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Topics - Kuraudo.

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(click here for FF7)

Square Enix, previously Squaresoft, released Final Fantasy VIII (JP) for the Sony PlayStation 1 on 11 February 1999 (PC: 2000; PC Steam: 2013.)
In its first decade, FFVIII sold more than 9 million copies worldwide. FFVIII greatly improves on its predecessor, with stunning full-motion video, pre-rendered 3D backgrounds, 3D graphics, and better audio quality. A great contributor to the overall Final Fantasy franchise which in 2024 has reached a new milestone, surpassing 190 million units sold globally. This solidifies the franchise position among the best-selling video game IPs of all time.

The universe of mods is vast and ever-expanding. The "campus" or origin of the growing modding scene can be traced back to the creation of Qhimm's website and forum in 1999, too many are part of the endless "wall of fame": Qhimm, Ficedula, Alhexx, Aali, Iros and so on; the dedication and perseverance of the community, together with the constant evolution of hardware and software, has allowed for high level results. With the advent of a new advanced driver called FFNx, created by TrueOdin in late 2020, there have been real generational leaps. The well-known FFNx team is engaged in assiduous efforts behind the scenes, they've got a lot of new features and bug fixes coming your way. The ultimate mod manager Junction VIII (J8) is released too. You're in for a treat!
What?! A full voice acting mod? Hell, yeah! Tsunamods is thrilled to bring you a taste of it with the demo. The modding community is incredible! Thanks to all the modders who contribute to the scene. See the threads below for mod authors. There's a new road ahead, and we're ready to take it! Let's get straight to it with the new list of must-install mods for J8.

Which mod shall I use?

For a true FF8 Remastered experience we've got you covered. Below is a list of 15 must-install mods, all in order of priority. Buy FF8 PC Steam 2013, install Junction VIII. Once you have launched the Junction VIII mod manager, search for the mod name in the J8 Browse Catalog tab and install it from there. The below threads are for generic information only, not for the download itself. Make sure you press the Auto Sort 1/9 button after installing all mods. Activate and configure it. Ensure your J8 and FFNx are both updated to the latest canary available from Settings>General Settings. Ensure the flag is set to ON in General Settings>Auto Sort Mods by Default.

Must Install Mods (work in progress)
  • Echo-S 8 Demo {MUST INSTALL ☆}
  • Cinema-RF FMV {MUST INSTALL ☆}{NEW ☆}
  • FFNx FF8Music {MUST INSTALL ☆} - Note that this mod contains superior PS1 bugless files [otherwise use: OST-RF for a rearranged/remade soundtrack]

Ready to go: Remember, there's no right or wrong way to play FF8, whatever you prefer, it is valid. You are free to look for more mods in Browse Catalog tab and play as you wish. The idea behind creating this list is to make life easier for the end user, as not everyone is an expert.

Important: Remember, you can't have multiple mods doing the same thing. Also, the Qhimm thread links above are used for reference only, you'll still need to download the mods from the Junction VIII mod manager, search for the mod name in the Browse Catalog tab and install it from there.

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Useful Links
Frequently Asked Questions
J8 Mods Mirrors via browser
In-game Shortcuts
Hyne - Save Game Editor
Qhimm Discord - "FF8-Support" channel
Tsunamods Discord - "FF8-Mod-Support" channel

Buy FF8 PC Steam 2013, Install Junction VIII. Consider supporting your favourite mod and individual modder with the button "Donation Link" in within Junction VIII Mod Manager in "My Mods>Mod Info" tab.

There's a witch to stop. Stay tuned for updates!

    (click here for FF8)

    Square Enix, formerly known as Squaresoft, released Final Fantasy VII (JP) for the Sony PlayStation 1 on 31 January 1997 (PC: 1998; PC Re-release e-Store: 2012; PC Steam: 2013.) In its first decade, FFVII sold more than 10 million copies worldwide, including several reprints. The first Final Fantasy in the series to use full-motion video, pre-rendered 3D backgrounds, and richer 3D graphics and sound design. One of the most technically advanced RPGs of its time, FFVII was a huge critical and commercial success, completely redefining the Final Fantasy franchise and helping to cement Sony's then-nascent position in the home console market with the original PlayStation.

    The universe of mods is vast and ever-expanding. The "campus" or origin of the growing modding scene can be traced back to the creation of Qhimm's website and forum in 1999, too many are part of the endless "wall of fame": Qhimm, Ficedula, Alhexx, Aali, Iros and so on; the dedication and perseverance of the community, together with the constant evolution of hardware and software, has allowed for high level results. With the advent of a new advanced driver called FFNx, created by TrueOdin in late 2020, there have been real generational leaps. With the team behind FFNx, we experienced Cosmos Lighting: a feature that adds real-time lighting and shadows; Cosmos FMV: a character replacement mod for CG footage; Cosmos Limit Break: backgrounds extended for true widescreen; Cosmos Gaia: a worldmap rendering and analog controls overhaul; and even a day/night time cycle feature, all thanks to Cosmos; the music layer has also been completely reworked to bring you the best audio experience as well as a new dubbing system by TrueOdin and a ton of music enhancements by myst6re including OpenPSF; last but not least the 60 FPS progressive mod finalised by vertex2995 that breathed new life into the game, once you try it you will never go back. You will love discovering the many other features! Special thanks go to the following specialists who stepped into the scene: TrueOdin, Cosmos, vertex2995, myst6re, but also to all the modders who, free of charge, give us new excitement and contribute daily to the modding scene... in this regard, it is obligatory to mention Satsuki Yatoshi with the SYW mod and its multi-technique AI upscaling for all the graphics components. You'll find other mod authors mentioned in the threads below. Let's break the monotony and continue with the list of must-install mods for 7th Heaven (7H)!

    Which mod shall I use?

    For a true FF7 Remastered, improved but still closer to the OG experience, we have got you covered. Below is a list of 15 must-install mods, all in order of priority. Buy FF7 PC Steam, install 7th Heaven. Once you have launched the 7th Heaven mod manager, search for the mod name in the 7H Browse Catalog tab and install it from there. The below threads are for generic information only, not for the download itself. Make sure you press the Auto Sort 1/9 button after installing all mods. Activate and configure it. Ensure your 7H and FFNx are both updated to the latest canary available from Settings>General Settings. Ensure the flag is set to ON in General Settings>Auto Sort Mods by Default.

    Must Install Mods
    • Cosmo Memory {MUST INSTALL ☆} - Configure the mod by double-clicking on it: If you are using Echo-S 7 then disable "Voiced Attacks". If you want vanilla SFX you must disable Cosmo Memory mod; I strongly advise against disabling it: Cosmo Memory's meticulously crafted special effects will undoubtedly enhance your gaming experience. These HQ sounds are designed to immerse you in the game world and create a sense of realism.
    • AavockESUI {MUST INSTALL ☆}{NEW ☆}- Configure the mod by double clicking on it: up to your preference. Ensure Enhanced Stock UI mod is enabled first and always ON if using AavockESUI or Finishing Touch or Retouch or any ESUI themes mod [alternative: use Finishing Touch mod for FF12 inspired UI] [or else: use Retouch mod for Remake battle UI with alternative Ever Crisis options available]
    • Enhanced Stock UI {MUST INSTALL ☆}- Configure the mod by double clicking on it: up to your preference. Ensure Enhanced Stock UI mod is always ON if using AavockESUI or Finishing Touch or Retouch or any ESUI themes mod [If you want to play without ESUI+AavockESUI then I recommend the mod "SYW Unified Menus and Fonts"]
    • Cosmos FMV (30FPS) {MUST INSTALL ☆} - Configure the mod by double-clicking on it: Enable "Ninostyle Chibi"
    • 60/30 FPS Gameplay {MUST INSTALL ☆} 1) Configure the mod by double-clicking on it: Enable FPS Mode: "Full 60 FPS". 2) Enable Advanced Field Animation (60 FPS): "NinostyleHD animations" if you want breathing animation otherwise select "Original animations". 3) Disable "Field mode 60 FPS Fix"
    • Ninostyle Battle {MUST INSTALL ☆}
    • SYW Unified Battle Textures {MUST INSTALL ☆}
    • AxlRose Blender {MUST INSTALL ☆} - Place it under SYW Unified Battle Textures
    • Ninostyle Chibi {MUST INSTALL ☆} 1) Configure the mod by double clicking on it: Enable "L@zar0's upgrades". 2) Disable "Efryt's Little Work". 3) If you'll turn ON "Dynamic Weapons BETA" then add Dynamic Weapons Fix mod. 4) If you play "Shinra Archaeology Cut" Retranslation mod then add Advanced Facial Animation Fix mod. [If you want to play with 1st Class SOLDIER uniform, including OG gloves, and matching Ninostyle Battle model then I recommend adding Soldier 1st Ninostyle mod] [If you want to play without Ninostyle Chibi but with OG Vanilla blocky models, I recommend the mod "Mouth Replacer"]
    • Cosmos Limit Break {MUST INSTALL ☆}{NEW ☆} 1) Configure the mod by double-clicking on it: Set "CLB Field Textures" to Upscaled + Extended Backgrounds. 2) Enable "Background Uncrop". 3) Set "Advanced Texture Animations" to "Recommended 99% Animated Fields". If you get a slowdown, set it to "Light". [alternative: SYW Unified Fields Textures]
    • Shinra Archaeology Cut {MUST INSTALL ☆}{NEW ☆} 1) Configure the mod by double-clicking on it: Enable "Gameplay Mode Vanilla mode" if closer-to-OG experience. 2) Enable "Advanced Facial Animation" for OG Vanilla blocky models; if using Ninostyle Chibi then add Advanced Facial Animation Fix mod. 3) Disable "LS music" if you using FFNx FF7Music 4) Disable "Opening FMV w/ Text Crawl" if interested in OG [otherwise if interested in Voice Acting for your 2nd Playthrough then try this different retranslation Echo-S 7 in tandem with the mods "Universal Blink Fix" and "Advanced Facial Animation Fix"]
    • FFNx FF7Music {MUST INSTALL ☆} - Configure the mod by double-clicking on it: Enable "Synchronize Music". If you want the Cloud's subconscious music crescendo bug fixed. [Note that this mod contains superior PS1 bugless files] [please note: the ogg tracks in the standard PC version have lower clarity and volume due to higher compression, as well as looping issues and music bugs compared with PS1 version, the FFNx FF7Music mod fix all these issues] [otherwise use: FFVII Ever Crisis OST mod for a remaster] [or ReMusic mod for Remake OST] [or else use alternative soundtrack options]
    • SYW Unified Minigame Textures {MUST INSTALL ☆}
    • SYW Unified Spells Textures {MUST INSTALL ☆}
    • Cosmos Gaia {MUST INSTALL ☆}{NEW ☆} - This mod turns on automatically Advanced Lighting even if it's off [If you are not interested in the Advanced Lighting and in true widescreen 16:9 worldmap overhaul that re-implements terrain rendering, analog movement, camera controls, real-time lighting and extended view distance then use: SYW Unified WorldMap Textures]

