Author Topic: Music Sync During Cloud/Sephiroth Scene in Nibelheim  (Read 6361 times)


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Disclaimer: I haven't played the game in years.  I'm just now thinking about a replay will all of the new mods.

Last time I played, I used a music mod which worked great for most of the game.  However, there was one scene that it completely destroyed.  It's the exact moment that Cloud grabs the sword and it starts shaking.  In the original, the music is perfectly synced so that the most epic part of the track plays exactly when that happens.  The mod broke that, and it really destroyed the impact of the scene.

Now you might be thinking, "yeah, but that was a long time ago.  Have you tried it recently?"

No, but I've scene recent YouTube videos of others on that same scene, and they had the same problem.

So, what I'm asking is if at this point there is any music mod that has fixed that (or a separate fix outside of any individual music mod).



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Re: Music Sync During Cloud/Sephiroth Scene in Nibelheim
« Reply #1 on: 2023-01-29 16:46:38 »
Try with Echo-S 7 mod activated and let us know please. Or with "The Reunion FF7 PSX OST" mod.

EDIT: as of now, the fix is included in FFNx FF7Music mod and The Reunion FF7 PSX OST mod.

« Last Edit: 2024-05-18 08:11:18 by Kuraudo. »


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Re: Music Sync During Cloud/Sephiroth Scene in Nibelheim
« Reply #2 on: 2023-01-30 04:15:51 »
Disclaimer: I haven't played the game in years.  I'm just now thinking about a replay will all of the new mods.

Last time I played, I used a music mod which worked great for most of the game.  However, there was one scene that it completely destroyed.  It's the exact moment that Cloud grabs the sword and it starts shaking.  In the original, the music is perfectly synced so that the most epic part of the track plays exactly when that happens.  The mod broke that, and it really destroyed the impact of the scene.

Now you might be thinking, "yeah, but that was a long time ago.  Have you tried it recently?"

No, but I've scene recent YouTube videos of others on that same scene, and they had the same problem.

So, what I'm asking is if at this point there is any music mod that has fixed that (or a separate fix outside of any individual music mod).


It's not specifically a music mod thing... The regular vanilla PC music doesn't loop enough times to have it crescendo at the right time... Since music mods generally use vanilla as a template, or use different tempos, most of them don't have correct timing either... The Echo-S soundtrack may be the first music mod to have correct timing for that song. Maybe Anxious Heart fixed it too, idk.


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Re: Music Sync During Cloud/Sephiroth Scene in Nibelheim
« Reply #3 on: 2023-01-30 16:47:24 »
I thought Echo-S was a voiceover mod, and nothing more.  I just looked to see the full list of included changes.  Thanks for the info.  I'll give it a shot.