospel Sparks?

I bumped it up to Octo-Magic but oddly it doesn't seem to work for most and still only casts 4 times; it seems for you though it's getting the 8 casts but has the wrong name.

The reason that battle uses Cloud's name is because renaming a character also resets other information about them such as their sources used, so I wasn't able to rename them and then offer the player the chance to rename them back (some players use custom names so I can't just rename it back to Cloud). There was also a link to Cait Sith where renaming Cloud affects him due to Cait & Young Cloud sharing a slot. The battle also does use a Zack battle model for that part but I suspect model mods override it.

I'm playing New Threat 2.0 Combat Only with Echo-S. I had a random encounter with Shin Godo in the Corel Prison area while I had Yuffie and Barret in my party. I'm assuming this is a glitch as it looks like this is supposed to be the Yuffie endgame ultimate weapon fight.

It seems that the Cactuar formation sits in the section where you'd normally expect to see World Map encounters and I've repurposed it to set up some additional enemies instead. I'll fix this for combat only and put cactuar back here.

Hello. I'm playing New threat 2.0 vanilla combat and just got passed the gold saucer prison and acess to the buggy, went to Gonganga and I assume it's a part of this mod as it's been forever since I played the actual game on ps1 but Scarlet sends out a silver version of the buggy and the game crashes when the battle starts. I'm guessing it's not part of vanilla and that's why it crashes?.

Something I've missed while pruning out NT encounters for vanilla combat; I'll remove it.

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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.9999)
« Reply #11666 on: 2024-02-21 14:01:25 »
I've updated 2.0's Vanilla Combat and Combat Only:

*) Forced the Type A (regular) Gongaga Reactor scene to avoid the new battle
*) Removed the encounter with Shinra Troopers on Mt. Nibel

*) Restored the Cactuar formation for Corel Desert prison
« Last Edit: 2024-02-21 14:04:19 by Sega Chief »


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.9999)
« Reply #11667 on: 2024-02-21 14:16:59 »
Hello SkittyKittles.

Just in case: Are you using the option "Save anywhere"? If you do you have to close the game (not reset) and then use your save file. If you don´t you´ll see a black screen.
Nah I don't have have a mod to save anywhere, the only option for new threat 2.0 vanilla combat in 7th heaven is "new threat mod - core files" that I have turned on. Luckily there's a save point just before the encounter so the crash isn't to much of a issue. Though for a completionist who likes to explore and collect every item I must needs explore that areas ;)


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.9999)
« Reply #11668 on: 2024-02-22 02:56:20 »
I've updated 2.0's Vanilla Combat and Combat Only:

*) Forced the Type A (regular) Gongaga Reactor scene to avoid the new battle
*) Removed the encounter with Shinra Troopers on Mt. Nibel

*) Restored the Cactuar formation for Corel Desert prison

Sorry to bug you with another "Bug" report so soon after posting yesterday. Can confirm the update yesterday fixed the crash by removing the type b route at the reactor. However I noticed few more odd things, firstly I never encountered the turks in the forest in Gonganga the encounter Rude saids he likes tifa then a battle starts.

Second Cosmo canyon the fight at the end isn't the vanilla boss instead it a bunch of
adamantaimai spamming shell and protect, unlike  the scarlet one from yesterday though it dosn't crash the
Game. It's just a bit random, I assume it's not supposed to be part of the vanilla combat?.

Nibleheim some random commandos are blocking the entrance to the shrinra manor and the battle is in a black area against a giant yellow cube with a messed up name. Again no crash but definitely isn't supposed to be here.

I feel like somehow along the way my save switched from type A to type B..
« Last Edit: 2024-02-22 03:43:40 by SkittyKittles »


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.9999)
« Reply #11669 on: 2024-02-25 00:01:15 »

I have been enjoying New Threat 1.5 [1.55] (will try 2.0 at some point), but wanted to report a bug.

Running 7th Heaven (stable) with FFNx (canary).

When reaching the end part of Don Corneo's Wall Market event where you drop into the trapdoor and follow the sequence at Shinra HQ, the game crashes when transitioning to the discussion with the president.

There were mods in conjunction with your mod to cause the crash:
Cosmos Limit Break 1.22
Also tried SYW Unified Field Textures 1.03 (not together obviously, but separately) and it also cause the crash. I tried that as an alternative since it was the same as Cosmos Limit Break w/o the widescreen support.
Any other option outside of turning the animated textures off causes the game to crash.

The bug also pops up with the discussion with the president after being captured at Shinra HQ.

This does not occur with New Threat 2.0 when running the same scene (only swapped to that briefly using same save to avoid crash).