    You are now ready to start. However, if you want to tweak and change some of the mods that are not to your taste, or simply prefer a different style, or just want to go wild, then continue with the optional mods below. Also, you are free to look for more mods in Browse Catalog tab and play as you wish. It goes without saying that there are hundreds of mods that can enhance your gameplay experience. One such mod is Postscriptthree's Tweaks.

    Disclaimer: Remember, you can't have multiple mods that strive to achieve the same thing. Also, the Qhimm thread links above are used for reference, you still need to download the mod from the 7th Heaven mod manager, search for the mod name in the Browse Catalog tab and install it from there. The idea behind creating this list is to make life easier for the end users, since not everyone is an expert.

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    Optional Mods (check Compatibility Troubleshooter)
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    You will also find 22 optional mods below, if you want to activate these mods you must check the "Compatibility Troubleshooter" section below, in terms of not having mod conflict. Remember: you can't have multiple mods that strive to achieve the same thing. Search for the mod name in the 7H Browse Catalog tab and install it from there. Mods are updated regularly, so something might change regarding compatibility. Please always read the descriptions.

    Noteworthy mods, but not ultra-compatible with all the aforementioned mods, try at your own risk:
    New Threat Mod {Gameplay Mod}{2nd Playthrough}{Story changes involved}{Recommended}
    New Threat Combat Only {Combat rebalance Mod}
    60/30 FPS Animations for New Threat 2.0 - Ensure this mod and also the other 60/30 FPS Gameplay are both on fot NT
    Gameplay Tweaks - This is unsupported mod. Use at your own risk. Disable "Always Run" option due to incompatibility.
    The Cetra Project - 3D Model Pack {Optional} - Get it on Nexus
    Gaia-VII Remaster - 3D Model Pack {Optional} - Get it on Nexus
    FFVII: Shinra Archaeology Cut - English ReTranslation{NEW ☆}
    Traducciones XT - Spanish ReTranslation
    SYWU - Includes Néo-Midgar French ReTranslation - an older version of Neo-Midgar is available on Nexus as iro "Retraduction FR Neo-Midgar version .iro"
    Caledor Italian ReTranslation - Ensure SYW Unified Minigame Textures, SYW Unified UI Menu and Fonts are both turned OFF since included already, also turn OFF New Threat, Echo-S 7, AavockESUI, Retouch, Finishing Touch, Enhanced Stock UI, IFRIT, and KACTUAR since not compatible [any mods that modifies the script such as Gameplay mods etc. and other translation mods are not compatible]

    Project Shampignon {WIP}

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    Compatibility Troubleshooter
    Spoiler: show
    -If to use "Enhanced Stock UI" make sure you turn OFF the "HD Fonts and icons" by double tapping "SYW Unified Menus and Fonts".
    -If to use one of the following "Finishing Touch" or "Retouch" or "AavockESUI" (can't use these at the same time) then you must install and activate "Enhanced Stock UI" as well as requirement.
    -You must choose between "Finishing Touch" or "Retouch" or "AavockESUI"
    -You must choose between "Project Edge/Team Avalanche Remodeled Fields" or "SYW Unified Fields Textures" or "Cosmos Limit Break" (unless you want to mix Project Edge with SYW Unified Fields Textures, only in this unique case you can place Project Edge on top of SYW Unified Fields.)
    -You must choose between "SYW Unified FMV" or "Cosmos FMV (30FPS)" (can't use both at the same time.)
    -You must choose between "Ninostyle Chibi" or "Ninostyle HD Field Models" or "ModdersHaven Base Model Pack" or "ChaOS" (can't use these at the same time.)
    -You must choose between "Ninostyle Battle" or "ModdersHaven Base Model Pack" or "ChaOS" (can't use these at the same time.)
    -You must choose between "AxlRose Battle Scenes" or "Avalanche Arisen Battle Textures" or "SYW Unified Battle Textures" (can't use these at the same time.)
    -You must choose between "ReMusic" or "Deet's XG Music" or "Bynyl FF7 Soundtrack" or "FFNx FF7Music" (can't use these at the same time.)
    -"Echo-S 7" should be listed under "Enhanced Stock UI"
    -"Echo-S 7" and "New Threat" are not compatible with each other
    -"Echo-S 7" and "ReMusic" are not compatible with each other
    -"Cosmos Limit Break" and "SYW Unified Fields Textures" are not compatible with each other
    -"Cosmos Limit Break" and "Project Edge/Team Avalanche Remodeled HD Fields" are not compatible with each other
    -"Cosmos Gaia" and "SYW Unified WorldMap Textures" are not compatible with each other
    -If you are playing "Echo-S 7" and "Postscriptthree's Gameplay Tweaks" mod with "Multi-Linked Slots Equipment" ON, make sure "Echo-S Equipment" is ON as well.

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    Game Driver Settings
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    For an enhanced gameplay ensure as well to have these settings ON.

    • Graphics API: Auto - NVIDIA: DX11; AMD: DX12 and disable AMD Radeon anti-lag; Linux: Vulkan
    • Resolution: Your Display Max Resolution
    • Window mode: Fullscreen
    • Aspect Ratio: Widescreen (16:9) - Report bugs here - It's not bug-free. If you picky just use Native (4:3)
    • Antialiasing: OFF - No benefit in FF7 if you are already using internal resolution x4 or x6
    • Anisotropic: ON - Yes, always ON in any game that has any kind of 3D in it
    • Vertical Sync: OFF - Turn it ON only if suffering from screen tearing, to avoid screen tearing ensure your display refresh rate is at max
    • Advanced Lighting: ON
    • Analogue Controls - #2 - #3: Turn ON
    • Gamepad Auto Run: ON
    • Steam Compatibility: ON - If you want to unlock achievements during your playthrough turn this flag ON, and ensure that Steam is running in background
    • Internal Resolution Scaler: *4x - For 1080p and 4K that's OK. Otherwise you will need to increase and find a value suitable for your screen resolution. FYI it's a super-sampling function and its sweet setting is 4 or 6 depending on the screen resolution
    • NTSC-J Gamut Mode: ON - Noteworthy, but not ultra-compatible with all the mods

    NTSC-J Gamut Mode - What is it? This feature simulate the color gamut of the 1990s Japanese television sets that FF7 and FF8 were originally designed for. Some info about it:
    For the end-user: to get the proper difference, you would want to also calibrate your monitor to 9300k color temperature.
    For the modder: this Gamut Mode is appropriate for: Vanilla FF7; Mod assets that are upscales of the original assets; Mod assets made from scratch where the modder used the original assets as a color reference without doing a gamut conversion.
    The modder that wants to "support" NTSC-J has to convert their textures using this tool. Then convert their PNGs with this tool and afterwards convert eventually to DDS.
    Also: Some basic notion about color gamut.

