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Messages - James Pond

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Troubleshooting / Re: So, uh, Vista?
« on: 2007-02-08 21:45:50 »
Give me 20 or so minutes, I'll post back with the results.

Ok tested.

The Eidos movie comes up as a black screen, but with audio, then the game locks up.  With Admin privalages, with compatability, in a window, nothing helps.

Response times were the big thing about 3 years ago, but you can get 4ms LCD's now, so there's no real difference, aside from picture quality...

Archive / Re: Discussion about the Patches & Mods-torrent
« on: 2007-02-05 16:14:52 »
Ahhh empty threats from someone who has been ripped by Jari.

Grow some balls kid, post on your main.

In the higly likely case that you dont, its easy enough to get either Qhimm or The Saint to run a crosscheck of Ip address of this asshat, and everyone regestered.

General Discussion / Re: Final Fantasy Tribute
« on: 2007-02-04 20:59:20 »
Naw i was just checking my thread and found that fukhead saying that so i decided to flame him as mods locked the threads  :lol: so i did a search for King mod and found this  :roll:

Er, How about you fuck off son, and stop being to idiotic?

And while you are at it, read the rules. Perhaps you might be a decent poster some day.

Archive / Re: Laptop Keyboard patch
« on: 2007-02-01 18:52:21 »
They never have.  It always switched back to the default key config for name entry.

Archive / Re: FF7 PSX modifcation...
« on: 2007-01-18 07:50:12 »
No offense Halkun, but the whole "Im going to humor you" was un needed, not everyone is a dirty dirty pirate :-)

Sorry James Pond, I haven't seen that DVD.

The Screencap of it is right below the HD Picture >_<

Yeah, I dont get it either tbh Jari :/

Looks lovely when its fullscreened on the PC though :D

Sorry, can you seriously not see the difference in quality between the DVD of Rock in Rio, and the HD Picture?

It wouldn't give you better quality or anything so why bother?

It would though....

But yes, I assume its just a secondary output.

Its full 1080i Jari, but VLC scales it down fora screenshot for some reason.

Completely Unrelated / >_> I have a new found love for HD.
« on: 2007-01-15 17:53:14 »
Just downloaded a HD Metallica concert and f*** me, the quality is aces!

HD Metallica gig
Right Click > View Image for the full size versions

DVD of Iron Maidens Rock in Rio

NEEEEEEEED Xbox360 HDDVD Drive tbh.

Especially if bands start making HD versions of their concerts.

Oh, how do you play HD DVDs on a Xbox 360? Don't you have to have something HDCP compatible to play those?

You buy the soon to be released HD-DVD drive.

Except, its probably VERY worth buying, seing as it works perfectly with Windows Vista.  A External HD-DVD drive that can be used on 2 different items.  Extremely good if you ask me.

Oh, and as for the topic of DVI.

I have a VGA port on my monitor, and a DVI Port on my Gfx Card, I also have a VGA port on my Gfx card ,which is what i've been using.  The card itself came with a DVI - VGA dongle, but for some reason when I plug it in, no picture is displayed, any ideas ? :o

1 Many of the early games don't take full advantage of their system. Imagine playing a DS without the touchscreen.

True, however your example is a great over exageration of the actual situation. In this case HDMI is not a very big deal imo,  the 120gb hard drive WILL be available separately, and IPTV is but a pipe dream in the UK as opposed to america.

2 A better version is coming out later. No need to buy an inferior product for more money, and maybe even buy a new version of it.

To be fair, in both the PS2 and the 360's cases, there was no indication on launch, or even before launch of a revised model being even thought about. You can't say a better version WILL come out.  Its all based around the quality of the original product, and enough people moaning about "It duznt hav X feetur, u teh sux at maek gaem consoal!" Which WILL happen, no matter what.  Look at the PS3.  Admitaddly I would only buy it got MGS4 as im a very happy owner of a 360, but ok, its a powerful system, its just unfortunate sony keep pushing out propiatory formats on their new console.  Blu-Ray with the PS3, and UMD on the PSP.  Both, imo, Are going to get Betamax'd in the near future. From what I can see, its going to end up killing the system...

3 I don't have the money >.>

Fair enough point, I know many people will want a console on launch for instance, the Wii, but im wholly unprepared to spend up to 3 times its RRP just to have it a month before others.

One thing I have noticed. 

Think back, Genesis/Megadrive + Snes era. Sure there were expensive games, but a new game back then would cost at the most, £29.99.
Cut forward, PS2 launch, Games at the most, £34.99.

Back to today, 360 and PS3 games, £49.99 RRP.  RRP for christs sake! Thats not even the maximum price! I saw a copy of Just Cause in Woolworths yesterday for £54.99, Its insane!

Will games next gen be 59.99? 69.99? Where will it end.

I never get games on launch these days purely for the extreme price that Microsoft and Sony are pushing. No wonder the attach rate is 3-4.

Thank god for january sales with new games down to £25 >_>

Archive / Re: PSX FF7 Modding
« on: 2007-01-14 11:20:51 »
but, i havent seen my question asked, and thought it would be worth bringing up.

Then you are blind. Look at my topic about 8 topics down.

Archive / Re: PSX FF7 Modding
« on: 2007-01-13 13:49:20 »

Forget it.

General Discussion / Re: The Great Cave:New Stuff!
« on: 2007-01-11 19:58:00 »
Wasn't this already known?

I knew the first two points myself for quite a while now...

1. HDMI connectors
2. Bigger (120GB) Hard Drive.
3. Faster/better Processors (from 90nm > 65nm fab)

Supposedly, only the HDMI has been 'confirmed'.

All has been confirmed, along with IPTV abilities.

General Discussion / Re: Sephiroth + Dragon = MISS!?!?
« on: 2007-01-08 21:23:42 »
Im sick and tired of these add ons.

You're in the wrong forum then!

It's really easy to edit files in an iso just get CDmage.

Or even WinRAR.

James Pond: Awww :) I'm quite happy with my Ti4400, so methinks that you are just too picky. :P

Heh, Yeah, I guess I am.

I just dont like the fact that my 360 is actually performing better as a games system than my PC...

Need that gfx card tbh.

my X800XT wont play UT2007 like I want it to methinks.

If you can upgrade it to 3.03 Open Edition, theres no trying about it. FFVII will work on it easily, providing you convert the ISO image ripped from the PSX disc to an Eboot.

So. Anyone else know of any PSX mods?

Im pretty much out of the loop on goings on here reguarding modifications on the PSX Version of the game, so please forgive me if I seem ignorant.

As some people may know, Games can now be bought from the PS3Store, and played on the PSP.

I myself have updated my PSP to version 3.03 Open Edition, and have just got FFVII and Resident Evil 2 working on it flawlessly more or less.

My question is this.  I have a program to change the ISO of the game into an EBOOT.PHP file ready for loading onto the PSP. 

Are there any patches for the PSX version that I can test through this conversion, and then on the PSP, Or is the communtiy mainly fosucing on the PC version these days?



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