Author Topic: [FF7PC] Phoenix Rejuvenation Project (Discontinued, use Unified Model Installer)  (Read 733688 times)


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Re: [Release] Final Fantasy VII Phoenix Rejuvenation Project
« Reply #200 on: 2009-01-27 21:37:57 »
Edit: Sorry spam post. Mod please delete.
« Last Edit: 2009-01-28 04:07:19 by NameSpoofer »


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Re: [Release] Final Fantasy VII Phoenix Rejuvenation Project
« Reply #201 on: 2009-01-27 23:39:22 »
O rly? Blizzard giving out something for free? Mind posting a link to that site of Blizzard where they state that?

Well, Blizzard and other gaming companies aren't stupid to state that people can download their games for free. However, there are links where you can download these games and these links have lasted for years without receiving any threats.
... so it's ok to steal! Yup, I see your point.

You know that you can still buy Starcraft? Not just the cdkey, Starcraft with a box and everything inside it. And it's about as old as FF7. But hey, you can also download it! I think that I've seen a site with links to download GTA IV. It's a torrent, but hey, if the site is still up, and it has been for few years, that means it's ok with the game companies! GTA IV is pretty old anywayz.

On a side note, I know of few gaming companies who are "stupid enough" to give away their games (like Rockstar). Go figure? But there are also those companies who are afraid to say so, so... We're aware that they can't say that, but they clearly think that way. No exceptions, they all send a mind transmission to every player on the earth to go and download their games. "If the game is 10 years old then we've milked it as much as we could, so we don't need it anymore. Wait, what? Still in shops? Oh, don't mind it! We've got so much money that we don't know what do do with it! So we just send those new copies of games to the shops and let them sit there, because obviously noone is going to buy it when they can download it!"

Yes, I know that you can download it. You can download many other things from the internet. The thing is, you shouldn't. Or at least, don't brag left and right that you did and nothing happened so it's ok! If you ran over a dog with a car (nothing against dogs, I love dogs, and it's just a twisted example of your reasoning, don't ever run over anything/anyone) in the middle of nowhere, would that change anything? Like, get the police on you? Well, it could, even if there was noone in the 2 miles radius. Theoretically. But nothing happened? Hey, it's ok then!

For warcraft 2, doom 2, mortal kombat 2 you can go to this site which is called best old games:( hope i can post a link to other website here) (...)

For starcraft, you can go this site which even has a community of pro starcraft gaming players. You can download the game I think its around 98 MB or sth: (...)
Yes, thank you! That's exactly what I meant by "Mind posting a link to that site of Blizzard where they state that?". Please, do the world a favour and die.

sorry for being extremely off-topic here
No you're not. I mean, you are clearly off-topic, so am I, but you're definitely not sorry for it.


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Re: [Release] Final Fantasy VII Phoenix Rejuvenation Project
« Reply #202 on: 2009-01-28 04:06:19 »
Wow. Im shocked. I was just trying to make the point that downloading an old game isn't a big issue. Didn't expect that it would offend you that much. Anyway for the sake of this thread, plus the fact that I respect your work and especially your helpful attitude towards ff7 gamers who have trouble with their games, I am not going to argue anymore. Apology for any inconvenience I caused to you. Actually didn't mean it. Anyway if you still have something to say to me you can always pm me. We should keep this thread clean.


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Re: [Release] Final Fantasy VII Phoenix Rejuvenation Project
« Reply #203 on: 2009-01-29 10:25:30 »
First off I've searched everywhere for the solution to my problem.

My screen turns black and does absolutely nothing.  Now bear in mind that it only does this with the FF7-prp.exe app.  My ff7.exe works flawlessly with no issues period (of course the prp doesn't load with it).  it's only the phoenix that having trouble right now.  The patches i've installed so far are the bare bones ie

1.02 patch
chocobo patch
prp mod
and even installed movie skip (gypt) and YAMP which installed perfectly and works perfectly, BUT only for ff7.exe not ff7-prp.exe which is what I need to play the modded version. 

I've also installed and ran k-lite codec pack, tm20.dx etc into system32 folder, and turned truemotion bot ON and OFF with no change.  PRP refused to work but ff7.exe works perfectly. 

