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Messages - Kuraudo.

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Releases / Re: FF7 create new fields
« on: 2025-01-25 09:29:16 »
It's really an incredible creative work.


Disclaimer: The following guide is made thanks to NaoyaShinota. All credit goes to NaoyaShinota.
What You'll Achieve: With this simple 10-steps guide, you'll be able to play the official demo of the 2004 Before Crisis Final Fantasy VII game in Japanese, which covers the first chapter with the character Rod on your computer using an emulator. Please note that unfortunately the aforementioned emulator Melange doesn't support audio yet.
     ► Requirements: 1) A Computer. 2) BlueStacks Pie 64-bit with System apps Media Manager included. 3) Melange Stable Version. 4) ES File Explorer File Manager. 5) ES Note Editor. 6) Before Crisis Final Fantasy VII Demo.

Step-by-step guide

1) Install BlueStacks Pie 64-bit. Make sure to move to BlueStacks 'App Player', CTRL+Shift+1 bring you to the home screen of the BlueStacks 'App Player'. Then install Melange and ES File Explorer inside of BlueStacks
2) To import the Before Crisis Final Fantasy VII Demo zip file from the BlueStacks System Apps: Media Manager, select 'Import from Windows'
3) Double-click the zip just imported and open it with ES File Explorer, then click 'Open' again
4) Copy the two folders named 36328 and im3d_b31 and paste them to Local>Internal Storage>MelangeBREW>mod
5) Copy the two mif files named 36328.mif and im3d_b31.mif and paste them to Local>Internal Storage>MelangeBREW>mif
6) If you do not have those folders make sure to create them: Move to Local>Internal Storage>MelangeBREW and create two new folders named mod and mif
7) Move to Local>Internal Storage>MelangeBREW>sys and create a new file and name it breConfig.toml
8 ) Double-click on the file just created breConfig.toml and open it as 'Text' through ES Note Editor and paste this:
width = 240px
height = 298px
9) Now select 'Save As' and choose path: Local>Internal Storage>MelangeBREW>sys Ensure the 'File name' is breConfig.toml and the 'Encoding' is UTF-8 then click 'Save'. Make sure there's only one breConfig.toml file
10) Now you're ready to play! Go to the BlueStacks home screen and launch Melange. Click 'Enter' on your keyboard and enjoy the official demo of the 2004 Before Crisis Final Fantasy VII game.



Reserve this post.

(click here for FF7)

Square Enix, previously Squaresoft, released Final Fantasy VIII (JP) for the Sony PlayStation 1 on 11 February 1999 (PC: 2000; PC Steam: 2013.)
In its first decade, FFVIII sold more than 9 million copies worldwide. FFVIII greatly improves on its predecessor, with stunning full-motion video, pre-rendered 3D backgrounds, 3D graphics, and better audio quality. A great contributor to the overall Final Fantasy franchise which in 2024 has reached a new milestone, surpassing 190 million units sold globally. This solidifies the franchise position among the best-selling video game IPs of all time.

The universe of mods is vast and ever-expanding. The "campus" or origin of the growing modding scene can be traced back to the creation of Qhimm's website and forum in 1999, too many are part of the endless "wall of fame": Qhimm, Ficedula, Alhexx, Aali, Iros and so on; the dedication and perseverance of the community, together with the constant evolution of hardware and software, has allowed for high level results. With the advent of a new advanced driver called FFNx, created by TrueOdin in late 2020, there have been real generational leaps. The well-known FFNx team is engaged in assiduous efforts behind the scenes, they've got a lot of new features and bug fixes coming your way. The ultimate mod manager Junction VIII (J8) is released too. You're in for a treat!
What?! A full voice acting mod? Hell, yeah! Tsunamods is thrilled to bring you a taste of it with the demo. The modding community is incredible! Thanks to all the modders who contribute to the scene. See the threads below for mod authors. There's a new road ahead, and we're ready to take it! Let's get straight to it with the new list of must-install mods for J8.

Which mod shall I use?

For a true FF8 Remastered experience we've got you covered. Below is a list of 15 must-install mods, all in order of priority. Buy FF8 PC Steam 2013, install Junction VIII. Once you have launched the Junction VIII mod manager, search for the mod name in the J8 Browse Catalog tab and install it from there. The below threads are for generic information only, not for the download itself. Make sure you press the Auto Sort 1/9 button after installing all mods. Activate and configure it. Ensure your J8 and FFNx are both updated to the latest canary available from Settings>General Settings. Ensure the flag is set to ON in General Settings>Auto Sort Mods by Default.