I do have other mods enabled, but they do not seem to cause the crash itself (with limited testing anyways), but will list them just in case (listed in the order as auto-sorted by 7th Heaven:
Wizard Staff 1.72
Cosmo Memory 1.14
Finishing Touch 2.5
Cosmos FMV 1.1
60/30 FPS Gameplay 1.12
Ninostyle Battle 23.0701
SYW Unified Battle Textures 1.03
AxlRose's Blender v1 1.0
Ninostyle HD 23.0305
Enhanced Stock UI 2.926
Symphonic Remasters: Redux 2.01 (have also tried the other music mods like Deet's XG Music 1.0 FFNx FF7Music 1.03, and OST Music Remastered 1.0 thinking that it was the culprit)
SYW Unified Minigames Textures 1.04
SYW Unified Spell Textures 1.03
Cosmos Gaia 1.01

Other possibly relevant info [FFNx settings]:
Auto (DX11) [running an AMD RX 6900XT with 24.1.1 drivers- did try changing this option to no difference in outcome]
Widescreen (16:10)
Anisotropic Filtering On
Vsync Off
Advanced Lighting On
NTSC-J Gamut Mode Off
Internal Resolution Scaler 6x

Thanks for your time.
« Last Edit: 2024-02-25 00:05:29 by Deathlike2 »

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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.9999)
« Reply #11670 on: 2024-02-25 00:56:50 »
Sorry to bug you with another "Bug" report so soon after posting yesterday. Can confirm the update yesterday fixed the crash by removing the type b route at the reactor. However I noticed few more odd things, firstly I never encountered the turks in the forest in Gonganga the encounter Rude saids he likes tifa then a battle starts.

Second Cosmo canyon the fight at the end isn't the vanilla boss instead it a bunch of
adamantaimai spamming shell and protect, unlike  the scarlet one from yesterday though it dosn't crash the
Game. It's just a bit random, I assume it's not supposed to be part of the vanilla combat?.

Nibleheim some random commandos are blocking the entrance to the shrinra manor and the battle is in a black area against a giant yellow cube with a messed up name. Again no crash but definitely isn't supposed to be here.

I feel like somehow along the way my save switched from type A to type B..

Yeah, I reckon it's the character AI from the vanilla kernel that's causing the switch to Game Type B; I need to replace all the triggers with something else. I'll try to finish that off tomorrow.


I have been enjoying New Threat 1.5 [1.55] (will try 2.0 at some point), but wanted to report a bug.

Running 7th Heaven (stable) with FFNx (canary).

When reaching the end part of Don Corneo's Wall Market event where you drop into the trapdoor and follow the sequence at Shinra HQ, the game crashes when transitioning to the discussion with the president.

There were mods in conjunction with your mod to cause the crash:
Cosmos Limit Break 1.22
Also tried SYW Unified Field Textures 1.03 (not together obviously, but separately) and it also cause the crash. I tried that as an alternative since it was the same as Cosmos Limit Break w/o the widescreen support.
Any other option outside of turning the animated textures off causes the game to crash.

The bug also pops up with the discussion with the president after being captured at Shinra HQ.

This does not occur with New Threat 2.0 when running the same scene (only swapped to that briefly using same save to avoid crash).

I do have other mods enabled, but they do not seem to cause the crash itself (with limited testing anyways), but will list them just in case (listed in the order as auto-sorted by 7th Heaven:
Wizard Staff 1.72
Cosmo Memory 1.14
Finishing Touch 2.5
Cosmos FMV 1.1
60/30 FPS Gameplay 1.12
Ninostyle Battle 23.0701
SYW Unified Battle Textures 1.03
AxlRose's Blender v1 1.0
Ninostyle HD 23.0305
Enhanced Stock UI 2.926
Symphonic Remasters: Redux 2.01 (have also tried the other music mods like Deet's XG Music 1.0 FFNx FF7Music 1.03, and OST Music Remastered 1.0 thinking that it was the culprit)
SYW Unified Minigames Textures 1.04
SYW Unified Spell Textures 1.03
Cosmos Gaia 1.01

Other possibly relevant info [FFNx settings]:
Auto (DX11) [running an AMD RX 6900XT with 24.1.1 drivers- did try changing this option to no difference in outcome]
Widescreen (16:10)
Anisotropic Filtering On
Vsync Off
Advanced Lighting On
NTSC-J Gamut Mode Off
Internal Resolution Scaler 6x

Thanks for your time.

Ah this used to come up in the past but I had trouble replicating it; I'll try it out with the mods you mentioned and see if I can fix it this time.


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.9999)
« Reply #11671 on: 2024-02-25 01:09:11 »
Ah this used to come up in the past but I had trouble replicating it; I'll try it out with the mods you mentioned and see if I can fix it this time.


I wanted to also ask (but forgot to previously) was that when I did the Reno fight during the Sector 7 plating event, that I was unable to remove the barriers with physical attacks (which was the vanilla counter IIRC). Using limit breaks that did physical damage did not appear to do it either.