Now let me be mroe precise on what happens on the black screen.  (This only happens when i set compatibility to win95/98.  If I have compatibility turned off i just get a black flash and sent back to desktop no harm no foul.  And obviously I've tweaked the config to all reso's and dallied with the nvidia checkbox to no avail).  Firstly it's completely BLACK, secondly once that screen shows there's nothing I can do to change it short of turning off the power completely.  I've alt tabbed, alt f4, ctrl alt del, alt esc, you name it i've punched it.  The only thing I can get it to do is make the cursor show up in I'm assuming 640x480 resolution (ff7config duh)! , and I can move it around.   But I can't exit it.  Clicking on ff7-prp.exe is a one way ticket to hard reboot.

does anyone have any idea what's going on?  Has this happened to anyone?  Please tell me there's a simple fix to this.  Something that I'm just overlooking...


Windows XP Pro SP3
HP Pavillion dv8000
ATI Radeon Mobility Xpress 200 series (something like that.  may or may not have mobility in it though the latest driver I installed says that).
512mb RAM
resolution is set to 1024x768
(this is a laptop)

and sorry abotu there being no error log.  There technically is no error since I have to manually reboot the system to get out.

In my head i've done everything I can do and it still won't work.  I'm pretty smart when it comes to troubleshooting this crap but this one is beyond me.

And doing a little quick thinking here, how can I install the YAMP/gypt patch to the ff7-prp.exe app?  That is what I'm thinking the issue is and with that I can just say Fxck off to the fmvs.  I won't miss them.  Any thoughts?

Thx fellas.

Silent Warrior

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Re: [Release] Final Fantasy VII Phoenix Rejuvenation Project
« Reply #204 on: 2009-01-29 10:35:37 »
It happened to me - I think I got around it by setting XP compatibility mode to Win95.


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Re: [Release] Final Fantasy VII Phoenix Rejuvenation Project
« Reply #205 on: 2009-01-29 10:38:19 »
It happened to me - I think I got around it by setting XP compatibility mode to Win95.

I know what your saying, but this only happens when I turn on win95/98 compatibility mode.  If it's turned off and set to default I just get a flickering window and sent back to desktop.  Sorry if I didn't explain that well enough in my previous post.  I get lost in my writing all the time.  Thx for the help though.


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Re: [Release] Final Fantasy VII Phoenix Rejuvenation Project
« Reply #206 on: 2009-01-30 00:13:31 »
Thanks for the patch Ice cold, Thanks for the link storm, and thanks to namespoofer for the explaination...

after playing afew hours the

AppName:  ff7.exe
ModName:  winmm.dll
ModVer:  5.1.2600.2180
Offset:  000190ad

crash appear :cry: :cry: :cry:

Prince Lex

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Re: [Release] Final Fantasy VII Phoenix Rejuvenation Project
« Reply #207 on: 2009-02-01 02:26:06 »
I installed this on my very unstable ff7 vista installation today.

Installation went fine, startup was fine (aside from the fact that I've spent 6 hours trying to see fmv's with absolutely no luck, having to use YAMP to ctrl+s them). I've found it a bit glitchy. Strange black textures floating on the backgrounds here and there. Went into my menu and exited it and this seems to crash the game. Every single time! Irritating, to say the least. Amazing models though.

I've unpacked the files and manually repacked char.lpg instead of using the prp executable, this way I can have the models without the glitches.

Great mod!


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Re: [Release] Final Fantasy VII Phoenix Rejuvenation Project
« Reply #208 on: 2009-02-03 16:01:05 »
O rly? Blizzard giving out something for free? Mind posting a link to that site of Blizzard where they state that?

Well, Blizzard and other gaming companies aren't stupid to state that people can download their games for free. However, there are links where you can download these games and these links have lasted for years without receiving any threats.
... so it's ok to steal! Yup, I see your point.

You know that you can still buy Starcraft? Not just the cdkey, Starcraft with a box and everything inside it. And it's about as old as FF7. But hey, you can also download it! I think that I've seen a site with links to download GTA IV. It's a torrent, but hey, if the site is still up, and it has been for few years, that means it's ok with the game companies! GTA IV is pretty old anywayz.

On a side note, I know of few gaming companies who are "stupid enough" to give away their games (like Rockstar). Go figure? But there are also those companies who are afraid to say so, so... We're aware that they can't say that, but they clearly think that way. No exceptions, they all send a mind transmission to every player on the earth to go and download their games. "If the game is 10 years old then we've milked it as much as we could, so we don't need it anymore. Wait, what? Still in shops? Oh, don't mind it! We've got so much money that we don't know what do do with it! So we just send those new copies of games to the shops and let them sit there, because obviously noone is going to buy it when they can download it!"