Must Install Mods (work in progress)
  • Echo-S 8 Demo {MUST INSTALL ☆}
  • Cinema-RF FMV {MUST INSTALL ☆}{NEW ☆}
  • FFNx FF8Music {MUST INSTALL ☆} - Note that this mod contains superior PS1 bugless files [otherwise use: OST-RF for a rearranged/remade soundtrack]

Ready to go: Remember, there's no right or wrong way to play FF8, whatever you prefer, it is valid. You are free to look for more mods in Browse Catalog tab and play as you wish. The idea behind creating this list is to make life easier for the end user, as not everyone is an expert.

Important: Remember, you can't have multiple mods doing the same thing. Also, the Qhimm thread links above are used for reference only, you'll still need to download the mods from the Junction VIII mod manager, search for the mod name in the Browse Catalog tab and install it from there.

▂ ▃ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ █ █ ▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▃ ▂

Useful Links
Frequently Asked Questions
J8 Mods Mirrors via browser
In-game Shortcuts
Hyne - Save Game Editor
Qhimm Discord - "FF8-Support" channel
Tsunamods Discord - "FF8-Mod-Support" channel

Buy FF8 PC Steam 2013, Install Junction VIII. Consider supporting your favourite mod and individual modder with the button "Donation Link" in within Junction VIII Mod Manager in "My Mods>Mod Info" tab.

There's a witch to stop. Stay tuned for updates!

Releases / Re: FFVII: Shinra Archaeology Cut
« on: 2024-10-21 10:42:56 »
Congratulations on the official 1.0 stable release! Final Fantasy VII full retranslation now available!

Great job guys.

FYI Reiletuag here you got an alternative Sephiroth and alternative Vincent, both in Nomura's style. Available on 7H for download, version 2.02.

The mirror link:

Is there a way to have the voiced attacks but keep the vanilla PSX sound effects?
Yes, you can play Echo-S 7.

Thanks Eva for testing out. As of now, you can additionally download "60 FPS Animations for ChaOS" mod which provides 60 FPS Sephiroth fix for the ChaOS mod.
Just a heads-up: the option Resized Models of ChaOS is still in BETA, so there might be a few bugs here and there; it isn't meant to be used with other character model mods. It'd be great if you could collect all the issues and report them in the ChaOS thread on Qhimm or Discord so the author can take a look. But for now, I'd say it's probably best to avoid using resized.

Hey Kaij, Which audio effect is crackling the most? this was solved on Discord by just hitting Reset Defaults in Game Launcher settings.

Also, keep an eye on this thread: Must Install Mods

I'm glad to hear you feel better, life is certainly unpredictable at times.
It is good that you are busy and I wish you luck. Take care Bynyl.

Releases / Re: FF7 create new fields
« on: 2024-08-24 22:08:00 »
Shampignon hope all is well with you!

I still watch the The Mysterious Cave's video time to time and it's mind-blowing every time I see what you managed so far, even added new enemies! Hope to see new updates!

Take care

7th Heaven / Re: Suggestion for new colors
« on: 2024-08-15 14:59:50 »
Hey, try reach out Sega on his thread NT.

7th Heaven / Re: Suggestion for new colors
« on: 2024-08-08 08:44:49 »
There is a ton of work behind one single feature. You can check an extended explanation of NTSC-J here under Game Driver Settings. Also, make sure your monitor settings are set to match NTSC-J mode.

Yes, The Reunion has those settings modified, brightness, red, green, blue corrections etc. thru file, but IMHO too bright and some color might be a bit off.

Long story short: You can get the same result playing with 7H & FFNx by installing ReShade and enabling CRT_Royale.


A new mission that appeared after the distribution of all chapters. The storyline takes place after the main story of “BC FFVII”. However, it is not necessary to clear all chapters. To play, you need to download the "Extra App" from the official website. WEAPON was defeated once, but resurrected again from a different space and started attacking the player again. The name was also changed from WEAPON Mode to WEAPON Dimension Mode. With the advent of this mode, the most difficult rescue mission has now been added.

Fight against Jade WEAPON in a nationwide special mission. The player is assigned to six areas based on the location information of the mobile phone. WEAPONS appear in the sky above each area, so attack and provide materia support. When the towers in each area reach their maximum level, they can be used to provide materia support to other areas.
"The light barrier that was preventing the attack on the Jade Weapon has changed! The time for a direct confrontation looms."
WEAPON Dimension Mode. Abbreviated as Weapon D mode due to mobile phone character limits.
A mode (extra app) that uses location data to fight Jade Weapon in different areas of the Japanese archipelago.
If the Extra app is activated after Weapon is defeated, it switches to the BC app, RP can be obtained depending on the damage inflicted on the WEAPON, the number of clusters destroyed and the number of materia support provided.