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    Spoiler: show

    1) ReShade, Scanlines addon. - If you would like to simulate the CRT TV-like picture quality, adding scanlines and adjusting brightness and colors, then go for the following shader: "CRT_Royale". Install ReShade and select CRT_Royale. Alternative: "AdvancedCRT", or "CRT_Lottes", or "RetroArch_NTSC", or "CRT-Guest-Advanced" [Don't ask for settings. It's about how it looks on your monitor and your preference]
    2) PS1 Shadow addon. {Outdated}{Incompatible} by Pashtarot
    3) No Battle Pyramid fix. by Dangarfield - Replace file in data/battle directory (don't forget to backup)
    4) Red XIII's avatar fix. by Aavock - Import automatically in 7H by double clicking the IRO file inside the 7z archive
    5) Spherical Black Materia fix. by L@zar0 - Configure FFVII Models Fusion mod: Modelos de campo>Materia negra>Esférica
    Noteworthy, but not ultra-compatible with all the mods:
    6) District 05 Gate, Midgar 5 truck, Corel Prison billboard fix. by Cae
    7) Midgar square clock fix. by Satsuki
    8 ) SYW Graffiti fix.

    ■ What's the First bombing mission canon date? Here we go:
    [ ν ] - εγλ 0007 December 09 - 9:11PM (Official from Remake, time verified)
    [ ν ] - εγλ 0007 December 09 - 10:15PM (the OG time is not official but assumed to be 2 hours prior the Aerith's meeting following Remake logic)

    ■ What's the Aerith's meeting canon date? Here we go:
    [ ν ] - εγλ 0007 December 09 - 11:05PM (Official from Remake, time verified)
    [ ν ] - εγλ 0007 December 10 - 12:09AM (Official from OG, time verified)

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    Useful Links
    Frequently Asked Questions
    7H Mods Mirrors via browser
    In-game Shortcuts
    All-in-one solution: Satsuki Mod (SYW Unified)
    Black Chocobo - Save Game Editor
    Soundtrack Options
    Qhimm Discord - "FF7-Support" channel
    Tsunamods Discord - "FF7-Mod-Support" channel

    Buy FF7 Steam PC, Install 7th Heaven. Consider supporting your favourite mod and individual modder with the button "Donation Link" in within 7th Heaven Mod Manager in "My Mods>Mod Info" tab.

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    Other FF7 related topics:

    Releases / Soundtrack Options ► COMPENDIUM ◄ [FF7PC]
    « on: 2022-12-08 02:53:12 »

      For FFVII, Nobuo Uematsu composed the 1997 PS1 OST in just 8 months, using mainly MIDI synthesizers. This was a significant reduction from the usual 2 years that previous Final Fantasy titles took. To minimise the game's load time, Uematsu had to sacrifice advanced audio quality and voice performance. But he was not happy with the loss of quality that was necessary at the time.  FFVII was the first game in the series to feature a track with digitised vocals: "One-Winged Angel" is considered to be Uematsu's most recognizable contribution to the music of the Final Fantasy series. In addition, the 1998 PC port included four sets of MIDI songs (awe, midi, xg and ygm) for Sound Blaster AWE, General MIDI, XG and Yamaha sound cards. It also had four sets of soundfonts (FF7, FF7M, FF7S and lb2), a soundfont manager, and a license for Yamaha Corporation's S-YXG70 software synthesizer. The Yamaha converted the original 100 music tracks into XG format files. Although the quality is obviously high, the final result differs from the original PS1. De gustibus. In the official PC re-release version, the ogg tracks suffer from lower clarity and volume due to higher compression. Additionally, there are looping issues and music bugs. However, thanks to mods, you can change the tracks to your liking and have a bug-free experience. Choose according to your preference based on nostalgia for the first version played in the past.

      • Preservation of FF7 PS1 OST CDs 1997 version: "The Reunion FF7 PSX OST mod" by DLB
        Previously known as Anxious Heart. The bugless music files are looped OGG Vorbis files from the official OST.
        [Format: .OGG Vorbis, Bit rate: 192 kbps, Sample rate: 44100 kHz, 2ch] Get it on the link above. (complete) {Mirror}
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        [Another work is "OST CDs Maximum quality mod" by FBX. It's based on the OST CDs as they are better in sound quality than the PS1 midi files and or PSF files.] (incomplete) **DISCONTINUED**
      • Emulation of FF7 PS1 1997 version: "FFNx FF7Music mod" by myst6re {Mirror}
        This plays the original PS1 bugless music files on a PC via a BIOS that emulates the 16-bit Sony SPU, the PS1's audio processor. Same quality as MIDIs, but with the sound of the PS1. Super lightweight alternative.
        [Format: .miniPSF, Bit rate: unknown, Sample rate: 44100 kHz, 2ch] Get it on 7H. (complete)

      • Emulation of FF7 PC 1998 version: "Deet's XG Music mod" by Dte102 {Mirror}
        These XG MIDIs run through the Yamaha S-YXG50 SoftSynthesizer which is similar if not the same as the Yamaha S-YXG70 SoftSynth included in the original 1998 Eidos release.
        [Format: .OGG Vorbis, Bit rate: 256 kbps, Sample rate: 48000 kHz, 2ch] Get it on 7H. (complete)
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        [Another solution is "FF7 Yamaha MU80 XG Sountrack mod" by Raymond.] (complete) {Mirror}
      • Remake of FF7 PS4 2020 version: "ReMusic mod" by Fewtch
        Richer orchestration and more realistic instrument samples. More complex and have a grander, cinematic feel. All Remake music. Feature Dynamic Music: game music is interactive, music flows seamlessly from exploration-to-battle. Not compatible with Echo-S or SAC yet.
        [Format: .OGG Vorbis, Bit rate: 128 kbps, Sample rate: 48000 kHz, 2ch] Get it on Nexus. (complete)
      • Remaster of FF7 2023 version: "Final Fantasy VII Ever Crisis OST mod" by noctiztrio
        Final Fantasy Pixel Remaster's treatment? Here we go. Praised by many, this upgraded official soundtrack is extremely loyal to OG, a true remaster and a great option for your music if you are a nostalgic.
        [Format: .OGG Vorbis, Bit rate: 156 kbps, Sample rate: 44100 kHz, 2ch] Get it on Nexus. (uncompleted 60/85) (the mod didn't convert directly from the WAV (PCM) CRI HCA source, has some looping issues, as well the Bit rate should at least be 176 kbps and Sample rate: 44100 kHz, 2ch as per the source)
        Spoiler: show
        [Another work is "Synthetic Origins: FF7" by Mathew Valente / TSSF. A tedious work and appreciated attempt executed with painstaking accuracy. This is basically taking the sequences and utilizing samples from the original synthesizers and samplers with much less editing that was required to have the PS1 play it back at that time. Mathew, the sound engineer (owner of original samplers/romplers/sample libraries) adds a bit of flavor showing what the music would have sounded like if full patch instead of single samples were used... when it does not sound bad. FF7 has something like 60 to 70 samples, an educated guess is that we know 80% of the sources. These samples were identified from many people, see for example G-boy's spreadsheet as a good reference. Long story short: a much crisper sound and high quality samples bring us basically a remastered version. Also plugins, reverb released around the same year, many other stuffs, are all taken in consideration... and much more is happening behind the scenes.] (incomplete) **DISCONTINUED**



      For Complete Sound Mod: Cosmo Memory mod is your friend.
      For Full Voice-Over Mod: Echo-S 7 mod is your friend.


      Nobuo Uematsu - Interview & Info
      Spoiler: show
      FFVII OG Music General Info - Wikipedia's page - 2002
      Nobuo Uematsu's Wikipedia - 2002
      Possible Music Gear
      Polygon: How Nobuo Uematsu Composed FF7's "One-Winged Angel"- Jan 2017
      EDAMAME Arcade Channel: FFVII Legends Reunion || Hironobu Sakaguchi, Nobuo Uematsu, Yoshinori Kitase - 2019
      FFVII Music – Yamaha XG MIDI PC Version - April 2020
      TheLineOfBestFit: Final Fantasy Music with Uematsu - July 2020
      Fantasian - Official Nobuo Uematsu Behind the Scenes Clip - Mar 2021
      Fantasian could be last Uematsu's fully worked OST - Mar 2021
      Fantasian Soundtrack out now - Aug 2021
      SE MUSIC Channel: Nobuo Uematsu & Masayoshi Soken: The New "True Uematsu Sound" - September 2022
      After 35 years of Final Fantasy, what’s next - Dec 2022
      How Nobuo Uematsu’s 35 Years at ‘Final Fantasy’ Changed the Gaming World Forever - Apr 2023
      The Music Journey of Nobuo Uematsu - Feb 2024
      FFVII REBIRTH Special Talk Session Nomura, Nojima, Uematsu - Apr 2024

      The Role of Role Play | Diggin' in the Carts | Red Bull Music
      Nobuo Uematsu (final fantasy composer) Beep interview
      Nobuo Uematsu Discusses The Final Fantasy Main Theme
      FANTASIAN | Nobuo Uematsu Short Interview
      1up/James Mielke Interviews Nobuo Uematsu
      Talking with Nobuo Uematsu & Hironobu Sakaguchi (Final Fantasy's Creator)
      Final Symphony - Interview with Nobuo Uematsu
      Diggin' In The Carts - Nobuo Uematsu (Hidden Levels) - Red Bull Music Academy Presents
      Geauxtv: Interview at the Boston Symphony Hall
      FFVII REMAKE Theme Song - Feb 2020

      Other Authors:
      SEM Talk: Shotaro Shima #1 - October 2023
      SEM Talk: Shotaro Shima #2 - October 2023
      Soken 2


      Information & Known Issues
      Spoiler: show

      Official Track Titles
      Music file names
      "Why the hell do they have mouths: a Final Fantasy 7 PC retrospective" - PC port interview - 2017
      TwilightFantasy's Thread - 2006
      AKAO's music information - 2007
      Hinting at the many PC midi issues - 2006
      Aali's post on lb2_awe - 2008
      Covarr's Thread #1 - 2009
      Covarr's Thread #2 - 2010
      Reunion's Audio Replacement features - #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12 #13 #14 #15 - 2011 to 2014 ish
      Not present in the OST: fanfare, cintro, mogu; Not used: Comical, oa, lb2_awe, fin - 2012
      FBX's thread, tidbits - 2013
      sound effects description - 2014
      How does FF7 PSX generate sound effects? - 2016
      ID total of 732 sound effects - 2016
      Audio effect flags - 2016
      Sound effect looping info - 2017
      Reverse Engineering of FF7 PSX sound effects system - 2018
      Nisto's psfisolate - 2019

      Main PC music sync issues:
      1) "Barret's arm gesture at the start of the game will sync with the music." that's a deliberate choice in Reunion 06.
      Actually Cloud's first jump at the start of the game should sync with the music and not Barret's arm. Like here: PS1 JP.