Yes, I know that you can download it. You can download many other things from the internet. The thing is, you shouldn't. Or at least, don't brag left and right that you did and nothing happened so it's ok! If you ran over a dog with a car (nothing against dogs, I love dogs, and it's just a twisted example of your reasoning, don't ever run over anything/anyone) in the middle of nowhere, would that change anything? Like, get the police on you? Well, it could, even if there was noone in the 2 miles radius. Theoretically. But nothing happened? Hey, it's ok then!

For warcraft 2, doom 2, mortal kombat 2 you can go to this site which is called best old games:( hope i can post a link to other website here) (...)

For starcraft, you can go this site which even has a community of pro starcraft gaming players. You can download the game I think its around 98 MB or sth: (...)
Yes, thank you! That's exactly what I meant by "Mind posting a link to that site of Blizzard where they state that?". Please, do the world a favour and die.

sorry for being extremely off-topic here
No you're not. I mean, you are clearly off-topic, so am I, but you're definitely not sorry for it.

 maybe you're right
but you had exaggerated

with NameSpoofer

Are you  the justice paladin?Surely you  download game or programs legaly from internet?

and  really haveyou  the original ff 7 copy (for pc or playstation)l?

Who told us?
i told this beacuse i hate hypocrisy
« Last Edit: 2009-02-03 16:04:09 by Dearh »


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Re: [Release] Final Fantasy VII Phoenix Rejuvenation Project
« Reply #209 on: 2009-02-04 01:28:53 »
 maybe you're right
but you had exaggerated

with NameSpoofer

Are you  the justice paladin?Surely you  download game or programs legaly from internet?

and  really haveyou  the original ff 7 copy (for pc or playstation)l?

Who told us?
i told this beacuse i hate hypocrisy
English? Please?


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Re: [Release] Final Fantasy VII Phoenix Rejuvenation Project
« Reply #210 on: 2009-02-07 17:39:49 »
Just wanted to say thank you to everyone who helped in making this mod, characters look fantastic, had a bit of a difficult time getting this to run with the ultima edition, then when it did it would crash during the first guard fight, but looking through the posts it seems running the WIN95 computability mode helped that.

Had one question though that I cant see an answer to in the posts, is this mod also supposed to make the characters look new and awesome during the battles cos as I have it installed they look great running around and such but you get into a fight and they do not look as good?

Prince Lex

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Re: [Release] Final Fantasy VII Phoenix Rejuvenation Project
« Reply #211 on: 2009-02-07 20:15:17 »
Just wanted to say thank you to everyone who helped in making this mod, characters look fantastic, had a bit of a difficult time getting this to run with the ultima edition, then when it did it would crash during the first guard fight, but looking through the posts it seems running the WIN95 computability mode helped that.

Had one question though that I cant see an answer to in the posts, is this mod also supposed to make the characters look new and awesome during the battles cos as I have it installed they look great running around and such but you get into a fight and they do not look as good?

Does no one read the rules? Or even a few posts before!!! OH MY!

Seriously, glasses new people.

Kudistos Megistos

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Re: [Release] Final Fantasy VII Phoenix Rejuvenation Project
« Reply #212 on: 2009-02-07 20:29:40 »
Quote from: Prince Lex
Does no one read the rules? Or even a few posts before!!! OH MY!

Apparently so...

Quote from: AkumaC4
had a bit of a difficult time getting this to run with the ultima edition, then when it did it would crash during the first guard fight, but looking through the posts

In my short time here I have learnt that n00bs have an amazing ability to not see things pertaining to the rules, unless they are in big red letters (they have to be red). I've even seen rule-breaking in threads about the rules themselves *facepalm*


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Re: [Release] Final Fantasy VII Phoenix Rejuvenation Project
« Reply #213 on: 2009-02-07 22:05:51 »
I guess that was to the Ultima Edition, it was discussed on this thread many times even though its not a legit version and there are even steps to get it working, but whatever.

Could you please though answer the question about the looks of characters during battle mode as opposed to the looks of them when just wandering about.


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Re: [Release] Final Fantasy VII Phoenix Rejuvenation Project
« Reply #214 on: 2009-02-08 07:34:25 »
it was discussed on this thread many times even though its not a legit version and there are even steps to get it working

true. if you read through the whole thread you will find some instructions written by weemus which shows you how to make prp works with ultima edition

and he is one of the best modders in this forum :-D


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Re: [Release] Final Fantasy VII Phoenix Rejuvenation Project
« Reply #215 on: 2009-02-08 14:01:20 »
yeah that's how I got it working, still didn't answer my battle characters question though!

