Author Topic: Final Fantasy 7 Summon Mod  (Read 37238 times)


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Re: Final Fantasy 7 Summon Mod
« Reply #50 on: 2015-10-21 15:33:01 »

sorry to burry an old thread but since my concerns are the same as original post it's not needed to start it over again. I'm kinda new to FF7 modding (as user, not maker) and after extensive tests (bootleg, manual modding with ulgp, 7th haven) I ended up to a game version I like (manual modding was my choice, sorry 7th haven makers but I don't like wasting HDD space with files that can be integrated easily to the game and thus this tool don't support foreign languages which is a huge issue for me - it's a good tool to easily test mods btw). It's not perfect (some magic bugs due to aali's driver options like transparent battle window - neo bahamut invisible beam for example) but it's pretty cool already thanks to all modder's hard work here !!

The only thing that really miss in FF7 modding world is ennemies and summon mods. I searched the web but never found any released and well made summons mod. The most impressive one I found was Summon Reborn but it was never released to public, here is a video showing it :

Maybe someone here know and can contact the author or even just be inspired by it and make summons mod ;D

I'm not a modder and will never be (don't have the talent) so I can only rely of talented people on this forum to eventualy fulfill this work.

Cheers 8-)
« Last Edit: 2015-10-21 19:57:45 by toto621 »


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Re: Final Fantasy 7 Summon Mod
« Reply #51 on: 2015-10-22 09:11:39 »

sorry to burry an old thread but since my concerns are the same as original post it's not needed to start it over again. I'm kinda new to FF7 modding (as user, not maker) and after extensive tests (bootleg, manual modding with ulgp, 7th haven) I ended up to a game version I like (manual modding was my choice, sorry 7th haven makers but I don't like wasting HDD space with files that can be integrated easily to the game and thus this tool don't support foreign languages which is a huge issue for me - it's a good tool to easily test mods btw). It's not perfect (some magic bugs due to aali's driver options like transparent battle window - neo bahamut invisible beam for example) but it's pretty cool already thanks to all modder's hard work here !!

The only thing that really miss in FF7 modding world is ennemies and summon mods. I searched the web but never found any released and well made summons mod. The most impressive one I found was Summon Reborn but it was never released to public, here is a video showing it :

Maybe someone here know and can contact the author or even just be inspired by it and make summons mod ;D

I'm not a modder and will never be (don't have the talent) so I can only rely of talented people on this forum to eventualy fulfill this work.

Cheers 8-)


As you know,this mod known as summon reborn is outdated and were not released,nowadays this mod would not work (If I'm sure even the modder it's out of FF7 modding),probably everyone uses Reunion mod,the changes here and there gives problems to the summon models,So even if you got this one you would have several problems with the animations of the models,which means you should need to manually change the models.

The only way to got the models would be to mod by yourself.


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Re: Final Fantasy 7 Summon Mod
« Reply #52 on: 2015-10-23 17:39:00 »
Thx for your answer, I doubted it would work out of the box anyway. There is no way to check this out since it weas never released ^^

I just hope someone will find time and motivation to review and mod summon like it was done with other parts of the game.