      2) Cloud and Sephiroth's scene, music sync issue - "The music lock / unlock function does not work correctly in the PC game. The flag is being reset to 0 on field change, when it is supposed to carry over. This broke the music on the following fields (list is likely incomplete):

      blin67_3: "Who are you?" fails to continue playing after Cloud looks into the chamber.
      canon_2: The music will change to "Bombing Mission" during the Hojo cutscene.
      chrin_1b: "Turks' Theme" fails to continue playing.
      mtnvl6b: "Those Chosen by the Planet" fails to continue playing during a Cloud's Past scene.
      nvmkin1: The alternate "Main Theme" fails to continue playing during the Cloud Revealed scene." from The Reunion Database (CTRL+H "music" "SFX" "audio")
      Correct Version: here.
      Incorrect Version: here.

      3) Yuffie's Recruit - Theme Song not playing; Kalm Choco dance's music cut short; Kalm flashback when Cloud's running back into reactor plays wrong song

      4) PC Turks Theme issue?

      PC SFX issues:
      0) Phoenix Summon camera goes far away from the Phoenix for one instance (compare with PS1)
      1) Ladder on the ship deck?
      2) PC vanilla SFX inferior to PS1?
      3) Bahamut missing sound after blue flames?
      4) Tifa's Lifestream Sequence - vanilla SFX issue
      5) Cait Sith roulette, Comet2 SFX issues fixed
      6) Leviathan and Omnishlash SFX issues and SFX volume not applied fixed


      Don't forget to purchase "FF7 Revival OST" official 2019 release by SE -  This is a reprint, its audio is a hi-res 24bit/96kHz quality.

      Check out Must Install Mods

      Other FF7 related topics:

      General Discussion / [FF7RB] Rebirth Compendium
      « on: 2022-06-16 23:25:19 »
        [Final Fantasy VII Rebirth]

        From FF7 25th Anniversary Celebration Broadcast: Revealed second title in the Remake Trilogy Project and first look trailer, announcement of Crisis Core FF7 Reunion, a Steam Deck compatible version of FF7 Intergrade for PC, FF7 Ever Crisis, FF7 The First Soldier. New director message. New Anniversary Website. (16/06/22)
        From Summer Game Fest 2023: Revealed FF7 Rebirth Q1 2024 release, new official trailer highlighting: high degree of freedom, story content, team combos, new comrades, new tracks and arrangements. (08/06/23)



        Media & Influencers



        X relevant posts

        Video Interviews[/list]

        Interviews, Reviews[/list]

        Renders and Artworks
        Release date: 29 February 2024

        [ Official Twitter {Japanese Ver.} - Official Website  {Japanese Ver.} ] [ Patch: 1.030 - 1.040 - 1.050 ]

        Other titles:
        Spoiler: show

        [Final Fantasy VII Crisis Core Reunion]

        From SE Games: Remaster of Crisis Core revealed, coming on PlayStation 5, PlayStation®4 (PS4™), Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One consoles, PC & Nintendo Switch™. Available from 13th December 2022.






        Renders and Artworks:

        Release date #CCFF7R : Winter 2022 {Official Website}

        [Final Fantasy VII Ever Crisis]

        From SE Games #1, SE Games #2: Closed Beta Test was done on summer 2023. Official Release Date on 7th September 2023.

        FF7 Ever Crisis is a streamlined experience of the FF7 Compilation including BC, CC, OG, AC, DC, ToTP and FS: The First SOLDIER features new story elements, penned by FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE story and scenario writer Kazushige Nojima surrounding the origins of SOLDIER, and a young hero: Sephiroth. Free to play. Single player and battle Co-op mode available. A gacha game for iOS, Android and Steam.


        Story Chapter Trailers

        Seasonal Events Trailers

        Playthrough / Cinematics



        Interviews & Articles

        Renders and Artworks

        Release date: 7 September 2023
        Apple Store - Google Play - PC Steam

        [ Official X {Japanese Ver.} - Official Website  {Japanese Ver.} - FF7EC Database - FF7EC The First SOLDIER Script ]

        Other FF7 related topics:
        FFVII Rebirth News Thread - FFVII Remake Intergrade News Thread - FFVII Remake News Thread - Midgar Undiscovered - FFVII BC COMPENDIUM - FFVII Soundtrack options COMPENDIUM - FFVII Must Install Mods COMPENDIUM


          Service start date: 24 September 2004
          Service end date: 31 March 2018
          Beta first day: 1.6 million accesses
          Models supported: mobile phones (i-mode/EZweb/Yahoo! Keitai)
          Genre: network-based action RPG
          Monthly fee: 500 points (525 yen)
          Paid Members: approx. 100,000 (end of March 2006)
          Chapters: 24 + 3 special chapters

          Here's some info about the network-based action RPG, the first of its kind, developed exclusively for Japanese mobile phones and published by Square Enix in 2004. It was released on NTT DoCoMo's FOMA 900i line on a monthly subscription basis with "multiplayer" experience. The last special episode was released in September 2007. Just to flag up that the service  to fully play the game was shut down on 31 March 2018. There's no longer any chance to play this title.

          This is a list of data collected online about 2004 Before Crisis Final Fantasy VII, a prequel to FFVII and the first title in the Compilation of FFVII series. I'm gathering this in the hope of archiving as much as possible about the game and creating an idea of the game design and gameplay loop. I'm also hoping to convey a hint of the feeling that BC was supposed to leave with the player.

          Let's start from this: Post Mortem (pp.28) Please do read this exhaustive mobile post mortem before indulging in the compendium below. Enjoy.

          News Flash
          09/03/2021 - The original BC FFVII demo is preserved by NaoyaShinota from the KDDI W51H.
          27/06/2024 - We've got some great news for you! The original BC FFVII full game is preserved by NaoyaShinota. This is the first time we've got hold of an official copy from NTT DOCOMO P-04B, so stay tuned for more updates!
          05/07/2024 - Incredible news! Yuvi has finally reversed engineered BC FFVII and got it running for real! Training mode is available and more. Need more flip phones with BC game on them to get more content.
          {NEW ☆}13/12/2024 - Shocking news! The full first chapter of the original BC FFVII demo is successfully extracted by Irdkwia and is now playable on Melange, a BREW emulator for Android. This is the first time the KDDI W51H's filesystem has been accessible in its entirety.

          PLAY THE 2004 OFFICIAL DEMO ON PC ◄◄◄◄◄◄◄

          ▂ ▃ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ █ █ ▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▃ ▂

          Spoiler: show
          • [JP] BC Official Website (Archive) - it's a flash website and only available through pale moon browser
          • [JP] BC Official FAQ (Archive) - it's a flash website and only available through pale moon browser
          • Google Website Translator - many websites listed are Japanese, simply translate it with Google
          • Yandex Image Translator - do screenshot first from the official website and then drop it here to obtain both, the Japanese transcription and the translation of it
          • DeepL Machine Translator - Japanese alternative translator
          • Compatible devices: NTT DoCoMo FOMA 900i Series, SoftBank Yahoo! Mobile phones, AU EZweb phones. | FOMA Devices: D901i, D902i, F901iC, F901iS, F902i, N900i, N900iS, N901iC, N901iS, N902i, P900i, P900iV, P901i, P901iS, P902i, SH900i, SH901iC, SH901iS, SH902i, SH902iS, P-01A, N-02A, P-03A, as well as 902i/703i series or later. | AU Devices: W43H, W43HII, W51H, W51CA, SH008. | SoftBank Yahoo! Devices: 920SH, 921SH, 922SH, 923SH.