Kudistos Megistos

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Re: [Release] Final Fantasy VII Phoenix Rejuvenation Project
« Reply #216 on: 2009-02-08 14:22:40 »
Even is some people here have given help to those using the Ultima Edition, it's still against the forum rules:

Quote from: Forum Rules
No linking to/discussion of/advertising of illegal downloads, including FFVII Ultima Edition.

Please see the end of the first post on this thread and the end of the first post on this one.


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Re: [Release] Final Fantasy VII Phoenix Rejuvenation Project
« Reply #217 on: 2009-02-08 15:26:34 »
Understood, now how about answering my question, is this mod supposed to change the look of characters during battle mode also?


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Re: [Release] Final Fantasy VII Phoenix Rejuvenation Project
« Reply #218 on: 2009-03-20 00:14:39 »
Awesome project! i would love to see FF7 brought up in graphics.
I have a request and a question (yes i know this is not places for requests but please read it) can you please make it work with the higher res patch, Because i can play the game well (well well enough) with the patch because it will letter box at 1680 X 1050 (i use the 1024 patch so it doesn't stretch much)

But with the default FF7 res the people get. Fat.. and everything get's REALLY stretched... and that annoys me  :|

I don't know if this would be a hard thing, If it would be then just disregard it.

My question is, The NPC RP didn't do the battle models of the characters, I read the read me and it said it WILL, but i want to know if it's been implemented yet. (i'd check but i am having a movie conflict trying to add high res videos  :-D)

But again, AWESOME work!


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Re: [Release] Final Fantasy VII Phoenix Rejuvenation Project
« Reply #219 on: 2009-03-20 01:41:24 »
Understood, now how about answering my question, is this mod supposed to change the look of characters during battle mode also?
nop..field only


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Re: [Release] Final Fantasy VII Phoenix Rejuvenation Project
« Reply #220 on: 2009-03-20 15:39:54 »
But with the default FF7 res the people get. Fat.. and everything get's REALLY stretched... and that annoys me  :|

Is your monitor a wide screen ?  Maybe you're just not in your native mode.  If your native mode is wide screen and you use a 4:3 mode then the image might be stretched.  In that case you might be able to fix this in your graphic card settings (flat panel scaling for NVIDIA's cards... don't know about ATI's) just set it to :"use NVIDIA scaling with fixed-aspect ratio".

My question is, The NPC RP didn't do the battle models of the characters,

I once worked on some models that could be used for battle.  I then decided to focus on finishing the field one since then are uglier than the battle ones hehe. 

Though I didn't worked much on this project lately for I lack the time, I'm telling you all that I'm still here and will start again as soon as I can. :-)


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Re: [Release] Final Fantasy VII Phoenix Rejuvenation Project
« Reply #221 on: 2009-03-20 16:28:30 »
Is your monitor a wide screen ?  Maybe you're just not in your native mode.  If your native mode is wide screen and you use a 4:3 mode then the image might be stretched.  In that case you might be able to fix this in your graphic card settings (flat panel scaling for NVIDIA's cards... don't know about ATI's) just set it to :"use NVIDIA scaling with fixed-aspect ratio".

I was gonna edit my post to include that but you already replied haha.

I'm using Windows 7 Beta, and if i change the scaling to anything other then "Use my display's built in scaling" Of which i do not have unless the res is widescreen just smaller then my native... it just resets back to default... It worked on Vista so it's a driver thing... But i can use it with the higher res patch for 1024 (i have 1680 x 1050) and not see much stretching. If you have a fix for this issue, I will warship you for all eternity :-D, Cause it's preventing me from playing other games that don't support widescreen (doom 3)

« Last Edit: 2009-03-20 18:01:03 by hellbringer616 »


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Re: [Release] Final Fantasy VII Phoenix Rejuvenation Project
« Reply #222 on: 2009-03-20 21:57:08 »
Okay, someone enlighten me.  Nowhere does anyone say what this patch DOES. Can someone help me out?


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Re: [Release] Final Fantasy VII Phoenix Rejuvenation Project
« Reply #223 on: 2009-03-20 23:39:39 »
Okay, someone enlighten me.  Nowhere does anyone say what this patch DOES. Can someone help me out?

It replaces the low poly field models (when you walk around) with high poly ones, similar to the ones used in battle. Only better.

Currently it only replaces some of the models not all, As it is v0.1


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Re: [Release] Final Fantasy VII Phoenix Rejuvenation Project
« Reply #224 on: 2009-04-11 04:05:50 »
hopefully i'm not being a necro here (and sorry on the double post but i think in this case it's needed)

Is this project still on going? Or no?