You can view Weapon's location, your own battle record and information on each region, as well as set up attack notification emails.
If a WEAPON is in your area, select Battle to start a cluster fight. When the WEAPONis not in your area, you can use materia support and summon magic when the gauge is full. When WEAPON is hidden (when Weapon's HP is depleting fast), you can neither battle nor provide cover.
Incidentally, as battles are conducted via the BC application, you will receive mail without regard even when you are in the middle of a battle.

In WEAPON Mode, players all over the Japanese network cooperate to bring down Jade WEAPON by engaging it in battle and wearing down its HP. Depending on the player's physical location, they will battle Jade WEAPON in a corresponding location on Gaia:

Midgar - Tokyo
Junon - Kanto (excluding Tokyo)
Costa Del Sol - Southern Honshu, Shikoku and Kyushu
Cosmo Canyon - Central Honshu
Wutai - Kinki Region (Osaka and Kyoto)
Icicle Lodge - Northern Honshu and Hokkaido

-Rescue missions
Rescue Turks who have been defeated and captured in a different space. Rescue request mail can be accepted. The map is different from a normal rescue mission, and the companions are not in prison, but in a black hole. The biggest enemies are your companions after you join them, and you will have to use a series of magic attacks for them to run into the skells on their own. Although there are recovery points, it is difficult to get to them unless you are at a very high LV, even if you load up on items to the maximum extent.

Releases / Re: FF7 create new fields
« on: 2024-06-07 17:10:40 »
Shampignon this is awesome! How can we play this on 7th Heaven?
The first screen is too sharp or highlights the realistic side too much. Just a constructive feedback and my humble opinion.

Will you explore more of unseen Midgar sectors in future? Not even SE is going to do that.
Would be possible to add a new Summon?

General Discussion / Re: [FF7R] Rebirth Compendium
« on: 2024-05-28 22:11:19 »

General Discussion / Re: Where is Roses and Wine
« on: 2024-05-18 07:38:16 »
You can find it here:

Long story short: 7th Heaven improved a lot. Same goes for the catalog, all mods are available inside of the new 7th Heaven mod manager... but with different mod label.
Before it was a mess: all mods in one package and difficult to update, now each mod has their author mentioned and they can easily get updated from the mod author, it's more organised.

Start with the must install mods. You will not regret it.


I have investigated too the posibility to make the japanese language compatible with 7th heaven. But its complicated. Main problem is that the japanese text-fonts, needs a lot of symbols (characters) to be used , for example if the english textfonts needs 1 set of symbols, japanese needs 6, and the ff7 english version seems to be limited to only 1 block. So after think a lot how to break that limits or make some tricky change , i only have two posibilities, if someone wants to keep going with all of this:
1-In the FF7 PSX the texts characters came from the file Window.bin, in FF7 PC the texts came from a .png files from menu_us.lgp (usfont). If in someway the PC version could be forced to use the window.bin file to print the characters, maybe it could use the window.bin file from the PSX japanese game
2- This requires a lot of work and the japanese version will lose the texts with color. The idea is : the english version has two .png files that has all the english characters, the equivalent to 1 set of symbols, but we can use the other files that contains the same block of symbols but in other color. But as i said this would require to remap the .png files ,the window.bin (the font space values), and replace every japanese character ingame with the combination of  color-character, for example   i know that the character  ç its only displayed if in makou reactor  use this  {CYAN}*{CYAN}. An unknown problem its if its posible to use this technique in the Wall Market and Proud Clod tool.
I hope this could be helpful to someone
An interesting thread but for PS1.

Btw Markul you can check FFNx GitHub thread, as well.

Hey there, try following steps:

  • Try restart your PC, it works most of the time. If not:
  • Try to turn off Cosmos Gaia
  • Try to turn off SYWU fields
  • Try to turn off Advanced light. in Game driver settings
  • Last but not least try to turn off mods one by one and see which one could cause the slowdown.

Also, I'd suggest joining the Discord server, it will be easier to support you. 

Releases / Re: [FF7PC][7H] Avatares-Edit
« on: 2024-04-12 11:04:15 »

If this can help to get better picture quality:

[JP] Official website
[JP] Official chara poll

The first five options, but not the others.

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