          ▂ ▃ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ █ █ ▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▃ ▂

          STORY ◄◄◄◄◄◄◄
          Spoiler: show

          ▂ ▃ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ █ █ ▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▃ ▂

          CHARACTERS ◄◄◄◄◄◄◄
          Spoiler: show
          • BC Character Profiles - 10th Anniversary Ultimania - translation by TurquoiseHammer
          • BC Character names, in-game: Rod, Gun, Two Guns, Shotgun, Martial Arts: Female, Martial Arts: Male, Shuriken, Katana, Nunchaku, Knife, Legend, Veld, Tseng, Reno, Rude - This is obviously referred to the actual weapon they are equipping and in the original Before Crisis you could actually rename the characters as you preferred.
          • Main characters - Fandom Wiki - Archive
          • Main characters by Turk Leader - Archive - note the BC Turks name inside this particular website are fan-made
          • [JP] Character Stats - Archive
          • [JP] Other character information - Archive
          • [JP] Characters In-game Descriptions (Archive)
          • [JP] HQ Official Portraits 380x462 - A few, including Legend (Archive)
          • All Portraits 170x200 ish by Grimoire Valentine including fanarts (Archive)
          • Original Avalanche BC, CC and Remake costume comparison
          • In the new Nojima's 2024 FF7R novel "Two Thousand Gil to Become a Hero" the Turks name "Emma" is mentioned
          • From a bonus video of ACC, Reminiscence of Compilation FFVII: Balto バルト [Katana] and Crisis クライシス [Rod]
          • About Following Character Names: Veld[Verdot ヴェルド], Shears[Sears シアーズ], Deeneh[ディネ, Dine], see:
            • The FFVII Advent Children Reunion Files, a rare book released in 2006 which feature both japanese and english language (page 96) has both Veld/Verdot and Shears/Sears depicted on the same page
            • The FFVII 10th Anniversary Ultimania, a book released in Japan only in 2007 has Verdot and Sears only
            • As per a Japanese-speaker: "The Japanese has very precise and inviolable rules on phonetics, for example every consonant (except n) must necessarily have a vowel behind it. So when a Japanese creates a non-Japanese name in katakana, it will often be approximate. "Shears" and "Sears", pronounced in English, share the same result - シ ア ー ズ, so without more info from who created the name it becomes impossible to trace the original name with certainty. Ditto for "Veld" and "Verdot", although Veld *perhaps* could be written differently in Katakana."
            • For Nanaki's companion, as per Japanese source ( ディネ ): "It's Dìne or Dinè (or Deeneh in phonetic English) but impossibile to guess where the accent should be going." Following English Fandom Wiki: Diné is the name of the Navajo people in their native language. So ultimately I would say it's Deeneh, pronounced Diné.

          From the sketches of Last Order -Final Fantasy VII-
          Katana, Shuriken, Nunchaku, Knife, Legend are not on those sketches
          • Rod (Male): Alvis アルヴィス (The name Alvis is of Old Norse origin, he is mentioned as a dwarf who fell in love with the daughter of Thor, the god of thunder. In another source Alvis is described as meaning “All-knowing” or “All-wise”. Numerology: number 5, which is associated with being brilliant in every way possible and having strong emotional desires)
          • Gun (Female): Emma エマ (The name Emma derived from the Old German word “ermen” or “irmen”, which means “whole” or “universal”)
          • Two Guns (Male): Ruluf ルルフ (Rulf is believed to have originated from the Old English word “hrofl”, which means “wolf”. It is likely a variant of the word “rool” or “roolfe”, which was used to refer to a wolf or a wild animal)
          • Shotgun (Female): Freyra フレイラ (Freyra is derived from the Old Norse name Freyja, which means “a noble woman”. Numerology: Destiny, Inner Dream, Soul Urge, Personality and Heart’s Desire)
          • Martial Arts Male: Maur マウル (The maul "Ursus arctos" is a subspecies of the brown bear)
          • Martial Arts Female: Juget ジュゲット (A Jugette is a Japanese bite-sized piece of fried dough coated in a sweet or savory glaze. Chouquette in French)
          • Katana (Male): Balto バルト (The name Balto is also a derivative of the Greek name Balthasar, which means “Babylonian” or “Assyrian”. Babylonian: Characterized by a luxurious, pleasure-seeking, and often immoral way of life)
          • Shuriken (Female): Cissnei シスネ (The word “cisne” originates from Old French, derived from Late Latin “cicinus,” which is ultimately from Ancient Greek “kýknos” (κούκνος), meaning “swan.”)

          • Rod & Gun
          • Martial Arts (M) & Martial Arts (F)
          • Shotgun & Two Guns
          • Nunchaku & Knife
          • Shuriken & Katana
          • Reno & Rude
          • Veld & Tseng (temporary)
          • Legend the Legendary Turk (solo)

          Last Dungeon Assistants:
          • Shuriken's helper in the last dungeon is Rod
          • Katana's helper in the last dungeon is Two Guns
          • Shotgun's helper in the last dungeon is Martial Arts (F)
          • Nunchaku's helper in the last dungeon is Martial Arts (M)
          • Gun's helper in the last dungeon is Knife (not confirmed)

          ▂ ▃ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ █ █ ▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▃ ▂

          GAMEPLAY ◄◄◄◄◄◄◄
          Spoiler: show

          ▂ ▃ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ █ █ ▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▃ ▂

          GOLD SAUCER ◄◄◄◄◄◄◄

          ▂ ▃ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ █ █ ▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▃ ▂

          Spoiler: show
          01 - "Theme of Turks" (BC-FFVII-Version)
          02 - "Mission"
          03 - "Survive"
          04 - "Secret action"
          05 - "Theme of Elfe"
          06 - "Black Beat"
          07 - "Desperate Crisis"
          08 - "Last Labyrinth"
          09 - "Rebirth"
          Bonus Track:
          10 - "Theme of Elfe" (Angel)
          11 - "Theme of Elfe" (Devil)
          12 - "Rebirth" (Edit)
          Theme of Elfe - Lyrics:
          "The sky is falling, the stars are unclear
          Sometimes I wonder where I belong
          Please take me back to when the stars all aligned and shined
          I try to keep myself alive
          Please don't predict my future

          Be strong enough to live your life
          Don't look back
          Keep your eyes wide open and see
          Cast aside all doubts

          Fly me to the sky
          No time to waste
          Fly into your dream and future
          I need to go on and on
          Never runaway from the true
          Fly me in the sky
          I need to go on and on

          How can you see me, inside of my heart?
          Sometimes I'm afraid to realize
          Someone is dying, someone is killing
          How can be build a peaceful world?

          Be strong enough to live your life
          Don't look back
          Keep your eyes wide open and see
          Cast aside all doubts"[/list]

          ▂ ▃ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ █ █ ▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▃ ▂

          Spoiler: show



            Download with: or or or h.ttps:// or or
            Regarding the 1920x1080 youtube link I'm not sure if that is being modified anyhow, prolly another upscale.
            1) There is the niconico video n.1 (Archive) (512x384) which source as mentioned in the description might come from a specific DVD from magazine "Young Gangan"(ヤングガンガン創刊号付録)。The niconico video n.1 is matching with the resolution of Grimoire's uploaded version (512x384).
            2) The niconico video n.2 (Archive) (1920x1080) it's mentioning another source in the description which is the SQUARE ENIX DVD PRESS 2014 WINTER (51:00). The only issue with niconico video n.2 it's the audio which is totally different.
            3) It is possible to download any niconico video from website or nico downloader chrome plugin


            ▂ ▃ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ █ █ ▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▃ ▂

            Spoiler: show


            ▂ ▃ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ █ █ ▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▃ ▂

            BONUS: FF7 EVER CRISIS
            Spoiler: show

            Once gdrive is on, folders: Artworks, Banner Celebration, Character>Introductions>Weapons>Costumes>Videos>Combat>Chibi>Portraits>Limit Breaks, Logo, Story Screenshots, Chapters Videos, Wallpapers In-Game

            YT link to full BC story playthru

            *Personal Thanks*
            -The above full Compendium was compiled on March 2021 by Kuraudo.
            -Rinrin for uploading the very first Japanese playthrough of BC.
            -DarkAngel at Gunshot Romance for preserving BC material.
            -Grimoire Valentine at FFVIIExcavation for preserving BC and Compilation material.
            -Shademp for his incredible knowledge, BC and Compilation archives which inspired me.
            -Sousi for all his informative BC videos.
            -NaoyaShinota for his tireless efforts to locate the original game, which he successfully accomplished after three years, 2021-2024.
            -Yuvi for reverse engineering and making the magic happen.
            -Keitai Wiki Discord Community for sharing their knowledge and contributing to the research effort. 
            -Without these people, we wouldn't have been able to find BC content, which was released almost 20 years ago, 2004-2024.


            Other FF7 related topics:

            [Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade] and [Final Fantasy VII Episode INTERmission]

            From Sony State of Play: Official release date, Photo Mode, 4k, 60fps, Textures fix, New trailers, Yuffie DLC new story-chapter for PS5-only, Weiss secret boss as VR.
            From Famitsu Interview jp (full translation): Nomura not anymore Director but Creative Director, Hamaguchi will be Director of FF7R Part 2.

            PS5 - FF7R Intergrade



            Pre-order editions
            • Those who pre-order on PlayStation Store will get the Cacstar weapon, which Yuffie can wield in her story content.