I did also want to mention I was running the Arrange mode difficulty (not the Normal mode) and hoped the brief change to New Threat 2.0 (2.099992) to temporarily work around the animation crashing bug isn't causing this.


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.9999)
« Reply #11672 on: 2024-02-25 06:48:40 »
Yeah, I reckon it's the character AI from the vanilla kernel that's causing the switch to Game Type B; I need to replace all the triggers with something else. I'll try to finish that off tomorrow.

Ah I must admit I'm not to sure what vanilla karnel character Ai is. But I did stop playing for now as I feel the bugs will just get worse the more I progress, I still have the saves from before the Cosmos canyon boss and Gongaga, soI can always continue from one of those saves if you manage to fix the issues. As I didn't wanna save outside shrinra mansion considering the glitched commandos are right there.

I also tried installing the normal New threat 2.0 to see if it puts my saves as type A, but still type B.
« Last Edit: 2024-02-25 08:02:16 by SkittyKittles »


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.9999)
« Reply #11673 on: 2024-02-25 09:19:23 »
Recently got into the game again after spending my entire childhood playing the original. The game literally changed my life. Can't believe the amazing mods that have been developed. The game looks, feels and plays fantastically.

Only problem I have, and I think it is this mod, is the game difficulty. It never asked me at the start if I wanted to play a harder version of the game but i'm finding it impossible and also frustrating due to the long periods between saves and having to replay over and over. For example. After clearing Don's mansion (last save before you go to save Tifa) you drop into the sewer. Sewer Beast kills Aerith with it's opener. Cloud/Tifa need to use instant Potions to stay alive and then you're on the back foot. Sewer Beast hitting for c.300 and Cloud HP is only 457.

I can't remember it being so hard and my boomer brain just can't beat it without thinking about going back to grind mobs and out level the boss.

So onto the question. Is this mod making it so difficult? If yes can I tune it down? If yes and I remove the mod, what else am I missing out on? I don't want to lose all the awesomeness that makes this new game fun, I just want to be able to play the game instead of the game kicking my ass

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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.9999)
« Reply #11674 on: 2024-02-25 15:33:26 »

I wanted to also ask (but forgot to previously) was that when I did the Reno fight during the Sector 7 plating event, that I was unable to remove the barriers with physical attacks (which was the vanilla counter IIRC). Using limit breaks that did physical damage did not appear to do it either.

I did also want to mention I was running the Arrange mode difficulty (not the Normal mode) and hoped the brief change to New Threat 2.0 (2.099992) to temporarily work around the animation crashing bug isn't causing this.

In 1.5, I think the pyramids are immune to physical damage on Arrange mode so magic is needed. They have death weakness to the gravity element though so if you picked up any gravballs from the train graveyard they can oneshot the pyramid.

Ah I must admit I'm not to sure what vanilla karnel character Ai is. But I did stop playing for now as I feel the bugs will just get worse the more I progress, I still have the saves from before the Cosmos canyon boss and Gongaga, soI can always continue from one of those saves if you manage to fix the issues. As I didn't wanna save outside shrinra mansion considering the glitched commandos are right there.

I also tried installing the normal New threat 2.0 to see if it puts my saves as type A, but still type B.

Yeah would be for the best until the patch is ready for VC.

Recently got into the game again after spending my entire childhood playing the original. The game literally changed my life. Can't believe the amazing mods that have been developed. The game looks, feels and plays fantastically.

Only problem I have, and I think it is this mod, is the game difficulty. It never asked me at the start if I wanted to play a harder version of the game but i'm finding it impossible and also frustrating due to the long periods between saves and having to replay over and over. For example. After clearing Don's mansion (last save before you go to save Tifa) you drop into the sewer. Sewer Beast kills Aerith with it's opener. Cloud/Tifa need to use instant Potions to stay alive and then you're on the back foot. Sewer Beast hitting for c.300 and Cloud HP is only 457.

I can't remember it being so hard and my boomer brain just can't beat it without thinking about going back to grind mobs and out level the boss.

So onto the question. Is this mod making it so difficult? If yes can I tune it down? If yes and I remove the mod, what else am I missing out on? I don't want to lose all the awesomeness that makes this new game fun, I just want to be able to play the game instead of the game kicking my ass

I had a look at Aps and saw that his Sewer Tsunami was hitting unusually hard compared to the other variant which comes from behind the player. I realised that the back attack flags for these attacks have been set the wrong way round so I'll have this fixed in the next patch.

One thing about the sewer though, there is a save point added up in the corner of the field (however it won't be there if Combat Only is being used):

If the combat difficulty isn't to your liking, then there is a toggle in the IRO for relax mode which eases the enemy parameters a bit. Another option is reverting to vanilla encounters using the Vanilla Combat variant of NT but that currently needs a patch to fix an issue which I'll hopefully be done with today.