            -Improved textures, lighting, fog effects and background environments.
            -Two new game modes: "Graphics Mode" prioritizes 4K high-resolution graphics; "Performance Mode" prioritizes smooth action at 60 frames per second
            -Fully customizable “Photo Mode”
            -DualSense wireless controller, with its haptic feedback integration, and enjoy dynamic bike racing with its adaptive triggers.
            -New difficulty settings for ‘Classic Mode’ provide new ways to play
            -Optimized loading times
            -Experience two separate chapters from the main story and a new exciting battle in the battle simulator! (source)
            -Weiss as secret VR battle
            -Yuffie's episode has another boss fight at the end of it.

            -The new episode featuring Yuffie is a brand-new adventure in the world of FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE INTERGRADE, happening after the explosion of the Fifth Mako Reactor. Play as Wutai ninja Yuffie Kisaragi (accompanied by her trusty partner/sidekick Sonon) as she infiltrates Midgar and conspires with Avalance HQ to steal the "Ultimate Materia" from the Shinra Electric Power Company (under the secret orders of Wutai.)
            -Both Yuffie and Sonon, with the help of the Avalanche HQ, they go into enemy territory for the sake of their homeland and for revenge.

            -Those who own the physical or digital PS4 version of Final Fantasy VII Remake and want to experience the PS5 enhancements can upgrade to the PS5 version at no extra cost**, and carry over their save data from the PS4 version.*** PS4 players who upgrade will still need to purchase the new episode featuring Yuffie separately.

            Release date: 10th June 2021

            [ Official Twitter {Japanese Ver.} - Official Website  {Japanese Ver.} ]

            [FF7 Remake Original Soundtrack]
            Finally, the FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE Original Soundtrack will be available on online music subscription services**, including Apple Music, Spotify and Amazon Music Unlimited, from February 26. Fans can soon enjoy the 156 tracks that brought life and color to FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE wherever and whenever they want. For more information, please visit the respective pages.


            Other FF7 related topics:

            ["Powered by eight giant mako reactors that were erected by the Shinra Electric Power Company, Midgar is known as the city of mako. Rising 300 meters above ground level, the steel plates surrounding the Shinra Building offer comfortable residential districts for its well-heeled citizens. Below these plates, however, are the dark and derelict slums for the impoverished."]

            What's this for?
            { To inspire future mods, to collect some info.
               The FF7 modding scene never stops to surprise us.
               Would it be nice to walk around Midgar as a whole? }

            Spoiler: Full Midgar OG mapping, credit to Luneyes • show

            •What we don't get to see while in Midgar?
            -S1 slums/upper (we see S1 Mako Reactor)
            -S2 slums/upper/reactor
            -S3 slums/upper/reactor
            -S4 slums/upper/reactor
            -S5 upper (we see S5 Mako Reactor and S5 slums)
            -S6 upper/reactor (we see S6 slums)
            -S7 upper (we do in Remake)
            -S8 slums/reactor (we see a glimpse of S8 slums in Ever Crisis)

            What we actually see in OG.
            -S1 Mako Reactor (Remake)
            -S4 Plate Interior (Remake)
            -S5 Mako Reactor (Remake) and S5 slums (Remake)
            -S6 slums (Remake)
            -S7 slums (Remake)
            -S8 upper (Remake)
            -S0 Shinra Building (Remake)

            Once upon time...
            -Midgar was once eight individual towns, but their names have been forgotten in favor of referring to the different areas as sectors.
            -The now nameless Slums were once home to the workers.
            -Shinra Manufacturing was a company specialized in weapon manufacture.
            -Shinra Manufacturing begins construction of Midgar in [ μ ] - εγλ 1976/06/24. The company establishes its headquarters in the city and rebrands itself as the Shinra Electric Power Company. They discovered a process to refine the planet's life energy, the lifestream, into a form of energy they dubbed "mako". The city is under continuous construction since then.
            -However, Shinra Manufacturing was suppose to have a location for their previous HQ, who knows in which "Slum" would that be? Or maybe outside the giant Midgar?

            Shinra Creations
            Weapons, Mecha, Robots, Cyborgs...

            -The Corkscrew Tunnel it's a large spiral tunnel encased in the tall circular structure that supports the center of the city. It is the primary method of transportation between the upper plates and the slums below via the railroads that run through it. Absent of a train, a motorcycle can be used to drive through them.

            Shinra Divisions
            ► The General Affairs Division (Heidegger on paper. Rufus de facto. Also known as The Turks. A special Shinra task force often saddled with atypical assignments, such as scouting for SOLDIER recruits, escorting important individuals, spy work and assassination. The Turks keep to the company's ever-growing shadow, performing deeds best kept out of the public eye. )
            ► The Research and Development Division (Hojo)
            ► The Advanced Weaponry Division (Scarlet)
            ► The Public Security Division (Heidegger. Also known as Peace Preservation, is Shinra's non-mako infused military/police force, Shinra Security Officers)
            ► The Urban Planning Division (Reeve)
            ► The Space and Aeronautics Division (Palmer)
            ► SOLDIER (Elite troops assigned to Shinra's Public Security Division. Those who pass SOLDIER's rigorous screening tests are bathed in mako to further enhance their physical capabilities. Units are assigned one of three ranks depending on aptitude, but even SOLDIERs in the lowest rank are not to be underestimated)
            ► Deepground SOLDIER (Shinra’s top-secret military group was known only to President Shinra which created it. Formerly the medical division. Also known by Heidegger, Scarlet and Hojo, as of "high rank people"; if Rufus was briefed after Shinra's death, that's unknown. Tsviets: an elite unit within Deepground army which are looking for Protomateria = Ancient Materia, key to control Chaos & Omega. "Only the DG SOLDIERs who have been injected with Genesis’ genes could become a Tsviet with a colour epithet." - CC Ultimania.)

            Shinra Building Floors (Sector 0)
                B20 - Advanced Weaponry: Testing
                B16 - Advanced Weaponry: Inspection
                B15 - Advanced Weaponry: Production
                B14 - Advanced Weaponry: Maintenance
                B13 - Advanced Weaponry: Development
                B12 - Advanced Weaponry: Research
                B3 - General Affairs: Auditing
                B1 - Underground Parking

                Shinra Building - Perimeter
                1F - Entrance
                2F - Atrium
                3F - Elevator Hall

                Executive floors
                10F - Adminstration
                20F - Research and Development
                30F - Urban Planning
                40F - Space and Aeronautics
                50F - Public Security
                59F - Skyview Hall
                60F - Memorial Museum
                61F - Visual Entertainment Hall
                62F - Corporate Archives
                63F - Recreational Facility
                64F - Conference Rooms
                65F - Hojo's Laboratory: Sublevel
                66F - Hojo's Laboratory: Main Level
                69F - Executive Suite
                70F - President's Office

            Mako Reactor
            These massive plants harvest the mako deep within the planet to power the city. In order to prevent intelligence leaks and keep mako poisoning to a minimum, most labor and security inside the reactor is automated.

            Sun lamp
            President: "By the light of these magnificent lamps... We shall lead our brothers and sisters of the undercity to a brighter future."

            Architectural digest
            -A 31 years-old city constantly expanding, building on itself, building over its history.
            -“The idea is that the city is being built from the center outwards."
            -"You can also sense the different architectural styles as you go out from the central pillar, with high-rises on the city edge. We’ve put quite a bit of effort into making you feel like it is modernizing as the city builds outwards.”
            -“Within each sector you’ve got the difference between rich and poor. Each plate is its own city,”
            -“There are some areas within those that are older, beaten up. The playground is used to show there are downturned areas that aren’t so well off in the city areas too.” Kitase & Hamaguchi
            -The construction of the sectors begin with Sector 0, Sector 1 going onwards, that's the oldest builded sector and the most high-risk to live in (as of exception for the Sector 4 since in Crisis Core Mail, in Shinra News we read "Shinra Company Headquarters and Sector 4 are the last on the schedule to be completed. The headquarters interior in Sector 0 is complete and already in operation. The exterior is slated for completion in two years, while the surrounding city will be finished in seven years. Reeve." But this could be talking about "completing" only)

            Rising 300 meters above ground level, the steel plates surrounding the Shinra Building offer comfortable residential districts for its well-heeled citizens.

            Life is mean and meager in this dark section of Midgar—a stark contrast to the thriving cityscape just above it. Despite the poor quality of life, there is a strong sense of community and independence among its people.

            Sewer System
            Beneath the slums, a labyrinthine sewer system twists through Midgar, collecting the city's refuse and runoff. Monsters have taken up residence in its dark passages and unexplored tunnels, giving even the most intrepid urban-spelunkers a reason to balk.

            The various Don of the Slums
            -Gabriel Gainsborough is the good Don of Sector 5 Slums. (source: Traces of Two Pasts.)
            -Corneo is the Don of Sector 6 Slums.
            -Manson is the Don of Sector 8 Slums (source: Traces of Two Pasts.)

            The Wasteland
            -Thanks to its eight mako reactors, the city's massive power demands are met, but at a cost to the surrounding countryside, which has become a barren wasteland due to the city sapping the surrounding life energy.

            -Midgar's name derives from Midgard, one of the nine worlds in old Norse mythology. One could think that previously the eight Midgar sectors/town were named after Niflheim, Muspelheim, Asgard, Jotunheim, Vanaheim, Alfheim, Svartalfheim, Helheim? Who knows...
            -In ToTP and Rebirth Nibelheim's river is named Gunnthra, as well as the cave in Rebirth is named [...]. Several Rebirth weapons: Járngreipr, Brísingamen, Gambanteinn, Gjallarhorn, Fafnir, Rune.
            -The waste it’s a real issue, most of it it’s thrown into the Slums from the Upper plates, specifically the Sector 1 outer edge it's extremely full of it.
            -During the Wutai War and earlier the Shinra produced a lot of SOLDIER and Materia, so there should be for sure a huge establishment or area designed to create those.
            -Due to insufficient supply and technology, a movement begin to start in the Slums. Creation of internal rules, re-use of waste, self-defense. The "Neighborhood Watch" goal, of which Biggs and Wedge are part, is protecting the Slums and teaching locals how to defend themselves.

            -Chocobo bean popcorn is a thing...


            Sector 0
            -Shinra Building: The Headquarters of Shinra.
            -SOLDIER: P0 Class training program (from FS.)
            -SOLDIER ranks / class (from FS.)
            -Deepground facility: Shinra's darkest secrets lurk miles underground with an entire hidden city home to their Deepground program. Underneath Midgar was built the same time the Shinra Headquarters, in 1976 as a medical lab for wounded SOLDIER members.
            -Mako Reactor 0: builded in Deepground to power the facility and the Shinra Building above it.
            -Deepground SOLDIERS
            -Tsviets: Before the war's end the facility was reformed into a secret prison for human experimentation with the aim of replacing the existing SOLDIER program with stronger, unquestionably loyal candidates.
            -Restrictors: Four specially picked members of SOLDIER Unit 14 "Lost Force", the confidential unit would prove their worth by destroying the 13th Unit, Ragnarok, in a single night. They were generals who enacted the orders of President Shinra and maintained rigid order among Deepground.
            -Other: Worldwide Network, the SND, the Protomateria, Stagnant Lifestream, Patricia (artificial materia acting as supercomputer), the secret cave.

            Sector 1 - Mako Reactors & Waste Zone: High Danger / High Waste Levels
            -Its proximity to the mako reactors makes this area unsuitable as a residential district, so it's used as a dumping ground for waste materials and a graveyard for old waste management facilities in operation during Midgar's construction. With parts of the foundation caved in and some sections of the outer wall in serious disrepair, the sector has been overrun by monsters, making if a dangerous area that most slum residents keep well away from.
            -Weapon production plant beneath the plate available.
            -One of the eight Midgar mako reactors. These massive plants harvest the mako deep within the planet to power the city.
            -In order to prevent intelligence leaks and keep mako poisoning to a minimum, most labor and security inside the reactor is automated.
            -Sector 1 is monster and waste overcrowded close to the outer edge, high-risk to live in due to pollution that reaches even the upper plates... not easy location for the Slums.

            Sector 2 - Habitable Zone: Medium Danger / Medium Waste Levels
            -Most undercity residents live here, in the tolerable margin between the mako reactors and the processing plants. Though monsters are still known to find their way in, resident-led neighborhood watch groups help maintain a semblance of peace.

            Sector 3 - Industrial Zone: Low Danger / Low Waste Levels
            -Energy plants built to support Mako Reactor 0, sewage treatment plants, and other large-scale facilities are positioned around the main pillar. This area is relatively safe: monsters rarely venture here, as it is the zone most removed from the city's outer wall.
            -The main pillar is surrounded by large-scale facilities placed to be in position far from the outer edge. There are few monster and the risk level is low.

            Sector 4
            -Weapon production plant beneath the plate available.
            -The main pillar is surrounded by large-scale facilities placed to be in position far from the outer edge. There are few monster and the risk level is low.

            Any Sector 1 to 4 slums
            -BC Turks: "Emma" birthplace is Midgar slums, Elena's elder sister.
            -Probably house to big Weaponry Establishment and old HQ of Shinra Manufacturing.

            Any Sector 1 to 4 upper
            -BC Turks: "Alvis" birthplace is Midgar upper plate.

            Sector 5 upper
            -Mako Reactor 5: A mako reactor built on the border between Sector 4 and Sector 5. Doubling as an artillery development plant, this reactor expends an exorbitant amount of power. New heavy weaponry is currently being produced there at an alarming rate.
            -Hollander's Secret Laboratory.
            -Denzel, seven years old at FF7 time, grew up in a well-to-do family in Sector 7. Parents died in the plate-fall but Denzel survived thanks to the father that foresaw the advent and sent the son in Sector 5 upper plate. His father, Abel, worked for Shinra Electric Power Company, while his mother, Chloe, worked around the house.

            Sector 5 slums
            -Elmyra's father-in-law (Gabriel Gainsborough) was a very important person for S5 Slums and was the good version of "Don Corneo" for Sector 5.

            Sector 6 slums
            -The walls between the slums are barriers, put in place to prevent incidents like the fall of the Plate Number 6 from damaging other areas.
            -BC Turks: "Ruluf" an ex-bodyguard of Don Corneo. His birthplace is Wall Market.
            -Church: a now lost religion
            -Evergreen Park
            -Wall Market: Walled in on all sides, Midgar's biggest and most infamous entertainment quarter is run almost entirely by a man named Don Corneo. Free of Shinra's influence, this dangerous area of the city offers "intriguing" ways to pass the lonely nights.
            -Mansion of Don Corneo
            -Honey Bee Inn
            -Sewer System beneath Sector 6 and Sector 7

            Sector 6 upper
            -Largely impassable since the plate's collapse some years ago. Buried in the wreckage of what was once the upper part of Sector 6 and the expressway, it is now rife with monsters.
            -Collapsed Expressway.
            -Initially Sector 6 contained company housing for lower level Shin-Ra employees after Midgar was finished; company housing would later be moved to Sectors 7 and 5
            -Housing was supposed to be demolished, but some rich guy leased it from Shinra for his workers to live in; people who live there now came from the slums; rent is cheap compared to the rest of plateside Midgar; kind of place where people are poor for the plateside, but too rich for the slums live
            -Houses  are very basic and made out of what looks like brick.
            -Evan Townshend grew up in Sector 6 upper plate with his mother Annette. He is the illegitimate son of President Shinra.
            -Much of the Sector 6 upper plate is obliterated due to an accident while building it initially.

            Sector 7 slums
            -Avalanche HQ: A group of planetologists working to protect the planet. As the organization grew, smaller cells began to splinter off. To distinguish themselves among the growing factions, it took the appelation "HQ". Despite the many groups' different approaches and ideologies, they still occasionally work together for their one shared purpose: the destruction of Shinra.
            -Midgar cell: Groups which have splintered off from Avalanche HQ. The Midgar cell, led by Barret, harbored misgivings about HQ's policies and decided to defect. Since going rogue, Barret and the others employ extreme, if not altogether dangerous, methods to save the planet from Shinra.
            -7th Heaven: A mako reactor built on the border between Sector 4 and Sector 5. Doubling as an artillery development plant, this reactor expends an exorbitant amount of power. New heavy weaponry is currently being produced there at an alarming rate.
            -Neighborhood Watch: An organized group of slum residents dedicated to protecting the town in lieu of Shinra, who has shown nothing but indifference towards the slums. The watch deals with a variety of issues, such as building reconstruction, arbitration and monster extermination.
            -Sewer System beneath Sector 6 and Sector 7
            -Train Graveyard: An abandoned storage area piled high with defunct freight trains that were used in Midgar's construction. One can almost hear the grinding of wheels and the screech of engines when the wind blows just right, and on occasion, even the laughter of children.

            Sector 7 upper
            -Residential area
            -Employee housing area
            -Jessie parent house

            Sector 8 slums
            -Manson is the Don of Sector 8 Slums (source: Trace of the Two Pasts.)

            Sector 8 upper
            -Midgar's newest and and most picturesque sector is already a cultural hub, setting trends for the whole city. The district's playhouse is also home to the popular theater production Loveless.
            -Business District
            -Loveless Street


            Worldbuilding & Lore
            -Material Ultimania - Worldbuilding Materials (ENG) - video (5:17)
            -Midgar Timeline - #2
            -Timeline of Shinra's history
            -Mako Reactors Chart
            -"Crisis Core" - Mails/Lore
            -"The Kids are Alright" - Lore
            -"On The Way to a Smile" - Lore
            -Omega and "G" reports
            -How's the weather in Midgar today? (as of 13th Feb 21 from "Midgar News" released in last orchestra event)
            -Plants dying, waste issue etc. (as of 13th Feb 21 from "Midgar News" released in last orchestra event)
            -How's the weather in Midgar today? (as of 17th Apr 21 from "Midgar News")

            What could be done in Sector 1, 2, 3 and Sector 4?
            [IMG by Chris Goss]
            -Definetely a steampunk-influenced city-state has more in store for us. #Architecture explanation
            -Sector 1 should not have slums/residential areas due to too many monsters and waste,
              prolly only one small hub close to Slum 2 could have survived with automated protection in place; however, Sector 1 upper could be a go.
            -Sectors 2, 3, 4 slums as a new areas with heavy steampunk setting.
            -Sector 2 would have a much more dangerous areas due to Slum 1 monster breakthrough.
            -New NPCs and deserted SOLDIER would be among the mass, with some gang of Steelheads as NPCs (Dark Angel, TV series.)
            -Each Slum could be house of a different "Don", each of the Don would be the "Slum Boss", they all contending piece of lands (from Trace of Two Pasts novel.)
            -Sector 8 official canon Slum Boss is Don Manson, it could be created one more in any of Sector 2, 3, 4 areas.
            -If to create an unofficial new Don, he could be depicted smoking Mako, and that he is into Mako & hi-tech stuff.
            -New side quests, new minigames, new steel-mech bosses.
            -Mako could be used as a recreational drug in Sector 2, 3, 4 with a couple of "Mako Junkie" NPC around; From Early material in Ultimania Omega we can read: "In the original story drafts Sephiroth would succumb to Mako addiction and suffer withdrawal symptoms and while a normal person would have been crippled, Sephiroth was a unique exception: only his madness would be amplified while he would manage to retain his composure."
            -Here some "reboot-art" by Feng Zhu (a diverse taken on Midgar) #More pictures - #Video - #Video 2.
            -As shown by Project Shampignon nothing is impossible, something like this would be another insane utopia realized.

            Other FF7 related topics:

            FAQs and Tutorials / Reunion working with other mods
            « on: 2020-02-19 16:16:31 »
            For who is playing Reunion 06c and had my same questions/issues please see below.
            I thought was fine to share and help:

            1) I dunno how to add my favourite mod :c
            Simply download your favourite mod, per example let's download any remastered field and copy paste all the field folders in The_Reunion, CUSTOM, yourmodname, Texture, field
            C:\Games\Final Fantasy VII Steam Edition\The_Reunion\CUSTOM\yourmodname\Texture\field
            then go in The Reunion folder and open Options.ini make sure you write this right Mod_ID = yourmodname
            save it and play the game.

            Now, the above you can apply for any other textures or mod, per example:
            -Avatars goes in CUSTOM\yourmodname\Texture\menu
            -Prelude screen goes in CUSTOM\yourmodname\Texture\cr
            -Thinbars (from Menu_Enhanced_Stock_UI_1.0) goes in CUSTOM\yourmodname\Texture\menu (this is not fully compatible though)
            -Upscaled Movies goes in CUSTOM\yourmodname\Direct\movies
            -Upscaled Magics see number 4 below.
            -Upscaled Battle Textures (584 files, ENEMY, STAGE, etc.) goes in CUSTOM\yourmodname\Texture\battle

            2) I dunhave numpad, pointer is not moving, got a problem with input/keyboard, cannot start teh game :c
            Simply download this file and place it in your FFVII root folder. Not yet working? Well then play with joystick.

            2-bis) I would like to play with the D-Pad on the joystick and not with analog sticks. :c
            Simply use a 3rd party mapping tool JoyToKey and set/ your POV as "UP arrow" clicking the same ↑ from your keyboard, do the same for the other buttons, save the setting, keep open the software and play the game. Now you can use D-pad on your joystick.

            3) My mod it's in .iro format I dunno what to do :c
            Simply download IroNite and extract the files with it, now you can place and use the mod as mentioned above in point 1.

            4) My Upscaled Magic textures aren't loading, I dunno what to do :c
            Simply place these files "RAIN7, SEFFECT1, SEFFECT2, SEFFECT3, etc." (82 files total) into following folder:
            C:\Games\Final Fantasy VII Steam Edition\The_Reunion\CUSTOM\yourmodname\Texture\battle
            Instead for the subfolders such as "blue, limit, limit2, limit3, magic, special, summon, weapon" (8 folders total) + "amax, a1, alex1, alex2, etc." (1522 files total) into following folder:
            C:\Games\Final Fantasy VII Steam Edition\The_Reunion\CUSTOM\yourmodname\Texture\magic
            then go in The Reunion folder and open Options.ini make sure you write this right Mod_ID = yourmodname
            save it and play the game.

            5) Screen tearing issue
            Simply make sure the option vsync is on y (yes) inside your Options.ini file.
            Save Options.ini and play.
            What is it and other solutions:

            6) I downloaded the translation in my own language (not english), I don't know how to use it :c
            Simply go in:
            C:\Games\Final Fantasy VII Steam Edition\The_Reunion\BASE\New_Translation
            Rename New_Translation in New_Translation_Eng (to have a backup) then proceed with moving the translation in your language inside the aforementioned folder and ensure name will be New_Translation; as well make sure that the option New Translation is on y (yes) inside your Options.ini file.
            However note that the Translation in your language should have a proper R06c porting created by the modder to be compatible with Reunion otherwise it's useless. Save Options.ini and play.

            -Please note if you changed translation in your language certain files if not loaded should be moved to the following folder:
            (ONLY applied for Italian porting so far)

            C:\Games\Final Fantasy VII Steam Edition\The_Reunion\GLOBAL\Texture\menu
            The above it's for the avatar for example. While for magic you will move to:
            C:\Games\Final Fantasy VII Steam Edition\The_Reunion\GLOBAL\texture\battle
            C:\Games\Final Fantasy VII Steam Edition\The_Reunion\GLOBAL\texture\magic

            Also ALWAYS make sure to read FULLY the first post and the help file of Reunion.

            Releases / [FF7PC] Jenova_e unsubbed high res
            « on: 2020-01-28 22:34:23 »
            Heya guys.

            Just got this finished for Caledor's new Italian re-translation (and most valid translation.)

            If you are interested you can use it, just credit it.

            jenova_e (nivljnv) - Libx264, format .mp4

            jenova_e (nivljnv) - Lagarith, format .mkv

            CRF: "Constant Rate Factor used by many video encoders (such as x264, x265, and VP9) that represents a constant quality value between 0 and 51, where lower is better."
            - However, you will not find any big difference at 15, 20 will be still valid.

            Thanks a lot for mirrors Apoly.


            WIP / [FFVII] Snowboard Progress
            « on: 2019-06-17 17:31:07 »
            Snowboard Minigame modding scene progress by Maki.

            Cheers Qhimm community.

            Please refer to GitHub Thread if you want to cooperate.

            General Discussion / FFVIII Remastered
            « on: 2019-06-11 03:57:51 »
            From E3 2019: Final Fantasy VIII Remastered coming out in 2019 for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch e PC (Steam).


            General Discussion / [FF7R] Remake Compendium
            « on: 2019-06-10 04:48:57 »
              [Final Fantasy VII Remake]

              From E3 2019/GR+: Official release date, new trailer and game contents of Final Fantasy VII Remake was revealed.
              [ First released on PS4 on April 2020; Dub: Japanese, English, French, German. Sub: English, French, German, Italian, LatAm Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese, Spanish options ]






              Renders and Artworks
              Spoiler: show

              Voice Actor:
              • Cloud Strife: Cody Christian (All American, Teen Wolf)
              • Barret Wallace: John Eric Bentley (Hart of Dixie, Lab Rats, Fear of the Walking Dead)
              • Aerith Gainsborough: Briana White (Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders, Occupants)
              • Tifa Lockhart: Britt Baron (GLOW, The Thing About Harry, My Valentine)
              • Red XIII: Max Mittelman (Persona 5, One-Punch Man)
              • Jessie: Erica Lindbeck (Spider-Man PS4, Mortal Kombat 11)
              • Biggs: Gideon Emery (Dash & Lily, Teen Wolf, Dragon Age II)
              • Wedge: Matt Jones (Bob Hearts Abishola, Breaking Bad)
              • Sephiroth: Tyler Hoechlin (Superman & Lois, Teen Wolf)
              • Reno: Arnie Pantoja (Konosuba, Trolls, Sydney White)
              • Rude: William Christopher Stephens (The Avengers, Spies in Disguise, Mortal Kombat 11)
              • Tseng: Vic Chao (Seis Manos, Mortal Kombat X, Ben 10)
              • President Shinra: James Horan (Metal Gear Solid V, Fallout: New Vegas, Love, Death & Robots)
              • Heidegger: John DiMaggio (Futurama, Adventure Time)
              • Scarlet: Erin Cottrell (Love’s Long Journey, The Identical)
              • Palmer: William Salyers (Regular Show, Spider-Man PS4, Batman: Return of the Caped Crusaders)
              • Reeve: Jon Root (Call of Duty: Ghosts, Fallout 76)
              • Professor Hojo: James Sie (Jackie Chan Adventures, Uncharted)
              • Marlene Wallace: Brielle Milla (The Ellen Show, T.O.T.S.)
              • Roche: Austin Lee Matthews (Chocobo’s Mystery Dungeon, Trails of Cold Steel III)
              • Don Corneo: Fred Tatasciore (Overwatch, Fortnite, Gears of War)

              Pre-order editions:
              • Standard Edition: Summon Materia Chocobo Chick;
              • Deluxe Edition: Summon Materia Cactuar and Chocobo Chick, one art book, one soundtrack CD and one SteelBook featuring Sephiroth;
              • 1st Class Edition: all aforementioned options plus Summon Materia Carbuncle and action figure Play Arts Kai featuring Cloud and Hardy Daytona.

              Release date: 10.04.2020

              [ Official Twitter {Japanese Ver.} - Official Website  {Japanese Ver.} ]

              Other FF7 related topics:

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